Diabetologia 11,561-568 (1975) by Springer-Verlag 1975 Metabolic Studies in Familial Partial Lipodystrophy of the Lower Trunk and Extremities M. B. Davidson and R. T. Young Dept. of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USA Received: March 26, 1975, and in revised form: September 8, 1975 Summary. A familial syndrome of partial lipodystrophy inherited pathways of lipid and glucose metabolism were normal. The pattern as a dominant trait is reported. Subcutaneous fat loss was confined of subcutaneous loss of adipose tissue observed in this family may be to the extremities and trunk. Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, due to sympathetic nervous system overactivity of certain non-con- hepatomegaly and renal disease were very prevalent in this family. tiguous dermatomes. Metabolic studies were performed on 3 members. In vivo tests suggested that the remaining fat tissue responded normally to Key words: Lipodystrophy, Iipoatrophy, partial lipodystrophy, stimulators and inhibitors of lipolysis. In vitro incubation of the adipose tissue, black adrenal adenoma. dystrophic fat tissue of one patient suggested that the intracellular Total lipodystrophy (lipoatrophic diabetes) was de- clarified [2, 3]. Recently, Krbberling et al. [10] have scribed by Lawrence in 1946 [1]. This condition [2, 3] suggested the following classification. Total lipodys- is characterized by a complete loss of adipose tissue trophy exists in both the congenital and acquired either in the neonatal period or later in life. It is forms. The congenital type can be autosomal reces- commonly associated with hyperlipidemia, hepa- sively inherited. The acquired type develops in late tomegaly, ketosis-resistant and insulin-resistant childhood or early adulthood and its onset may follow diabetes mellitus, increased basal metabolic rate with an acute or chronic illness. It does not seem to be normal thyroid tests and early rapid growth. Urinary inherited. Both types of generalized lipodystrophy diabetogenic polypeptide [4] is present, althoughit can should be differentiated from partial lipodystrophy. also be found in most diabetics with diabetic ne- Classically, the loss of fat in this condition has involved phropathy and albuminuria [5]. Recently, excessive the trunk and face (cephalothoracic lipodystrophy). amounts of a lipid mobilizing substance were found in Females are more commonly affected than males and the urine of a patient with lipoatrophic diabetes [6]. a familial occurrence has rarely been described. Dia- Total lipodystrophy, sometimes seen in siblings, betes mellitus ("lipoatrophic diabetes") may occur in seems to follow an autosomal recessive genetic pat- any type of lipodystrophy, but not necessarily so. tern [2, 3]. Several cases of partial lipodystrophy involving the Weir Mitchell first described the more common extremities only have recently been reported [10, 11, syndrome of partial lipodystrophy in 1885 [7]. Classi- 12, 13, 14]. We describe here a family in which partial cally this consists of loss of facial adipose tissue and lipodystrophy affecting the lower half of the body and loss to varying degrees in the remainder of the upper the upper extremities indicates a dominant pattern of half of the body, with normal or even excessive inheritance. The results of in vivo studies, utilizing amounts of fat in the lower half of the body [2, 3]. This inhibitors and stimulators of lipolysis and in vitro incu- condition most commonly affects females, with onset bations of the dystrophic fat, are also reported. before the age of 20 years. It is occasionally associated with metabolic features that accompany total lipodys- trophy. However, urinary diabetogenic polypeptides Case Summaries have not been found. In addition, partial lipodys- trophy is commonly associated with a variety of renal P. G., a 34 year old married woman, was seen at disorders [2, 3, 8, 9]. UCLA because of a left renal mass. Ten months prior The relationships between total and partial lipodys- to admission she began complaining of headaches and trophy, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and the was found to be hypertensive, 160/90 mm Hg. In- genetic influence on these disorders have not been travenous pyelography revealed a left renal mass 562 M. B. Davidson and R. T. Young: Metabolic Studies in Lipodystrophy which was confirmed by a retrograde pyelogram. She (Fig. 1A), bruits in the epigastric region and over both was admitted for urological surgery. femoral arteries and a cast on the right ankle for a Physical examination disclosed an unusual distribu- recent fracture of the lateral malleolus. tion of subcutaneous fat, with preservation on the face Normal laboratory tests included." Full blood count, and upper trunl~ associated with loss over the buttocks urinalysis, calcium, phosphorus, bilirubin, SGOT, and both upper and lower extremities. Other positive total proteins, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, uric findings were moderate facial hair, a 7 x 3 cm mass in acid and serum testosterone. Serum thyroxine, deter- the left upper quadrant and a nontender liver extend- mined by a protein binding method employing column ing 8 cm below the right costal margin. separation, was slightly elevated. Fasting triglyceride Normal laboratory tests included." Full blood count, concentration was 168 mg/100 ml (normal 50-175 electrolytes, bilirubin, creatinine, blood urea nitro- rag/100 ml) and cholesterol was 295 mg/100 ml. An gen, calcium, phosphorus, VDRL, prothombin time, overnight dexamethasone suppression test was nor- alkaline phosphatase, total protein, amylase, testos- mal. An oral glucose tolerance test was abnormal terone and urinary 17-ketosteroids. An overnight (Table 1). An intravenous pyelogram revealed ab- dexamethasone suppression test was normal. Plasma dominal aortic calcification, a left kidney with a cortisol and thyroxine were slightly elevated, probably straight axis, but no evidence of a renal mass, and secondary to conjugated estrogen therapy. Creatinine diffuse bony demineralization. Carotid calcification clearance was 109 ml/min. Karyotype was 46XX. and mild hypertrophic degenerative changes of the Abnormal laboratory tests included." Glucosuria cervical spine were also present. with a diabetic glucose tolerance test (Table 1), fasting E. W. is the niece of O. R. and a first cousin Of P. G. triglycerides (812 mg/100 ml), cholesterol (300 (Fig. 1B). She was seen at UCLA at the age of 32 for rag/100 ml) and slight elevations of SGOT, SGPT, evaluation of partial lipodystrophy. At age 27, dia- LDH and uric acid. Lipoprotein electrophoresis was betes mellitus was diagnosed during one of her consistent with a type IV pattern. pregnancies and she was treated briefly with insulin. At surgery a sample of subcutaneous fat from the Past history revealed surgery for ovarian "tumors left flank was removed for in vitro metabolic studies and cysts," two cesarean sections, an appendectomy (see below). Liver enlargement was confirmed and a and a total hysterectomy. She had intermittent hyper- biopsy was taken. A muscle biopsy from the left ab- tension, a peptic ulcer documented by an upper gas- dominal rectus group was also obtained. A left renal trointestinal series and a left renal mass (diagnosed by cyst (approximately 14 cm in diameter) was found. intravenous pyelography) for which she refuses Left nephrectomy and adrenalectomy were per- surgery. A history of multiple fractures included 4 formed. Abundant pericapsular fat was noted around separate documented fractures of the wrist and frac- the kidney. tures of the coccyx, large toe and various fingers. Pathological examination revealed." 1) a benign Physical examination revealed the typical habitus renal cyst; 2) a normal sized adrenal gland containing (Fig. 1B) with preservation of subcutaneous fat on her a cortical tumor (0.3 cm in width) consistent with the face and upper trunk, and loss over the buttocks and diagnosis of black adenoma; 3) fatty infiltration of the both upper and lower extremities. Blood pressure was liver; and 4) normal abdominal rectus muscle. After normal. A nontender liver extending 8 cm below the an uneventful recovery, the blood pressure fell to right costal margin and a mild decrease in vibratory normal. She was lost to follow-up for 2 1/2 years at sensation in the lower extremities were also present. which time she returned with polyuria, polydipsia, Normal laboratory examination included." Full fatigue, weight loss, glucosuria, mild ketonuria and blood count, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, biliru- albuminuria (2.9 g protein per 24 hrs). Her diabetes bin, SGOT, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albu- mellitus is currently controlled with insulin injections. min, LDH, electrolytes, calcium, phosphorus, uric O. R. is the 53 year old mother of P. G. She had acid, CPK, aldolase, testosterone, thyroxine, bleeding been in good health most of her life except for a spinal time, prothrombin time and urinary aldosterone, fusion in 1967 for a probable herniated disc and a catecholamines, 17-KS, 17-KGS and pregnanetriol. history of fractures of her coccyx, right forearm, a An overnight dexamethasone suppression test was finger and her right ankle. She also noted the recent normal. Karyotype was 46XX. A chest film was nor- onset of mild headaches, tremor and loss of memory mal. Serum triglycerides were 881 rag/100 ml with a 4-5 hrs after eating. These symptoms were quickly cholesterol of 220 rag/100 ml and a type IV pattern on relieved by food. lipoprotein electrophoresis. Urinalysis showed posi-
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