NOTICE OF ELECTION actions are hereby approved. (2) Assumed changes in estimated future appraised values within the District: See Above. STATE OF TEXAS (b) The Election shall be conducted by election officers, including the presiding judges and alternate (3) Assumed interest rate on the proposed debt obligations: 3.00% COUNTIES OF McLENNAN, FALLS AND LIMESTONE presiding judges appointed by the Superintendent, in accordance with the Education Code, the Election Code, (4) The estimates contained in this voter information document are (i) based on certain assumptions MART INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT the Constitution and laws of the State and the United States of America and the Election Agreements. The Texas(including Government assumptions Code, concerning and for prevailing no other market purpose, and economicwithout conditionsany assurance at the thattime(s) such of TO THE RESIDENT, QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE MART INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT: presiding judges shall appoint not less than two (2) or more than five (5) qualified election clerks for the issuance of the bonds) and derived from projections obtained from the District’s financial advisor, conduct of the Election. The Board hereby authorizes the Superintendent to appoint any such other officials, as projections will be realize, and (iv) not intended to and do not give rise to a contract with TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held in the Mart Independent School District on Saturday, May 1, voters(ii) subject or limit to thechange authority to the ofextent the Districtthat actual to facts,issue circumstancesbonds in accordance and conditions with the prevailing Propositions at the 2021, in obedience to an order duly entered by the Board of Trustees of the Mart Independent School District are necessary and appropriate to conduct the Election in accordance with the Election Code. time that the bonds are issued differ from such assumptions and projections, (iii) provided solely submitted by the District’s Election Order. dated January 20, 2021, which order reads substantially as follows: Section 8. Notice of Election. Notice of the Election, stating in substance the contents of this Election in satisfaction of the requirements of Section 1251.052, Texas Government Code, and for no other ORDER BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF MART INDEPENDENT Order, shall be published one time in the English and Spanish languages, in a newspaper published within the purpose, without any assurance that such projections will be realize, and (iv) not intended to and do SCHOOL DISTRICT CALLING A BOND ELECTION TO BE HELD District’s territory or, if none is published in the District’s territory, in a newspaper of general circulation in the not give rise to a contract with voters or limit the authority of the District to issue bonds in accordance District’s territory, at least ten (10) days and no more than thirty (30) days prior to Election Day. Notice of the with the Propositions submittedVOTER by the INFORMATION District’s Election Order. FOR WITHIN THE DISTRICT; MAKING PROVISIONS FOR THE CONDUCT MART INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF THE ELECTION; AND CONTAINING Election shall also be given by posting a substantial copy of this Election Order, in both English and Spanish, VOTERPROPOSITION INFORMATION B FOR OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO (i) on Election Day and, during early voting by personal appearance, in a prominent location at each polling MART INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT place, (ii) not later than the twenty-first (21st) day before Election Day, in three (3) public places within the PROPOSITION B WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of the Mart Independent School District (the “District”) boundaries of the District, and (iii) if required by Section 4.003, Election Code, not later than the twenty-first THE ISSUANCE OF $5,000,000 BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, ACQUISITION, AND finds that an election should be held to determine whether the Board shall be authorized to issue bonds of the (21st) day before Election Day, on the bulletin board used for posting notices of meetings of the Board. In EQUIPMENTTHE ISSUANCE OF MARTOF $5,000,000 HIGH SCHOOLBONDS STADIUMFOR THE (INCLUDING,CONSTRUCTION, BUT ACQUISITION,NOT LIMITED ANDTO, District in the amounts and for the purposes hereinafter set forth; and addition, this Election Order (together with the notice of Election, the contents of the Propositions, and any FIELDHOUSEEQUIPMENT OFADDITION/RENOVATION, MART HIGH SCHOOL ANDSTADIUM REPLACING (INCLUDING, FIELD ANDBUT TRACKNOT LIMITED SURFACES) TO, WHEREAS, the Board, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Texas Election Code, may enter sample ballot prepared for the Election) shall be posted on ANDFIELDHOUSE LEVYING ADDITION/RENOVATION, AND IMPOSITION OF TAXES AND REPLACING SUFFICIENT FIELD TO PAY AND THE TRACK PRINCIPAL SURFACES) OF AND into election agreements (the “Election Agreements”) with McLennan County, Texas, Falls County, Texas, the District’s website, in both English and Spanish, during the twenty-one (21) days before the Election. A INTERESTLEVYING AND ON THE IMPOSITION BONDS AND OF TAXES THE COSTS SUFFICIENT OF ANY TO CREDIT PAY THE AGREEMENT PRINCIPAL OF REQUIRED. AND INTEREST THIS Limestone County, Texas and possibly other political subdivisions; and voter information document for each of the Propositions, in substantially the forms attached hereto as Exhibit ISON A THE PROPERTY BONDS AND TAX THE INCREASE. COSTS OF ANY CREDIT AGREEMENT REQUIRED. THIS IS A PROPERTY C, shall also be posted in the same manner described in the two immediately preceding sentences, except that TAX INCREASE. WHEREAS, the Board finds and determines that the meeting at which this Order is considered is open to such document need not be posted on the bulletin board used for posting notices of meetings of the Board. 1. Principal of the debt obligations to be authorized $5,000,000 the public, and that the public notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting was given, as required by 2. Estimated interest for the debt obligations to be authorized $2,068,949 Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended. Section 9. Conduct of Election. The Election shall be held in accordance with the Code, except as modified by the Texas Education Code, and the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, including 3. Estimated combined principal and interest required to pay on $7,068,949 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MART particularly Chapter 272 of the Code pertaining to bilingual requirements. time and in full the debt obligations to be authorized INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT; 4. As of the date of the adoption of the District’s Election Order, $9,825,000 Section 10. Additional Information Required by Section 3.009 of the Election Code. Section 1. Findings. The statements contained in the preamble of this Order are true and correct and are the aggregate amount of outstanding principal of the District’s hereby adopted as findings of fact and as a part of the operative provisions hereof. (a) Pursuant to Section 3.009, Election Code: (i) the proposition language that will appear on the ballot outstanding debt obligations is set forth in Section 5 of this Election Order, (ii) the purposes for which the bonds are to be authorized are 5. As of the date of the adoption of the District’s Election Order, $6,313,125 Section 2. Call of Election; Date; Eligible Electors; and Hours. An election (the “Election”) shall be set forth in Section 4 of this Election Order, (iii) the principal amount of bonds to be authorized is set forth the aggregate amount of outstanding interest on the District’s held on Saturday, May 1, 2021 (“Election Day”), within and throughout the territory of the District at which in Section 4 of this Election Order, (iv) if the issuance of bonds is authorized by voters, taxes sufficient, outstanding debt obligations all resident, qualified electors of the District shall be entitled to vote. The Board hereby finds that holding the without limit as to rate or amount, to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds and the costs of any credit 6. As of the date of the adoption of the District’s Election Order, $16,138,125 Election on such date is in the public interest. The hours during which the polling places are to be open on agreements may be imposed, as set forth in Section 3 of this Election Order, (v) bonds authorized pursuant the estimated combined principal and interest on the District’s Election Day shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. to this Election Order may be issued to mature over a number of years not to exceed the maximum number outstanding debt obligations Section 3. Voting Precincts; Polling Places; Election Officers. Except as otherwise provided herein, of years authorized by law and bearing interest at the rate or rates (not to exceed the maximum rate now or 7. Estimated maximum annual increase in the amount of taxes $0.00 the Election Day precincts established, if any, for the purpose of holding the Election and the polling places hereafter authorized by law), as authorized by law and determined by the Board, (vi) as of the date of the that would be imposed on a residence homestead in the designated for the Election precincts shall be as shown in Exhibit A to this Election Order. The precinct judges adoption of this Election Order, the aggregate amount of outstanding principal of the District’s debt obligations District with an appraised value of $100,000 to repay the debt and alternate judges for the Election shall be appointed in accordance with the Texas Election Code (the is $9,825,000, and the aggregate amount of outstanding interest on the District’s debt obligations is $6,313,125, obligations to be authorized, if approved, based upon “Election Code”).
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