Eastern Illinois University The Keep February 1989 2-24-1989 Daily Eastern News: February 24, 1989 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1989_feb Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: February 24, 1989" (1989). February. 17. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1989_feb/17 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1989 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in February by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Beauty pageant A new Miss Black EIU will be crowned Saturday night. Page3 ongressmen advise n using funds BOG schools. More on page lege presidents should visit mentioned the difficulties new "We don't see any major new BOG 3 Washington more often. teachers face in paying back funding initiatives from the feder­ Although BOG Chancellor loans. He said high interest rates A delegation of Illinois con­ al government for higher educa­ to play with," Bruce said, adding Thomas Layzell had hoped to force qualified teachers to seek ess men couldn't promise tion," B'ruce said, but added that he doesn't know where new come out of Thursday's meeting jobs in other fields in order to pay stern's Board of Governors Congress would try to assist edu­ money for education could come with additional federal funds, he back their loans. re federal funding Thursday, cation in other ways. from. wasn't completely disappointed Madigan replied to this �on­ they did offer suggestions for The BOG, the governing board Bruce suggested, however, that the board came up empty­ cern, saying teachers just don't king better use of existing for Governors State University, increased communication handed. make enough money. "We need s. Chicago State University, between state universities and "We learned some important to pay these people what they're Terry Bruce, D-Olney, Northeastern Illinois University, federal leaders in Washington as things from the congressmen," worth," Madigan said, but added erated the satellite teleconfer­ Western Illinois University and one way to solve the current fund­ Layzell said. He added that this is a state and local problem, between the Senate Studio in Eastern, currently receives $20.6 ing problems. although it's traditional for state not a federal one. hington and the BOG meeting million in federal funds each year, For example, Bruce said uni­ universities to rely heavily on the Bruce also said he didn't forsee Governors State University in with $16.1 million in student versity representatives should state legislature and less on the any major changes in the current iversity Park. Senators Lane financial aid and $4.4 million in become more active in reviewing federal government for funding, loan program. He said loans are .Dennis Hastert, Edward ans, · grants and contracts. bills that affect educational pro­ it's becoming more important to now being paid back at 8 percent gan and George ster "The budgetary constraints gramming. He also said congress­ secure federal funding. interest with a six year grace peri­ took part in the c nferenc� s Congress is facing are so stringent men should pay more visits to During the teleconference, od. "Congress won't want to esentatives from 1s c s with that there won't be a lot of money colleges in their districts and col- Eastern President Stan Rives change that plan," he said. enate committee bid WejectsASHINGTON (A P)Tower's-The a defense secretary." nate Armed Services In Tokyo, where Bush was mmittee voted Thursday to attending the funeral of Japanese ct John Tower's nomination Emperor Hirohito, White House defense secretary, splitting I l­ spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said ong party lines as it handed the president was sticking by sident Bush the first major Tower and "there's no considera­ eat of his administration. tion of any change, period." The full Senate is expected to "We now go to the floor" of ea final decision on the nom­ the Senate, Fitzwater declared. 'on next week. He said the committee had uring two and one-half hours '"every right to look into" allega­ debate-mostly in the form of tions about Tower. But he also hes-before the vote, majori­ complained, "We hear vague talk mocrats said they felt no joy about concern about his personal sing Tower but were com­ habits and we think this debate to do so. Some cited alie- ought to be on a slightly higher ns over the past month of level than that." sive drinking and womaniz- If the full Senate should turn down Tower, it would be the first time in history a newly elected ublicans alleged partisan­ TERRI MCMILLAN/Staff photographer and suggested Tower was president had suffered a rejection to too high a standard, Sen. of a nominee to his first Cabinet. Hitting the high note olm Wallop of Wyoming In all, eight Cabinet nominations Easter s concert ·r performs "Sicut cervus" (Psalm 42) by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina under the "The majority believes we have been rejected, the most Ch o ert E. Snyder Thursday at the Dvorak Concert Hall Thursday. The choir was performing its nfirming a defense god, not recent 30 years ago. winter choral concert. Daytime soap pring blood drive sets goal of 1,600 pints star to visit EBECCA GAMBILL due to eight scheduled liver trans­ 3,000 pints of blood per drive. plants, said Vickie Rumohr, Red The average goal is around 1,500 TONY CAMPBELL Cross blood service <;:onsultant. pints per drive, Rumohr said. Eastern ��3 The normal amount of sched­ However, Elias said Eastern has Soap fans will have the oppor­ uled liver transplants within a one of the highest donation rates tunity to meet actor John e spring Red Cross Blood region is two, said Alan Elias, for universities and colleges. Loprieno who plays Cord begins Monday and orga­ ..!.- manager of the Mid-Missouri Red Not everyone can give blood on Roberts on ABC's -"One Life to have set a goal of 1,600 Cross Blood Center in Columbia, any given day, Rumohr said. Live" Tuesday. But blood drive 'chair Steve Mo. This facility is the central Although the Red Cross wel­ Loprieno will be in the ds said he doesn't see any office for this region's blood sup­ comes everyone, she added there University Union walkway fromI why Eastern can't donate The Blood Drive hours are ply. are certain criteria that must be to 3:30 p.m. to help kick off pints. Monday from noon to 5 p.m. and For the population at Eastern, met before a donor can give University Board's Crazy Daze Blood Drive will be held Tuesday through Thursday from ""1 Elias said the university "should blood. events. y through Thursday in the 11 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. be doing a lot better," and donat­ Potential donors must be at least From I top 2:3Q.ou. Ballroom of the Martin An unusually high demand for ing at a higher rate. He said years old and weigh at least be an autogp-' King Jr. University Union. blood exists currently in the area 17 Eastern should be donating about 110 pounds. ZA Friday, February 24.1989 The Dally Eastern News Bush attends funeral in Tokyo TOKYO (AP) Pre�1den Bush tion wa:-. rejected by the Senate A steady rain feli and the attended Emperor Hirohito's Armed Services Committee in weather was chilly as Bush and funeral Friday, taking a front-row Washington on an 1 I to 9. party­ dignitaries from some 160 coun· seat as the Japanese waived pro­ line vote Al I 1 I ·Democrats tries gathered for the funeral cere· tocol rules to give him a promi­ opposed his nommation. mony. nent position at the solemn White House press secretary Wearing dark mourning Shinjuku Imperial Garden cere­ Marlin Fitzwater told reporters clothes, Bush was seated with his mony. that Bush was sticking by Tower, wife, Barbara. on his right and Showing fatigue from jet lag no matter how the committee vote West German President Richard Bush road a short distance from went. Fitzwater �aid that if the Von Weizsacker on his left. his hotel to the funeral ceremony. decision by the Armed Services The floor below them was .The president's attention was panel was "not as positive ... as we heated with electrical coils. and a Militants vow revenge diverted by the continuing prob­ would like, the next step is to brown wool blanket was placed By The Associated Press lems of Defense Secretary-desig­ consider it on the floor. and that's on each chair. Pro-Iranian militants holding American hostages in Lebanon nate John Tower. whose nomina- what we will do." Thursday vowed revenge for the publication of "The Satanic Verses", but publishers in France and West Germany reversed decisions not to put out the book, and two U.S. bookstores returned it to the shelves. Former pop singer Cat Stevens, who gave up a successful music Value of midwest farmland· rises CHAMPAIGN (AP) - The �trong gam recorded in the bank'� all five states - lowa, Illinois. career in I 977 after becoming a Moslem, supported Ay atollah Ruhollah value of farmland in the Midwest quarterly surv�ys. and it brought Indiana. Michigan and Wisconsin Khomeini's execution order on the book's author, Salman Rushdie. rose again in the closing month the annual increase in farmland -.with Iowa out front with an Police in Canada said they received a bomb threat against the Iranian 18.3 of 1988, marking a percent values up to percent for percent rise.
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