LOW PRICES EVERY SINGLE DAY! SINGLE EVERY PRICES LOW PRICES VALID WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26–TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 – OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 7A.M.–10P.M. – $ 99 ¢ 6 ea 77 lb Mama Julia Market Wrapped Queso Fresco Family Pack Kilo Drumsticks $299 $699 $499 $329 ea ea ea ea Blue Ribbon Menu Del Sol Eckrich John Soules Frozen Fully Original or Hot & Spicy Link Taquitos Smoked Sausage Cooked Chicken Fajitas or Sausage (14 oz.) or Mesquite 19.7 oz. 30-39 oz. Grilled Chicken Strips 16 oz. Loop Sausage (12 oz.) $ 99 $ 99 3 ea 2 ea 5 $1 – FOR – Coke, Sprite Ozarka Kid Size New Crop or Diet Coke Spring Water Gala Apples 12 pk. Cans 28 pk., .5 ltr. Btls. YOURFOODTOWN.COM We reserve the right to limit quantities. Selection varies by store. Check out all the specials on these pages Produce 2-3 Grocery 4-8 Conagra 9 Dairy/Frozen 10 Beverages 11 Household 12 Meat 13-20 1 Food Town_082620_1 8/26 PRODUCE Spcials $ 99 2 ea Dole Ready To Eat Bowls 10 $ ¢ Juicy 1 89 lb – FOR – Green Limes ¢ ¢ Red Ripe 69 49 lb lb Roma Tomatoes 3 $ – BUNCHES FOR –1 Russet Baker Mild Potatoes Yellow Onions Fresh $ 49 3 $ Bunch Cilantro 1 lb 1 – FOR – ¢ 89 ea Sweet Sweet Peaches, Plums Green or Red Crisp or Nectarines Tunas Celery Food Town_082620_2 2 8/26 PRODUCE $ 29 ¢ 1 1 lb. 69 lb Bag Crisp Baby Peeled Carrots Yams ¢ ¢ 79 lb 79 lb Spicy Hot Fresh Jalapeño Peppers Green Tomatillos ¢ ¢ $ 69 89 lb 89 lb 1 4.5 oz Jar Crisp Sweet Spice World Yuca Root Papaya Minced Garlic $ 99 $ 99 ¢ 2 28 oz 1 24 ct. 89 1.1 oz. Bag Pkg Pkg Concord Nacho Tortilla Chips Fun Pops Ice Pops Potato Topping 3 Food Town_082620_3 8/26 GROCERY Spcials Spcials $ 66 $ 99 3 ea 1 ea Soft Touch Multipack Bath Tissue (12 Roll) Xtra or Multipack Paper Towels (6 Roll) Liquid Detergent 75 oz. Jug Spcials Spcials Spcials ¢ ¢ ¢ 66 ea 88 ea 77 ea LaLa Arizona Asst. Tea 1-2-3 Vegetable Oil Drinkable Yogurt 23 oz. Can 16.9 oz. Btl. 7 oz. Btl. Spcials Spcials Spcials ¢ $ 99 $ 99 99 ea 1 ea 1 ea Dr Pepper, Squirt, Oak Farms Dairy Pure 7-Up, Big Red or RC Cola Cap’n Crunch Cereal Whole, 2%, 1% or Skim Milk 2 ltr. Btls. 11.5-14 oz. Box Half Gallon Jug Food Town_082620_4 4 8/26 FRITO LAY Cheetos or Frito Lay Doritos Cheetos Popcorn Fritos Variety Pack (P.P. $4.29) (P.P. $3.99) (P.P. $3.99) $ 99 $ 99 $ 29 $ 29 6 18 ct. Pkg. 2 9.25-10 oz. 3 7-8.5 oz. 3 9.25 oz. Lay’s or Asst. Tostitos Wavy Lay’s Tostitos Medium Asst. Potato Chips Asst. Salsa Queso Dip (P.P. $3.79) Sabritas Chips $ 77 $ 29 $ 49 $ 77 2 15.5 oz. 3 15.5 oz. 3 5-8 oz. 2 P.P. $2.99 All Varieties Lay’s Asst. Frito Lay Can Dip Value Line Munchies Dairy Dip Variety Pack (P.P. $2.99) (P.P. $2.29) (P.P. $3.29) (P.P. $3.99) $ 99 $ 77 $ 88 $ 99 $ 29 10 28 ct. 2 9 oz. 1 3-5.25 oz. 2 8 oz. 3 15 oz. KRAFT Heinz Asst. Heinz Mayochup BBQ Sauce or Mayocue $ 77 $ 66 118.6-21.4 oz. 3 16.5-19 oz. Kool-Aid Asst. Gevalia Asst. Gevalia Asst. Unsweetened K-Cups Roasted Ground Coffee Drink Mix $ 33 $ 33 5/$ 6 12 ct. Box 6 12 oz. Bag 2 Quart Pkg. 1 5 Food Town_082620_5 8/26 GROCERY Nabisco Guerrero Crystal Hunt’s Spcials Asst. Snack Crackers Fresqui-Rica Worcestershire (Family Size) Flour Tortillas Sauce Ketchup $ 99 1 ea $ 49 $ 79 ¢ $ 09 3 12-16 oz. 1 16 ct. 9910 oz. 1 20 oz. Kuii Hidden Valley Family Size Asst. Original Asst. Guerrero Oreos Fruit Juice Wing Sauce Dressing $ 49 ¢ $ 88 $ 99 Corn Tortillas 80 ct. Pkg 13.10- Spcials 3 20 oz. 8816.9 oz. 1 12 oz. 2 16 oz. Herdez Starkist $ 99 Chunk 2 ea Asst. Light Tuna Easy Cheese Asst. Salsa Steak Sauce (in Oil or Water) $ 49 $ 44 $ 29 $ 19 2.6 oz. 3 8 oz. 2 15.7 oz. 2 10 oz. 1 Pouch Heinz Riceland Doritos Regular or Tortilla Chips $4.29 Size Family Size with Garlic Long Nutter Butter Ketchup Hot Sauce Grain Rice $ 49 $ 77 ¢ $ 33 Spcials 3 16 oz. 1 20 oz. 9912 oz. 2 5 lb. ¢ Figaro Bush’s Best Clemente Jacques 55 ea Asst. Family Size Liquid Smoke White Whole Toasted Chips (Hickory or Mesquite) Hominy Jalapeños $ 49 ¢ $ 99 ¢ 3 10-11.5 oz. 884 oz. 3 108 oz. 7726 oz. El Dorado Nature’s Own Kern’s Grated Tuna 5 oz. Can Perfectly Crafted pcials White, Multigrain Fajita Asst. S or Brioche Bread Marinade Pinto Beans Nectar $ 49 $ 66 $ 99 ¢ $ 99 1 ea 222 oz. Loaf 1 8 oz. 1 53 oz. 8833.8 oz. Mission Best Yet Post Cocoa or Fruity Pebbles (11 oz.) Honey Comb (12.5 oz.), Fajita Pinto or or Golden Flour Tortilla Mayo Black Beans Crisp (14.75 oz.) $ 99 $ 33 ¢ $ 99 Zulka Pure Sugar Cane 4 lb. Bag 1 20 ct. Pkg. 1 30 oz. 9915-16 oz. 1 ea Food Town_082620_6 6 8/26 GROCERY Mario Mt Olive Spcials Bread & Butter Extra Virgin Real Bacon Sweet Relish Chips or Kosher Olive Oil Pieces or Bits (Squeeze Btl.) Dill Spears ¢ 99 ea $ 99 2/$ ¢ $ 99 2 17 oz. 2.5-2.8 oz. 3 9910 oz. 1 24 oz. Zesty Garlic, Original or Ripe Asst. Hamburger Jalapeño Flavor Sliced Olives Snack Olives Dill Chips Dill Spears Sunny D Citrus Punch ¢ ¢ $ 66 $ 99 64 oz. Btl. 1.05 oz. Spcials 992.25 oz. 88Pouch 1 16 oz. 1 24 oz. $ 99 1 ea Asst. Ripe Diced Hamburger Kosher Baby Dills Pitted Olives Pimentos Dill Chips (Original or with Sea Salt) $ 88 $ 44 $ 99 $ 99 1 6 oz. 1 7 oz. 1 32 oz. 1 24 oz. Wonder Wheat Bread or Nature’s Own Butterbread 20 oz. Loaf Roasted Diced Red Peppers Pimentos Sweet Gherkins Kosher Dills $ 29 ¢ $ 66 $ 44 Spcials 2 12 oz. 994 oz. 1 16 oz. 2 80 oz. $ 77 Lay’s Samurai 1 ea Red Plain Capers Salad Cherries Stax Asst. Coated Non Pareil or with Stems Potato Chips Peanuts 2/$ $ 88 ¢ 5/$ 5.5- 3.5 oz. 3 1 10 oz. 995.75 oz. 1.3 oz. 1 Bush’s Best Baked Beans Lil’ Dutch Maid Cash Saver 28 oz. Can Asst. pcials Big Daddy Wirecut Long Quaker Cap’n S Cookies Cookies Grain Rice Crunch Cereal $ 44 $ 29 $ 33 $ 99 $ 99 1 ea 1 15.5 oz. 1 16 oz. 1 4 lb. 1 11.5-14 oz. La Morena Quaker Asst. Instant Oatmeal Sandwich Whole Express Cups Ginger Snaps Crème Cookies Jalapeños (Asst. Varieties) Glacier Clear, Cal Sierra $ 29 2/$ ¢ ¢ Drinking or Texas Rolling 1.5- Hills Spring Water 24 oz., .5 ltr. Btls. 1 16 oz. 5 oz. 1 9928 oz. 991.8 oz. 7 Food Town_082620_7 8/26 GROCERY Tony Chachere’s Barilla Nestle Jarritos Jarritos, Asst. Bold Creole Asst. Maggi Chicken Sidral Mundet or Salad Dressing Seasoning Pasta Sauce or Beef Bouillon Señorial Sangria $ 99 $ 88 $ 55 $ 39 ¢ 14 oz. 1 12 oz. 2 Canister 1 24 oz. 2 7.9 oz. 6912 oz. La Sirena Maggi Chicken Spice N’ Herb No Salt Asst. Granulated Oval Seasoning Seasoning Blend Ready Pasta Bouillon Sardines $ 44 $ 88 ¢ $ 19 $ 33 5 oz. 15 oz. Canister 2 Canister 998.5 oz. 5 35.2 oz. 1 15 oz. Marietta La Lechera Creole Supreme Sweetened Gumbo File Crab Boil Asst. Pasta Condensed Milk Tub Cookies $ 44 $ 29 ¢ $ 66 $ 99 1 1.25 oz. 3 32 oz. 9916 oz. 1 14 oz. 1 10.5 oz. Mc Trader Langers WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Creole Bold Creole Seasoning Mac & Cheese Seasoning Singles Dinners Media Crema Orange Juice ¢ $ 88 3/$ $ 88 $ 66 7 oz. 99Canister 2 50 ct. 7.25 oz. 1 1 8 oz. 1 64 oz. Ricos Electro Max Aviva La Lechera Ozarka Sweetened Asst. Asst. Drinks Condensed Milk Ready to Eat or Dulce de Popcorn $ 30 Saltine Crackers Leche Squeeze Spring Water ¢ 1 21.3 oz. $ 99 $ 44 ¢ 4.25- 99 4 oz. 2 27.3 oz. 2 11.8 oz. 993 Ltr. Granuts Goya Toast’em Manzanilla Asst. Coffee Mate To Go Mini’s Asst. Nuts Olives Pop-Ups Powder Creamer Spring Water 2/$ $ 99 ¢ $ 33 $ 66 1.41-1.76 oz. 1 1 9.5 oz. 99 8 ct. 3 22 oz. 112 pk. 8 oz. Muñoz Ortega Juaninas Lagg’s Blended Stuffed Extra Virgin Manzanilla Taco Orejitas Chamomile or Olive Oil Olives Seasoning Cookies Green Tea $ 99 $ 99 2/$ $ 19 $ 25 2 750 ml. 1 9.5 oz. 1.25 oz. Pkg. 1 2 12.35 oz. 1 25 ct. Box Food Town_082620_8 8 8/26 CONAGRA Van Camp’s Original Van Camp’s Asst. Ranch Style Ranch Style Pork And Beans Baked Beans Original Beans Asst. Beans ¢ ¢ ¢ $ 66 6615 oz. 9915 oz. 7715 oz. 1 26 oz. Hunt’s Asst. Hunt’s Asst. Rosarita Pam Asst. Pam Original Snack Pack Family Super Snack Pack Refried Beans Cooking Spray Cooking Spray Size Pudding or Gel Pudding or Gel $ 19 $ 99 $ 66 $ 99 $ 44 1 16 oz. 2 6 oz. 3 8 oz. 2 12 ct. Pkg. 2 6 pk. Crunch ’n Munch Crunch ’n Munch Swiss Miss Act II Asst.
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