California State University, Monterey Bay Digital Commons @ CSUMB Land Pamphlets California Land Pamphlets 4-10-2018 California Land Pamphlets, Volume 6 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.csumb.edu/hornbeck_usa_5_b Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons, Education Commons, Law Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Recommended Citation "California Land Pamphlets, Volume 6" (2018). Land Pamphlets. 6. https://digitalcommons.csumb.edu/hornbeck_usa_5_b/6 This Document is brought to you for free and open access by the California Land Pamphlets at Digital Commons @ CSUMB. It has been accepted for inclusion in Land Pamphlets by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ CSUMB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. D E007 0161070 3 California State Library CALIFORNIA State Library Call No. c3^.%A...CiB2p Copy No.. ; 3 Pt JW^cfiBgC^t rcr^no PRICE, S u 2- ^Wl^^\£7tf-ftjLsl^ CARIBOO GUIDE: CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE JOURNEY OVER THE TWO ROUTES. BEING A CORRECT ACCOUNT OF A JOURNEY TO CARIBOO BY THE " BRIGADE TRAIL EXPERIENCE WHEN THERE; EXPENSES. TIME, DISTANCES AND EVBHTS OF | UBB THE FOOT-JOURNEY. FROM A DIARY KEPT ON THE ROUTE ; WHEN TO START, WHAT TO TAKE, ETC.. ETC., ETC. INCLUDING - THE RETURN TRIP BY THE "RIVER TRAIL; ' MADE IN THE YEAR 1861, BY JOSKJPft tJ -WdLBfmsOINT. C" i SAN FRANCISCO: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY MAGEB BROTHERS & CO., ' BOOK, CARD, AND JOB PRINTERS, IN THE " FRANKLIN : OFFICE, 415 Washington Street (Opposite the Post-Office). m 1862. gp§ ired according to Act of Congress, in 1862, by Magee Eros. & Co.. in the Clerk's office of (lie District Court of the Northern District of the State of California. ADVERTISEMENTS. RASCHB cfc SOIXTS 131 Montgomery Street, between Bush and Sutter. DEALERS IN PIANOS, ITALIAN STRINGS, INSTRUMENTS OF ALL KINDS, &c. *— PIANOS CONSTANTLY FOR RENT. ALL KINDS OF INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED, NEATLY AND CHEAP. JMK. .Aft.. SS-S «C3 Sf BE2 «*& SSaS «LJ» I^ftT E*S 9 131 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. ANTQN ROMAN. FRANK D. CARLTON. j±. 1tojytA.1v Ac Co., H-A-VE EEMOVBD TO '-j* ft.jtltf ilftylflTft^gllJ STREET,*) j-'j* ;.\ 'ttECOUNT'S BUILDING,) BeVwee*** s'aaraiien** «wid Galifcmlaj kjCW FRANCISCO. 515 CLAY STREET, bet. Montgomery and Sansome. Caribooites, you have a hard road to travel — but there's Balm in Gilead. I am tha sole a<*ent for it. Lay in a stock of the Elixir of Life for your jour- ney, and thus bid defiance to King Frost and disease. ! c ?77. 4- ADVERTISEMENTS. PIONEER LINE ! FOR THE CARIBOO GOLD MINES VIA VICTORIA, V. I. FIRST CLASS SAILING VESSELS leave regular, and immediately after the arrival of every mail steamer from Victoria, taking passengers, freight, live-stock, etc., at the lowest rates. Mining Companies can have their implements, stock or provisions conveyed to any desirable point in British Columbia ; and purchases made for parties residing there, and the merchan- dise forwarded by our line of vessels, on most advantageous terms. DEWAR & GEHR1CKE, OFFICE-EAST ST., BET. COMMERCIAL AND MARKET. TEETH ! TEETH ! ---Extracting Without Pain DR. W. H. IRWIN, DENTIST, Third street, near Howard (opposite Estill's mansion). All branches of Dentistry performed in the neatest manner. 4ST Extracting, each $1 00 -6®" do. children's 50 J96B~ Filling with gold, each $1, $2, and $3 00 &g* Filling with platina cement $1, $2, and $3 00 «S=- Cleaning, whitening, and burnishing $2, $3, and $5 00 4&jf Straightening, etc., from $2 to $5 00 SSg* Nerves killed and toothache cured $1 00 &g~ Whole or partial sets nicely and firmly adjusted on the finest gold, at from (each tooth) $5 to $10 00 J&g- On best silver plate (each tooth) $3 to $ 5 00 ^®- Montgomery street omnibusses pass the office every five minutes. Spe- cial attention paid to children's teeth. Circulars, giving full directions to parents for the preservation of children's teeth. X®* Remember the place, Third, near Howard, - - - - W. H. IRWIN, M. D. CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY CALIFORNIA SECTION ADVERTISEMENTS. §ibbm0' fimmneuhxl (Mtegc, COR. MONTGOMERY AND PINE STREETS, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. For Instructions in WBITING, BOOK-KEEPING-, and MATHEMATICS. The best place upon the Pacific coast to get a thorough and practical knowledge of Book-keeping. WRITING TAUGHT UPON THE SPENCERIAN SYSTEM. Scientific and Mathematic \l Department.— Instruction given by an ex- perienced teacher in all the Natural Sciences. Also, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mechanics, Trigonometry, Surveying and Civil Engineering. T. L. BIBBIWS. BOOKALEXANDERBINDERS,BUSWELL & Co., PAPER PIMPS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, 517 CLAY AND 514 COMMERCIAL STREETS, (Between Montgomery and Sansome), S-A.3ST FRANCISCO. Binding of every description neatly executed. Blank Books ruled and bound to any desired pattern. M. E. HUGHES, SOLE AGEM FOR PUELAYS BILLIARD TABLES, PATENT COMBINATION" CUSHIONS, &c, In California and Oregon. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM: NOS. 180 AND 182 MONTGOMERY STREET. THOMAS DOYLE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in "mmrj«::r5ttrJE3^s «*c «£-.:o:«^-«ix«^:n«_!Sf9 535 SACRAMENTO STREET, (Next door to the What-Cheer House), - - - SAN FRANCISCO. 4®= PASSENGERS' STORES PUT UP TO ORDER. Persons going to Cariboo will find it to their interest to call and order their goods from me. ADVERTISEMENTS. METROPOLITAN THEATRE, MONTGOMERY STREET. Lessees and Managers, W. II. Leighiox & Co. The citizens of San Francisco are respectfully informed that this SPLENDID TEMPLE OF THE DRAMA I lately erected upon the most improved architectural and accommodating plan, has been leased by the above management. A rapid succession of the MOST TALENTED ARTISTES I from both the old and new worlds, will appear nightly, in tragedy, drama, and comedy, and will be sustained by a culled compan}' of favorite stock actors, whose correct rendition of the various phases of ancient and modern life — high and low—cannot fail to INSTRUCT ! AMUSE ! ! AND PLEASE ! ! ! Prices of Admission.—Dress Circle and Orchestra Seats, $1; Parquet, fifty cents ; Upper Circle, twenty-five cents ; Private Boxes, $5 and $10. Box Office opens at 10, a.m. Doors open at 7%; curtain rises at 8 o'clock. PASCAL LOOMIS, 617 CIiAY STREET, between Montgomery and Kearney, SA.3NT FRANCISCO, C^^L- PERSONS wishing Illustrations for Books, Portraits of Animals, "Views of Buildings, Machinery, etc., would do well to call on Mr. L., who is unrivalled in his profession. We know he never fails to give full satisfaction. CAUF0R1MA PATENT AGENCY* BSTABLISHEID, - - - - 1837. NO. 410 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO f 4®* W. and T. being connected at Washington with an eminent solicito r o Patents, offer their services in preparing specifications for Caveats and Patents, and in attending to all business connected with the Patent Office. L-J*-' ADVERTISEMENTS. MAQTJIRE'8 OPEHA HOUSE ! ! Is the BEST THEATRE ON THE PACIFIC COAST FOR AMUSEMENT ! WILLIAM SHERMAN & CO., CLOTHING!Manufacturers and Importers of §ini&' Jf urtusljing (foobs, trunks anb 4®- We are receiving, by every steamer, Superior and Medium Clothing of our own manufacture, all of which we warrant are of the most superior make. §©iLi&;"iLiE.&raiE3& TOtrra&s ami© posies. Always in Sto:e, a Large Assortment of LADIES' FRENCH TRAVELING TRUNKS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ORDERS FOR CUSTOM CLOTHING will receive our Most Careful and Prompt Attention. Nos. 413 and 4=14 SANSOME STREET, SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF COMMERCIAL. VUKCAN IRON* WORKS CO. IP. TOBQUET, ZMLA.:N-.A-Gr:E:EL. Steam-Engine Builders, Boiler-Makers, Iron-Founders, and General Engineers, 137 and 139 FIRST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. j8®°" Steamboat Machinery built and repaired; also, Saw, Flouring and Quartz Mills, Pumping and Mining Machinery, etc. SOLE BUILDERS IN CALIFORNIA OF JONVAL'S TURBINES. ~H A U K & MARQUARD, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE WINJES ASD LIQUORS, 541 CLAY STREET, BELOW MONTGOMERY, .flSg* Lunch spread daily at 12 o'clock. Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, etc., con- stantly on hand. Call and give us a trial, and satisfy yourself that we keep the finest brands of liquors in the city of Sau Francisco. ; CARIBOO GUIDE CONTAINING AX ACCOUNT OF THE JOURNEY OVER THE TWO ROUTES. BEING A CORRECT ACCOUNT OF A JOURNEY TO CARIBOO BT THE '• BRIGADE TRAIL EXPERIENCE WHEN THERE; EXPENSES, TIME, DISTANCES AND EVENTS OP THE FOOT-JOURNET, FROM A DIARY KEPT ON THE ROUTE; WHEN TO START, WHAT TO TAKE, ETC., ETC., ETC. INCLUDING THE RETURN TRIP BT THE "RIVER TRAIL;" MADE IN THE TEAR 1S61, BY JOSEPH T. WILKINSON. SAN FRANCISCO: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY MAGEE BROTHERS & CO. BOOK, CARD, AND JOB PRINTERS, IN THE " FRANKLIN " OFFICE, 415 Washington Street (Opposite the Post-Office). 1862. THE CARIBOO GUIDE. INTRODUCTION. Within a comparatively recent date, various reports of rich mines having been discovered in a portion of British America, situated some six hundred miles north of Victoria (V. I.,) reache 1 California. These reports excited the cupidity and spirit of adventure of no small portion of our citizens, a few of whom started at once for the field of operations—to try their fortunes in what was then, and even still is, almost a primitive wilder- ness. The writer of the following narrative was one of the above class. He left San Francisco on the 26th of March, 18(51, for Cariboo, and arrived there on the 15th May, thus consuming forty-nine days on the journey. He went up by what is known as the " Brigade Route," and returned by the " River (the Frazer) Route." Of what befel him on his way up to the mines — especially the foot-travel — his experience when there, and of his return journey, some idea may be formed by a perusal of the following pages. In addition, he gives distances, means of transit, inci- dental expenses, and the names of towns and camping-places — where the latter had any.
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