LEAGUE OF NATIONS (Communicated to the Council.) C.147.1935. Geneva, April 5th,1935, NU 'EEICaL LIST OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE COUNCIL. No.3 (H: rch 1935 ) Official number rotI> SUBJECT C.774.M,365.1932.XI,2nd Addendum - Model administrative codc to the Convention for limiting the rnanufacture and regulating the distribution of narco tic ‘drugs (July 1931).- Amendments adopted November 193*3 by Advisory Committee on traffic in opium and other dan­ gerous drugs. C.308.M.135.1934.VIÏI @ C.462.M.198.1934.XI.Errata. Estimated world requirements of dangerous drugs in 1935.- Errata to statement by the Supervi­ sory Body. C.33.M.14.1935. XI . - ' Advisory Committe^ on traffic in. opium and other dangerous a rugs (19t h s”e_s sion.November 1934) . - Minutes .- C. 77.M. 33.1.935*. II.B C^mpaign against contagious diseases of ani­ mals. - International Convention and annexed Declaration (February 1935). C.78.M.34.1935.II.B Transit of_ animals, meat and other products of animal origin.- International Convention and Annex (February 1935). C.79.M.35.1935,II.B @0 Export and import of animal p ro du c ts(other than meat, meat preparations, fresh animal products, milk and milk products^- International Conven­ tion and annex (February 1935). Cancelled Certified true copy distributed with C .L.43.1935.II.B - 2 - C.87(k),M.39(k .1935.VII Supply of arms and war material jtq Bolivia and P^ra^uay.- Reply of Lithuania. C.87 (1 .M.39(1 .1935.VII Reply from Denmark. C.87(a .M. 39 (m .1935.VII Reply from H.-:iti C.87(n . M. 3 9 ( n .1935.VII Reply from Australia. C.87(o .M.39(o .1935.VII Reply from Finland. C.87(p .M.39(p .1935.VII Reply from Mexico C.87(q . M. 3 9 ( q .1935,VII Reply from thn United Kingdom. C. 87 ( r .M.39(r .1935.VII Re, ly from Irish Free State. C .87(s . M ♦ 3 9 ( s .1935.VII Reply from Estonia. C. 87 ( t »M.39(t .1935.VII Reply (2nd) from the Netherlands C.87 (u .M.39(u .1935.VII Reply from Venezuela. C .87(v .M.39(v .1=35.VII Reply from Latvia. C . 8 7 (w .M,39(w .1935.VII Repiby from Switzerland. C.37 ( x .M.39(x .1935.VII Reply from France C.87 (y .M,39(y .1935.VII Reply from Ecuador. C.87(z .M.39(z .1935.VII Reply from Yugoslavia. C.87(a. a).M.39 a.a.).1935.VII Reply from Nicaragua. C.87(b. b).M.39 b.b).1935.VII Reply (2r;d) from Venezuela. - 5 - C.96.M.43.1935.XI Illicit transactions and seizures reported to tue Secretariat between October 1st and Decem ­ ber 51st,1934.- Summary by the Secretariat. C,105.M,48.1955.VII Saar Territory.- Report by the Council Commit­ tee and agreements, Declarations, etc. adopted at Naples (February 19,1935). C.107,M.51.1935.VII Erratum @ Relations betweon Colombia and Peru.- Erratum to the Peruvian Government ’ r> telegram of February 25,1935. C.10».M.53.1935. Numerical list of documents distribute to the ïfe. uers of the League.- No.2 (February 1935). C.110,M.54.1955.VII Relations between Colombia and Peru.- Co.jnu- "nication from the Colombian Government (Fe­ bruary 27,1935), C.112.M.55.1935.VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- Letter from the Bolivian G^vernuent ""[February 28, 1935). C.113.M.oo.1935.VII D~ ilitarisation of Saar Territory.- Letter from the President of the Council Committee (Feoruary 28,1935) C.114.M.57.1935.VII Frontiers between Dominican Republic and Haiti.- Telegram from the Dominican Republic (March 2.1955) and reply from the Secretary-General (March 5,1955). C.119.M.58.1955.VII Transfer to Germany of the powers over the Saar territory.- Lt vter ^rom the Governing Cmmission (February 28,1955). C.120.M.09.1935.VII Dispute between Bolivia and par ^ u^y. - Co u- ■ nication from the Bolivian Government (March 7.1955), C.122.M,60,1955.V and Annex Publications .of the Permanent Court of Inter­ national Justice, Series a /b .1^34.- " Note by the Secretory-General and Index. @ Erratum to English text only. C.P.J.I., Series A/B.1934, Index. - 4 - C.123.M.61.1935.VII Transfer to Germany of_ the Government of the S~,ar Territory. - letter from the President of the Council Committee (March 1,1935) and Offi­ cial Record (March 1,1935). C.124,M.62.1935.XII and Annexes 1,2,3. Inte r national In s titute _ for th*5 un if ication _of priva te lav:, Rome. - Note by the Secretary- General , Accounts for 1933,©Estimates for 1935@and Annual report for 1933.@ C.125.M.63.1935.VII Dispute betveen Bolivia and Paraguay.- Report to the Assembly by the Advisory Committee C.126.M.64.1935.VII Co nr .un i c a t i o_n from the Ethiopian Government. - Telegram and Annex from the Ethiopian Govern­ ment (March/17,1935). v 16 and’ 1 C.128.M.66.1935.VII Request of the French Government under Article 11 oî the Covenant in view of the German Govern ment Ts decisions relating to armaments.- letter from the French Government (March 20, 1935). C.130.M.67.1935.VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- Commu­ nication from the Brazilian Government (March 19.1935). C.131.M,68,1935.VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- letter from the Argentine Government (March 19,1935). M. 69. C.132/1935.VII Communication from the Ethiopian Government.- Observations from the Italian Government (March 22,1935). C.136.M.70.1935.II,A Danzig Municipal loan of 3.925 . - 10th annual report of the Trustee (March 15,1934 -March 15.1935). C.140,M.73.1935.VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- Communi­ cation from the Bolivian Government (March 22.1935). French text only. - 5 - C.141.M,74.1935.VII. Demilitarisatlon of the Saar Territory.- Let­ ter from the President of the Council Committee (March 15,1935) and letters exchanged between German and French Governments (February 28,1935). C.145.M.76.1935. Council, League (85th(Extraordinary)Session, April 1955 ) Telegrams from the Secretary- General (March 22, and 25,1935), C.1.21(b) .1935,V @ and Annex ©@ Election of a _successor to M. Adatci, Judge of the Permanent Court of International Ju s t i c e Note by the Secretary-General and letter to Members of National Groups. C .L.34.1935.V F.atification of conventions concluded under auspices of the Leavue.- Note by the Secre­ tary-General C .L.35.1935.V ©@©@- Signature of conventions concluded under auspices of the League.- Note b;, the Secre­ tary-General. C.L.36.1935.El Restriction in the granting _of licences for the manufacture of narcotic drugs.- Note by the Secretary-General, C.L.37.1935,XI Passports of drug traffickers.- Note by the Secretary-General. C.L.38,1935,XI ©@@©-3© c.L.38(a) .1935.xi Disposal of seized drugs.- Note by the Se­ cretary-General . C..L.40.1935, V Optional Clause provide 1 in the Protocol of :: ignature of the Statu te of the Permanent Court cf International Justice.- Signature and ratification by Latvia.- @ to be distributed to States on receipt of their reply to C.L.21(a).1935. m M.L.3(a).1935. Distributed to States which point I of Assembly resolution of October 3,1930 concerns. ©<m@ Distributed to States which point II of Assembly reso­ lution of October 3,1930 concerns. @©@©(3 Distributed to Members and Non Members,manufacturing countries. @©@©■3® Distributed to Members and Non Members parties to the 1931 Convention @@@@'309 Distributed to Members and Non Members non parties to 1931 convention. - 6 - C.L.41.1935.XI Reservation to which the Japanese Government d_esires to subject its ratification of the conventi m for limiting the nanuiacture and regu la t i ng th e d i str i bution of narcotic drug_s ( Jul~y~Ï95Ï ) . - Observations of Spain. C.L.42.1935.II.A International Convention for the suppression of counterfeiting currency and Protocol ( A~p r i I 1929).- Ratification by Poland on behalf of Danzig C .L.43.1935.II.B and Annex @ Conventions (3)__on veterinary questions . - (February 20,1935).- Note by the Secretary General and extract from the minutes of the meeting of Government Delegates (February 1935). C.L.44.1935.XI Reservation to which the Japanese Government desires to subjec t_ i t s ratification of the Convention for limiting th? manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs (July 1931).- Observations of Greece. _ C.L.45.1935,III m Convening of an inter-Governmental Conference on biological standardisation.- Letter from the Secretary-General. C.L.''o.l935.V Optional Clause provided in the Protocol of signature of the Statute of the Permanent C .iurt of International Justifie (December 1920) Signature by Lithuania. C ,L. 48.1935 and Erratum <3@@ C .L.48(a).1935. and Erratum®©® @©@@ C.L,48(b).1935,©@© C .L.48(c).1935.@@@ C.L.48(d).Id35,@©@ @@@@ Con^ocation of Special Session of the A.ssem- bly (May 1935).- Letter or telegram from the Secretary-General (M.,rch 20,1935). © Distributed with cT7~7.M. 33.1935. II.B, C. 78.M.34.1935. II,B" and C.79.M.35.1935.II.B ©@ Distributed to all Members except Franco, Denmark, Great Britain and British Dominions y/ho received special unnum­ bered letters, and to Brazil and Egypt.
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