American Mineralogist, Volume 78, pages 845-849, 1993 NEW MINERAL NAMESX JorrN L. Jmrnon CANMET, 555 Booth Street,Ottawa, Ontario KlA 0Gl, Canada EnNsr A. J. Bunxr Instituut voor Aardwetenschappen,Vrije Universiteite, De Boelelaan 1085, l08l HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cannonite* The mineral occurs as white powdery massesand thin crusts with stibnite, as spheroidal knobs of feathery ag- C.J.Stanley, A.C. Roberts,D.C. Harris, A.J. Criddle,J.T. Szymariski(1992) Cannonite, BirO(OH),SO+,& rgw gegates of silky fibers, as flexible lamellar crystals at the mineral from Marysvale, Utah, USA. Mineral. Mag., former Perata stibnite mine, Tuscany, Italy, as minute 56,605-609. tabular crystals associatedwith stibnite ore at Cetine, Tuscany,Italy, and as silky fibers and plateletson stibnite The average and (range) of ten electron microprobe and stibiconite in a specimenfrom the Lucky Knock mine, analysesgave Bi 74.03(72.87-75.01), S 5.68(5.55-5.81), Tonasket, Okanogan County, Washington. The average HrO (by difference)3.32,O.,.(for sevenO atoms)16.97, of electron microprobe (all three localities) and CHN sum 100 wto/0,corresponding to BirO(OH)rSOo by anal- analyses(Lucky Knock only) gaveSbrO3 88.91, SO3 8.35, ogy with the structurally defined synthetic analogue.Oc- CaO 0.04, NarO 0.03, H,O 1.43,sum 98.76 wto/0,cor- curs as crystal aggregates(< I mm) of subhedral to eu- respondingto Sb,nrO, (SOo), orCao o,Nao o,H, ,uOoro, ide- hedral, equant to prismatic crystals (<200 prm) or as ally SbuOr(SOo).HrO.Occurs (Pereta)as transparentto irregular intergrown aggregates.Colorless, transparent, translucentcolorless crystals elongate [001], flattened(010) white streak, adamantine luster, brittle, uneven to con- to a maximum thicknessof 0.01 mm, showing{010} and choidal fracture,no cleavage,nonfluorescent, VHN,oo: minor {001}, {2T0},and (1,T2,0);white streak,adaman- 229 (183-280),H : 4, D"nr": 6.515, with Z: 4. In tine luster, onion-skin texture, common, nonfluorescent, reflected light, weakly to moderately bireflectant in gray, no cleavage,D*rc: 5.78 g/cm3,with Z: 12. Optically weakly anisotropic, colorless to white internal reflection; biaxial positive,mean r?: 2.08(5),2V^.^": >>60o, length reflectancepercentages in air and in oil are, for R, and slow,nonpleochroic, axial planeparallel to [001],parallel R,, 470nm 10.8,12.2 (1.86,2.59), 546 nm 10.4,I1.7 extinction on {010}, polysyntheticallytwinned on (010) (1.71,2.35),589nm 10.4,ll.7(1.71,2.35),650 nm 10.2, twin plane. Single-crystalX-ray study indicated triclinic I1.5 (1.67,2.26), Yo/o 10.4, | 1.7,Xd : 415,475,P"o/o 2.6, symmetry, probable spacegroup Pl from partial struc- 3.0 (illuminant C). Single-crystalX-ray study gavemono- ture analysis(R : 0.13),a: 11.434(7),b : 29.77(4),c clinic symmetry, spacegroup P2,/c, a : 7.700(3),b : : 11.314(4)A, o: 9r.01,P: rr9.24(3),7:92.82(l). I 3.839(6),c : 5.686(2)A, : t 01.t I (3)', asrefined from B Strongestlines of the powder pattern (l l4-mm Gandolfi, the powder pattern (l l4-mm Debye-Scherrer,CuKa ra- FeKa radiation) are 14.84(50,020),9.27(41,1I l,l l0), diation) with strongest lines of 3.644(60,1I l), 6.8r(61,130), 3.304(93,090),3.200(39,323,320), and 3.466(60,040),3.206(100,221), 2.924(70,13 l), and 3.092(100,330). 2.782(50,r12). The new name is for French scientist Henri Coquand The mineral occurs in quartz gangue in a specimen (l8l l-1881), who extensivelystudied the Sb depositsof from the Tunnel Extensionmine, Marysvale,IJtah, where Tuscany. Type material (Pereta) is in the Smithsonian it formed as an alteration product of Cu-Bi-Au-S ore. The Institution, Washington, DC, and in both the Museum of name is for Benjamin Bartlett Cannon(1950- who first ) Natural History of the University of Florence and the recognizedthe mineral. Type specimensare in the Nat- Museum of Natural History of the University of Pisa, ural History Museum, Great Britain, and in the National Italy. J.L.J. Mineral Collection, Ottawa, Canada.J.L.J. Edenharterite*, erniggliite*, stalderite* Coquandite* S. Graeser(1988) Three new mineral speciesfrom the C. Sabelli,P. Orlandi, G. Vezzalini (1992) Coquandite, Binntal. Uni Nova, 49, 17-19 (in German). Sb6O8(SOo).HrO, a new mineral from Pereta,Tuscany, M. Weibel, S. Graeser,W.F. Oberholzer,H.-A. Stalder, Italy, and two other localities.Mineral. Mag., 56, 599- W. Gabriel (1990) Minerals of Switzerland (5th edition) 603. 222 p. Birh.hiiuserVerlag, Basel (in German). P. Hottinger (1990) Swiss mineral names. Schweizer (in * Before publication, minerals marked with an asterisk were Strahler,8, 349-362 German). approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral R. Cannon (1991) The Lengenbachquarry in Wallis, Names, International Mineralogical Association. Switzerland. Mineralien-W elt, 2, 17-21 (in German). 0003-004x/93l0708-0845$02.00 845 846 JAMBOR AND BURKE: NEW MINERAL NAMES P. Hottinger (1991) Minerals named in honor of Swiss dish black streak,H : 2-3, VHN,: 47.7 @6-49), mi- personalities.Schweizer Strahler, 9,125-126 and 162- caceous{0001} cleavage,flexible cleavagelamellae, D..'. 170 (in French). : 5.24 g/cm3,with Z: l.ln reflectedlight (only sections W. Metz (1991)The mineralsof the Lengenbachquarry. parallelto {0001} could be studied),grayish white with- Mineralien-Welt, 2, 28-45 (in German). out bireflectance or pleochroism, isotropic, no internal S. Graeser, H. Schwander (1992) Edenharterite (TlPb- reflection. Reflectancevalues in air (WTiC standard)470 As.Su):A new mineral from Lengenbach,Binntal (Swit- nm 28.60/o,543 27.3, 587 26.9, 657 25.1. X-ray single- zerland).Eur. J. Mineral., 4, 1265-1270. crystal studies showed the mineral to be trigonal, space S. Graeser,H. Schwander,R. Wulf, A. Edenharter (1992) groupP3, a : 6.680(3),c :7.164(9) A. Strongestpowder Erniggliite (TlrSnAsrSu),a new mineral from Lengen- diffraction lines (19 given) are 4.50(40,011), 3.343- bach, Binntal (Switzerland): Description and crystal (100,1l0), 3.060(50,102),3.029(63,rrr), 2.679(48,20r), structure determination based on data from synchro- 2.250(37,202),1.930(36,030), and 1.866(38,212). tron radiation. Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt., 72, 293-30s. The name is for Ernst Niggli, professor emeritus in mineralogy and petrography at the University of Bern The three thallium arsenic sulfosaltsoccur in dolomite and president for many yearsof the LengenbachWorking in the higher level ofa new quarry at Lengenbach(Binn- Group. Location of type specimenmaterial is not stated tal, Switzerland),where they are always closelyassociated but is presumed to be the Natural History Museum in with As-rich minerals (realgar,orpiment) and with vari- Basel. ous other thallium sulfosalts (hutchinsonite, hatchite, wallisite, lorandite, and Tl-bearing sartorite). Edenhar- Stalderite terite is a rather common mineral in this assemblage,and Ideal formula (Tl,Cu)(Zn,Fe,Hg)AsS., isotypic with stalderite and erniggliite are very rare. routhierite (TlHgAsS.). The mineral occurs as small (< I mm) tetragonal crystals, prismatic with dominant { I l0} Edenharterite and {100} faces,and smaller{l0l} and {211}. Typical Electron microprobe analysis(mean of 3) gaveTl 25.5I , bluish gray tarnish. The name is for Hans-Anton Stalder, Pb 25.08,Sn 0.06,As 27.09, S 23.17, sum 100.97wt0/0, former curator of the Natural History Museum in Bern correspondingto (basedon I I atoms) Tl, o,Pb,ooAs, nrSr rr, and professorof mineralogy in Bern, and secretaryof the ideally TlPbAs.Su. Occurs in multiple parallel inter- LengenbachWorking Group. Type specimensare at the growths (up to 2 mm in diameter) of isometric crystals Natural History Museum and at the Institute of Miner- (about 0.1-0.2 mm) slightly elongatealong c. Brown-black alogy, both in Basel.A full description is in preparation. to black color, translucent dark red in thin fragments, Discussion. The three minerals and their names were characteristic raspberry red streak, H : 2t/z-3, VHN,.: approved by the IMA Commission on New Minerals and 98 (95-l0l), unevenfracture, { 100}cleavage, D.,," : 5.09 Mineral Names in August 1987. According to the pro- : g,/cm3,with Z 16.In reflectedlight, grayish white with ceduresof this commission (Nickel and Mandaino, Am. a particular blue tint, very weak anisotropy, with char- Mineral., 72, 103l-1042, 1987), approved minerals acteristic bright red internal reflections. Reflectanceval- should be published within two years. Postponement of uesin air (WTiC standard)are 480 nm 28.5-30.5o/o,546 publication invites unofficial reference to incompletely 28.5-31.5,589 27.0-28.5,656 27.0-29.0.X-ray single- described new minerals, a practice that is evident here crystal studies showed the mineral to be orthorhombic, and that should be regretted.E.A.J.B. spacegroup Fdd2, a: 15.465(3),b : 41.507(8),c : 5.843(2) A. Strongestpowder diffraction lines (33 given) are3.801(100,191), 3.755(15,331), 3.389(22,1.1 l.l), Fontanite* 2.901(19,3.rr.r),2.767 (43,4.r2.0), 2.7 32(4t,5tr), 2.656(24,3.13.l), and 1.79I 5(l 5,8.10.0). M. Deliens, P. Piret (1992) Fontanite, a uranyl and cal- The name is for Dr. Andreas Edenharter (University cium hydrated carbonate, a new mineral speciesfrom H6rault, France. Eur. Mineral., 4, l27l- of Gtittingen, Germany), who synthesizedTlPbAs.Su in Rabejac, J.
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