L ow Emission Zone launch campaign materials The Low E mission Zone has been implemented in a phased approach from February 2008. This paper provides examples of the communications materials uses and the different channels and their reach or location. P lease note given the LEZ was first implemented eleven years ago, TfL cannot guarantee that we have included copies of every piece of communication or included an exhaustive list of channels. 2007-2008 communication materials to prepare vehicle owners for 2008 changes A dvertising P osters appearing within London and on main arterial routes coming into London and a t E urotunnel (UK side outbound to C alais). 1 London bus shelter and tube posters 2 P os ters in petrol s tations, shopping centres, ma jor D IY outlets and supermarkets Washroom panels in motorway service stations o T ear off s trips feature a heavy HGV, coach and light HGV with the webs ite a nd ca ll centre telephone number. 3 Bus mega rears 15 x London Buses mega rears Press: Pan London and national press and ethnic press National press 4 London Paper, London Lite, The Londoner Metro 5 6 S pecialists Press: UK UK titles being used: Motor T ransport, C ommercial Motor, A uto S ervice & R epair, F reight, Roadway, T ruck & Driver, T rucking L ogistics & T ransport, Focus, C oach and Bus Week, Bus and C oach Buyer, R oute One, C oach Tourism P rofessional, T ruck & P lant T rader, Building Products, B uilding Design, Disability Now, Horse and Hound, Motor Caravan Magazine, T he G rocer, R etail Week, The Caterer Double page spread targeting HGV operators Single page targeting HGV operators 7 Double page spread targeting bus, coach and minibus operators Single page targeting bus, coach and minibus operators 8 Double page spread targeting horsebox owners Single page targeting horsebox owners 9 Double page spread targeting motor caravan owners Double page spread inserted into ‘Auto service and repair’ targ eting g arages 10 S pecialist Press: Europe Ads appearing in key titles in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, S pain, C zech R epublic, France, Denmark, Italy. NB: European press insertions were trans lated Double page spread targeting HGV operators S ingle page targeting HGV operators 11 Double page spread targeting bus, coach and minibus operators S ingle page targeting bus, coach and minibus operators 12 S ingle page targeting motor caravan owners 13 Radio London s ta tions : Total L B C , Heart 106.2 FM, Magic 105.4, S pectrum, S unrise. National stations: Virgin, T alksport ‘Voice From Lorry’ – 30” S FX: Inside a lorry in central London. We can hear the sounds of the city outside. MV : you may have heard about London’s low emission zone… and you might be thinking what’s that all about? … well… it’s a new scheme to help clean up the air in greater L ondon… As he speaks the sounds of the city start to become less urban. We can hear birds singing. … by getting the most polluting diesel-engined lorries… buses… and coaches to meet European emissions standards … … if you own or drive one of these, you could be affected S oon the sounds of the city are completely replaced by the sounds of the countryside. … To find out more visit tfl.gov.uk or call 0845 607 0009. London’s L ow E mission Z one. S ta rts from 4 F ebruary 2008 ‘Voice From Café’ – 30” S FX: Inside a motorway service station café. We can hear the sound of traffic whizzing by outside. MV : do you want to know when London’s low emission zone could affect you… ? As he speaks the sounds of the motorway begin to fade away. We can hear birds singing. … Well, it’ll be launched in stages from 4 February 2008 starting with the most polluting diesel engined lorries. Buses and coaches will be affected la ter. S oon the sounds of the motorway are completely replaced by the sounds of the countryside. … T o find out what choices you have visit tfl.gov.uk or call 0845 607 0009. London’s L ow E mission Z one. S tarts from 4 F ebruary 2008. L eafleting 32 page leaflet mailed to opera tors/drivers upon request. Visual below is of the front cover and some example interior pages. A version was also distributed with the DVL A mailings and at VOS A tes t s ta tions to opera tors who pa s s ed or fa iled their retrofit vehicle test as well as direct mailed using commercially available lists 14 Roadshow face to face activity Venues included ports , ferries , motorwa y s ervice s ta tions , trans port cafes , des tina tion ma rkets e.g. S mithfields, DIY stores Activity D es tina tion Type D a te MS S London Gateway Welcome Break S ept-Nov MS S Newport Pagnell Welcome Break S ept-Nov MS S Leicester Forest Welcome Break S ept-Nov 15 East MS S B irchanger Welcome Break S ept-Nov MS S S outh Mimms Welcome Break S ept-Nov MS S Membury Welcome Break S ept-Nov MS S O xford Welcome Break S ept-Nov Warwick S ept-Nov MS S S outhbound Welcome Break Toddington S ept-Nov MS S Northbound MO T O Toddington S ept-Nov MS S S outhbound MO T O MS S Donnington Park MO T O S ept-Nov MS S Medway MO T O S ept-Nov MSS Medway MO T O S ept-Nov MS S Medway MO T O S ept-Nov MS S F erry B ridge MO T O S ept-Nov MS S P ea s e P otta g e MO T O S ept-Nov MS S T hurrock MO T O S ept-Nov MS S T hurrock MO T O S ept-Nov MS S T hurrock MO T O S ept-Nov H es ton S ept-Nov MS S (E astbound) MO T O H es ton S ept-Nov MS S (Westbound) MO T O R eading S ept-Nov MS S (E astbound) MO T O R eading S ept-Nov MS S (Westbound) MO T O Leigh Delamere S ept-Nov MS S (E a s t) MO T O MS S S evern View MO T O S ept-Nov MS S C herwell Valley MO T O S ept-Nov MS S W a tford (S ) R oadchef S ept-Nov MS S N orthampton (N) R oadchef S ept-Nov MS S Tibshelf (S ) R oadchef S ept-Nov MS S Tibshelf (S ) R oadchef S ept-Nov MS S Ma ids tone R oadchef S ept-Nov MS S Ma ids tone R oadchef S ept-Nov Clacket Lane S ept-Nov MS S (north) R oadchef Clacket Lane S ept-Nov MS S (south) R oadchef C lacket Lane S ept-Nov MS S (north) R oadchef Clacket Lane S ept-Nov MS S (south) R oadchef MS S R ownhams (N) R oadchef S ept-Nov MS S R ownhams (N) R oadchef S ept-Nov MS S S tafford (S ) R oadchef S ept-Nov S ept-Nov MS S Winchester R oadchef S ept-Nov MS S Winchester R oadchef 16 S ept-Nov (6 P ort Dover Face to Face da ys tota l) S ept-Nov (2 P ort T ilbury Face to Face da ys tota l) S ept-Nov (2 P ort S outhampton Face to Face da ys tota l) P ort Dover Leaflet racking S ept-Nov T ilbury S ept-Nov P ort L eaflets with tickets P ort Holyhead Leaflet ra cking S ept-Nov P ort Immingham Leaflet racking S ept-Nov P ort F elixstowe Leaflet racking S ept-Nov P ort Harwich Leaflet racking S ept-Nov P ort Ramsgate Leaflet racking S ept-Nov P ort NewHaven Leaflet racking S ept-Nov P ort O s tend Leaflet racking Sept-Nov Activity D es tina tion Type D a te F erries/E urotunnel P & O Leaflet racking S ept-Nov F erries/E urotunnel S tenaLine Leaflet racking S ept-Nov F erries/E urotunnel T ransE uropa Leaflet racking S ept-Nov F erries/E urotunnel T ransmarche Leaflet racking S ept-Nov F erries/E urotunnel E urotunnel Leaflet racking S ept-Nov S ept-Nov independently (15 a ctivity T ransport C afes owned Leaflet racking days) New Covent S ept-Nov (3 G arden Market activity Market - days) B ilingsgate S ept-Nov (2 Market activity Market - days) New S pitalfields S ept-Nov (3 Market activity Market - days) S mithfields S ept-Nov (1 Market Market - activity day) B orough Market S ept-Nov (1 Market - activity day) Horse Box Horse of the Y ear O ctober O wners S how - 17 - 22 Horse Box R oyal Olympia London December O wners Horse S how 2007 Horse Box 26 - 27 U ffing ton W hite Owners, vintage London August Horse S how cars 2007 Interna tiona l 16 - 21 Motor Home NE C , B irmingham Caravan & O ctober Motorhome 2007 2007 Caravan & Outdoor J an 2008 - Motor Home London L eisure S how tbc 17 Saturday 15th & T ruckfes t N orth UK Trade S how N orth W es t S unday W es t 16th S eptember 10-11 UK Trade S how NE C , B irmingham C oach & Bus Live O ctober 2007 Activity D es tina tion Type D a te Until mid P ort Dover Leaflet racking Dec Until mid P ort Tilbury L eaflets with tickets Dec Until mid P ort Holyhead Leaflet racking Dec Until mid P ort Immingham Leaflet racking Dec Until mid P ort F elixstowe Leaflet racking Dec Until mid P ort Harwich Leaflet racking Dec Until mid P ort Ramsgate Leaflet racking Dec Until mid P ort NewHaven Leaflet racking Dec Until mid P ort O s tend Leaflet racking Dec Until mid F erries/E urotunnel P & O Leaflet racking Dec Until mid F erries/E urotunnel S tenaLine Leaflet racking Dec Until mid F erries/E urotunnel T ransE uropa L eaflet racking Dec Until mid F erries/E urotunnel T ransmarche Leaflet racking Dec Until mid F erries/E urotunnel E urotunnel Leaflet racking Dec S ept-Nov independently T ransport C afes Leaflet racking (15 a ctivity owned days) 17 - 22 Horse Box R oyal Olympia London December O wners Horse S how 2007 18 2011-2012 communication materials to prepare vehicle owners for 2012 changes Communications ran from J anuary 2011 – March 2012 S pecialist press (Auto Trader, Van User, Fleet Van, Commercial Motor, Motor T ransport, F reight, Truck and Driver, Trucking, Logistics & Transport Focus, Professional Builder, Building Products, C aravan C lub Magazine, Motor Home Monthly, R oute One, Bus & C oach Buyers, Horse & Hound, OOH, What Van, Roadway, Motor Caravanner, Freight Industry Times, C oach and Bus Week, C TA J ournal, E nvironment Industry Magazine, Bus & C oach Professional, minPlus, International Horse S how Guide.
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