\ «&fawHfc^H¥'«v.> MENC UWM Mixer %'! Friday M POST Volume I University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee, Wednesday, January 16, 1957 «^^> 5 No. 14 UWM Alumni Donate University Thespians PEAK Night Trophy A new trophy donated by the the length or running time of the Present Patau Novel University of Wisconsin—Milwau­ skit; and any special effects which kee Alumni will be awarded to will be used. Opening tonight will be the four- Vania is also playing the part of Marilyn Johnston will read the the winning 1957 PEAK Night skit. Members Get Scripts night run of Cry, the Beloved John Kumaio, while Campbell will part of Margaret Jarvis, while Appropriations amounting to $145 Positively no scripts will be ac­ Country, the third production of read the small black boy's part in Bernice Rose protrays Mrs. Ku­ |o establish the UWM Alumni cepted after the deadline, and no the season for the University The­ the theatre production. maio. Others in the cast include trophy were donated to the PEAK major changes in scripts will be atre, The concert reading will be Johnston Plays Jarvis Charles Zahnow as Harrison, My­ jNight board by the alumni asso­ allowed after the judging. ron Katz as Mafolo, Frederick ciation at a meeting of the execu­ presented Jan. 16 through 19 in Others playing aoirble roles are These scripts will be given to the Kenwood campus auditorium. Birtz as Thomas, Dick Jungck as tive board held prior to the Christ­ the 11 members of the judging Jerry Smirl as young Jarvis and the small white boy, and Sharon mas recess. This annual variety board and one copy will go into Curtain time is 8:15 p.m. each , the young white man, Byford Bak­ Peterson as Barbara Smith. show, sponsored by the POST, will the PEAK Night files. night. % er as Gertrude Kumaio and Mrs. Hlatshwayo, Ralph Bielenberg as Designs Program Cover 3t>e held on March 28, 29, and 30. Committee, Chairmen Meet The story, adapted from a novel Trophy to Travel by Alan Paton, will be presented Father Vincent and the Bishop, Faculty members of the judging Directing the production is Les The establishment of this trav­ by the theatre group as a concert and Ora Williamson as the girl Fuhrmann, with Mario Korth act­ v board are Miss Virginia Burke, and Mrs. Ndlela. eling trophy, which will be re­ Miss Catherine Rice, Miss Patricia reading, with the cast in evening ing as assitant director, Jean tained by any group which winS Rosenkranz, and Mrs. Monica Bay- dress. The plot deals with the ra­ Piepenberg will handle the music, it three years in succession, was ley. The other .seven members are cial problem in South Africa as and Farouk Vania and Bob Kashel another service to the university the PEAK Night co-chairmen and^ told through an old Negro minister 2775 will be in charge of lighting. Dianne |by this group. In the past, the the members of the board. Board and his son. Students Ulemann directs the prop crew, alum*** association has honored the members are Marjorie Gove, secre­ Vania Is Narrator Alice Finley heads the make-up jgratroates with a reception on tary, Doris Jean Arndt, Marion The old minister, the Rev. Steph­ Are Classified crew, and Elroy Migacz is in (Commencement day. charge of the box office. Martin Nelsen, Lynn Wheeler, and Jack en Kumaio, will be played by Ern­ Officially, there are 2,775 stu­ It has also established scholar- Tweedy. Wivott is the house manager and est Welsing. Pete Jost will read dents in the college of letters and Ships, sponsored a Homecoming The judging committee will meet Jerry Smirl is business manager reunion luncheon, and joined with the part of James Jarvis, an influ­ science, 819 students in the school for the theatre. with the chairmen of each skit on ential white man whose son gis the university in providing a booth Monday evening, Jan. 21. All of education, 634 students in the at the WEA teachers' convention. murdered by Kumalo's son. The The program cover for Cry the groups are requested to have a division of engineering, as stated Beloved Country was designed by Last June the alumni provided representative in the POST office, young murderer, Absolom Kumaio, the orchestra for the Senior Break­ will be played by Clarence Smith, in the Nov. 7 issue of the POST. Georgia R o g a 1 s k i, art director. room M34, at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Ushers are being provided by the away banquet. Jan. 17 to draw for appointments who will also read the part of the This breakdown fails to show Also Award Cash with the committee. Skits will be Rev. Mr. Msimanger, a fellow- that many students in letters and Alpha Phi Omega service frater­ selected on the basis of originality, worker of the Rev. Kumaio. science are actually studying to be nity. Don Smithes and Vi Klotzbach, teachers and engineers. They are co-chairmen of PEAK Night, an­ theme, caliber, and potentialities of Narrators for the reading will be stage production. not counted as members of the nounced this week that three tro­ Farouk Vania and Hugh Campbell. respective sehool and division dur­ Calendar of Events phies will be awarded this year. ing their freshman and sophomore Wednesday, Jan. 16— The first place trophy will be the years. UWM Alumni trophy; second and Cry the Beloved Country, audito­ third place trophies will be given World Traveler Presents Movie The enrollment breakdown in the rium, 8:15 p.m. Dec. 19 issue of the POST, which to those respective winners. The Thursday, Jan. 17— second and third place trophies subdivided liberal arts students in­ On Modern-Day Egyptian People to their respective fields of study, Cry the Beloved Country, audito­ will be permanently traveling tro­ rium, 8:15 p.m. phies. They will not be retained "The New Egypt," color film, attempted to alleviate any mis­ The film depicts the curious land conceptions concerning the num­ by a winning group at any time. will be presented by Willis Butler, that uniquely reconciles a civili­ Friday, Jan. 18— In addition to the trophies, cash ber of education and engineering Basketball, La Crosse, Baker noted world traveler and lecturer, zation of yesterday, today, and to­ awards of $35, $25, and $15 will be at 8 o'clock tonight in the Union. students. fieldhouse, 8 p.m. given. The presentation, sponsored by the morrow. Shown are the many Cry the Beloved Country, audito-. Skit Deadline Set World Affairs council, is free to curiosities offered to tourists from rlum, 8:15 p.m. February graduates desiring a A reminder to all groups plan­ students and faculty of UWM. antiquated villages and oasis to .Saturday, Jan. 19— ning to enter the show to submit impressingly modern Cairo. Beyond Commencement ceremony sign the form found in the reserve Basketball, Stout, Baker field- their scripts was issued by the a mere travelogue, the film pre­ house, 8 p.m. chairmen last week. All groups sents a factual report on Egypt's library indicating this. At least Faculty Limits 60 signatures are needed. Cry the Beloved Country, audito­ who wished to enter competitive people themselves and what the skits must have submitted a theme rium, 8:15 p.m. to the board last December. new regime means to a 6000 year Parking Area old country. Government leaders The deadline for the submission Regulations have been made con­ of scripts is 4 p.m. tomorro, Thurs­ of the Egypt are also featured, Faculty Views Commencement, day, Jan. 17. At this time 12 com­ cerning parking on the campus in including the man of the hour, accordance with the faculty com­ plete copies of the scripts must be Gamal Nasser. mittee on buildings and space utili­ % given to either of the co-chairmen Mr. Butler was at one time as- Defers Six-Weeks' Exam Issue in the POST office, room M34. A zation. The rules apply to the submitted to the director of ad­ faculty lots alone. Action on probation aM mid­ $5 appearance bond must accom- year Commencement was taken up missions and records. jnany the script. On the Downtown campus, space at the last meeting of the Univer­ These tests would be not less for faculty parking includes all Final drafts include the basic sity of Wisconsin—Milwaukee fac­ than 50 minutes in duration and lots. Areas reserved on the Ken­ cover not less than the first four theme or outline of the complete ulty on Jan. 10 in the Kenwood script; a complete description of wood campus include the lot behind weeks of class work. Under the the lighting, costumes, staging di­ the main building, two spaces north auditorium. The question of six proposal, grades would be mailed rections, and backdrops; all of the of the main building for use by weeks' grades was postponed until to the student at his home address, dialogue; any songs to be used; the Provost and Vice Provost, eight the next faculty meeting. and a copy of the grades would be spaces near the boiler plant to Approved after the recommenda­ sent to his adviser. This program be used by maintenance person­ tion of the UWM committee was will be on the agenda for the facul­ Class Registration nel and an area north of the field- a measure making the individual ty meeting to be held on Feb. 14. house for the athletic department. faculties of schools, colleges, and No one will be allowed to use divisions responsible for the pro­ Set for Feb.
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