THE JOURNAL OF THE LOYAL EDMONTON REGIMENT 2 The Forty-Niner NUMBER 101 THE FORTY-NINER First Published in 1915 The Journal of The Loyal Edmonton Regiment "Fears No Foe" Produced for the Regimental Family by The 49th Battalion, The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Association c/o The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Museum #108 Prince of Wales Armouries Heritage Centre 10440 - 108 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5H 3Z9 e-mail: [email protected] phone/fax: (780) 421 -9943 International Standard Serial Number ISS 0701-2918 Design: Terry Cowan Layout: Allan Boyko, Dave Cameron Editor: David Haas This year's cover bears the new design of the Regimental badge which was approved by the Inspector of Canadian Forces Colours and Badges at National Defence Headquarters m April 1997. The Canadian Forces initiated a programme to devekip full colour versions of unit badges, and the unit requested a more realistic portrayal of Eestock's face. Tire photograph depicts the bass drums of the bands of the 49th Battalion (Edmonton Regiment) from 1915 tol9l9, and The Edmonton Regiment. 1st Battalim (49th Bn C.E.F.), jrom 1920 toJ939, as well as the 49th Battalion bugle which sounded "Cease Fire" at Mons on November 11, 1918. TOP TEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE WATERLOO.. B NORTH AMERICAN CUSTOMER B $50 MILLION IN PARTS AVAILABLE - EXCELLENCE AWARD WINNER IN 24 HOURS B CANADA'S 1ST SHOWCASE DEALERB FORD WARRANTY APPROVED .USED VEHICLE DEALERSHIP @; BODY SHOP B FORD'S RED CARPET LEASE OFFERE3 WHOLESALE LEASE DEPARTMENT RONE OF CANADA'S TOP 10 JH 52 YEARS SERVING EDMONTON & AREA *- FLEET DEPARTMENTS B 36 SERVICE BAYS TO SERVE YOU @ ...AND OF COURSE, THE BEST PRICE OUARANTEED! SERVICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:00 - 5:30 SAT. 9;00 - 1:00 SALES HOURS: MON.-THURS. 9-9 FRI. & SAT. 9 - 6 The Forty -Niner TABLE OF CONTENTS GeneralThe Affiliated on @ .The , Scotty Navigli Adamsoii remembers canal 20 Front FrontispieceRegiment December 1944 Page 2^9@ 46-47 Table of ContentsA" Update on Princess Patricia's Fighting Through Sicily by Ralph Page 3Canadian Light Infantry Craven Editorial StatementPage 20-22 @ ._ Page 48-50 Paqe 4jne uid urtona Armoury by Ken The Regimental Family ^^The ASSOCJatJOn Tlngley page 51 Coincidences by Met McPhee Tha Dominant TnrloirPresident's Message: Page 52-53 inenegimem lOPayEdmonton Branch Samuel Lenko recalls Action on Page 6 the Hitler Line 1 he band Beat@ . , , , Pano pHA 09Presidents Message: rage 54 Retiring Honorary Colonel^Branch , .. Page 10-12Page 7 Literary Lestock DaysEdmonton. Branch Annual Page 12General Meeting A Tasty Snack and A Lamp to The Unit YearPage 16-17 Read By - humour by Art Edge Page 26-30B.C. Branch Annual General Page 36 Chris Atkin HonouredMeetino ^(^ @ ^ne ^-oadto Ortona Page 31'' Paae 18-19 I'^'i^wd by David A. Haas _, - - -Ortona Reconciliation Visit , @, , ,, @ The@@@@@@@@South Cadetspaqe Albertas: 23-25 A Canadian n Edwards reviews Hlsfor)' ^the 2890 RCACC Slave LakeTho M..^..^, Regiment at War Page 13ThC IViUSeUm Page 59-60 6585 RCACC WhitehorseThe wamor Bard ' [^^ Page 14-15The Loyal Edmonton Regiment ^on s poem For the Fallen Chip Lake ExerciseMuseum rage bi Page 32-33Page 37-40 _ A visit to port smithPersonnel page55Regimental History ^ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@- 1 racers The @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Bonnie Allied Regiment_ - _,Dundee , . -page The Story 47 of Our where is My Wanderer ? Update on The Queen s Lan-Regimental March page 56-58 cashire Regiment"Y Davld A- Haas Last Post Page 34-36Pag@ 41-45 Page 62-63 The Forty'Niner EDITORIAL STATEMENT Tie Forty-Niner has a long history. It It is a sad commentary on the regard paid to ?egan as the magazine of the 49th unit artefacts in the past that the bass drums of Battalion on active service in the First the 49th Battalion and the 1st Battalion, The World War, and was published intermittently Edmonton Regiment, featured in this year's through that conflict. Publication ceased cover had to be rescued from flea markets! following the Armistice, to he resumed nearly a We hope that as the Museum progresses, decade later by the 49th Battalion Association. more treasures from the Regiment's past will Although it has remained an Association find their way to display in a place of honour. publication ever since, it has always included news for the whole of the Regimental Family. Quirky tradition That trend has gathered momentum in recent years. This issue introduces changes to further This issue continues the tradition begun the objective. with the first issue of spelling Fortyniner without a hyphen on the cover, Forty-Niner with a hypen inside. New cover design Call it a Regimental quirk, if you will, but We are embarking on the publication's fourth we see no need to correct at this late date what cover design. The first design, drawn by unit was probably the error of some English printer artist George Brown, depicted a First World in the first instance. War soldier going into combat, and lasted There is more use of the colour photographs through to issue 30 in January 1940, the first which were so successful in last year's produc- issue of the Second World War. tion, and a return to advertising within these The second issue in that conflict, issue 31 in pages. July 1940, introduced the second cover, show- Commercial content was a feature in the ing soldiers from both wars in profile, standing Forty-Miner at the outset, and was prominent at attention, rifles at the slope. in the revived magazine of the inter-war years. Issue 45 in July 1947 introduced the third Recently it disappeared entirely. cover with which most of us are familiar, its We have continued the process of restoring artistic symbolism stressing two active service it to help defray costs and enable us to put out units a generation apart, their work in war the quality product the Regiment deserves. done, making the transition to peace. Over the half century of the third cover design's use, the Partnership life of the unit has been the part-time soldiering of militia during peace. To turn out this issue, the Association has The new cover gives no emphasis to any embarked on a partnership with The Edmonton particular time or aspect of the Regiment's Sun, whose staff have looked after sale of history. Each issue will feature a different advertising, content layout, and production. photograph illustrating some aspect of the Content of articles and full editorial control Regiment's life, past or present. remains with our Association. 5 The Forty 'Niner THE REGIMENTAL FAMILY The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Affiliated Regiment- Princess Patricia's Colonel-in Chief - The Right Honourable, the Countess Mountbatten ofBunna, CD, JP, DL Canadian Light Infantry Honourary Colonel - R.W. Chapman (relin- quished appointment during past year) Regimental Headquarters - Edmonton Honourary Colonel - R.S. Matheson, CM, QC 1 st Battalion - Edmonton Honourary Lieutenant Colonel - R.S. Matheson, 2nd Battalion - Winnipeg CM, QC (relinquished appointment during past 3rd Battalion - Edmonton year) Honourary Lieutenant Colonel - S.A. Mactag- gart,OC The 49th Battalion, Commanding Officer - Lieutenant Colonel G.G. The Loyal Edmonton Regiment McLean, CD (relinquished appointment during ____Association____ past year) Edmonton Branch Commanding Officer - Lieutenant Colonel T. President - Captain C. Atkin, OMM, CD Reaume, CD B.C. Branch The Loyal Edmonton Regiment BandHonourary President - Colonel J. Stone, OC, Director of Music - Second Lieutenant M. Chute DSO, MC President - D. Rogers Affiliated Cadet Corps The Loyal Edmonton Regiment 1712RCACCEdson Museum Foundation 1809 RCACC Edmonton 2638 RCACC Hinton Director - Lieutenant Colonel L.E. Ahlstrom, CD 2645 RCACC Vermilion Deputy Director - Captain C. Atkin, OMM, CD 2685 RCACC Whitehorse (wears Yukon Regi- ment insignia) 2748 RCACC Fort Smith The House of Lords 2850 RCACC Grande Prairie 2890 RCACC Slave Lake An informal association of all former commanding Vegreville (presently part of 1809 R.CACC) officers of the unit. Allied Regiment- Edmonton Regiment Associates The Queen's Lancashire RegimentPresident - Lieutenant Colonel B.D. Stanton, CD Regimental Headquarters - Preston, England Secretary - Colonel C.G. Marshall, OMM, CD First Battalion - Omagh, Northern Ireland Membership restricted to former commanding Fourth Battalion - Preston, Lancashire, England officers of the unit. The Fort^'Niner PRESIDENTS MESSAGE; EDMONTON BRANCH THE 49TH BATTALION, THE LOYAL EDMONTON REGIMENT ASSOCIATION It has been a busy year for the must admit his Missus looked like she of our allied British regiment, The Edmonton Branch ot the Regimental would rather have spent a little longer Queen's Lancashire Regiment. I Association. The Branch has been in bed. The BBQ after the march was would like to thank David Haas, our active in raising public awareness of well attended and afforded an editor, for the hard work and dedica- the Regiment and of the reserve army. opportunity for individuals to visit the tion he has shown in bringing The Association helped sponsor a Regimental Museum. together what can only be described number of Canadian Forces Liaison On December 27th a memorial as an outstanding production. Council visit breakfasts at the Prince service was held at Edmonton City Perhaps the most important feature ot Wales Armouries Heritage Centre Hall to commemorate the 55th of not only this year but last year as in Edmonton. The visits help Anniversary ot the Battle of Ortona. well, is the increased interest by the tamiliari:e employers and potential The service was intended to coincide serving soldiers of the Regiment in supporters of the Reserves with the with similar services being held in the Association. Without their duties, responsibilities, and training a Ortona, Italy. The event was well support the Association cannot grow reservist is required to undertake. The attended by members ot the Regi- and prosper.
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