TREE TIPS TREE & SHRUB CARE FROM BARTLETT TREE EXPERTS Trees and soil fungi Important tips for When caring for trees, it’s easy to see trees is because no attention was paid planting a tree fungi as the enemy, since most tree to improving the poor soil conditions diseases and decay organisms are fungi. in these studies. Soils that lack However, many fungi are important mycorrhizas are too hot, too dry, too contributors to tree health. Symbiotic wet, lack organic matter, lack oxygen, associations with mycorrhizal fungi etc., and without addressing the soil are absolutely critical for optimum tree environment, any added fungi will soon health and growth. perish. A better option is to create a soil environment where natural and applied Not all fungus is bad! Mycorrhizal mycorrhizas can flourish. fungi are critical to tree health. Mulching trees, de-compacting soils, There is no question scientifically that managing moisture, and adding mycorrhizal fungi benefit trees, but organic matter are all methods for some debate exists about how to best improving soil biology. By creating a encourage these associations. Most soil environment as similar as possible Planting a tree is a fun family project. research shows that plants perform to the forest floor, trees and their To help assure that your new tree better with mycorrhizas, however, only beneficial microbes will thrive. thrives, look for these two problems a few experiments show any benefit to often found in young trees from a trees when mycorrhizal fungi are added garden center or nursery -- circling to soil. Many times this is because roots and stem buried too deep. spores in store-bought mycorrhiza packs Follow these steps to correct both are dead on arrival. Product selection is conditions during planting: also important because trees have very 77 Loosen and spread out the specific fungal associates, which vary roots. If some circling roots depending on species, environmental have become woody, they can conditions, soil type, and more. be cut (not torn). When left as Perhaps the most important reason is, a circling root can develop several studies show little benefit a chokehold around the trunk from adding mychorrhizal fungi to eventually killing the tree. 77 Locate where the roots begin to spread at the stem base. This is the root flare; it should be Our original process called Root positioned slightly above the Invigoration uses an air spade to soil line. This will encourage clear away debris from roots without better root health. Roots begin damaging them. It allows air and establishment within the top foot water uptake to improve, helping soil of soil. conditions to be more beneficial. 77 Dig a hole three to five times the diameter of the root ball. This allows the roots to expand properly and become well established. If you wish to plant a larger tree, contact your Bartlett Arborist Representative for advice. Sudden Oak Death The ample rains of last winter TREE & SHRUB were welcomed in California, MAINTENANCE CALENDAR but one potential downside is that previous wet winters MARCH have resulted in an increased Have Bartlett monitor for fireblight, and treat incidence of Sudden Oak Death and/or prune out when seen (SOD), caused by the fungus- Spring caterpillars such as leafrollers and like pathogen Phytophthora California oakworm start to appear and may ramorum. Citizen-science require control by your Arborist surveys led by researchers at Protect pines from red turpentine beetles and UC-Berkeley in 2016 showed other bark beetles a concerning increase in the APRIL number of bay laurels that are harboring the pathogen, and Check irrigation systems in preparation for dry season spread from bay laurels to oaks is the most common disease Monitor/treat apples for coddling moth transmission process. Fungicide treatments to susceptible fruit and shade trees should be applied by your Arborist The two longstanding recommendations for managing MAY SOD include potassium phosphite Have Bartlett release predator mites for spider bark treatments to improve mite management resistance, and removal of bay Monitor soil moisture and irrigate once deeply if laurel foliage from within the the month is dry immediate area of valuable oaks. Affected bay laurel leaves Affected oak trunk If needed, Phytophthora root disease treatments These remain the best options, should be applied and new research from UC-Berkeley has shown improvement in efficacy of Second pine beetle treatments should begin these treatments when gypsum soil amendments are included. Amending soils according to nutrient analyses has always been a key component of Bartlett’s plant health programs, and gypsum is a common component of our custom California soil prescriptions. Preventative treatments are far more effective than treating once ‘bleeding’ cankers are present, but effective management options exist for actively ‘bleeding’ trees as well. SOD-infected or drought stressed oaks are also more susceptible to beetle attack; fortunately, WONDERS OF NATURE preventative treatments against these pests are also available. One gigantic plant! There is a forest in Utah that is actually one giant plant. Known as Pando (Latin for “I spread”), or the Trembling Giant, it is a clonal When to prune flowering trees colony of a single male quaking aspen Because flower buds develop on the (Populus tremuloides). Scientists last year’s growth, if trees are pruned determined it to be a single living organism due to identical genetic too early the full potential of the markers and its assumed to have one floral display is lost. Pruning should massive underground root system. occur after the flowers begin to fade and not later than two weeks The clonal colony covers 106 acres, weighs nearly 6,600 afterward. We can advise you about short tons, and has over 40,000 stems (trunks), as some die ornamental pruning and the best care they are replaced by new stems growing from the roots. Tree rings show the average age of Pando’s stems is 130 years. The for your flowering trees. roots are 80,000 years old. TREE FOCUS: Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) History Native to California from Mendocino County south to Northern Mexico, the coast live oak is one of the most common and widespread trees of coastal California. This tree’s contorted and gnarled trunk spared it from use as lumber. Interestingly though, in the 18th and 19th centuries shipbuilders sought out the odd, angular branches to make special joints. Culture 77 Performs best in rocky well-drained soils. The live oak is 77 Often found in proximity to California bay laurel in moist one of coastal areas and valley oak on drier plains and hillsides. California’s most 77 Drought tolerant, though may need some summer common trees. irrigation during very dry years. 77 Most often multi-stemmed, younger trees are very dense and bushy in appearance while older trees (75+ years) develop thinner crowns with visible branch architecture. Concerns 77 Susceptible to sudden oak death (SOD). 77 Health and stability may be affected by decay fungi, more often when roots are disturbed or damaged. 77 Planted live oaks are impacted by powdery mildew, pit scale insects and gall wasps more often than native acorn-grown trees. 77 Drought stressed trees are also attacked by western oak bark beetles, leading to “foamy canker”. 77 May be completely defoliated during California oakworm outbreaks. Bartlett Management Practices 77 We recommend annual treatments for SOD, treatments to prevent beetle infestation are also recommended during moisture stress. 77 We should prune early in development to focus on preventing or subordinating co-dominant stems. 77 Treatment for oakworms should be performed during outbreaks which typically last 2-3 years. Fun with trees Make a flowering tree with a child Blow painting creates a wonderful tree with interesting branches! Add brown or black poster paint to a small bowl of water. Then the adult drips the watery paint on the paper and the child blows through a straw. Repeat the steps of drip and blow to create your tree. Flowers are made with little torn and crinkled up pieces of colored tissue paper. The adult dabs a spot of craft glue and child presses on the flower. Add as many as the child likes! Compliments of Spring has sprung and its a great time to focus on your landscape - Bartlett can help! Maintaining trees at Pebble Beach Whether you are playing the world famous Pebble Beach golf links or just enjoying the natural beauty of Monterey, you’ll certainly see a few feature trees pruned by Bartlett Tree Experts’ San Jose office. In the last few years, we’ve brought our talented staff to provide scientific tree care in areas that need our unique expertise. At Pebble Beach, we crown cleaned Monterey Cypress groves to reduce end-weight over structures and golf cart paths. We also performed some restoration pruning on a Japanese maple garden and did some unexpected storm damage clean-up. As Bartlett’s service area has expanded, we look forward to caring for more properties on Monterey Peninsula as well as returning to Pebble Beach next year. James Mahutga, crew leader, Geno Vitale, climber, and grounds persons Arturo Ramirez and Heber Lagunes worked on this project. published by THE F. A. BARTLETT TREE EXPERT COMPANY (877) BARTLETT (877-227-8538) in U.S. and Canada • www.bartlett.com © 2017 The F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company For Tree Tips information contact [email protected] CA1.
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