Amendments Legend INSET Rathgarr Miilllltown Bootterstown Dun Laoghaiiree Bllackrock Rathfarrnham Wiindy COMHAIRLE CHONTAE DHÚN LAOGHAIRE-RÁTH AN DÚIN 1 Arbour Mount 2 Merrrion Churchttown Monksttown Goatstown 3 Dundrum Stiillllorgan Kill off Gllasthule Indicates amendment to a boundary Gallloping the Grrange Green Deans Grange Salllynoggiin Dallkey e.g. use class zoning or objective boundary. Balllliinteerr 4 Edmonsttown 5 6 Foxrock Sandyforrd LLeeooppaardstownn Cornelscourrtt Dallkkey Isllandd Marlley 7 Kiilllliiney Cabiinteellyy DÚN LAOGHAIRE-RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL Stepasiide Rockbrook Carriickmines Balllybrack BBaallllyyedmondufff Kiillmashogue Indicates amendment to a Planning Department Cherrywood Tiiknock Tiibradden 8 9 Gllenamuck 8 9 Laughansttown line feature, e.g. Road Proposal 10 Loughlinsttown Kiilltiiernan Rathmiichaell INSET Shankill Balllybrack Johnstown Cork GGlleennaddoooo 13 Cork Indicates amendment to a point feature INSET Gllencullllen Liittlle INSET Balllybetagh Barrnasliingan 11 12 14 e.g. Amenity feature, Specific Local BBoorranaralltry Brockey Old DRAFT COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2016-2022 INSET Connauugghhtt Objective etc. Includes Ordnance Survey Ireland data reproduced under OSi Licence INSET Bray Balllyman number 2013-2015/CCMA/Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council. INSET Unauthorised reproduction infringes Ordnance Survey Ireland Gllencree and Government of Ireland copyright. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS NOVEMBER 2015 Enniiskerryy 39 Indicates amendment number © - Ordnance Survey Ireland, 2015 INDEX USE ZONING OBJECTIVES List of Amendments Objective A To protect and-or improve residential amenity. Objective A1 To provide for new residential communities in 12 Amend line of Strategic Road Reservation accordance with approved local area plans. Objective A2 To provide for the creation of sustainable residential 31 Add SLO 158 neighbourhoods and preserve and protect residential amenity. 12 Objective B To protect and improve rural amenity and to provide 32 Add SLO 159 33 for the development of agriculture. Objective DC To protect, provide for and-or improve mixed-use 33 Change use class zoning from "A" to "F" district centre facilities. Objective E To provide for ecomonic development and employment. 34 Change use class zoning from "F" to "MH" Objective F To preserve and provide for open space 35 Change use class zoning from "F" to "NC" with ancillary active recreational amenities. Objective G To protect and improve high amenity areas. 49 Amend Boundary of SLO 36 Objective GB To protect and enhance the open nature of lands between urban areas. Objective LIW To improve and provide for low density warehousing/light industrial warehousing uses Objective MH To improve, encourage and facilitate the provision and expansion of medical/hospital uses and services. Objective MIC To consolidate and complete the development of the mixed use inner core to enhance and reinforce sustainable development. Objective MOC To provide for a mix of uses which complements the inner core, but with less retail and residential and more emphasis on employment and services. Objective MTC To protect, provide for and-or improve major town centre facilities. Objective NC To protect, provide for and-or improve mixed-use neighbourhood centre facilities. Objective OE To provide for office and enterprise development. Objective TLI To facilitate, support and enhance the development of third level education institutions. Objective W To provide for waterfront development and harbour related uses. OTHER OBJECTIVES 6 Year Road Proposal 6 Year Motorway Proposal Strategic Road Reservation Long Term Road Proposal Long Term Motorway Proposal Proposed Luas Line Extension Proposed Quality Bus/Bus Priority Route Public Right-of-Way Recreation Access Route Wicklow Way Proposed Sutton to Sandycove Walkway/Cycleway as a component part of 12 the National East Coast Trail Cycle Route Protected Structures Record of Monuments and Places (For Areas of Archaeological Potential) Architectural Conservation Area Candidate Architectural Conservation Area "The Metals" Candidate Architectural Conservation Area Natura 2000 (SPA and cSAC Areas) Proposed Natural Heritage Areas 5 To preserve Views To preserve Prospects To protect and preserve Trees and Woodlands No increase in the number of buildings permissable To protect and/or provide for a Burial Ground 32 Boundary of Adopted Cherrywood Planning Scheme Boundary of Urban Framework Plan Boundary of lands for which a Local Area Plan will be prepared Boundary of Local Area Plan 35 Boundary of Objective Area n a h e v Specific Local Objective 22 e H y h c 31 a 34 To provide accommodation for the Travelling Community l a M : r County Council Housing Programme Site o h t u A 5 To provide for a Primary School 1 0 2 / 1 1 To provide for a Post Primary School or other Institution / 9 1 : e To protect and/or provide for Institutional Use in open lands t a D 5 5 Mews Development Acceptable in Principle : 8 3 : 6 County Boundary 1 5 1 0 2 / 1 1 Note: / 9 1 1. The lines of the Road Proposals shown are diagrammatic only and may be subject to change. : d e 2. The provisional alignment of the S2S/National East Coast Trail Cycle Route is diagrammatic v a only and may be subject to change. S v e 3 The boundaries of any proposed Local Area Plans are indicative only and may be subject r P to change. Metres 0 50 100 200 300 400 500 49 Director of Services: M Henchy Senior Planner: D Irvine 5 5.
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