~-.~------------~----~------------~--------------~~----------------------------.-----~·· Take a break • four Mexican gang members were arrested • The Observer wishes you a safe and happy spring Friday Thursday for kidnapping the Euher of soccer break. We will next publish on Tuesday, Feb. 16. star Jorge Campos. MARCH 5, World & Nation • 5 1999 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXII NO. 103 WWW. ND.EDU/-OBSERVER Dole, Philbin to receive degrees Former Speaker thn company af'tiH' a fire nran or tho broadcasting indus­ ND will confer destroyed thnw of' thn compa­ try and the popular cohost of ny's c1~ntury-old ·buildings. the nationally ~-----~ 10 honorary Malden Mills. which produces syndicated coming to ND l'olartnc f'abrics. has annual television talk sah~s of' $400 million. show, "Live! degrees at Hoberto GutictTl'Z (doctor or With Hegis & By MAGGY TINUCCI he left," said Rieck. laws) - The prnsid1mt and Kathie Lnn." Assistant News Ediror Gingrieh will discuss issues such as the natural world, graduation cof'oundnr or thl~ llispanic llis contribu­ Tnlncommunieations Nntwork tions to Notrn Newt Gingrich, former the biological revolution's Special 1<> The Oh•crvcr ( II TN ) . G uli 1\ r r n z has b n n n Damn and Speaker of the Housfl and impact on health. American former Republican represen· politics, the ehallenge of' the involvnd in communications South Bond Philbin Nirw distinguislwd ligures in ami rnligious programming for include host- tative from Georgia. will military, terrorism and tlw Chureh. Pduration, law, two decades. lin is nxncutivn ing an annual focus on the internation­ husirwss and broadcasting will producer of thn wnnkly televi­ fund-raising broadcast on challenges al erime join principal spnakPr 1-:lizahPlh sion snrins "Nunstra Familia" behalf of tlw Center for the and oppor- throats. lloiP as hon­ and host of the Our Family tele­ llomelnss. tunities pre- 'GINGRICH IS A FRESH Gingrich orary dPgrPP vision SPries snnn wec~kly on tlw Cornelius Pings (doctor of sented by is best the informa- FACE OUT OF POLI- rc·c·ipiPnts at Odyssnv Channel. t~nginoering) - Pings is presi­ known as Notre· l>anw 's t>atrfek Mr.Cartan ldortor of dnnt l~nwritus or the tion age and TICS AND WILL HAVE A LOT chief archi­ I :i-lt h c·om­ laws) - ;\ Notre Damn trustee ;\ssoeiation of 1\mnrican the global , tect of the m c• 11 c c• 111 n Ill since I <JX9, McCartan is man­ Univnr·sities and an indepen­ world in his TO SAY. H ~l publican P x c• r r is P s aging partner of .Jonns. Day, dent highnr education director speech April "Contract May I fl. Beavis & Pogue, an intnmation­ and consultant. lin served on 13 in Stepan ADAM RIECK w i t h I> c• g r <' c• s Center. Anwriea" in al I a w l'i rm with 20 offices the faculties and administra­ SUB IDEAS AND will IH• c·on- Dole located throughout thn world. tions of the University of "Gingrich 1994. He ISSUES COMMISSIONER ri'I'I'Pd on lin earned his bachnlor's Southern California and the is a fresh served as a sumP I.HOO LIIHinrgraduatn and degt·1w from tlw University in California Institute of face out of congress­ :i:iO advancPd dngrPc~ candi­ I 95h and his LL.B. from the Technology for 34 years and politics and man from datcos in cPrPmoniPs beginning Notre Damn Law S1:hool in was elected in 1981 to thn will have a lot to say about Georgia from 1978-99 and at :l p.m. in tlw .Joyn~ Center. I 959. National Academy of the House of Representatives speaker of thn house from IJofp - rol'lllf'l'fy prPsident or Gabrielle Kirk McDonald Engirwering. and why he left," said Adam 1995-99. llw ;\nwric'an Bed Cross and a (doetor of laws) - .Judge Sistnr Kathleen Ross (doctor lUeck, commissioner of the Gingrich attended Emory Cahirwt nwmlwr in llw Beagan McDonald is president of the of laws) - ;\s founding presi­ ideas and issues committee University and received mas­ and Bush administrations - lntnmational Criminal Tribunal dent of Heritage College in for the Student Union Board ter's and doctoral degrees will I'<'I~PiVP an honorary doetor for the former Yugoslavia. ;\ Toppenish, Wash., Sister (SUB). from Tulane University. He is or laws dngl'l'f'. native of St. Paul. Minn .. she Kathleen has lnd the liberal SUB was able to schedule the author of five books, Ollwr honorary dPgrPe rncipi­ was graduated first in her class arts institution from an enroll­ Gingrich ·though a booklet including the bestsellers ''To l'lllS arP: at the Howard University ment of 85 in 1982 to more from agencies representing Renew America," "Lesson Aaron FPUI'rstein (doctor of' School of Law and was the fir,;st than 1,100 today. She holds speakers the group typically Learned the Hard Way" and laws) - ;\s thn prnsidn11t and African-American woman to advaneed dngrnes in non­ uses. "Contract With America,'' chi cof' n X f' c Ul i Vn o f'fic n r or serve as a fnd1wal district eourt Western history and cross-cul­ "[The booklet] said whieh he co-authored with Malden Mills lndustrins or judge in Texas. tuntl studies and has st1rvnd Gingrich viewed himself as a Dick Armey and the House l.awrPnr.P. Mass., Feuerstein Hegis Philbin (doctor of laws) sinee I 975 as a consultant for failure for losing Republiean Republican Conference. rc•rniVI!d national acrlaim in - ;\ 1953 graduate of Notre seats during his term as I CJCJ;j wlwn lw continuml to pay Dame, Philbin is a 35-ynar vet- speaker. That is part of why see GINGRICH I page 4 his PmployPPS whiiP rdmilding see HONOREES/ page 4 Two profs given Dip, spread, close and slice Fulbright awards Sp« ial 10 The Ob,crvcr dmnic yPar. MarPk Sikorski. a faculty Two UniVC"rsity of Notre• Danw member at tho University of ral'ulty mcom!JI'rs have receivPd ;\dam Mickinwiez in Poznan, grants from tlw Fulbright l'oland. is studying thn photo­ Scholar Program to lc~cturn and physics and photoclwmistry on study abroad this yPar. thioketones and alloxazines on llavid l.odgP, associatP pro­ solid support. lie is working in fc•ssor of biological sciences. is eo nj u net ion with J. K n r r y in Kconva this SI'!IWsWr study­ Thomas . .Julius ;\. Nieuwland ing th1: corologiral impact or"a l'rof<~ssor of SciPnel~ at Notre nonindigPnous <~rayl'ish on Dame. nativP KPnyan freshwater Ezequiel Wolean. assistant c·ommLIItili<'s. llis n~snarl'h is profnssor of chemistry at the !wing conduct.Pd in association University of La Plata in La with tlw Uniwrsity of Nairobi l'lata, Argentina, will r,onduct and KPnya Medical l{esnareh research at the Hadiation Institute. Bnsearch Building at Notre Barbara MrCrna. a visiting Dame from April to July. lie is sl'holar in Notre• l>amc's Kro1: working in association with lnslitutP ror lntPrnational Guillermo Ferraudi. a profes­ I'Pal'l' Stud iPs, rncn i vnd a sional specialist in tlw lab. grant to fpc·turP through July Established in 194(l, the on l'omparativn politics at hrlbright Seholar Program is Tartu llniwrsity in Estonia. sponsornd and funded by tlw In addition. Fulbright U.S. Information 1\goney. with Visiting Srholars grants have additional funding providnd by becm awarded to two dwmists the participating governments The Observer/Kristen Corcoran to conduct resean·.h at Notre and host institutions in tho Pasquerilla East residents prepare a fresh batch_ of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches Thursday for the llanw during tho curn~nt aea- United States and abroad. Center for The Homeless. Dozens of sandwiches were made in the effort. '- J_ ___l______-------'--' - l_ ______l____j,. __~.__ ________: ____________________________________________________ .... I page 2 The Observer· INSIDE Friday, March 5, 1999 • INSIDE COLUMN Time for a utside the Dome Compiled from U-Wire reports change UMass students and faculty protest race admissions decision Kent State has qualified for the men's AMHERST, Mass. and other programs, which African­ basketball NCAA tournament. In the second protest of the semester, Americans initiated, as evidence. Notre Dame's season is over. University of Massachusetts students Braden predicts that if tho University Does anyone else see a problem with this? came together with faculty, five College does not reverse its decision then "in a Kent State's only members and civil rights leader Anne few years they [UMass administration] claim to fame is that Mike Connolly Braden to make themselves heard will be cutting out everyone but the the National Guard Copy Editor Wednesday afternoon. elites." shot a bunch of people Protesting against the recent univer­ John Bracey, professor of Afro­ on their campus. Notre Dame is, according sity decision not to prioritize race in American studios, begged th(~ adminis­ to Sports Illustrated, the second best jock admissions policy, the protest orga­ tration for a moratorium on a decision school in the country and has the 16th best nized by the Black Student Union took that whites make themselves visible as he called "the most mean-spirited, basketball program of all-time. Yet some­ place in its traditional starting point - an important first step. "The U.S. backward thing they have ever done." how the Irish will be watching the post-sea­ on the steps of the Student Union. moves forward only when the young Bracey has been an active faeulty son on their television sets. An enthusiastic crowd of about 500 people move forward." member in reversing the University's Some may argue Kent State only qualified students was in attendance at the Braden also said "many whites don't decision and recently wrote a letter to for the NCAA tournament because they get protest.
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