Agenda item 13(iii) MONMOUTHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT SUBJECT: Cemeteries Bryn-y-Cwm Area Review of the work of the Cemetery Advisory Group DIRECTORATE: Chief Executive MEETING: Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Date to be considered: 18th June 2014 DIVISIONS/WARDS AFFECTED: All 1. PURPOSE 1.1 To inform members of the Area Committee of the work undertaken by the Cemetery Advisory Task and Finish group. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 That Members note the report. 3. KEY ISSUES 3.1 Members will recall that it was decided to re-constitute this group in light of criticisms primarily over the maintenance of the Cemetery at Llanfoist which had been highlighted in the local press. The group has met on three occasions, 6th March, 8th April, 13th May 2014. Copies of the notes of these meetings are attached in appendices A, B, C for information. Members of the group also revised the actions arising from the Cemetery Advisory report to Area Committee in 2011 to see if any actions were still outstanding. It was the view of this group at its last meeting on 13th May 2014 that on the whole the cemeteries in Bryn-y-Cwm are well maintained and well managed, particularly given the limited resources available at this time. Members may wish to note that subsequently, minor renovations have been completed at the chapel of Rest and members of staff from the Area Services team alongside the Sexton have worked extremely hard in cleaning out the building, refurbishing it internally M:\Democracy\Council, Cabinet & Committees\Bryn y Cym Area\2014\140618\13iii Review of the Cemeteries 1 Advisory Goup.rtf and making it available to members of the public visiting the cemetery and attending funerals. 4. CONSULTEES 4.1 Nil 5. BACKGROUND PAPERS 5.1 Nil. 6. AUTHOR 6.1 Tom James, Area Services Officer Bryn-y-Cwm 7. CONTACT DETAILS 7.1 Tom James: Tel 01873 735807/ 07850 840582 e-mail [email protected]. M:\Democracy\Council, Cabinet & Committees\Bryn y Cym Area\2014\140618\13iii Review of the Cemeteries 2 Advisory Goup.rtf APPENDIX A Cemetery Advisory Group Meeting Thursday 6th March 2014 2.00pm, Council Chamber, Abergavenny Town Hall. Present: Tom James, Rhian Jackson, Johns Griffiths, Nigel Leaworthy, Alan Browne, Sandra Rosser, Martin Hickman, Chris Woodhouse, Giles Howard, Trevor Williams, Simon Howarth. Apologies: Melanie Mercer, Ted Williams. TJ opened the meeting and welcomed everyone to the re-established Cemetery Advisory Group. The Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Members had requested the re-instatement of the group due to the number of issues arising and letters appearing in local press. By establishing the group issues can be addressed and a report can be taken back to Members. Nomination of Chairman – Martin Hickman Nomination of Vice-chairman – Simon Howarth SH raised there had been several letters of complaint in the local press regarding the maintenance issues at the Cemeteries. There are a number of issues which Members need to be made aware of, so this has acted as a catalyst for bringing all these issues to the fore. Over the last 6 months, letters of complaints in the local press have led to meetings being held by AB, JG, RJ, NL and Dave Parker, the Sexton at both Llanfoist and Llanelly Cemeteries. The Sexton has now got more ownership of the Cemeteries to enable him to tackle issues at the source by changing the scheduled specification previously set by the job description, giving more flexibility to the Sexton. CW asked if a Capital Budget is available to the Cemeteries, which it is not. Due to mandatory cuts enforced last year, when it was originally proposed to cut the Sexton service to save £31,000, it was decided to remove the assistant working with the Sexton, which now means that Grounds help out M:\Democracy\Council, Cabinet & Committees\Bryn y Cym Area\2014\140618\13iii Review of the Cemeteries 3 Advisory Goup.rtf when necessary, leaving just the Sexton on his own to deal with what was once dealt with by a team of 3. SH questioned the issues raised by Ted Williams, and it was thought that some of these had been over-stated, however RJ conducted a site visit to Llanfoist yesterday to go over the issues with the Sexton, and reported that some of the issues raised by Ted Williams had now been resolved. Subsidence – this is an MCC issue. Options need investigating, such as moving the main entrance. JGG has met with engineers from Highways and they said it will need cutting back in and then reinstated the road to the original level. SH asked if a Capital Budget Request had been submitted for this work yet. Steps – TJ said these were closed due to movement of the bank, and an estimated cost of £30,000 was submitted 8-9 years ago was rejected as most visitors were then visiting the Cemetery by car. CW suggested creating a new pedestrian entrance by cutting in to the hedge further along, laying some flagstones and installing fencing, rather than making pedestrians walk up to the current main entrance. CW asked if the Cemeteries make any funds which can be used, but AB explained that currently every burial runs at a loss of £2000 to the County. In order for a request for Capital Funding to be submitted we need to get engineers up to the Cemetery to evaluate the works needed and produce a breakdown of costs involved – this to be done in readiness for the next meeting. Action: TJ to organise Has Ted Williams got any grounds for a claim for damage to his vehicles? JG has investigated and cannot see any evidence of scrape marks indicating that vehicles have been ‘bottoming out’ as indicated in the letter submitted by Ted Williams. NL asked could a new entrance be investigated in the bottom gate, and could parking space be created for the visitors to the cemetery? Cemetery Space – at the current rate of new burials, we have approximately 15 years in Llanfoist, and 22 years in Llanelly. It had always been M:\Democracy\Council, Cabinet & Committees\Bryn y Cym Area\2014\140618\13iii Review of the Cemeteries 4 Advisory Goup.rtf understood that when required, the allotment space will be taken back and used by Llanfoist. CW suggested this agreement be checked so that it is up to date and understood fully by current allotment users so there is no illusion over what will happen. In London they have investigated the use of historical plots which have been dis-used for a certain time period, and in Germany if a plot hasn’t been used after 90-100 years it is given back to the authority to use. A recent Freedom of Information request highlighted that there are 590 new plots currently available, and at present we get a lot of re-opens. CW said that new ways of burying to maximise space in cemeteries are now being investigated i.e. vertical burials rather than traditional horizontal plots. AB said that cremated remain burials are very low in Abergavenny compared to the rest of the County. Churchyard burial space will also help alleviate the pressure on Llanfoist and Llanelly. Previous Cemetery Advisory Report A report was done previously, and although the chief officer at the time was meant to ensure that the recommendations were actioned, this unfortunately fell by the wayside. It was suggested we re-fresh this report, rather than start again from scratch, as it would still be considered a live document, and we can then make sure that progress is made and we move forward on the actions. RJ will find the previous report and refresh it with the newer action items where necessary. The Chapel of rest was highlighted in the previous report as it had fallen in to disuse, and was a storage area for some time for equipment, but it has been cleared out and some remedial works are due to start 17th March – these are being done in conjunction with Property Services and their contractors. Action: List of works – JG to provide current works list Once renovated, the Chapel can be made available for traditional use, and this could be extended to other local community groups. Given budgetary pressures on the Authority, we are fortunate to have secured the £5-£6000 at this time for the works about to be started, but future funding could be generated from other sources e.g. community groups, grant funding, Funeral Directors, etc. It may be possible to submit a request for 106 funding – maybe via Llanfoist Community Council? NL asked if it would be worth considering having a toilet installed on site. M:\Democracy\Council, Cabinet & Committees\Bryn y Cym Area\2014\140618\13iii Review of the Cemeteries 5 Advisory Goup.rtf TJ to approach Mike and George for availability of 106 funds for the refurbishment of the Chapel and possible installation of toilet facilities once the previous report has been checked and updated. Once brought back in to use, a maintenance programme may be needed to continue with the upkeep of the Chapel. RJ suggested a “Friends of” group could be considered. MH said on-going costs shouldn’t be vast, we could approach local Funeral Directors for funds towards the running costs in return for use of the Chapel. The Heritage Group could also be another source of help and assistance. Unauthorised Memorials There are many graves at the Cemetery where items are placed that aren’t authorised, and they can make maintenance difficult as they interfere with the grass cutting etc.
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