[ 1885 Calling an<\ maintaining, \ratching, lighting, an< considered practical or useful; that the said Corn-> watering proper roads and approaches to the same pnny intend to obtain powers to form a rail-road or in the several parishes, hamlets, and township rail-roads to communicate with the several mines of. aforesaid.—Dated this 10th day of September 1812 coal, lime-stone, iron-stone, and other minerals; in Thos. Baker wASons, Solicitors, Barking or near the Clce-Hills, with the said canal, in or" Essex, LSinehouse, Middlesex, or No. 5 through the parishes of Clcohury Mortimer, Hop- :Nicholas-Lane, Lombard-Street, London ton, Wafers, Caiiiham, Bitterley, E-.'.rford, Hope, Baggot, and Coreley, in the county, of Salop j and "Otlce is hereby given, that application is in- also the mines of coal, lime-stone, iron-stone, and tefm'.cd to be made to Parliament in the nex other minerals, by a rail-road or rail-roads in cr session,' for leave to bring in a bill or bills to amend through the parishes of Mamblc, Pensax, Rock, alter, and' enlarge the term and powers of two se- Stockton, and Abberley, in the county of Worces- veral'Acts passed in the fifty-first and fifty-secern ter, with the said canal. years of the'reign of His present Majesty, " foi R. Raw lings, Clerk to the Company.- making a public caVriage-rdad from Kentish-Town Leominster, September 8, 1812. to Upper Hollovray, in the county of Middlesex;' \vhich said road is intended to be made and pass Parish of Saint Paul, Shadwell, in the County o/ into and through the several parishes of Saint Pan- Middlesex. eras and Saint Mary, Islington, both in the county Otice is hereby given, that application is in- of Middlesex j also for altering and increasing the tended to be made to Parliament in the several tolls, rates, and duties authorised to be ensuing session, for leave to bring in a bill for' levied by the said Acts.—Dated this 10th day oj re-building the church and tower of Saint Paul, September 1812. Shadwell, in the county of Middlesex, or -for re-- Baker and Sons, Solicitors, Barking, Essex, pairing the said church and tower insteatl of taking, Xiimchouse, Middlesex, or No. 5, Ni- down and re-building the same, in case such repair cholas-Lane, Lombard-Street, London. shall be found practicable ; and for enlarging the church-yard of the said parish, and for making a Otice is hereby given, that application is in- new or additional church-yard.—Dated September' tended to be made to Parliament in the en- 14, 1812. suing session, for an Act for amending and en- Burt, Barker, Swinford, and Carter, Soli- larging the powers of an Act of Parliament passed tors, John-Street, America-Square. in the forty-ninth year of the reign of His present Majesty, intituled " An Act for more effectually Otice is hereby given, that application is in- supplying with water the inhabitants of the towns tended to be made to Parliament in the en- of Manchester and Salford, in. the parish of Man- suing session, for an Act for lighting, watching, chester, in the county-palatine of Lancaster." cleansing, paving, and repairing the streets, roads,- Wright, Pickering, and Yatman Solicitors. lanes, ways, and other public passages and places, within the hamlet of Poplar and Black wall, in the "Otice is hereby given, that the Company of parish of Saint Dunstan, Stebonheath, otherwise Proprietors of the Leominster Canal Navi- Stepney, in the county of Middlesex; and for gation intend to make application to Parliament otherwise improving the said hamlet; and also for' in the ensuing session, for an Act to extend and the better relief and maintenance of the poor of the improve the present Leomiustcr Canal Navigation said hamlet.—Dated September 16, 18i2.' now* formed, by an additional canal and rail-roads, or either of them which shall be found most de- Oticc is hereby given, that at the next session,' sirable ; and also to enable the Company to connect : of Parliament, a petition will be presented a-communication of the mines of coal, lime-stone, to the Honourable House of Commons, for leave iron-stone, and other minerals, by means of a col- to bring in a bill in order to obtain an Act of Par- lateral rail-road or collateral rail-roads, with the liament, for dividing,- allotting, and inclosing all- •said canal; that an extension is intended to be com- the open and common fields, meadows, pas tores ,- • aiunicated by a rail-road or rail-roads, and canal commouable lauds, and waste grounds, in the parish or canals, from the present canal, at or near the of Sevcnhampton, in the county of Gloucester, •aqueduct over the River Rea, in the parish of September 11, 1812. •Knighton-upon-Tcrne, in the county of Worces- Palmer, Toml'msons, and Thomson, So- ter, in or through the parishes of Neen Sollars, licitors. -•in the county of Salop, Lindndge, Stockton, Shels- ley, Martley, Broadwas, Cotheridge, Wichenford, Otice is licieby given, that application is at- Hallow, and St. John's, in the county of Worces- N tended to be made to Parliament in the next ter, at or near Worcester-Bridge ; and to extend session for an Act for- making and maintaining a- a communication of the present Leominster Canal lavigable canal, or a railway or tram-road, or •by a rail-road or rail-roads, and canal or canals, jartly a canal and partly a railway or tram-road, from or near Morton, in the parish of Eye, in or vith collateral branches to communicate therewith, through the parishes of Orltoiv, Yarpolc, Eyton, Vona or near a certain place caileol Machynis, in : Kingsland, Lucton, and Aymestrey, to and over :he parish of Llanelly, in the county of Carmar- the River Lug, at or near Mortimer's Cross, in hen, to or near to the town ofLlandovt-ry, ,in the • the county, of Hereford, and to a junction with aid county ; and for the makiug and maintaining, • the original line, as formerly intended, of the of shipping-places, wharfs, and drains, at or near, *3Jepnunster Canal Navigation,, as far as it shall be certain places- called Machynis-Bool -and Shitty---.
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