a SATURDAY, DECEMBER t, 1»CQ M fllTirabVI Enmittg IfpraUi Any Afternoon This Week-C^t a Chest X-Ray. No Appointment Needed! flra apparatus at Hose Co. No 1 Slatarhood, wearing hat own whita was largaly ftnancsd by the "tur­ aatin wadding gown with long Bulk or Bos Csndy Directs “ Messiah” Special Rites train and c a r i n g a Bible, wlU be Average Dally Net Press Run key, goose and pig” raffle. Bulld- From Fresh masitr A b o u t T o w n united in mock marriage to the For Om Weak EMtag The Weather Heard Along Main Street inga for vetorana’ homes, and Forocaat at tl. S. Woatber Baroae funds for welfart have been accom­ president of the Sisterhood. A ll Eleotrie Candy Caa«a Dacember t, 1868 By Sisterhood past presidents wlU ac|. as ma­ " Ite AewtcwTuefc* AuxUlwy And on Some of Manchester*$ Side Streets, Too plished and financed by automo- Today, rain, aoulheaot galo 48- wffl Monday ovrolnf. Decem- blls.rafflea. trons of honor. The bridealnalda will be attired in colorful cocktail 10,163 50 m ll^ per hour In axiieaad bOT 4. at MfJrt o’clock In the Le­ So, the reformers will have a Arthur Drug Stores placra; hlgh«>at trmprralure aaar Specially Prepared Pro­ gowrna and wriU carry flowera. The gion hall. Plane will be made at In some one of the recent maga-. covered whcix: an early settler hard time explaining away a lot Mambar of Om Audit JRanrljpfitrr lEiirttittg Upralb 60; tonight, min changing to mow, Chanukah lighting ceremony in thia meetinf for the annual Oiriet- alnc laauea we read an article that planted them for fertilizer, but we of these factors when they try to gram to Be Given at the Barasu o f CliaalatloM low 26{ Tnraday, cloudy and oold. put an end to all kinds of gamb­ commemoration of thia holiday naa party. said that the way to solve preseitt haven't oven heard of any such In Manchester~—A CUy o f Village Charm ling and raffling. And won't they vriU be enacted by the glrta of the day Juvenile delinquency was to this locality. Local Synagogue This leaves Manchester practic­ have to cancel their insurance High aehool class of Temple Beth Oihbooa Aaaambly. Catholic send the parents to aehool. And, ally ns a zero, time-wise, for to policies? Because aren’t they real­ Sholom religious school. VOL. LXX, NO. 54 U) TmAfam of Oolumbua which la hold­ from some of the things wc have The Sisterhood of Temple Beth MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS gain any foothold on tlie calendar ly gambling on theip life expect­ Reception to Follow ing Ita annual CSirlslmae baraar observed around town that might Sholom membership meeting In of antiquity one must have bones. ancy or on the chance of losing Announcement of this meeting BRAYS thia afternoon at the K. of C home, conjunction with the Chanukah be as good a solution as any. One must have plenty of bonea their belongings In a fire? was made In the novel form of a win hold a bualneaa meeting, Tues­ Parents Just don't seem to give holiday will be held on next Tues­ wedding invitation and Sisterhoods and a goodly supplies of relics If he day evening in the temple. Mem­ Crook Lands Increasing Santa’s Sleigh BelongH day evening, December 5, at the a hoot how their youngwlers be­ "Can a man—without the aid throughout the state of Connecti­ Britain Seeks Prime Minister Leaves for Washington home. ThU wlU be the only busl- Is to enter the business of prosper­ bers are asked to note this one Honesty of Cafe Patrons have. especially In public. They ing from the aura of original age of another human being, ami, with­ cut are invited guests. A recep­ To Jeffery’s Grand-dad neae meeting In December. week earlier than the tuiual sched­ may clamp down on their offspring and ancientness that .some more out employliig a mechanical con­ tion, wedding cake included, will ule. follow the service. In the vestry. Hollywood, Dec. 4.-j,(4P)— Kansas’’ City, Dec. 4. ()P)— One Million Chinese at home but when they are out trivance of any sort—rise bodily To Keep Job favored spota hold. Aftei* a short business meeting a “People are getting more-hon­ Ifm . Ahce J. SchuR. of 114 visiting, or shopping, they don't from the ground and sail through All members, husbands, friends Santa Claus wss greeting chil­ Of course. If might h<- easy speci .l program has been planned Woodbrldge street, has returned the air?'-' and non-members are Invited to est these days,” said . A note dren as he sat In a big sleigh seem to care enough to get the proper bonea If and prepared by the program chair­ left by a burglar who rifled a hoane after eleven weeJu’ In Hart- We had even one enterprising sn- That's how the story, "The Man the wedding ceremony and recep­ As Suez Guard In a department store. Bright- Just the other day we were in man, Mrs. Julius Fradin. Since cafe's cash register and phono­ fort hoapltal. She la mtich improv. one of the town's large self-service tlquarlan who would head such a W’ho Floated Through Air" starts tion as guests of the Sisterhood. eyed threl-year-old Jeffery Chanukah la a happy holiday, in Thia elaborate and specially pre­ graph boxes. The note, discov­ Miller stepped up and de­ r t m health and nrnet grateful to store*. A mother and her young­ project. in the January Issue of ".Sir" mag­ commemoration of the rededlca- pared program la novel and It Is ered yesterday, said “not one clared: "You've got Grandpa's Reds Now Committed Consider a moment: three Eu­ azine. It's all about the Norwich all her frlenda for their kindness sters were shopping, or rather be tion of the temple, the Sisterhood Begins Talk With Egypt nickel was phoney.’’ ropean cities and the city of Santo lad, Daniel Donglas Home, who. It expected to be long remembered as sleigh." it said the mother intended to has appropriately chosen this meet­ one of the flnest programs to be "I have?" oaked the sur- ahop. She was busy gossiping with Uoiuingo on this aide of the wster Is said, defied the laws of gravita­ On Ticklish Issue; rlslm to fx)aaeaa the genuine skele­ tion. He left home and gave ing to rededicatc itself to service presented at the temple. pnaed i^anta Claus. "Yes." the another woman all the while her G. .Albert Pearson to the synagogvie and to tlie com­ ton of Columbus. seancee In the homes of many Canal Held Open Gate­ boy said, "and I want to be little brat was running wild around munity' by performing a mock careful with It." RED CEDAR the store pushing one of those Where are we? Quite candidly prominent people. Among them On Wednesday evening, Decem­ way to An Invader Top Reds Ask To the Korean War marriage of a new member and the Santa eaaed through the store pickup carts ahead of him. history says that Eric the Red or wss Ward Cheney of Cheney Brothers silk mills and F. L. Burr, ber fl at eight o’clock the A Cap- president of the Sisterhood. tleklish situation by promising He bum(>ed into oUier shoppers, Lief the Lurky got over here In horns and helmets long before Co­ editor of the Hartfonl Times on polla choir of the High school will The wedding serivee will take lx>ndon, Dec. 4—()P)—Britain be­ to treat the sleigh carefully. CLOTHES POLES ran it against the track of the legs WANTED lumbus. but nobody has ever found the night of August 8, 1852 In the present Handel's "Messiah" In the place In the sanctuary under the gan political talka with Egypt to­ Court to Toss Jeffery was right. His grand­ U. S. Eighth Army Pulls of a number and wa.s generally wedding canopy, i id the ceremony Listings, both rural and father. Everett Miller, had In 20, 25, 30 Ft. Lenglhs any bones to prove It. They have Cheney home here. sanctuary of the South Metho­ day aimed at confirming her role Attlee Here for Talk Bark Through Pyong­ raising cain. The article says Burr was a will be performed by Rabbi Leon urban by which we can bet­ rented the sleigh to Santa. found a supposed Norse tower and dist church. as defender Of the Suez Canal— And 10 Ft. Yard Posts Finally when o- ■ woman shop­ a couple of inscribed stone slabs, hard-headed Yankee, not given to Wind, assisted by Cantor Etra. Out Conviction Clarence Helsing. organist and ter serve our long list of an eastam Invader'a gateway to yang; Hope to Estab­ per gave the youngster a sharp but to hold any historic water, the fairy tales. He wrote a story Special Sermon Installed calling down and told him to cut choirmaster of the Emanuel Lu­ In the sermon, which has been property buyers. much-pHaed Africa. lish Strong Defense human element must also be re­ about the "graceful, floating mo­ theran church, will be the organist With Truman Tuesday out the rough stuff the mother of specially written for this occasion, "•* Porker "ST Foreign Secretary Bmest Bevin, trieved. tions" that Home wont through and George 'Vince, a graduate of Highest Tribunal Begins the little darling gave the other Rabbi Wind will rededicate the beset by a Cairo demand that the U.
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