The Journal of Neuroscience, December 1988, 8(12): 4728-4733 Do IV-MethybAspartate Receptors Mediate Synaptic Responses in the Mudpuppy Retina? Paul A. Coleman and Robert F. Miller Department of Ophthalmology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 Whole-cell recordings of amacrine and ganglion cells in the of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (Massey and superfused retina-eyecup preparation of the mudpuppy were Miller, 1985). The actions of these drugs appear sufficiently obtained in order to determine which excitatory amino acid restricted such that little pharmacological overlap between the receptor (EAAR) subtype mediates the synaptic responses two has been observed. of these neurons. All third-order retinal neurons tested were r%-2-Amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APS) also hasnetwork se- depolarized by kainic acid (KA), KfIIethyl-D-SSpSrtSte lective effects. Like AP4, DL-AP5 also attenuates the photic (NMDA), and quisqualate (QQ). The responses evoked by responseof retinal neurons associatedwith the On system(Ikeda NMDA were blocked by the addition of D-2-amino-5-phos- and Sheardown, 1983; Bolz et al., 1984; Slaughter and Miller, phonovaleric acid (D-APB) and o-2-amino-7 phosphonohep- 1985). Becausethe racemic mixture of AP5 is also a potent tonoic acid (D-AP7) to the perfusate. When the actions of NMDA antagonist, it was suggestedthat sustainedOn responses exogenously applied NMDA were completely blocked by of third-order neuronswere mediated by NMDA receptors(Lu- D-AP5 and D-AP7, the light-evoked responses of inner retinal kasiewicz and McReynolds, 1985). This conclusion conflicted neurons persisted without any apparent reduction or, alter- with an earlier report by Slaughter and Miller (1983), who used natively, a slight enhancement of the response was ob- o-a-amino adipate and p-a-amino suberate to block NMDA served. Light-evoked responses of bipolar, amacrine, and receptors; these NMDA antagonists did not affect the light- ganglion cells associated with the On pathway were atten- evoked responsesof third-order neurons, except for a particular uated by L-AP5 in a manner similar to its lower-order homo- subclassof Off ganglion cells. To better understand the role of log L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (AP4); nevertheless, NMDA receptors in light-activated synaptic transmission, we L-APB was not an effective NMDA antagonist. Although syn- have usedthe separateenantiomers of AP5 and AP7 on second- aptic transmission between retinal second- and third-order and third-order neurons. We report that the D-form of AP5 and neurons appears to be mediated by EAARs, the NMDA re- AP7 blocked NMDA receptors but did not block synaptic re- ceptor does not appear to play a prominent role under our sponsesassociated with the On system. However, L-AP5 was experimental conditions. Nevertheless, our results suggest a poor NMDA antagonistand had effects similar to the L-AP4 that the racemic mixture of AP5 should not be used as an suppressionof the On bipolar cell described by Slaughter and NMDA antagonist in retinal research, due to the APClike Miller (198 1). Thus, our findings indicate that NMDA receptors actions of its L-enantiomer. do not mediate the major componentsof the synaptic responses of third-order retinal neurons. The initial results of these ex- The “glutamate” hypothesis of excitatory neurotransmission in periments have appearedin abstract form (Coleman and Miller, the retina has become widely accepted. It seems likely that pho- 1987). toreceptors and bipolar cells release glutamate, aspartate, or a closely related analog that activate second- and third-order neu- Materials and Methods rons. Advancements in this field have come about by the in- The superfused retina-eyecup of the mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus troduction of compounds having selective actions on subpop- (Miller and Dacheux, 1976), was used for the present experiments. After ulations of retinal neurons (Miller and Slaughter, 1986). An the animals were decapitated and pithed, the head was hemisected and placed on a Ringer’s soaked cotton ball. The anterior chamber of the interesting group of compounds, the a-amino-w-phosphono- eye was opened permitting the iris, lens, and the vitreous humor to be carboxcylic acids, differentially effects retinal excitatory amino removed. This preparation was then placed into a light-tight Faraday acid receptors (EAARs) depending on the stereospecificity and cage. the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. For example, L( +)- The gravity-feed perfusion system consisted of eleven syringes (10 ml) connected, with plastic valves, to a common manifold. The perfusate 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (AP4) acts as an agonist for the exited the manifold by 24-gauge Teflon tubing and flowed into the EAAR of the depolarizing bipolar cell (Slaughter and Miller, eyecup through a pipette placed at the edge of the retina. The perfusate 198 l), whereas the n(-)-enantiomer of a higher-order homolog consisted of a modified Ringer’s solution containing 111 mM NaCl, 2.5 2-amino-7-heptonoate (AP7) is a potent and specific antagonist mM KCl, 1.8 mM CaCl,, 1 mM MgCl,, 5 mM dextrose, 10 mM HEPES, and titrated to pH 7.80 with NaOH. All pharmacological agents were added to the control perfusate and the pH adjusted, if necessary. The Received Jan. 7, 1988; revised Mar. 29, 1988; accepted Apr. 4, 1988. perfusate was bubbled with 100% oxygen and flowed at a rate of l-2 ml/min. This system had an exchange time between different solutions SuDDOrted bv NE1 Grant EY 03014. C&respondence should he addressed to Paul A. Coleman, Department of Phys- of approximately 20-30 set, due to dead space in the lines. iology, University of Minnesota, 6-255 Millard Hall, 435 Delaware Street S.E., Physiological data were obtained from individual neurons (n = 40) Minneapolis, MN 55455. using either conventional intracellular recordings or the whole-cell re- Copyright 0 1988 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/88/124728-06$02.00/0 cording (WCR) technique we recently developed for use in the intact The Journal of Neuroscience, December 1988, 8(12) 4729 ~OJJM 00 -~OJJM KA ~OJJM NMDA _ Figure 1. WCR from an On sustained 2SEC DIFFUSE LIGHT ganglion cell in the mudpuppy retina. 125uM D-AP7 Application of each of the EAAR ago- nists is indicated by the vertical solid 50uM KA ~OOJJM NMDA line above the voltage record, whereas the antagonist is indicated by the dashed line. This cell was depolarized by KA (50 PM), NMDA (200 PM), and QQ (10 PM). D-AP7 (125 PM) only blocked the effects of NMDA. However, the light- 20mVI evoked response persisted in the pres- 20SEC ence of the NMDA antagonist. retina (P. A. Coleman and R. F. Miller, unpublished observations). The WCR electrodes were made with thin-wall borosilicate, Omega-dot glass tubing (O.D. = 1.2 mm, I.D. = 0.86 mm; Glass Company of America) Results and had tips that were l-2 pm in diameter and were 8-12 Mfl in resistance when filled with the intracellular electrolyte solution. This Figure 1 shows that bath application of the three EAAR agonists solution consisted of KCH,SO,, 90 mM; NaCH,SO,, 5 rnhr; MgSO,, 10 KA (50 PM), NMDA (200 PM), and QQ (10 PM) to an On ganglion mM; CaCl,, 1 mM; EGTA, 11 mM; HEPES, 5 rnhi; glucose, 2 mM; cell resulted in a depolarizing response,accompanied by action glutathione, 1 mM; ATP-Mg*+, 1 mM; phenol red, 0.0004%. The solution potentials. These drugs activate EAARs intrinsic to third-order was titrated to a pH of 7.2 with KOH, which brought the final K+ concentration to approximately 125 mM. neurons (Slaughter and Miller, 1983; Lukasiewicz and Mc- Conventional intracellular electrodes were made using medium-walled Reynolds, 1985; Coleman et al., 1986). The perfusate bathing Omega-dot glass tubing (O.D. = 1.2 mm, I.D. = 0.6 mm; Glass Company the retina was switched to one containing 125 PM of the D-en- of America) and fabricated on an ultrafine micropipette puller (Camp- antiomer of AP7 and the agonistsreapplied. Both KA and QQ den Instruments). When filled with 1.5 M KC2H,02, the electrodere- sistance was 150-200 Mfl. The intracellular potentials were monitored depolarized the cell but NMDA was ineffective. This indicated with a Dagan 8 1 OO- 1 amplifier. Conventional intracellular records were that D-AP7 was a selective NMDA antagonist for mudpuppy obtained in order to confirm that no artifacts were introduced by the inner retinal neurons. WCR technique. Identical pharmacological results were acquired using Although D-AP7 successfullyblocked the depolarizing effects either technique. ERG electrodes were made as conventional intracel- of bath applied NMDA, Figure 1 also shows that the light- lular electrodes, with the tips broken back and beveled until they were approximately 5 MO when filled with Ringer’s solution. The D.C. re- evoked responseof the neuron persisted. For other cells DL- cordings of the ERG were monitored using a Grass P- 16 amplifier. AP7 was used; which also was a potent NMDA antagonist but A dual-beam light bench projected focused images of a spot (lOO- also did not block the light-evoked responseof any neuron 500 pm), a slit (130 pm x 10 mm) or diffuse light onto the retina tested. The results with AP7 contrasted sharply with the obser- (irradiance = l-2 mW/m*). The light pulses were 2 set in duration and controlled with electromechanical shutters (Uniblitz, Vincent Associ- vations obtained with the NMDA antagonist DL-APS. Other ates). Intensity was controlled using two counterbalanced neutral density studieshave shown that the light-evoked responsesof ganglion wedges (Kodak). cells (especially On cells) were attenuated by DL-AP5 (Ikeda 500uM NMDA PSEC ..a 40 DIFFUSE mV I 20 500j~M NMDA set 250j~M DAP5 Figure 2.
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