(2013.01). Gozp 17.362 Asystem and Method for Providing Event Rewards Within an (2013.01); G07F 17/3267 (2013.01) Online Game Are Disclosed

(2013.01). Gozp 17.362 Asystem and Method for Providing Event Rewards Within an (2013.01); G07F 17/3267 (2013.01) Online Game Are Disclosed

USOO956.1433B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,561,433 B1 Pieron et al. (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 7, 2017 (54) PROVIDING EVENT REWARDS TO Sgt. 23. E. PLAYERS IN AN ONLINE GAME 6,811483 B1 11/2004 WebbaWKS 6.850.900 B1 2, 2005 H (71) Applicant: KABAM, INC., San Francisco, CA 6928,474 B2 8, 2005 Viatesan (US) 7,076,453 B2 7/2006 Jammes Continued (72) Inventors: Luc Pieron, San Francisco, CA (US); ( ) Henry Rull, Concord, CA (US); Kevin FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Simmons, Oakland, CA (US); Sam McLellan, San Francisco, CA (US) KR 102013.0137431 12/2013 WO O226333 1, 2002 (73) Assignee: Kabam, Inc., San Francisco, CA (US) (Continued) (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. “Quest item WoWWiki Your guide to the World of Warcraft, printed from http://www.wow wiki.com/Quest Item. Retrieved on (21) Appl. No.: 13/962,707 Apr. 16, 2014, 1 page. (Continued) (22) Filed: Aug. 8, 2013 Primaryy Examiner — Jason Yen (51) Int. Cl. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Sheppard Mullin 3. %in 2.8. Richter & Hampton LLP (52) '': (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT CPC ........... Agar 13/12 (2013.01). Gozp 17.362 Asystem and method for providing event rewards within an (2013.01); G07F 17/3267 (2013.01) online game are disclosed. A secondary game may be 58) Field of Classificati S s h provided to facilitate players to win awards provided by the (58) Field of Classification Searc secondary game. The secondary game may be exclusive to Note lication file f 1 h hi players who achieve ranks in an event at the end of event ee application file for complete search history. period. Individual rewards may be determined based on such (56) References Cited player ranks. 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