WILLIAMSON'S DIRECTORY FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF EDINBURGH: FROM JUNE 1786, TO JUNE 1788. Dedicated to the Right Honourable MR TAMES HUNTER BLAIR.KNIGHT BARONET OF GREAT BRITAIN, LORD PROVOST. AND OTHER MEMBERS ofTHE COUNCIL or EDINBURGH. CONTAINING, An Alphabetical List of the Names and Places of Abode of the Members of the College of Juf- tice, public and private Gentlemen, Merchant*, and other eminent Traders, Mechanics, and all Peifons in Public Bufinefs : —Where, at one View, you have a plain Direction,, pointing out tke Streets, Wyads, . Cloies,. Lanes, and othir Places of their Refidence, in and about this Me- tropolis, and County ot Mid Lothian. T-o which will be Printed, a Supplement at the Perm of Whitiunday 1787 ; containing all the Alterations that will happen for the Year. EDINBURGH; PRINTED FOR P. And fold at his General Penny-Poft Oftice^, Luckenbooths. M.DCCjLXXXVL Price is, (>d, I ii 3 Lift of the Right Honourable THE LORDS OF COUNCIL AND SESSION. Robert Dundas of Arnifton, Efq; Lord President, ThojjasM Uler, of Barfkimming, Efq; Lord Juftice Clerk, Dean houfi James Erfkine, of Alv2, Efq; Drurr.fheugh James Veitch, of Elliock, Efq; St Andrew fquare John Campbell of Stonefield, Efq; Georges fquare Francis Garden, of Gardenftoa Efq; Sir David Dalrymple, cf Hailes, Bart, New fireet James Burnet, of Mcnboddo Efq; St John ftreet David Rofe, of Ankerville, Efq; St Andrew iquare Robert McQueen, of Braxfield, Efq; Georges (qua. David Rae, cf Eikgrove, Efq; St John ftreet John Swinton, of Swinton, Efq; Princes ftreet Alex. Murray, of Henderland, Efq; Brown's fquare Hon. Alt*. Gordon, of Rockville, Efq; Caftlehill Nairn Wm. Efq; of Dunfranan, Argyle fquare Hay CampbeJ, Efq; Lord Advocate, Brown's fqua, Rob. Dundas, Efq; Solicitor General Pari, fquare 3A RONS of EXCHEQUER. The Right Honourable James Montgtmery, Lord Chief Baron, QKeenikrry houfe, Canongate Cofmo Gordon, Efq; St Andrew fqnare Fletcher Norton, Efq; St Andrew fquare Sir John Dalrymple, New ftreet 33avid Stewart M^ctkff, Efq.} Horfs wyni DEDICATION. To The Right Hoc. SIR JAMES HUNTER BLAIR, Knight Baronet of Great Britain, and Lord Provoft of the City of Edinburgh, James Dickfon, Efq; front of Exchange ""\ James Gordon, Efq; Graftinarket / ... RKa,1,JS ' Thomas Siunderfon, Efq; Luckenbooths f George Shaw, Efq; Cakon hill jj Wra. Galloway, Efq; Dea» of Guild, Lucicenbooths James Ayrr, Efq; Treafurer, Cowgate /. James Torry, Efq; Old Provoft, front of Exchange Arch. M'Dowall, Efq; Old Dean of Guild, Bridge At Donald Smith, Efq; Old Treafurer, front of Exch« Junes Bar: let, Efq; Parliament fquarequire} Francis Blair, Efq; Luckenbooths c\' ( 1 n T Francis Shand, Efq; Luckenbooths Alexander Walker, Efq; John Gloag, Cwpt. of Orange col. Luckenb- Thomas Campb.ll, Exchange George Campbell, Cowga:e \" WiU'um famiefor, Rofe ftreet T. C Thomas Millar, Paul's Work Ordinary Council Deacons. Orlando Hart, Cordiner, Convener, op, the Croft Thomas Hay, Surgeom, Scrich.Ws clofe James Hewit, Goldfmith?, Old Port houfe flairs j Boo^, Hammermen, Netherbow Andrew w Thomas Kennedy, Furriers, Creams James Thomfon, Weavers, Lciih wyod L iT 3 Extraordinary Council Deacons. James Brown, Skinners, near the Council Chamber William Brodie, Wrights, Brodie's clofe Robert Dewar, Mafons, Forrefter's wynd James Richardfon, Tailors, head Borthwick's clofe Edward Innes, jun. Bakers, head Bridge ftreet Andrew Wilfon, Flefhers, Fkfhmarkct clofe Thomas Tibbets, Waulkers, at the Crofs Andrew Brookes, Bonnetmakcrs, weft end Luckenb, &«. Mp#| SwGrd and Mace-bearers. My Lord and Gentlemen, The Compiler of this ufeful work thinks himfelf highly honoured, in having the opportunity of dedi- cating this final! tribute of his thanks to you, and to none elfe could he fo properly addrefs himfelf. At fame time that he humbly aims at acquitting him- felf of this duty, he thinks it incumbent on him- to reprefent to every grateful and fenfible Citizen,, your affiduity in ornamenting and beautifying this Metropolis, by planning out and putting iiTto Jtxecu- tion an eafy communication to its center, which mull be forever acknowledged by the Inhabitants of this City, to be a Ncceflary Good, flowing from the pro- jection of men of integrity and ability, who have Ipared no pains to fet on foot, and carry through a work fo efFcntially beneficial to the community at large ; and that you may live to fee your fucceffors ia office enabled to finilh the work agreeable to your plan, is,, and fhallbe the earneft with of, My Lord and Gentlemen, Your naoft obedient and moft humble fervant^ P. WILLIAMSON Williamson's Directory, FOR THE CITY OF EDINBURGH, &c. ABercrombyAUx. writer to the fignet Horfewynd Abercromby James Lieur. Col. Brown's fquare Abercromby Mifs, Georges fquare Abercroaaby Alex, advocate, Brown's fquare Abercromby Alex, tea & fpir. dealer, Weft bow foot Aberdeen Countefs Dowager, Tiviot row Aberdeen William, Superv. of Exc. Forrefter's wynd Aberdour James, late founder Cowgate head Abernethy Drummond Win, rev. St John's hill Abcrntehy James, lieutenant col. Brown's fqaure Aberneihy Mrs grncer, Cowgare head Aboyne Earl No 2. St Andrew** fqu ire Adair Thomas, wrter to the figner, Carruber's clofe Adams Alex, reftor high-fchool, St Patrick ftrect Adams David, coach hirer, Crighton ftrect Adams Andrew, tailor, St Ann ftreet Adams Mrs, grocer foot of Horfewynd Adams David, Lyon's clofe Adams Mn, Buccleugh ftreet Adamfon Stephen, writer, Fifher's clofe Adamfon John, writer at Mr Laing'a Carruber's d. Adie Janies, (hoc maker Weft pert Agnew Mifs, No 8, St David ftreet Agnew Mifs, at Mrs Kerr's Libherton's wynd Agnew Lady, Buccleugh-ftrect Aitinan Gi'-rge, mere!-.. Lucktnbooths Ainflie Sir Philip, No 38, St Andrew's fquare Ainflie Alex, writer, foot New Itreet Car.ongate Ainflie David, meffmger & wrir. CandIemakcr-ro\V Ainflie John, land furv. Pari, fquare, h. James's court Ainflie Mrs, foot of New.ftreet, Cannngate Ainflie Mrs, old Coffee-houfe, Srnkefpeare fqUare Ainflie William, faddler, No 5. Princes ftreet Ainflie James, baker, Nicholfon ftreet Aitchifon and Brown, baker* Chapel. ftrect Aitchifon John, Fifherrow Aitchifoft Rob. watchmaker, head Bells, wynd A C * 3 Aitchifon, ftabler, Cowgate head Auchifon Thomas, porter dealer, Marlin's-wyad Aitchiion Mifs, grocer, head of the Pleafance Aitken John, furgeon, High fchool yard Aitken Mifs, merchant, Luckenbooths Aitken Arch, wright, Tolbooth-wynd CanoHg. Aitken George, watchmaker, oppofite the guard Aitken William, farmer, Greenhill Aitken Edward, ftabler, Cowgate head Aitken John, wright, Netherbow Aitken John, changekeeper, Carruber's clofe Aitken John, mufick mafter, Milne's fquare Aitken John, faoemaker, Wrights houfes Alexander Wm. cabinet mak. and undert. Brifto fir. Alexander Walter, wright, Calton Alexander James, keeps boarders, Brifto ftreet Alexander Mrs. vintner, Forrefter's. wynd Alexander Aiex. wright, Canongate foot Allan and Stewart, bankers, Royal Exchange Allan John, Rev. Hynford's clofe Allan Alex, and co. merch. Pari. fq. houfe Side hill Allan William, haberdaiher, Parliament fquare Allan Alexander, Rev. St John's hill Allan William, teacher, Luckenbooths Allan Rigg, accomptant Excife, Charles fireet Allan David, Limner, Writers court Allan David, plumber, Nicholfon ftreet Allan Mrs. and ion, brewers, Herriot's bridge Allan Charles, fhocmaker, Charles ftreet Allan David, plumber, Nicholfon ftreet Allan William, grocer at the Crofs Allan John, watchmaker, Bridge- ftreet Allan Andrew, Flrfh. market clofe Alcorn Samuel, wright, Weft Caufeway.fide Aldridge A!er. teacher of darcing, Calton-hill Alifon Alex, extractor, James's ftr. N. fide Alifon Alex, of Excife, foot Eafter road to Leith Alifon Mrs. New ftreet Canongate Alifon Mrs Thomas, Weir's clofe Canongate Alfton Dr, Weir's clofe, Canongate AUlon Mtfs, Charles ftreet Alfton Mrs. Abbey hill Aires Bafil Major, Caftle E 3 3 Alves Tho. Dean of Guild clerk, Grafsmarket Alves Alex, tailor, weft Regifter ftreet Anderfon Dr. Adams's fquare Anderfon Francis, writer to the fig. George ftr. Anderfon John, writer to the fig. George ftreet Anderfon Jas. wiae merch. No 112, Nicholfonftr. Anderfon and Saunderfon, merch. Luckenbooths Anderfon William, Dr. Antigua ftrtet Anderfon Charles, extractor, Forrefter's-wynd Anderfon George, tea and fpirit deal, at the Crofs Anderfon William, habcrdalher, Charlei ftreet Anderfon Mifs, Charles ftreet Anderfon Mrs. vintner, Chapel ftreet Anderfon Peter, mercer, No 11 8, Nicholfon ftreet Anderfon John, baker, foot Stcver.law's clofe 1 Anderfon, Liflie, and Co. feed merch. op , the Crof« Anderfon David, exam. cult. Broughton Anderfon John, cork cutter, foot Stevenlaw's clofe Anderfon Mrs. Cant's clofe Anderfon Daniel, chimney-piece maker, No 31 Ni- cbolfon ftreet Anderfon John, brewer, North back of Canongate Anderfon Thomas, baker, Potterrow Anderfon Peter, keeps boarders, Chapel ftreeC Anderfon George, grocer, at the Crofs Anderfon Mrs. merchant, Luckenbooths Anderfon James, barber. Leith wynd Anderfon Robert, merchant, Georges ftreet Anderfon William, writer, Bill chamber Anderfon Samuel, merch. George ftreet Anderfon William, iron monger, Weft bow Anderfon Mrs. Herriot's bridge Anderfon Mrs. midwife, Milne's fquare Anderfon and Co. intelligence cfHce, Milne's fquare Anderfon Mifs, imntua maker, Cafllehill Anderfon John, wigtmker, Lawnmarkct Anderfon John, clerk to the Newc. wag. Grafsm. Anderfon Mrs. Hop's clofe, Netherbow Angus John, fmith, Paul's work Angelo Tremamande, riding mailer, Nicholfon iVeet Andrew George, writer, Princes ftreet Andrew John, grocer
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