I1111 INTERNATIONAL BROADCAST ENGINEER No 12 September 1965 3/6 Marconi's have sold more than 1,000 4-inch Image Orthicon Television Cameras to half the countries in the world currently operating television services. The Marconi Mark IV Camera has become the standard against which all other television cameras are judged. Marconi television systems The Marconi Company Limited, Broadcasting Division, Chelmsford, Essex, England LTD se --\ )-1m-17.1 Compact TV Tape Recorder This budget -priced, quadruplex Recorder accepts high band, color, and electronic splicing accessories This total performance compact does just about every- ing color and monochrome tapes of particularly high thing the deluxe model does. Complete in a 33 by 22 by quality, and multiple generation video dubs. 66 inch cabinet, the transistorized TR -4 is the answer Features now standard on the TR -4, as on all RCA for installations where low initial cost and broadcast TV tape equipment, include air -lubricated tape guides, quality pictures are indicated. A complete recording magnetic tone wheel, solid state control system, built- and playback package, it has suitable monitoring fa- in switchlock and two -speed operation. Accessories cilities, built-in picture and waveform monitors, and available include Pixlock, automatic timing control, other provisions to meter key circuits for proper setup. cue record and playback, electronic splicing and drop- Like other RCA transistorized TV tape equipment, out compensator. The TR -4 is the only recorder of its new circuit techniques, needed for high band, are ac- kind that's adaptable to color operation. And stand- commodated by the TR -4. With such circuits, (avail- ardized modules in this and other RCA TV Tape Re- able as optional extras) high band can be selected as a corders assure high quality, easy maintenance, and second mode of operation, with all its benefits, includ- simplicity in adding accessories. For full particulars, write to Radio Corporation of America, Bureau de Controle, 118 Rue du Rhone, Geneva, Switzerland; or RCA International Division, Dept. 200A, The Most Trusted Name in Television Central and Terminal Avenues, Clark, New Jersey, U.S.A. 0 Trademork(s) ® Registered September 1965 "" PROGRESS IS COMMUNICATION InterDohionol Broadcast EDflÌDeer contents Editor MARC ALEXANDER Television Editor KENNETH ULLYETT Spectacular electronics at Navex 65 584 Audio Editor DONALD ALDOUS International News 588 Research Editor PHILIP PLUMB Outlook: Trend to the weather 'hot line' 590 Art Editor DICK DENNY Four Kings of colour 592 Advertisement Director F. R. SIMMINS 596 New STC high frequency ( tweeter) unit Group Advertisement Director S. WHEELER Sound and Vision for schools 598 Circulation JACQUI MARTIN New Ford D.800 truck for Intertel (VTR Services) 603 EMI London Symposium-Part 2 606 Television programmes on film-Part 4 610 Lord Hill on ITA future 616 Coming Events 618 619 Patents . Technical abstracts 620 France: Colour TV in the home by 1968 622 New ITA mast 623 Television aids proton bombardment of brain tumours 624 The half -inch vidicon, detailed at the London Symposium by Mr. A. C. Dawe, BSc (Eng) ACGI, makes it possible to produce an ultra - miniature camera such as this, which is only 42 inches in length, weighs well under 2 lbs., and can be switched from 405 to 525 or 625 by pressing a button!. See page 606. advertisers Audio & Video Rentals 616 Cleveland Electronics, Inc 623 EMI Electronics Ltd 591 & 609 EMT Wilhelm Franz 601 Eastmai Kodak Co 612 & 613 English Electric Valve Co Ltd 587 Evershed Power Optics Ltd 617 Marcori Co Ltd, The Front Cover, 589 & 595 Mole F.ichardson (England) Ltd 615 Incorporating International TV Technical Review an Newman & Guardia 618. International Sound Engineer, this magazine is pu Peto -Scott Electrical Instruments Ltd 604 & 605 fished and circulated in nearly 200 countries b Television Mail Ltd, 31 St George Street, Hanove RCA International 582 Square, London, W1, Great Britain. Telephone: HY Rupert Neve & Co 603 3931; Cables: Inteevee, London. Printed by Thame Recording Corp 597 Valley Printing Co Ltd, 28 High Street, Hampton Scully Instruments Middlesex. Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd 599 584 International Broadcast Engineer Spectacular Electronics at Navex '65 by KENNETH ULLYETT FRSA M[NISTER of State for Education and ternal video input is 0.2 to 3.0 -volt com- Television Editor Science, Mr R. E. Prentice, MP, in posite video signal at 75 -ohms impedance; opening the biggest National Audio - there is a simple switch -over arrangement International Broadcast Engineer Visual Aids Confe,.snce and Navex 65 tech- for broadcast or local CCTV. Other nical exhibition at London's Whitelands controls on the unit include channel selec- College found himself faced with a sort tor, fine tuning, picture focus, contrast, of Ut ted Nations dilema. plugs for various local CCTV inputs, and Among the hundred or so exhibitors in the usual on/off volume control . the TV, tape, radio and technical show- Circuit details I noted included dual video in itself the largest exhibition of technical input, anode -voltage safety discharge, CRT audio-visual aids in education ever staged protection against sweep loss, regulated in Britain-were several from overseas, in- anode and focus voltage; there is a pre- cluding the spectacular Tele -Beam, cision optical system which displays the America's latest in large -screen TV pro- CRT picture at a video output of 4-6 foot- jection. candles highlight illumination on a screen In this 1965 Annual National Conference, 6 ft by 8 ft. The audio output is at full organised by the National Committee and professional standard, being approximately Education Foundation, was an amazing 8.0 watts at 8 ohms impedance, with 4 and display of educational -TV equipment by 16 -ohm taps available. A very novel feature groups ranging from Granada Installations we saw demonstrated at Whitelands Col- Ltd to Pye HDT Ltd, from Mullard to lege is that the projector head can be Rank CCTV, and from Telequipment to operated remotely at up to 400 feet from Ampex. Over all, in the huge Movement the control unit. At better than 4 foot Hall of Whitelands College a separate dis- candles illumination, it is not really neces- play of educational electronic facilities was sary, as we saw in the demonstration, to staged jointly by Rediffusion and Marconi, have a darkened room, and students can this 2,000-sq-ft exhibition of a complete easily take notes while the big -screen TV school TV studio and control room being is on. the most comprehensive ever staged in In a very large display in C2, Pye HDT Britain. Limited showed many electronic facilities Dominating interest in the electronics for ETV. These include the latest HDT contributions from overseas groups was the low-cost `package -deal' dual-purpose CCTV, Tele -Beam large -screen TV projector the Pye Sentinel camera CCTV chain, the demonstrated by Systems Engineering Ser- HDT Teltalk System by which students vices Ltd, of Ealing, UK representatives for and teachers can talk back on a CCTV the Telebeam division of the Waltham Pre- audio circuit, the HDT group teaching cision Instrument Co Inc, of Brookfield, machine, and a range of ETV facilities of Conn. the sort which have culminated in the huge In a studio in Whitelands College's New concept of an ETV service to Glasgow's Teaching Block we saw the Tele -Beam pro- 300 schools-a plan initiated jointly in jecting really large pictures-up to 12 ft by January 1963 by the Glasgow branch of the 16 ft-with both front and rear projection. Scottish Educational Film Association and This same big -screen equipment is in use Pye's associate group High Definition Tele- in the United States in Federal, State and vision Ltd, and Pye Telecommunications. commercial services. in New York night- 'The Sentinel is a high -definition camera clubs for displaying National League play- chain for closed-circuit industrial tele- offs to large audiences, at station and bus vision,' I was told. 'The basic equipment terminals, and of course in many univer- comprises three units, a camera head with sities and the Student Center Auditorium. attachment, camera control unit and con- A 40 -kV regulated HT supply is given, and trol panel. Any type of viewing monitor a specially -cooled cathode-ray tube displays is included to complete the CCTV link....' a picture which may range from 4f by 6 -ft Technical specifications is as follows: Re - up to 12 ft by 16 ft. Power consumption scanning standards, there are separate from AC mains is 550 watts, and the unit models available for 625 -line 50 fields inter- includes its own TV receiver for big -screen laced (this is Industrial TV Preferred Stan- display of on -air programme material. Any dard), or 525 -lines 60 fields interlaced, and standard aerial with 300 -ohm twin feeder BBC -1 standard 405 lines 50 fields inter- (or 75 -ohms alternative) will suit, and the laced. Picture resolution exceeds 800 pic- receiver's tuner includes a Standard 12 - ture points at the centre of the picture, to channel VHF unit with UHF strips avail- full 625 -line transmission standards. As able. Video bandwidth is 3.5 Mc/s. For precision is necessary for many educational display of locally -generated signals, the ex- displays, I feel it is important that as for September 1965 585 picture geometry on the Pye Sentinel, no 75 ohms negative modulation, although this I found, something quite new to White - part of the picture departs by more than is switched to positive on a 405 line sys- lands College. It includes a Reflectograph 2 per cent from a rectangle averaged tem. When used with domestic receivers tape deck, a Kodak Carousel projector and over the picture; and scanning linearity is as monitors it should be noted that the a number of other ancillary items, and is such that there is less than ± 2 per cent frequency range of the camera is 47-63 transistorised throughout and completely departure from the ideal.
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