New Metroliner to arrive — page 6 VValentine'salentine's DDayay KKwajaleinwajalein AAtolltoll CCommunityommunity BBankank oopenspens lloveove sstoriestories MMemorialemorial DDayay ????? — PPageage 3 – PPagesages 44-5-5 — PPageage 1166 — Pages ?? ((AA fl ooatat eenteredntered bbyy tthehe SSeventh-Dayeventh-Day AAdventistdventist sschoolchool mmakesakes iitsts wwayay tthroughhrough tthehe pparadearade aass ppartart ooff tthehe KKwajaleinwajalein AAtolltoll MMemorialemorial DDayay ccelebrationelebration oonn EEbeyebeye WWednesday)ednesday) (PPhotohoto bbyy MMigig OOwens)wens) Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005 The Kwajalein Hourglass wwww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.htmlww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html Letters to the Editor asked a number of difficult questions and never once received the Thanks goes out to hospital staff answer “no.” I do want everyone on Kwajalein to know that Laura and her family and friends all recognize and appreciate what you It is not very often in today’s world that a situation occurs that did for her very much. gives everyone involved an opportunity to put aside their daily Kommol tata, routines and bypass their bureaucracies in order to work together Liz Rodick to accomplish something that is genuinely good and very impor- tant. At 4 a.m. on Nov. 29 a fully-grown coconut tree fell on Laura Tsunami victims need more help Castellano’s tent by the beach in Namu. Luckily, she was sleep- On Dec. 26, as Kwaj continued holidaying unaware, the most ing on her right side and her spine and chest area were not devastating natural disaster in a century was wreaking havoc five exposed. Nevertheless, her list of injuries was long and she was time zones away. In mere moments, island and lowland popula- in critical condition. She suffered a bilateral fracture to her right tions were scoured off their tranquil beaches by the tsunami re- thigh, a fracture to her left arm just below the elbow, a number of sulting from an earthquake off the coast of Sumatra. By the time fractures to her right cheek bone, a ruptured bladder and numer- we went home to our televisions that evening, reports of fatalities ous fractures to her pelvis. were already surpassing 5,000. Never before has a disaster of At about 7 a.m., we finally contacted Majuro via radio and man- such magnitude been so well documented. aged to start making preparations for Laura to be medevaced to Many of us on this tiny island of minimal elevation, surrounded Kwajalein. At noon, an Air Marshall Islands plane arrived with a by the vast Pacific, received frantic calls and e-mails from the doctor to transport us to Kwajalein. It had been a very long eight- geographically unaware, asking if we had been affected or hour wait. worse…obliterated. Luckily, our topography makes it unlikely for Kwajalein hospital determined that the extent of Laura’s inju- Kwaj to be vulnerable to tsunamis. ries was such that they would not operate on her there as she Many of us have made individual donations to relief services required facilities that were not available to them. The Kwajalein immediately on-the-ground providing water, shelter, food and hospital staff stabilized her by giving her two units of blood, put- medical care. However, large checks require less overhead and ting her leg in traction, installing a catheter, applying an exter- make money go a lot further than many small ones. The region nal pelvic brace and giving her oxygen and intravenous fluids, will continue to need new infrastructures, homes, schools, child antibiotics and painkillers. She was monitored very closely and care, medical facilities, agricultural restoration, cooking supplies, received excellent care. house wares and clothing. My gratitude goes to the George Seitz After two and a half days of intense preparation, we left Elementary school students who raised $12,491.07 for the Red Kwajalein on Continental’s Wednesday evening flight accompa- Cross International Relief Fund. nied by a Kwajalein doctor and nurse. Today is the close-out for children attending the Protestant I spent many hours with this amazing young woman during her Christian Education Department Sunday School to donate funds traumatic experience and am in awe of her courage and strength. to World Vision. For more information on that see their Web site Several medical personnel at Queen’s told me that many women at www.worldvision.org. have complained that a leg fracture such as Laura’s is more pain- The National Honor Society Variety Show 2005 will be Feb. 26. ful than childbirth. Laura lived with that pain, in addition to her All proceeds will go to C.A.R.E. Watch for ticket sales on Macy’s other injuries, for six days waiting for an operation! porch. For more information on C.A.R.E. see their Web site at At the time of writing, Laura is home in Italy with her family. www.careusa.org. She took her first steps without crutches two weeks ago and has It is a privilege to be a part of such a generous and compas- had the caval filter removed from her vena cava. She still has an sionate community. enormous amount of work to do to get back to her former athletic Sincerely, self but she has a rigorous exercise program and I have no doubt Kate Feldman that she will succeed. Submit your ‘Letters to the Editor’ to Hourglass@kl In fear of forgetting someone, I do not want to list individually all the people involved and whose kindness and resourceful- s.usaka.smdc.army.mil. For publication consideration ness made it possible to achieve what we did. Suffice to say, we all letters must be signed. The Kwajalein Hourglass Commanding Offi cer..........COL Beverly Stipe PATIO Public Affairs Offi cer...........LuAnne Fantasia SALE ADS Editor......................................Nell Drumheller Assistant Editor.............................Mig Owens Graphics Designer...........................Dan Adler If you are having Reporter...................................Deanna Frazier Intern...................................Brandon Stevison a patio sale on a Saturday, Circulation...............................Will O’Connell turn in your ad for The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Wednesday’s paper. Division, which liberated the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb 4, To people who park 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication for military personnel, Sunday and Monday their bikes in the federal employees, contractor workers and their families assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the patio sale ads will clearly marked no- U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. parking zone at It is published Wednesdays and Saturdays in accordance with Army Regulation be printed 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Range Services editorial staff, P.O. the post offi ce. Box 23, APO AP 96555. in Saturday’s paper. Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000 The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005 By Deanna Frazier After that, the couple dated and was engaged Reporter on her birthday in September 1967, and mar- ried a month later. hether on the screen or in real life, love Some 38 years later, the couple has two sons, stories capture the hearts and imagina- a daughter and eight grandchildren. tions of romantics everywhere. The boy W The moral of this story, Anita said, “The MP meets girl, boy loses girl, boy finds girl again wasn’t so dumb after all. She who fl irts catches stories give audiences that warm, fuzzy feeling the MP, is blessed, and eats out of his hand the that “all is right with the world,”…at least for rest of her life and loves every minute of it.” that moment in time. Harry, a field telemetry en- The great romantic com- gineer for KRS, and edies and dramas on Anita are on their the silver screen second tour of are infamous Kwajalein for in American a total of 10 pop culture: years on the “Roman atoll. Holiday,” “We are “Casablan- living on a ca,” “Annie secluded Hall,” and island para- “Princess dise where Bride” to the sunsets name a few. are the most But they are beautiful...and after all, still are truly fiction. blessed.” Real love sto- Pete and Jo ries, the ones re- Bolen became soul told over coffee with mates in 1989, ac- the girls or over poker cording to Jo, after with the guys are the each suffered difficult ones that really make the divorces. The two worked tears well up and the heart together at the same labora- sigh. There are a few such tory, and really had not gotten stories right here on Kwajalein. along that well until “our mu- Anita Raymond met her hus- tual misery,” she explained. band Harry in 1967 at the gate to The two commiserated over their an Army post where he was the gate experiences. A strong friendship guard, and she was a flirtatious young emerged, and an even greater love bond- teen trying to “sweet talk” her way on post ed each to the other. to “cruise around.” That Christmas, Jo and Pete each had After batting her eyes for 30 minutes or so young boys to whom they desperately wanted in an effort to gain entry, she did turn around to give a joyful Christmas, even though the after the young MP “threatened to flatten my finances for such gifts was nonexistent. tires with his pistol, if I didn’t,” recalled Anita, “Neither of us knew how we could pull assistant manager for Ten-Ten. Christmas off for our kids under the circum- “I didn’t see him again until July 4, 1967, stances,” Jo explained.
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