INFORMATION International Council for the Exploration of the Sea / Conseil International pour l’Exploration de la Mer Palægade 2–4, DK-1261 Copenhagen K, Denmark Issue no. 36 September 2000 The City Hall square in the medieval town of Bruges in Belgium, close to the venue of the 2000 ICES Annual Science Conference in September. Photo: Toerisme Brugge In this issue: 2-4 2000 ASC in Bruges 5 Belgium in ICES 6 Belgian marine research 7 ICES in the 21st century Symposia: 8 ICES History 9 Changing States 10 CARAH 12 Irish fi sheries science 13 ICES Journal in 2000 14 Book review 15 Around ICES 2000 ASC overview Immediately preceding the Annual Sci- X – Development of Reference Points and Oceanography and Marine Ecology ence Conference an Open Forum will be Management Systems for Fisheries and L – North Atlantic Processes held on Tuesday, 26 September, to dis- the Marine Ecosystem Dr W. R. Turrell and Prof. T. Rossby cuss the ICES Strategic Plan. Dr J. Horwood, Dr N. A. Nielsen, Dr G. van Balsfoort, and Dr M. Sissenwine M – Environment–Plankton–Fish Linkages The 2000 ICES Annual Science Confer- Dr K. Drinkwater, P. Wiebe, Prof. K. ence in itself offers an Open Lecture by Fisheries Technology and Surveying Tande, and Dr J. Runge Dr Daniel Pauly on “Fisheries and Con- J – Effi ciency, Selectivity and Impacts of servation. A Programme for Their Recon- Passive Fishing Gears N – Spatial and Temporal Patterns in ciliation”. As an innovation this year there H. A. Carr and G. Brothers Recruitment Processes will be two additional Invited Lectures, Prof. E. Houde, Dr P. Pepin, P. Munk, and one by Dr Patrick Gentien on “The Spe- K – Incorporation of External Factors in Prof. D. Schnack cies-of-Interest Approach in Understand- Marine Resource Surveys ing Harmful Algal Blooms: Implications E. J. Simmonds, Dr P. Petitgas, and Dr S. Open Session in Modelling Population Growth of Gym- Walsh Z – General Fisheries and Marine Ecology nodinium mikimotoi”, and the other by W. Vanhee and J.-J. Maguire Dr Ann E. Gargett on “How Do Extremes Mariculture of Climate Variability Affect Biological O – Sustainable Aquaculture Develop- Production in Estuarine Systems?”. ment For more information on the 2000 ICES Prof. H. Ackefors and Prof. H. Rosenthal Annual Science Conference visit the ICES The scientifi c programme will feature the Website at www.ices.dk/asc/2000. following sessions: P – New Trends in Fish Feeding in Aqua- culture Mini-Symposium J. Castell and Dr S. J. Kaushik Mini – Defi ning the Role of ICES in Sup- porting Biodiversity Conservation projects fi nanced by, or under the Dr J. Rice and Dr M. Tasker The Belgian Delegates auspices of, the European Union and ICES and is also a visiting lecturer at Theme Sessions the University of Ghent and the Free University of Brussels. Dr De Clerck Marine Habitats has also been an invited lecturer at S –Temporal and Spatial Trends in the several other universities and scientifi c Distribution of Contaminants and Their institutions in both Belgium and other Biological Effects in the ICES Area countries. Dr Remi W. P. M. Laane, Dr P. Matthies- sen, and Dr T. Lang T – Classifi cation and Mapping of Marine Dr Rudy De Clerck is Director of Habitats the Sea Fisheries Department/Ministry Dr D. de Jong, Dr J. Side, and Dr R. Allee of Agriculture (Ostend). He joined the Department in 1967. After working on the U – Marine Biological Invasions: Retro- quality aspects, handling processes, and spectives for the 20th Century – Prospec- industrial processing of fi shery products, tives for the 21st Century he became head of the Biological Section Prof. J. Carlton and Dr D. Minchin in 1969. Since then, he has done research on the population dynamics Dr Georges Pichot is in charge of the Living Resources of commercial fi sh (particularly fl atfi sh), “Management Unit of the Mathematical Q – Trophic Dynamics of Top Predators: the production processes of the sea, the Model of the North Sea (MUMM)” of the Foraging Strategies and Requirements, relationships between stocks and fi shing Belgian Royal Institute of Natural Science. and Consumption Models effort, and the impact of marine pollution He is also a member of the national Prof. H. Gislason, K. T. Nilssen, and Dr on the fi sh communities in Belgian coastal Committee on Oceanology of the Royal M. Tasker waters. He is the author or co-author of Academy of Sciences in Belgium and over 130 papers on these topics. of the ICES Oceanography Committee; R – Application of Experimental Labora- he is head of the Belgian delegation tory Studies to Fisheries Science Dr De Clerck has been an ICES Delegate to the OSPAR Commission and to the Dr J. S. Christiansen and Prof. J. G. Pope since 1988. For a long time he was Ministerial Conferences for the Protection a member of the Advisory Committee of the North Sea; he is responsible for Y – Downturn in North Atlantic Salmon on Fishery Management (ACFM), as well the Belgian implementation of Chapter Abundance as a member of the European Union’s 17 of Agenda 21 of the Rio Conference; Dr J. A. Ritter and A. Isaksson Scientifi c, Technical and Economic and he is a member of EUROGOOS. His Committee for Fisheries (STEFC). He was fi rst fi eld of interest was the mathematical Fisheries Resource Management the Vice-Chair of STEFC from 1982 modelling of ecological processes and V – Medium-Term Forecasts in Decision- to 1984, and again for the period the interactions between marine physics Making 1991–1995, and he has been a member and biology, but now his main concern Dr K. Patterson and P. Sandberg and Chair of several ICES Working and is to develop the best possible links Study Groups. between marine science of high quality W – Cooperative Research with the Fish- and society’s demands of the sea and its ing Industry: Lessons Learned In addition, he has been involved in resources. He begins his term as one of Dr G. Chouinard and Dr Paul Rago various international cooperative research the Belgian Delegates to ICES this year. 2 Welcome to Belgium Dr Rudy De Clerck and Dr Georges Pichot look forward to greeting their ICES colleagues at the 2000 ASC (88th Statutory Meeting). Photo: Toerisme Brugge Belgium has been an ICES member since 1903 – see Jens Smed’s article on page 5 – but this is the fi rst time that it has hosted a Statutory Meeting or an ASC, so the occasion really is rather special. Belgium’s history is characterized by many occupations, starting with Caesar, followed by the Franks, the Austrians, the Spaniards, Napoleon, and fi nally the Dutch. It became an independent king- dom in 1830 although it is no bigger than the State of Maryland in the USA. To some extent it is Europe in a nutshell, multicultural and multilingual, so it is very appropriate that the European Par- liament, Council, and Commission all have their headquarters in Brussels. It is best known for its medieval cities, quaint towns, Gothic cathedrals and town halls, castles, and carillons. It is also famous for the more than 350 delicious types of beers and, of course, for the unique chocolate. The country comprises two regions, Flan- ders in the north and Wallonia in the south. In the Flanders region there are the three sister cities of Antwerp, Bruges, and Ghent. There is an excursion planned during the 2000 ASC, which will enable people to visit all three. The ASC itself will be held in Bruges. The city was founded between the 7th and 9th centuries and enjoyed an economic boom, stimulated by the Counts of Flan- ders, between the 13th and 15th centuries and became one of the richest in the world at that time. Bruges today remains a medieval city of stunning beauty and charm with one of the oldest Gothic city halls (1376-1420). It is rich in other architectural and artistic treasures and graced by quiet canals and waterways. Continued on page 4 3 The Open Lecture at the 2000 ASC will be given by Daniel Pauly (ICLARM), in Manila, the Philippines, in Base, the computerized encyclopedia July 1979 as a Postdoctoral Fellow, and on fi sh) are in use throughout the gradually assumed increasing responsibili- world. A recent addition to this menag- ities as Associate, and Senior Scientist, erie is the concept of "fi shing down then Programme and Division Director. In marine food webs", now shown to occur 1985 he obtained, again at the University on most of the world’s major fi shing of Kiel, a ‘Habilitation”, i.e., the post- grounds. doctoral degree similar to a DSc, which is required for teaching in many European Dr Pauly sits on several journal editorial universities. In October 1994, he joined boards, has helped to organize a dozen the Fisheries Centre, University of British fi sheries conferences, and has been Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, as a ten- engaged in numerous consultancy exer- ured Professor, but remained ICLARM’s cises (e.g., for the UN Food and Agricul- Dr Daniel Pauly is a French citizen, born Principal Science Adviser until December ture Organization and the World Bank) in May 1946 in Paris. He grew up in the 1997. in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. In French-speaking part of Switzerland, but 1998, he became the principal inves- completed high school and university His scientifi c output, which is mainly tigator of the large “Sea Around Us” studies in the Federal Republic of Ger- dedicated to the management of fi sheries project, devoted to the basin-scale anal- many, where he acquired a “Diplom” (= and currently totals some 400 items, ysis of fi sheries impacts on marine eco- MSc) in 1974 and a doctorate in fi sher- comprises authored and edited books, systems, and presently focused on the ies biology in 1979 at the University of reports, and scientifi c papers.
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