- ----- --, , --~ Bryant University's campus newspaper since 1946 • • GEP do~·_ates at National Confere ce C lcago Fundraising for Bryant Organziations C ,.. I·'1i. ~. ".­ .,~. ~. -:" .. Ph% t!Y Msgnan Hanlon All members of the Arts Association signed up to help sell carnations for their Flower Sale fundraiser. wa J lilt: by Big Si~ll,;rs ••.P A _ the brncelcl!i that were urdered ciaJ mll!'re I g up It :3mpu.. ,\ I'e slid. TIle group was t:1I­ BIg suers. old prnk rubber ed becau<;e nol \ nl, did thl brat:elet Il upp rt Brea. t neCL Durinu th fi r I hOUT, all nt'd on paue 4 Results fro co rse registration 8) Emilie Lavoie . niors ~ l.: I tre. hIllen anu s pho­ requires u to 'ct a ',de eat til' taff'W,.iler mores have two to thre years to em . ler is pplied p .y hology. take cour. so pnQrily ihould wllich Wa! fo r two . ections Many complrunt'i have be given to eniOTs who Ileed only." Reason fOT setting aside been circulating the campus them for grnduatlon. sea~ In Lhl . maJ r i b()cau e it regarding c{ urse regi. tralion, T.lkmg thl ri ·jng issue ha ' spe tfic course requirements The first one, of course, was to the source. Susan McDonald, for ·tudents in the first two alluded to m a previow i ue' the Director of R c rds and year;' the bright and early time set up RegistratIOn in rhe Academic The two above excep­ Jennifer Dlprete prep r n9 for student for registration. No\ , many Records office, wa ' a ked about \I n were the only one' a part one on one upperc1as. men hav already the seats et a ide In das e and of d1e "non--existing policy" of gone through the spring registra­ the mentioned complaints. closing off cJasse t upperclass­ up f process Although, there i not men. All other classes were tion which brought IUllem another problem to the forum. an existing polley fOT clas. es to closed off' at thelT normal cap " There are many complaints, by be clo ed off for underclassmen. Thus, the adminislration': rea­ eruors especially, that cia es, McDonald says, "The cience soning behind general unavail­ some required for their gradua­ and Technology department els ability of a particular class tems tion, were unavailable or the aside eat in the 200 level sci­ from the c1as I or pc fessor's seats set aside for seniors were ence courses and labs only for popUlarity. An exampJe of such a filled Naturally, thi up et nl­ sophomores and fre ·bruen. II class is the Marketing 400 level dents becau. e they need particu­ McDonald goes on to lar classes to graduate. Some state, "The only major that Cont'd on page 4 Justin Will iams give hi advi e Bryant's Hockey Team begins X-box game's Halo 2 was to women on ampus while their 2004-2005 eason and released hl stores on November Bryan Sergeant questions rul Rubgy pauses their season until 9. 2004 and what is len for fans and regulation given to tu­ the spring. of the band Fish. dents. JI - Page 2 Nationa News The Archway Bush's re-election raises questions about Mideast peace By Michael Matza lion with less support for I rael, start, and witb Israeli Prime Kunzer said. "I think lhat' the • Fatah, the mOSl powerful Knighl Ridder Newspapers both because this is a second Minister Ariel Sharon proposing important pan allhis juncture." Palestinian political organiza­ term and because the agenda is to change tbe dynamic by with­ During the period a tion.) (KRn going to be djfferent," said Tel drawing all settlements from year and a half ago when To advance the proces Aviv University pre ident hamar Gaza snd four small enclaves in Mahmoud Abbas, al 0 known as under a econd Bush administra­ The fe-election of Rabinovitch, Israeli ambassador lhe West Bank. the stage IS sel Abu Mazen, was Palestinian tion, some observers said th ' President Bu h. although widely to the United tates from 1993 for renewed U.S. intervention. prime minister, he called for an United tates n eds to initiate a w leomed in Israel. also faISeS to \996. whether by du ting off the road end 10 the armed uprISing by comprehensive diplomatic some vexing questions about the While Bush's unilateral­ map or in another tbtm. Palestinians and helped negotiate maneuver and tay committed impact his second leon could iSI style is unlikely to chang, An early 1e I of how a brief cease-nre by militant for th long haul. setting bench­ have on the Israeli-Palestinian Rabinovitch said, he does need much pressure the United States groups. marks and holding both sides contli I "to find a common platform with may be willing to appl comes Sensing ah opening. accountable in an evenhanded Freed fi-om the impera­ the Europeans" in dealing with in the cont xl of Sharon's pro­ Bush held a high-profile summit way. tives of a grueling campaign, Iran's nuclear program, posed unilateral wlUlCirawal in Aqaba. Jordan at which he And if the Bush dm in­ might a re-energized and refo­ Europe traditionally has Saying there is no brought Sharon and Abbas isrration d cides to plunge in cused Bush demand unprece­ taken a harder line with Israel on Palestinian partner for peacl! logether. breaking the stalemal more forcefully, it has to be with dented concessions from Israel such issues as the West Bank negotlati ns. he intends LO with­ cau ed by I rael's refusal to a clear sense of purpose, not just as part of an effort to jump-start separation barrier and settlement draw all settlers from aza with­ OI:gotiate under lerrOr. process for prace ' ak . I the stalled peace process? expansion in the Palestinian ter­ out coordinating with lhe "The brief interlude "Making thmgs happen I As Yasser Arafat fades ritories. If Bush warUs Europl!'s Palestinians But in a post-Arafat with Abu Mazen indicated that. on the ground is far more impor­ I from the scene, might Busb open li support on the matter of Iran. world. where the "no-panner" when there is a change on the tant than nother sptlech or Il fresh channel of communica­ Rabin vitch theorize.d. he may argument ma. no longer be Palestinian side. Israel's room photo-op." wrote Aluf Benn. t tion to a mol' constructive have to take u harder lin~ \ itll valid. the United tales could for aneuvering narrows." diplomatic correspond nt for the Pale timan leadership while still Israel as w Ib prt;s lsra I to make the wilh­ Rabinovitch said. daily Ilaaretz on the morning t inSisting on an end to Pale tlllian Throughout Bush's first drownl multilateral. ' a first Thai hort-lived rap­ after Bush's ViClOr') "Renewed violence') lerm. he wa p rcciv d as giving !itl!P back to the bar:gain ing lable prochement foundered amid Involvement will have va1ll~ • Could new pressure by Israel u relatlvelv free hand. Perhaps to reassure I raeli military trikes and a only if Lhe Americans pre ent B sh on Isra I impr e the "der the road map peace plan. an ious Israeli U.S. llamas Uleide bombing that practical demands to the sides United States' standing in the for example. he demanded that Ambassador to Israel Daniel killed n Israelis in Jerusalem. and shc)\', credibility and deter­ Arab world. - Israel freeze settlement ex-pan­ Kumer said last week lhal "the Abbas (ru ·trated in bis- efforts to mination ill enforcement" Th situation, sOml! sion and dismantk unauthorized word pressure' really docs not pry PO\ el' from Arafat, simply Good mtentions are not analysts 'a), pro\ ide an open­ Ulposts but as long as aoti­ figure" in hb vocabulary regard­ gil e up and re Igned. (He ~n ugh he wrote "It' es ential ing for strategic change by an Israel violence persisted. he sa ing the conl1ict. retamed his position as general to lmow how to intervene and administration obsessed with the no need to hold Israel's feet to "Wt: hav\; issues that secrelal)' of Ull: Palestine how not I . ... l'he lessons of the war In Iraq and heretofore only the fire . are on our mind. Prime Mini ter Liberation OrganizatIOn. which previous decade of American sporadically engaged in the Now with Arafat's ad­ Sharon knows that. And he's IS why he is baCK on the ene mediation sltow that hyperactivi­ Palestinian- lsnleli conf1 ict. ing p wer presenting a chan e mad' commitments that he has now, taking over Arai'ar' dutle ty is not a miracle drug." "There could be a situa­ for Palestinians 10 make a fresh told us he intends to fulfill." as head of both the PLO ilnd Youth turnout on Election Day larger than ru ored B) Kavita Kumar sid ro.:d thl.:m a key 5"" ing vote the \Oling age changed to 18 polls and carl vole LOLaI resu Its, people interviewed in e. it polls Sf L.Juis Pos/-Oi. pa{( II that could help push Dl!mocratic fr m 21. a cordinla to the Center That means that lhe were in that age group. (KRT) en. John Kerry over the top for Informalion &-R t:arch on overall tum out or young people orne t:lection research­ Bllt in the election Civic L 'aming & Engagement at was 51.6 percent, up from 42 ,3 e have also pointed out that aftermath.
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