A von , a e () ers new ea / ers is s ivies RECORDM a y 9 1 9 9 8 In this issue Caution: Faith at work 3000 to attend "Century's End" camporee The book Gifted Hands leads to a new life Dwight 1 Nelson on satellite I evangelism edit o r i a l GROUNDHOG DAY AND ANOTHER CHANCE Iver wished you could turn back or group they believe did them a dis- forgiveness produces genuine God- the clock? Ever spoken words service. Even years later, a person can given love. Jesus commented about FJ that, as soon as they're said, still be influenced to make decisions Mary at Simon's party, "I tell you, her you say to yourself, Why did I say and choices in reaction to what was many sins have been forgiven—for that? done to them. she loved much. But he who has In the movie Groundhog Day, Bill Christians need to give each other been forgiven little loves little" (Luke Murray portrays a man who repeats a another chance—to allow people to 7:47, NW). day in his life over and over again. start over again. While we shouldn't We're together in this. Everyone has Now that would be helpful every condone the wrong someone may said and done things that should have now and again to give us another do, we are bound by the scripture, been left unsaid, left undone, or said chance with our actions and words. "Where sin increased, grace increased and done differently. We have all For instance, I have the suspicion all the more . ." (Romans 5:20, NW). failed in relationships one way or that some church members and lead- Christians are to be unendingly forgiv- another. We have hurt others or been ers may want to rethink how they've ing (70 times 7 times, Jesus told hurt by others in the church. treated fellow church members. That Peter). Jesus modelled forgiveness on Do we really know what it means 4 goes particularly for those who are the cross. to be church? Can you forgive the now no longer an active part of the Offering forgiveness, especially church members, the committees, the Adventist Church family. when it may not be deserved, says church boards and business meetings Over the years, like you, I have two things. First, those who forgive that may have insensitively treated had friends and relatives who, for one understand their own inadequacies you? And, if necessary, do you have or more reasons, legitimate or other- and failings that God continues to for- the courage to ask for forgiveness? It's wise, have parted company with the give. Christians who can't forgive do your choice. Adventist Church. Sometimes it was not yet adequately understand or fully If you're one of those church mem- gradual, graceful and voluntarily. In experience the forgiveness of God. bers, committee, church-board or other instances, the exit was accom- What about the words of the Lord's business-meeting representatives who panied by anger and rejection. Prayer? If we mean what we say, the (in hindsight) could have dealt with a Regardless of how it happened, the consequences are significant: "Forgive situation another way, have you the result is that thousands in the nations us our debts, as we also have forgiv- courage to seek forgiveness of the 4 of the South Pacific who were once en our debtors" (Matthew 6:12, NW). person/s you wronged? It's your active, are no longer worshipping This means, "God, please forgive choice. members of the Adventist Church. me to the extent that I forgive other As difficult as it may be, now is as The shame of it is that, in probably people." Is this how you and I really good a time as the majority of cases, it live? It's how we would like to be any for us to didn't have to end this way. treated. It's how we should treat oth- give each On reflection, maybe Christianity is ers if we know the gospel. other another intended to be like Groundhog Day. In the community of faith, called chance. As Christians, in our relationships with church, forgiveness is to be evident as others, we are, in a way, able to do it a way of life. Only when the church over again. Christians are called to for- gives evidence of a forgiving, grace David Foster give—to move on and not hold a orientation toward others, will it func- Personal Ministries/ grudge, even if what was said or done tion as the attractive community God Sabbath School was inappropriate and undeserved. intended it to be. God intended the Director South Pacific The lack of forgiveness experi- church to model how humans are to Division enced by some may unwittingly place live together and relate to each other. them under the control of the person And second, offering (or receiving) Next week Official Paper Manuscripts Should be sent to The Editor, RECORD, South Pacific Division Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799. ACN 000 003 930 Manuscripts or computer disks will only be returned if SEVENTH-DAY accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Editor Bruce Manners ADVENTIST Phone: (03) 5966 9111 Fax: (03) 5966 9019 E-mail: Adventists and Senior Assistant Editor Lee Dunstan CHURCH CompuServe 74617,726 Editorial Assistant Brenton Stacey Internet 7461'[email protected] exercise: Staying Copy Editor Graeme Brown Editorial Secretary Meryl McDonald Subscriptions South Pacific Division, $A40.00 active for life. Senior Consulting Editor Barry Oliver $NZ73.00. All other regions, $A70.00. Air mail rates on application. Order from Signs Publishing Company, Vol 103 No 17 Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. Printed weekly by Signs Publishing Company. Cover Photo: L Dunstan a 0 e .11 a 9. I 9 9 8 adventist life "THIS IS A BATTLE" I) L a r i s a Brass t's one of those days. Too tired "I followed Him," reminds David, winning side." and discouraged to tackle anoth- "and I was a hunted, hated man." And through my tears, the Son Ier obstacle, I sulk in my self-pity. "I followed Him," says Isaiah, "and begins to shine. la I wallow in my perceived loneliness. He let me die in a hollow tree." I wrap my arms around myself and "I followed Him," weeps Jeremiah, hide from a world that's out to get "and I traded peace and quiet for a Larisa Brass writes from Greeneville, me. life of complete rejection." Tennessee. Adapted, with permis- The weather matches my dismal "I followed Him," says Hosea, sion, from the Adventist mood. A weepy sky. Just cold enough "and He told me to marry a prosti- Review. to get a chill. Just dark enough to tute." keep me in my own little cell. "I followed Him," cries John the Along with Jesus' disciples, I Baptist, "only to watch the promise whine, "This is a hard teaching. Who fulfilled through prison bars." can accept it?" (John 6:60, NIV). "I followed Him," whispers Mary, It should be just a bump in the "and I became an road, but to me it's a gigantic failure. unwed mother." Things were going well, perhaps too "I followed Him," says "Lord, I'm not sure Stephen, "and they used I can do this. Is death to there an easier silence me." "We fol- way to follow You?" lowed Him," say James, well. I should have seen this com- Peter and ing. I should have known, should Paul, "and they have braced myself, should have killed us for our prayed more. That's a lot of good loyalty." "should have dones." "The Spirit gives "Lord, I'm not sure I can do this. life; the flesh counts Is there an easier way to follow for nothing," Christ says (John You?" 6:63, NIV). "Follow Me." He answers me. Not right away. So there it is. Not easy. No He has to pry apart the stubborn skating along with the wind in layers of my cowardice. And when my hair and the sun on my back. He does, He offers me no soothing "Look," He reminds me, "this is words or anaesthetic peace. a battle. If you're not fighting, But through my inner fog come you've already lost. And victory the voices of those who've gone won't be sweet until the end. before me . those whose lives "But," He says to me, sitting were never theirs . those whose beneath my rain cloud of self- way was never easy. preoccupation, "this is what I've 0 "I followed Him," says Abraham, called you to do. I've called you "and He asked me to kill my son." to pick up the sword of the Spirit "I followed Him," says Joseph, and start flailing. I've called you to "and He led me through slavery, be a kamikaze, a fearless warrior, a imprisonment and separation from soldier who stops running from the my family." enemy and starts fighting for Me. "I followed Him," cries Moses, "You're going to get hurt," He "and I died alone on a mountain, says, "but let Me take care of that. kept from my only dream." I promise you this: you're on the Bits'n'pieces flashpoint Did you hear ? ■ ... About the 28-year-old mechanical engineer who sub- Marital status of Australian Adventists Signs of the Times and is scribed to Marital Status of Seventh-day Adventists now studying the Bible? "Over the past six months I've Percentage of Source: 1996 Census population 15 years of age and over become more interested in the 75 Bible," he says.
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