dent ooeunred. The aabllts oar, Mias Martha Jane Sim paon, with axteoslva front end and wind- daughter of the Rav. and Mra. Caif- ■hield damage, w u towed away. foird O. Simpaon, lOB Chestnut S t, The Poetaadi vehicle had front rsoantty was elected aecratary* end damage. WtMnt«iii, prM ktet et treasurer of tha frsehman olaas at ■llTiritrIn AasoclatM, R l^^dO . Foes, M, of Bast gScn (N. C.) Collage, where she is An East Hartford m oto^ yes­ Hartford, was Issued a written Smt KvMihMter, w m ahalm wn a ^ a^ant representative to the terday afternoon was arreeted by warning for making an Improper rw iai^ at tha aiimial rofioaal fa cu lty. turn after police Investigated a mmttnmem pt tka SouthMat Ka- police After a two-car Hillstown g lM tlM uaiM Synagogue of Rd. crash which sent three Man-, crash on B. Center St, east of WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIALI vt Jamw V. Anderson Jr., sonar­ Main St Police said that Foss jUMriea at TamM, Fla. Ha to man seaman apprentice, UBN, son cheater teen-age glrla to Manches­ fiiaalrtant of Tampia Bath Sholom, pulled out of aouth aide of the of Mr. and Mrs. James V. Ander- ter Memorial Hospital with minor street parking stall and hlhvHie tta oonaarvattra aynagogua at oon, IM Highland St, la serving head injuries. 1 0 InJured State N ew s ■ a n a b ta , FUu Tha synagogue is aboard tha attack aircraft eacriar, right side of a passing car, driven Ex-Marine Reveals WUllam F. PoeUsch, 68, of East by Sherwood J. Benaon, 20, of 16 CARNATIONS afflUatad with tha United Syna^ UBS Franklin P. RooaaveH, which Hartford, also shaken up In the gogiia, of America. returned to Mayport Fla., recent- Munro St No Injuries and minor crash, was chwged with failure to damage was reported by police. In Blast at after spending seven months in grant the right of way and was Roundup gamual Sweat, aon of Mr. and MedRerrsnean. ordered to appear in Manchester’s Tale o f Cubah Spy ■fra. y iadaticfc Sweat of N. School Castro’s Soviet Visit Circuit Court 12 on May 13. • t., apck* to a alxth grade claaa St Mary's KplScopal Oulid wSl Miss Patricia Andrews, 16, of 25 Rocket Lab at BlittowiiaU lauie School in Olas- sponsor a rummage sale Thursday, Irving St, was admitted to the State Man Kills tonlBucy on **Rc(>tUea of Hartford May 2, at 9 axn. in Neil Hall at WASHINGTON (AP) —.A fnui Philadelphia Bvsning Bulls- hospital with multiple bruises and formar Marins unfidds cm tin and explained that he had to Ooanty” yeateRbiy. Ha la a ninth the church. The hall will be open a laceration of her right eyelid. ROCKET CENTER, W. Va. Yoimg Navy Wife grade atudant at Manoheatar Kgta Wednesday afternoon. May 1, for sign a atatsmont before his dis­ Her condition today le reported Capitol Hill today hit atory charge saying he knew he could (AP) — Three persons were donations. Those deeiring pickup good. DON'T OVERSPEND that he waa hustled out of the bo fm ed |10,000 or Imprisoned 10 missing and presumed dead BRUNSwicK7Ga. (AP)— service may call Mrs. Clauda Por­ Miss Paulette J. Sabllts, 17, of eorps and ordered “to get lost ears If he said any^ng about Taro Mandiaatar rasidenta at- ter. 29 Hyde St, or Mies Isabel and'10 others were inJured to­ “ The minute she called me 79 Trebbe Dr., driver of the car and keep my mouth shut” Sie slaying. A Surprise for West tiBded a tea recently at Ck>v. John I>unn, 1065 Main St. Miss Andrews was in, and another day in a massive explosion at crazy I knew she was as good about the 19iSl slaying of a He told the Bulletin the captain M. Oampaay’B realdance honoring passenger, Miss Nancy Prescott, ha had helped to hide the body the Allegany Ballistics Lab­ as dead,” the lean, dark-haired Misa A^vlan Vance, chairman of The Songsters of the Salvation 17, of 18 S. Hawthorne St, were Cuban — allegedly suspected was Arthur Jackson. oratory. youth said after a young **0|>aration Trlandship” which la A rm y w ill haive a deaeert-enter- each treated for minor head lacer­ of being a spy-—at the Navy’s In San Jose, C!allf., former Ma­ A rocket-processing building and apdoaorad by tha Cmmaetlcut Aa> tainment tomorrow at 7 pm. in ations and discharged. rine Capt. Arthur J. Jackson, *8, Navy wife was found shot to M urm ansk the Youth Centm. There will be ■LAWN SEED Guantanamo, Cuba, base. several large trailers used as of­ aodatlon for Mental Health. They Police said that Miss Sablite was now a mail carrier, referred all fices were destroyed in the blast death outside her trailer were Mrs. Raymond P. Ward Jr. musical entertainment dfter the Isy by iradt to fR yiMf ipnHIc NMli. Mfiffs ferNdHMW S6Ml The former 1st Usutenant, WU­ driving north when Poetzsch’s llam A. 8sUl, said he waa dto questions to the Defense Depart­ at 8:10 a.m. A fire started behind home. Police Chief 0. E. Burch of tha Mandieatar Area Mental deseert, and Mrs. Clad^ White southbound car attempted to turn yaki btip yw stratoh yi«r town tan taN fti ment. He said, “It’s a security one of the buildings burned about Health AsaociatlMi and Atty. will also show colored slides of her charged after, he asserted, he of Glynn County said Frank T u tu s O ut left in front of her and the acci- had helped a captain—a Medal matter.” He refused to confirm 100 yards up a mountainside but Daniel DeCorleto, 20, of Joanh Conti, campaign chairman trip through the western part ef or deny whether he was the Jack- was controlled quickly. the United States. ef Honor wtaaer—dispose of the a f MMHA. body. son referred to by Szili. He won Four of the injured were re Hartford, Conn., admitted he Rep. Richard 8. Bchwelker, R the Medal of Honor, the country's leased from the hospital and only killed 20-year-old Mrs. Aldene In Greeting FRONT LAWN Fa., told newsmen he had asked highest decoration, for bravery In one of the other six was consid­ Cote Austin yesterday. BslU, now living In Norristown, World War H. ered seriously hurt. DeCorleto was charged with MILITARY Hart's new ELITE— for that green velvet Pa., to discuss the case with him Both the Defense Department "It threw debris for approx! murder. He said In a statement MOSCOW (AP) — Cuba’s today to sea If there la a chance and the . Marine Corps refused mately a half-mile radius,” said a that while he was talking to Mrs. Prime Minister Rdel Castro effect at remarkably low cost. The finest com m ent. Spetials! Sats, Moa., Tuat.aail Wed. WHIST seeds* available anywhere produce a fine- e f appeal. newsman at the scene. Austin her dog nipped him on the said Saturday h« would eher- The eongrsaaman emphasised, In October, 1961 the body of a 1 "There were huge, 12-to-lS-foot hand and he bit the dog on the Sponsored by St. Mary’s G.F.S. textured, permanent lawn you love to look however, that everything wUl de­ paw. ish the memory of his ear- M IN'S and BOYS' LADIES' and GIRLS' at. Sun or shade, pend on what Szlll teUs him and (Oonttnued'en Page Two) (Continued on Page Three) At that point she said, "Don't do splitting welcome in the Arc­ NEAL H ALL on what the Korean War veteran that, you’re crazy,” and then ran tic city of Murmansk as “the St. Mary's Church wants to do himself. out of the trailer. most exciting moment of our "I feel that we 'should invss- Burch said she was shot repeat­ life.” HEELS HEELS MONDAY. APRIL 29 tin ts before pursuing other lines edly with a .26-caliber pistol and REAR LAWN o f action,” said Schwelker. again with a high-powered mag­ The Soviet news agency Taas 8 PJW. 1 said thousands had greeted the (ALL KINDS) (ALL KINDS) Ssill has otssted before—to num revolver. Hart's new WEAR 'N TEAR— a pure blend Schwelker t other members of DeCorleto was arrested by the bearded Cuban on his hush-hush DONATION fl.00 midnight arrival for a first visit REFRESHMENTS of extra hardy seeds. Produces deep, the Pennsylvania congressional state patrol as he drove north on U.S. 17 at Darien, 18 miles from to the Soviet Union. Castro put it strong roots. Takes rugged use yet stays delegation and to Preeldent Ken­ higher and said he would guess green with minimum maintenance. Sun or nedy—but without disclosing the the scene of the shooting. The victim’s husband broke down all 2(X),(X)0 of the city's population Incident he says was behind his had turned out to meet him. shade. discharge. and sobbed when he was summon­ Leading them was First Deputy Ssill relatsd his story Friday to ed from the Qlynco Naval Air Sta­ tion near Brunswick. He is PO 2. Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan who NOTICE C. Jerry Wayne Austin, who ar­ went to Havana last autunm to smooth things over after Soviet *«HOE REPAIRING—SECOND TO NONE” Tax Men Get Love Letter rived 11 days ago with his wife of YOUR HOUSE SHADY AREAS 18 months from the Quonset Point Premier Khrushchev had said he INSPECTED AND PHOBNIX, Arts.
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