ADVERTISEMENT FOUNDER Advertisement Advertisement IDEAS CITY explores the future of cities aroundideas-city.org the globe with the belief that arts and culture are IDEAS essential to the vitality of urban centers, making them better places to live, work, and play. Founded by the New Museum in 2011, IDEAS CITY is a CITY major collaborative initiative between hundreds of arts, education, and civic organizations. This Executive Committee year’s theme is Untapped Capital, with participants focused on resources that are under-recognized FOUNDING SUPPORTER New Museum, Founder The Architectural League or underutilized in our cities. Bowery Poetry Club The Cooper Union IDEAS CITY is a four-day Festival of conferences, The grant from Goldman Sachs Gives is at the recommendation of The Drawing Center workshops, an innovative StreetFest around the David B. Heller & Hermine Riegerl Heller NYU Wagner Storefront for Art and Bowery, and more than one hundred independent Architecture projects and public events that are forums for exchanging ideas, proposing solutions, LEAD SPONSOR LEAD SUPPORTER and accelerating creativity. Cover photo: Special thanks to Iwan Baan Visit ideas-city.org for more information. Audi 「創意城市」秉承藝 「創意城市」開展為 IDEAS CITY explora el concentrarán en los Urban Future 術和文化是城市的生 期四天的節慶活動, futuro de las ciudades recursos subestimados de todo el mundo con o subutilizados en Initiative 命力這理念,探索世界 包括會議和研討會、 la convicción de que nuestras ciudades. 各地城市的未來,致 包厘街附近的創新路 el arte y la cultura son IDEAS CITY es un fes- fundamentales para la 力於將城市變成更美 邊攤園遊會,以及一百 tival de conferencias y vitalidad de los centros talleres con duración 好的居住、工作和娛樂 多項獨立專題活動和 urbanos, y los hacen un de cuatro días, una in- PRODUCING SPONSORS 之地。「創意城市」由 公眾活動,促進交流 lugar mejor para vivir, novadora fiesta calleje- trabajar y entretener- 紐約新當代藝術館於 思想、提出解決方案 ra en el Bowery, y más se. Instituida por el New de cien proyectos inde- Lonti Ebers 2011 年創立,是數以百 並推進創意。有關詳 Museum en 2011, IDEAS pendientes y eventos 計的藝術、教育和民間 細資訊,敬請瀏覽 CITY es una importante públicos que se con- iniciativa de colabora- IDEAS CITY is made possible by a grant from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, 組織之間的重要合作 ideas-city.org。 vierten en foros para ción entre cientos de intercambiar ideas, the New York State Council on the Arts with the which is funded through Community Development 聯盟。今年的主題是 organizaciones cívicas, proponer soluciones y support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Block Grants from the US Department of 「尚未開發的資本」, del arte y la educación. acelerar la creatividad. New York State Legislature, and a grant from Housing and Urban Development. El tema de este año es 參與者專注於探索我 Visite ideas-city.org Untapped Capital (Ca- para obtener más infor- 們城市中未被發現或 pital inexplotado), don- mación. SPECIAL THANKS 未被充分利用的資源。 de los participantes se Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor Wed–THUR SUPPORTING SPONSORS CONFERENCEMAY 1–2 4 Toby Devan Lewis Virginia Lebermann FRIDAY & John Wotowicz WORKSHOPS MAY 3 8 SATURDAY MEDIA PARTNER SPECIAL THANKS STREETFEST MAY 4 10 WED–SAT PROJECTS MAY 1–4 17 WEDNESDay MAY Advertisement ideas-city.org Thursday May 2, 9:15–10:45 AM –THURSDAY 1 –2 Ad Hoc Strategies CONFERENCE Meejin Yoon J. The Conference is dedicated La Conferencia se dedica a 會議專注在探討開拓未開發 Panel Discussion to the exploration of Untapped la investigación de capital 可使用的資源。特別着重在 Capital. It will focus on four inexplotado. El enfoque será $10. Great HALL, COOPER UNION areas where Untapped Capital en cuatro áreas en las cuales 四個領域可再付諸實行的如 In the last two decades, exponential can be found and put to pro- se puede encontrar capital 下:特設解決方案、廢物处 growth in various technologies—from ductive use: Ad Hoc Strategies, inexplotado y ponerlo a usos 理、遊戲和青年活動。每亇項 global communications networks to Waste, Play, and Youth. Each productivos: estrategias impro- 目都必須經由相當規模的專 fast, low-cost digital prototyping— topic will be discussed, ques- visadas, los desechos, el juego has radically transformed everyday tioned, and analyzed by a y la juventud. Cada tema será 家們和革新的人組成小組來 life, to the point that many speak of a moderated panel of experts discutido, cuestionado y anali- 加以研討、質訊、及解析討 new industrial revolution. If the last and innovators. The Confer- zado por un panel de expertos 論。會議序幕將由 Joi Ito 開 revolution was about making perfect ence commences with a key- e innovadores. La Conferencia 頭作開幕主題演說,再由VSP objects (millions of them), this one note address by Joi Ito and comienza con un discurso a is about making just one, or a few. culminates with a VSP (very cargo de Joi Ito y culmina con (特選小 組)主持閉幕,小組名 This panel will investigate how the special panel) to be announced una mesa redonda especial 單會在「創意城市」網站上 maximum expression of design today on ideas-city.org. que será anunciada en el sitio 宣布 is in the processes, open systems, and web ideas-city.org. tools that shape society by enabling self-organization, platforms of collabo- Program subject to change. Please visit ideas-city.org for updates. ration, and decentralized networks of production. Joseph Grima Jeffrey Inaba Jeffrey Inaba is the founder of INABA, a firm that specializes in architecture, urban design, and public art. He is Director Wednesday May 1 of C-Lab, a research unit at Columbia University, and the Features Editor of 7:30 PM Volume magazine. He is also the author of numerous publications, including Adap- Joi Ito tation: Architecture, Technology and the Keynote Address City (2012). Emeka Okafor $15. Great HALL, COOPER UNION Emeka Okafor is an entrepreneur and venture catalyst. He is the curator of Joi Ito is Director of MIT Media Maker Faire Africa and was the director for Lab—the innovation center that TED Global 2007 that took place in Arusha, Tanzania. Other associations include TED brought us the technologies behind Fellowships and the African Innovation Amazon’s Kindle and Activision’s Foundation. His interests include sustain- Emeka Okafor Emeka able technologies in the developing world Thaddeus Pawlowski Guitar Hero games. He is a and paradigm-breaking technologies in creative entrepreneur whose path general. has led him from the foundation Jennifer Wolfe of Japan’s first Internet Service Thaddeus Pawlowski Jennifer Wolfe is Co-organizer and Design Thaddeus Pawlowski is an urban designer Lead for Maker Faire Africa, an internatio- Provider to early investments in who, since Hurricane Sandy, has been nal organization which sharpens the focus Flickr, Twitter, and many more. working as an advisor on long-term on locally generated, bottom-up prototypes planning for the Mayor's Office of Housing of technologies in Africa. Wolfe is an advo- Today, Ito maintains his role as Recovery. Working in the Department of cate for using Africa's informal systems a leader both in investment and City Planning, he specializes in large-scale as distribution models for personal design infrastructure, neighborhood revitalization, and manufacturing around the world. She online creativity as the founder and climate change adaptation. is also cofounder of what will be one of of Neoteny Labs and as a board Lagos's first maker spaces, the Bronze Belt Foundry. member of many pioneering firms J. Meejin Yoon and foundations. Ito is a leading J. Meejin Yoon is the founder of MY Studio and cofounder of Höweler + Yoon Archi- Moderator: thinker and writer on innovation tecture. She is an Associate Professor and Joseph Grima and global technology policy. In Director of the Undergraduate Program Joseph Grima has pursued a career as a in the Department of Architecture at MIT. curator, essayist, and critic in the fields of his keynote, he will examine the Yoon is the recipient of the United States architecture, art, and design. He directed Untapped Capital of the internet Artist Award in Architecture/Design, the Storefront for Art and Architecture and is Rome Prize in Design, and a Fulbright currently Editor of Domus. He has created as it continues to trans- Scholarship. She is the author of several installations for the Venice Architecture form society in substantial books, including Expanded Practice, Biennial, among others, and his books Höweler + Yoon Architecture / MY Studio include Shift: SANAA and the New 4 and positive ways. Joi Ito (Princeton Architectural Press, 2009). Museum, (2008). 5 Conference Advertisement ideas-city.org Max Liboiron Thursday May 2, 5–6:30 PM Nancy Lublin Max Liboiron is an activist, Nancy Lublin is twice named trash artist, and postdoctoral on the “Top 50 Power and Max Liboiron researcher at New York Uni- Youth Barry McGee Influence” list by the NonProfit Lydia Kallipoliti Lydia versity’s Department of Media, Times. She has led two of the Culture, and Communication. Panel Discussion most popular charity brands Her dissertation, "Redefining in America: Dress for Success, Pollution: Plastics in the Wild," $10. Great HALL, COOPER UNION which helps women transition investigates scientific and advo- from welfare to work, and cate techniques used to define “Youth,” according to Oscar Wilde, DoSomething.org, the largest plastic pollution. “is wasted on the young.” While this organization for teens and social change. Samantha MacBride old adage remains today, it is this Samantha MacBride is Assis- panel’s contention that, with proper Barry McGee tant Professor of Public Affairs nurture, youth has the potential to Barry McGee has exhibited at Baruch College. Her work fo- internationally in museums and cuses on the study of materials be a powerful force. Youth is, after galleries. His work is the subject in society, including discarded all, a vast global neighborhood of a mid-career survey that debu- urban materials as well as coal, ted at Berkeley Art Museum/ petrochemicals, and textiles. replete with its own government, Pacific Film Archive and opened Thursday May 2, 11:15 AM–12:45 PM MacBride worked for fifteen social networks, and modes of learn- at the ICA Boston in April 2013.
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