..*' •^ -^^f. THE NOTRE DAME 1% ^^'i^,. -^fe:.^>^ '-&\ #- ( ^^ * JicV ' •'.^J'is 't S , • ' ".'.v. ;<U.^ •s ft ^ M »5 1 ' -.-l ?a mt^'- October 29.1954 WffiS and how it started. TERESA WRIGHT says: "Up to 16, my knowledge of acting had been gleaned from seeing movies. When I saw my first professional play, that was it: I only wanted to act. I got into high school plays, wrestled props at Provincetown, understudied, sat for months in producers' reception rooms. One rainy night, sick with a cold, I read for a good role, and got. it!" I -fbtjtid out Cat^is/s kcjue •ike imost deliQ^ifuil f/cUL/Of-QHCf hriildi^ieSS op- QKy ci^QreHenHry G^noefs ond you'll be qs emthM^lQsbc as 11'' START SMOKING CAMELS YOURSELF! Make the 30-day Camel mildness test. Smoke only Camels for 30 days — see for yourself why Camels' cool mildness and rich flavor agree with more people than any other cigarette! S ^ CAIVI ELS AGREE WITH MORE PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE Scho/astk The ARROW points to Vol.96 OCTOBER 29, 1954 No. 5 Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Gras Moriturus Founded 1867 GILBERT'S Entered as second class matter at Notre Dame, 813-817 MICHIGAN STREET Indiana. Accepted for mmling at special rate of f postage, Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized Open evenings until 9 o'clock J-une 23, 1918. Headquarters for Your Arrow Shirts Editor LAWRENCE J. BREHL Associate end Sports Editor PAUL FULLMER Associate Editor FRED C. ECKART 0OHN ADAMS News ROBERT KAUFMAN ....Assistant News PAUL J. LaFRENIERE Copy CHARLES McKENDRICK ._ Assistant Copy DAVE COHEN ^...Features KEN WOODWARD ..Business Manager JIM GALLAGHER Circulation DICK HAIRSINE Photo Editor PAUL FITZGERALD Photography Coordinator #OHN P. DEFANT ....Faculty Moderator Member of Catholic School Press Association^ As­ sociated ColtegiatQ Press. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. THE SCHOLASTIC is pubbshed weekly during the school year, except during vacation and examina­ tion periods at the University of Notre Dame. Ad­ dress all manuscripts to the Editor, Box 183, Notre Dame, Indiana. May we colhr you soon... PHOTOS—Pictures taken by staff in a smart ARROW Radnor? photographers appear on the fol­ lowing pages: With 90% of a shirt's style up in the Jim Guide—page 20. collar, the man who wears an Arrow John O'Brien—pages 18, 22. Radnor is smarter than a wet whip. Mike Thompson—pages 14, 15, Choose a Radnor Button-Down (above), 21. a regular Radnor, or Radnor "E"—with eyelets, shown at right. The Radnor "E" is also available with French Cuffs. COVEK: Today is "B-Day" for some 490 They're all Arrow ... all easy on the ^cheering Irish who will board the Notre eyes and on the budget. Arrow Radnors ... smart-looking and perfect-fitting — Wbame Special for Baltimore where the in broadcloth prices start at $4.50; in Fighting Irish tangle with Navy tomor­ oxford cloth, $5.00 white or colored. row. It's the same old song for Joe Tripper: fresh and eager in starting out, 60 minutes of "yars" and "yeas" at the game, some enchanted doll for the ARROW SHIRTS & TIES usual aftergame dance-party pleasan­ UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEfS • CASUAL WEAR tries, and, after it's all over, train rid­ den, toured-out, tattered, but satisfied. Cartoonist was Tom Cahill, a student in the Department of Architecture. '^ctober 29, 1954 Shape Up, Frosh! Editor: We went to Washington Hall for the I CONQUERED MY first time this year—from the way things went, it was probably our last time this year. After sitting there for about ten minutes, we came to the coii .'' INFERIORITY COMPLEX elusion that this year's freshmen are the most impolite, inconsidei-ate bunch to ever hit this campus. Granted that Washington Hall is a campus theatre aiimi»^' and that the majority attending are men. However, there are women there. inoaelK"'^ You should know—^you noticed them the second they came in. Some of the re­ You can really donee marks heard during the show weren't after the first lesson! fit to be heard behind a locked door in When you can swing out on your room, and certainly not in the pret, ' the floor and dance expertly, ence of women. This isn't a zoo or a you, too, will feel proud—not wild jungle. You are supposed to be inferior any more! Arthur good, intelligent Catholic men attending Murray himself had a complex a university dedicated to Our Lady. in his youth—and overcame it How about acting that way? by becoming an expert dancer. And today experts trained by Four disappointed juniors him will help get rid of any (Names withheld by I'equest) "I.e." that hinders you—in society or in business. "Nothing" In just a few hours your "dated" dancing will be trans­ Editor: formed—you'll know the latest Let's give John Winslow and Al Kilev^ steps—you'll be a popular part­ a public pat on the back for their quicL ' ner. Don't wait! Phone and entertaining thoughts as expressed MU 2-4647 or come right to over "Nothing," WNDU's presentation the studio for a Free 15-minute of Sunday night, Sept. 26. dance analysis. This program and other original and Copr. 1943-Arthur Murrey Inc. humorous programs ought to be origin­ ated and continued by WNDU as a standard feature, so that its spontaneity Please send me t!ie new 64-page "Mur­ and relaxed attitude could be enjoyed ray-Go-Round" with by more art lovers on campus. oil its lielDful hints on dancing and in­ Jack Scriba ^ Free formation about tlie ARTHUR .4.riliur Murray Stu­ 309 Lyons '-' dios, its parties, etc. I understand if I send this coupon m MURRAY Orchids For Student Body promptly I will also 120 E. Wayne, South Bend, Ind. -DANCE receive a certificate Editor: good for 2 FREE in­ Ph. 2-3339 I troductory dance les­ I graduated from Notre Dame in 1950 BOOK sons! after having spent the football seasons I of 1943, '46, '47, '48 and '49 there. Dui-ing that time I, of course, attended and 2 Name Phone at least every home game and I never STUDIO witnessed a Notre Dame defeat. My Street conception of the spirit on the pai't of LESSONS the student body during the above perio ,^ City Zone State. was that it was unbeatable. <S) In retrospect, however, I can see how easy it was for us to generate spirit when we were so singularly successful. The loss Saturday (Oct. 2) to Purdue was the first ND defeat I have had the misfortune to observe since 1942. And though defeat never comes easy for Noti-e Darners, since we very seldom have the opportunity to practice it, I (Continued on Page 32) The ScholastiS^ that quick!), so I think this one deserves to be smeared.' At any i-ate, I rose from the table, dodging the pile of dirty dishes which fell when I ceased to sup­ port them, and we all left, never to re­ turn again. (I tipped . the waitress exactly what she was worth—§0.02.) Men, if you want to eat a decent meal, by Jim O'Shea I do not advise patronizing Restaurant X—come- around to my room anjrtime and I'll whisper the name into your ears. Top of the WEEK: My girl notifies nie that she's coming up for the A.B. Ball, November 12 . Anybody Wanna Be a Queen? Why is it, I wonder, that no one seems That Handsome Picture to want to be queen of the Saturday night Victoiy Dances? Last WEEK, For those of you who haven't noticed, that gay, smiling at the "Autumn Leaves" affair, five felow at the top of the page is supposed to be me. This is a lucky numbers were called, and no one source of great chagiin to John O'Brien, my distinguished appeared to claim the orchid. I don't colleague, because, as anyone can see, I'm better looking than think our lovely St. Marjr's friends are he is. O'Brien just doesn't have the dashing pi-ofile, the getting tired of orchids, so there must Roman nose, the amorous eyes that I have. I didn't want to be some other reason for this refusal of let them print those pictures, because I knew it would hurt so many queens to accept their thrones. t O-B's feelings, but they did it anyhow. He's probably in some Do you think, men, that St. Mai-y's dark corner right now, crying his eyes out. {louche, John!) girls are becoming reluctant to kiss their ND dates? Heaven forbid, but it looks More About Restaurants like this is the case. Now, to solve the problem . A few WEEK'S ago, I made a com­ She brought me a plate of cold, damp, plimentary remark about a restaurant soggy, wormy looking things that could Obviously, all Victoi-y Dances rmist where 1 had received some good food, not have passed for french fries at a have queens, so we have to find a way and some exceptionally fine sei-vice. This masquerade. (The dishes, of course, to make the girls answer the call, and WEEK, I'm going to make a few un- were pushed to the center of the table.) accept the honor. I propose three complimentaiy remarks about another possible solutions to the question: do\vntown restaurant, where I received By this time, we were getting up to 1.
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