DOCUMENT RESUME ED 482 893 CS 511 870 AUTHOR Linder, Patricia E., Ed.; Sampson, Mary Beth, Ed.; Dugan, Jo Ann R., Ed.; Brancato, Barrie, Ed. TITLE Celebrating the Faces of Literacy. The Twenty-Fourth Yearbook: A Peer Reviewed Publication of the College Reading Association, 2002. [Papers from the College Reading Association Conference, 2001]. INSTITUTION College Reading Association. ISBN ISBN-1-883604-30-3 PUB DATE 2002-00-00 NOTE 275p.; For the twenty-third yearbook, see ED 480 427. PUB TYPE Books (010) Collected Works General (020) Reports Research (143) EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF01/PC12 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Childrens Literature; Culturally Relevant Education; Elementary Secondary Education; *Literacy; Mexican American Literature; *Reading Instruction; Reading Research; Teacher Education; Yearbooks IDENTIFIERS College Reading Association; Teaching Research; Ukraine ABSTRACT The College Reading Association believes and values literacy education for all as one way to protect people's freedoms. This 24th Yearbook celebrates the varied "faces" of literacy. The yearbook contains the following special articles: (Presidential Address) "What Is Johnny Reading? A Research Update" (Maria Valerie Gold); (Keynote Addresses) "Effective Reading Instruction: What We Know, What We Need to Know, and What We Still Need to Do" (Timothy Rasinski); "Stories That Can Change the Way We Educate" (Patricia Edwards);(J. Estill Alexander Leaders' Forum Address) "What Research Reveals about Literacy Motivation" (Linda Gambrell); (Dissertation Award) "Effects of Three Organizational Structures on the Writing and Critical Thinking of Fifth Graders" (Suzanne A. Viscovich); and (Thesis Award) "Moving Adolescent Mothers and Their Children toward the Path of Educated Independence" (Joan Scott Curtis) ."The Faces of Literacy Teachers" section contains these articles: "Comparing Career Choices and Expectations of Inservice and Preservice Teachers: A Case Survey" (Amy R. Hoffman and Evangeline V. Newton) ;"Learning to Use a Self-Assessment Instrument to Advance Reflection-Based Literacy Practice" (Linda S. Wold); "Preservice School Experiences Impact Literacy Staff Development of Inservice Teachers" (Jane Brady Matanzo and Eliah J. Watlington); and "Apples and Oranges: Teachers' Judgments of the Utility of Word Identification Software for Supporting Classroom Instruction" (Barbara J. Fox) . "The Faces of Change" section contains these articles: "Literacy, Literature and Transdisciplinary Education: Collaborative Investigations in Apples, Bats, and the Democratic Process" (Mary Lou Morton and Nancy L. Williams); and "Implementing a Successful America Reads Challenge Tutoring Program: Lessons Learned" (Rita M. Bean; Katy Belski; Gregory H. Turner) ."The Faces of Diverse Literacies" section contains these articles: "Literacy Possibilities and Concerns for Mexican-American Children's Literature: Readers, Writers, and Publishers Respond" (Janelle B. Mathis); "A Cultural Examination of the Functions of Literacy from a Contextual Setting in Western Ukraine" (I. La Verne Raine; Wayne M. Linek; Brenda Smith); and "Children's Literature as a Catalyst for Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. an EFL/ESL Writing Class" (Sabiha T. Aydelott) . "The Faces of Children and Families" section contains these articles: "Using Playas a Context for Children's Acquisition of Phonemic Awareness" (NicoleRegush; Jim Anderson; Elizabeth A. Lee); and "Family Stories in K-3 Classrooms:Promoting Culturally Responsive Instruction" (Julie K. Kidd; Eva K. Thorp;Sylvia K. Sanchez). (NKA) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND Celebrating DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY the Faces TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES ierac, INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) en ...ivhcHEFI ekti Ch 00 41.0,440At..0 OF ik;Ilf CV q 00 40 0 gl" THE k ( COLLEGE(- READING )1) 014 ASSOCIATION /44_ ''400.......................-ANSTRUOICA4 U S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) e tif This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. 4 Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy Editors Patricia E. Linder Beth Sampson Jo R. Dugan CD Barrie Brancato 00 Fr-.1 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Celebrating theFaces of Literacy THE k COLLEGE READING ASSOCIA TION The 1Wenty-Third Yearbook A Peer Reviewed Publicationof The College ReadingAssociation 2002 Co-Editors Patricia E. Linder Mary Beth Sampson Texas A&M University-Commerce Jo Ann R. Dugan Barrie Brancato Clarion University of Pennsylvania Editorial Assistants Sujith K. Chithamur Texas A&M University-Commerce Leslie Gray Clarion University of Pennsylvania 3 Copyright © 2002 The College Reading Association Photocopy/reprint Permission Statement Permission is hereby granted to professors andteachers to reprint or photo- copy any article inthe Yearbook for use in their classes,provided each copy made shows the copyright notice. Such copies may notbe sold, and further distribution is expressly prohibited. Except asauthorized above, prior writ- ten permission must beobtained from the College ReadingAssociation to reproduce or transmit this work or portionsthereof in any other form or by another electronic or mechanical means,including any information storage or retrieval system,unless expressly permitted by federalcopyright law. Address inquiries to the College ReadingAssociation, John Bertrand, 851 Lassiter Barker Rd., Readyville, TN37149 ISBN 1-883604-30-3 Printed at Texas A&M University-Commerce 4 COLLEGE READING ASSOCIATIONBOARD MEMBERS2001-2002 Executive Officers President, Jane Matanzo, FloridaAtlantic University President-Elect, Robert Rickelman,University of North Carolina-Charlotte Past President, Maria Valeri-Gold,Georgia State University Executive Secretary, Linda Thistlethwaite,Western Illinois University Treasurer/Business Manager, John E.Bertrand, Middle Tennessee State University Directors Karen Bromley, BinghamtonUniversity SUNY Michael McKenna, Georgia SouthernUniversity Laurie Elish-Piper, Northern IllinoisUniversity Joan Elliott, Indiana University ofPennsylvania Caryn King, Grand Valley StateUniversity Lillian Putnam, Kean College(Ernerita) Ellen Jampole, State University of.New York-Cortland Nancy Padak, Kent State University Jack Cassidy, Texas A&MUniversity-Corpus Christi Division Chairpersons Teacher Education, Mona Matthews,Georgia State University College Reading, Linda Saumell,University of Miami Clinical, Connie Briggs, EmporiaState University Adult Learning, Bryan A. Bardine,University of Dayton Editors/Co-Editors Reading Research and Instruction,Robert Rickelman, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Ernest Dishner,Penn State University-Harrisburg; William Henk, Penn StateUniversity-Harrisburg; Samuel Miller, Univer- sity of North Carolina-Greensboro Reading News, Ellen Jampole,State University of New York-Cortland Literacy Cases Online, Barbara Walker,Oklahoma State University; Sandra Goetze, Oklahoma State University CRA Yearbook, Patricia Linder,Texas A&M University-Commerce; Mary Beth Sampson, Texas A&MUniversity-Commerce; Jo Ann Dugan, Clarion University; Barrie Brancato, Clarion University HI Committee and CommissionChairpersons Conference/Research Focus Conference Coordinator, BarbaraReinken, Grand Valley StateUniversity Program, Robert Rickelman,University of NorthCarolina-Charlotte Reading Room, Karen Bromley,Binghamton University SUNY;Linda Rogers, East Stroudsburg University Exhibits, Naomi Feldman,Balwin-Wallace College; Lisa Henderson, Balwin-Wallace College Elections, Jack Cassidy, Texas A&MUniversity-Corpus Christi Awards, Maria Valeri-Gold, GeorgiaState University Research, Evangeline Newton,University of Akron; JacquelinePeck, Kent State University Publications, Michael McKenna, GeorgiaSouthern University Organization Focus Membership, Angela Ferree, WesternIllinois University Public Information, Marie F. DoanHolbein, State University of West Georgia; Donna Harkins, StateUniversity of West Georgia Media, Nancy Bertrand, MiddleTennessee State University; NancyA. Anderson, University of South Florida Historian, Gary Shaffer, MiddleTennessee State University Photographer, Frederick Fedorko, EastStroudsburg University Professional Affain, Richard F. Harlan,Piedmont College Resolutions and Rules, William DeeNichols, Virginia Tech; JohnHelfeldt, Texas A&M University Legislative and Social Issues, BarbaraFox, North Carolina StateUniversity Ad Hoc Committee Technology, Marino Alvarez, TennesseeState University iv CRA Eprroffin ADVISORY BOARD2001-2002 Jim Anderson, University of British Columbia Dora L. Bailey, Youngstown State University Frederick W. Bigenho, State University of NewYork-Potsdam Beverly J. Boulware, Western KentuckyUniversity Tim Campbell, University of Central Oklahoma Suzanne F. Clewell, Montgomery County Public Schools Richard Culyer, Coker College Marie F. Doan Flolbein, State University of West Georgia Laurie Elish-Piper, Northern Illinois University Francine Falk-Ross, Northern Illinois University Robbin Fillman, Clarion University of Pennsylvania Charlene Fleener, Old Dominion University Anne R. Friedman, The City University of New York Mary JoFresch, Ohio State University Richard F. Harlan, Piedmont College Linda Hughes, Stillman College
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