DAILYFROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● POSTAL REGN. NO. JAIPUR CITY/014/2021-23 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 2021, AHMEDABAD, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM CADILA’S3-DOSESHOTBASEDONDNAPLATFORM WORLD FirstCovid-19vaccine forchildrenabove12yrs IN AFGHANISTAN, getsemergencyusenod REPORTS OF TARGETED KILLINGS FUEL FEARS 66%efficacy recorded; needle-free, to be administered BIDEN PLEDGESTO intradermally; second dose at 28 days,third at 56 days AMERICANS: WE WILL GETYOU HOME agegroup. PAGE 11 KAUNAINSHERIFFM On Friday, the Indian drug NEWDELHI,AUGUST20 regulator said in atweet that af- terevaluating the “interim” GUJARAT-BASED Zydus Cadila's phaseIII clinical trials resultsin three-dose Covid-19vaccine was consultation with the subject ex- THE FALL OF on Fridaygranted emergency Low-cost, no pertcommittee, it has approved KABUL TO use authorisation foruse in ZyCoV-D “for restricteduse in adultsand children above 12, cold storage emergency situation in India for TALIBAN making it potentiallythe first 12 years and above”. The vaccine vaccine to be administeredtothe ZYCOV-Disthe world's is to be administeredatdays 0, WHATITMEANS adolescentpopulation in India. firstCovid-19 vaccine 28, and, 56, the regulator said. FOR INDIA With the central drug regu- built on aDNA platform While thevaccine has been ASERIES lator clearing the vaccine, Zydus to be granted emer- approved foruse in the adoles- Defence MinisterRajnath Singh with Congress president Sonia Gandhi at Parliament House on Friday. PTI Cadila's ZyCoV-D is settobe- gency use authorisa- cent population, it's forthe gov- come the firstCovid vaccine can- tion. UnlikemRNAvac- ernment to take acall on THESINSOFEMPIRE didatedevelopedonaplasmid cines, DNA-based whether to roll out the vaccina- By Pratap BhanuMehta P6 DNAplatformtobecommer- vaccinesdonot require tion drive forthis agegroup. Sonia to Opposition: No alternative, ciallyintroducedanywherein ultra-cold storagesys- So far, thereare three vac- THETALIBAN the world. tems and aresaid to be cines that arebeing usedin WARCHEST The vaccine, jointlydevel- morecost-effective. India'simmunisation drive -- By Krishn Kaushik P9 need to come together, plan for 2024 opedinpartnership with the Zydus also claims that SII's Covishield, Bharat Biotech's Department of Biotechnology, itstechnology is ideal Covaxin and Russia's Sputnik V. had demonstrated aprimaryef- fortackling Covid-19as Moderna's mRNAvaccineand Says need to riseabove compulsions; Pawar, Uddhav, Mamatabackcall ficacy of 66.66per cent in phase it canbeeasilyadapted the single-dose vaccine devel- 3clinical trials. It wasthe first to deal with mutations opedbyJohnson &Johnson have BUSINESSASUSUAL Congress, Gandhi said all parties “The people arethe leaders. takentothe people in suchaway Covid-19vaccine in India to be in the virus. also receivedEUA,but they are EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE have some “compulsions” but it Letusset up acoregroup and that people believe in it.” tested in the adolescentpopula- notbeing usedinthe vaccination BY UNNY NEWDELHI,AUGUST20 wastime to rise above them. work together,” Banerjee said. Sources said it wasdecided tion -- those in the 12-18-year CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Trinamool Congress chief Congress leader Rahul Gandhi that the leaders will nowmeet SPEAKINGFOR the firsttime on and West Bengal Chief Minister toosuggestedthat the parties morefrequentlytoarriveata the needfor Opposition parties Mamata Banerjee said the par- should project an “alternate” vi- consensus on developing a“co- to come together ahead of the ties should notfocus on identi- sion to the BJP,espousing their ordination framework”toiden- 2024Lok Sabha elections, fying a“leader”. idea of India. tifyissues to be raisedjointly. EXPRESS NETWORK Congress president Sonia Gandhi “Forgetwho is the leader,let’s Shiv Sena’s SanjayRaut, who “This is abeginning,” one leader Somnath proof that told topOpposition leaders keep our personal interests attendedthe meeting alongwith told The Indian Express. Fridaythat thereis“simplynoal- aside,” she said.She suggested party chief Uddhav Thackeray, Referring to the assembly BENGALPOST-POLL ternative” before them butto that everyOpposition party,in- said: “Uddhavji said that in view electionsnextyear,CPI general VIOLENCE:CBISEEKS ideology of terror work “cohesively together”. cludingeventhosenotalliedwith of the 2024general elections, the secretaryDRajasaid the parties DETAILSOFCASES At ameeting of 19 theCongress, should beinvitedas Opposition should uniteand should focus on 2022 firstand PAGE 10 Opposition parties, including the “fight is againstthe BJP”. Opposition unity should be CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 does not last: PM GUJARAT FREEDOM OF RELIGION (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2021 ‘Temple adivine pillar of modern India, product of centuries of firm resolve’ J&K former HC:Amended section interferes, puts DEAR INDIA, 2047 Deputy CM who consensualvalid parties in jeopardy EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Aletter from... RAJKOT,AUGUST20 slammed govt riage“in great jeopardy.” Noting that the Gujarat EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Whilethe division benchof Freedom Of Religion Act, 2003 CITINGTHE number of times the land transfer AHMEDABAD,AUGUST20 Chief Justice Vikram Nath and wasinitially an Actbrought into Somnath temple wasraided, and Justice Biren Vaishnavhad read forceinApril 2003 wherethe the fact that it had emergedfrom was illegal THE GUJARATHigh Court, while the operative part of the order in then Section 3ofthe Act, hadpro- eachsuchevent, Prime Minister stayingthe operationof eight sec- open courtonThursday, staying hibitedconversion of anyperson NarendraModi said on Friday occupant too tions of the Gujarat Freedom of the operation of sections 3, 4, 4A, from one religion to another reli- that “those destructive forces, The PM inaugurated temple Religion(Amendment)Act,2021 4B, 4C, 5, 6and 6A,the detailed gion by use of forceorallurement and the ideology that establishes projectsonFriday. ARUNSHARMA that introducedmarriageasa order made public on Friday, or by anyfraudulent means, the an empireonthe foundation of JAMMU,AUGUST20 means forforcible religious con- notedthe court’s observations courtorder notesthat the terror”, could notlastlong. version, in itsorder made public that ledittoarriveatits decision. amendedAct underSection3 Suchforces and empires “can the Somnath temple complex. FORMER DEPUTYCHIEF on Friday, observed that the pro- The order states, "Prima-facie nowpresumes marriage itself to become dominant forsome time “This”, he said, “was as true MinisterofJammu and Kashmir Icongratulate you for vision, “interferes with the intri- inter-faithmarriagesbetweentwo be amedium forthe purposes of in agiven era, but can neverbe- when some tyrannicalforces and senior BJPleader Kavinder cacies of marriage" and infringes consenting adultsbyoperationof unlawful conversionifthe mar- come permanent. Theycannot were razing Somnath(temple) as Gupta,who described the trans- voting to keep India a on Article 21 of theConstitution. the provisions of Section 3ofthe riage wasbyway of allurement, keep humanity suppressedfor it is today, whenthe worldisap- ferofstate land underthe con- The benchalso notedthat the 2003 Actinterferes with the intri- forceorbyfraudulentmeans. long,” Modi said while laying vir- prehensive of suchideologies”. troversialRoshni Act(nowan- amendedAct, whichputsthe cacies of marriageincluding the The amendedlaw was tuallythe foundation stone of Indiashould seek “tolearnfrom nulled) to private individuals as free democracy burden of proof on the interfaith rightto thechoiceof anindividual, brought intoeffect on June 15 the Parvati temple in Somnath, history to correct the present and “land jihad” in the run-up to couple, putsthe parties validly therebyinfringing on Article 21 of this year.Two petitions -- one and inaugurating severalproj- createanew future”, Modi said. District Development Council RATAN TATA entering intoaninterfaith mar- the Constitution Of India." CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ectsonthe premises andaround CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 (DDC) elections lastNovember, washimself an illegaloccupant of state land from 2010 till the FIHAD the opportunity of writing to the young Indian Rs 935crmisappropriated in NREGAschemesinlast beginningof2017. I citizens in 2047,the year in whichIndia would attain a According to information 100yearsofindependence, Iwould saythe following: obtainedfromthe Bhalwal To the young Indian citizensof2047, Tehsildar under an RTIapplica- Iwould liketocongratulate youasmembers who have fouryears,show Ministrydata; only Rs 12.5crrecovered tion filedbyAdvocateSheikh votedtokeep India as afreelyvotingdemocracy whichhas Shakeel, Kavinder Gupta along peacefullysettledborderdisputes and through the Management out in 2.65 lakh Gram Panchayats with twoothers —Subash religious controversies. During these ABHISHEKANGAD Information System (MIS) of the (GPs)inthe states andUnion Sharma and ShivRattan Gupta AN EXPRESS years, Iwould hope thatIndia will have RANCHI,AUGUST20 RuralDevelopment Ministry. Territories of the countryatleast —jointlyoccupiedKhasra No. SERIES achievedameaningful position in the Onlyabout Rs 12.5 croreof once over the lastfouryears, 1789 measuring 23 kanaal, 9 global economic arenawithits stable OVER THE lastfour years, Social this amount —1.34% —has been since the databegan to be up- marla (8 kanaal =1acreor economic policies withthe vision of the government in Audit Units(SAU) under Rural recoveredsofar,the datashow. loaded in 2017-18. 4,047 sq m, 1marla
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