r~ o m t> -::• •school" Reject the plan Burning desires Schooldays zone The editors urge the public Owners of a Summit shop With Labor Day nearing,| to fight Gov. Whitman's hope their business goes it's time to prepare for education plan, Page 6. up in smoke, Page B1. back to school. Page B5. o -J c. o "Your Best Source For Community Information" TWO SECTIONS - 25 CENTS RAHWflV N L^NO.46—THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1996 A WORRALL COMMt»NtTY-NEW9PAPEft- Incinerator to pay debt 111 New York trash under consideration potcnlial to take it," Force said. "I am By Emlllo Prlsco Highlights not averse to importing garbage from Managing Editor A Real Lesson in Economics: out of state if it means keeping the The Union County incinerator to Tourney scheduled housed in kahway may be used to county incinerator operating and able to pay its bills." The Railway Youth Soccer. work out a deal to take New York This will, however, cause some Association >vill host its third City's garbage, the county freeholder environmental problems for the slate. UGC's $1,584 Annual Tuition annual soccer tournament Nov. chairman said. 29 and 30. The deal would help the county Since the laws of NJ arc some of the CO most stringent in the country,, law- »Z> Last year, 135 traveling teams handle the cost and the debt the makers may want to rethink thicr O from ages 7 tlirough 18 partici- incencralor has generated. All (his < pated from the tri-slate area in could happen if the Supreme Court's "environmental policy. Tlic laws of the this weekend of"soccer. verdict on flow rights holds up against state may have to take a back scat to < Anyone interested in informa- the appeals. During the Florio admi- getting the garbage so that the county Q nistration flow rights were established can climb out of debt. Kennedy also CO tion or an application from (his cr year's event can contact Tony in order to maintan the state's high believes that Ihe Supreme Court Deci- Dcige at 827-2081. standards of dealing with gar- sion will be a setback to the environ- bagc."Now with the new decision on mental laws. "This takes you back a the flow rights, garbage has been few steps on Ihe environmental laws," Blood pressure deemed an interstate, commerce and Kennedy said. O A free blood pressure screen- o can be exchanged from state to state." Kennedy docs believe that import- ing is being offered for Railway I said Rahway Mayor James Kennedy. ing garbage will enable Union County o residents at the Rahway Public CO .."The.Suprernc Courts ruling on the to climb out of the debt caused by the. Library on the first Tuesday of flow rights changes the game," Ken- incinerator, and that both parties every month. The next. nedy said. would benefit from this deal. "It scheduled screening will be held Paul Connet, right, with Freeholders Ed Force and Linda DiGiovanni, center, and resi- Freeholder Chairman Edwin Force would be cheaper for New York to Sept. 3 from 3 to f> p.in. < dents at the incinerator protest on Saturday. said he believes that Union County come here instead of somewhere else CO Utilities Authority officials have con- in the country," Kennedy said. He Farmer's market tacted New York officials for loca- docs admit that the city will not reap A little hit of the country has tions to dispose of garbage once the any benefits from this supposed "come" to tlicTcity,•"as"'ihe"Satur^ Incinerator sparks protest Fresh Kill?Landfill in Staterrlsland is - agreement. "I'm -not so itnre that it day Farmer's Market returns to filled. This deal would assist the would benefit Rahway," Kennedy •NY, and the co-editor of a periodical Connctt said that he was against the downtown So provide sjiop- By Sean Daily county in their attempt to climb out of said. on the waste and garbage industry, incinerators for economic and envir- pcrs with the chance to buy Starf Writer the quarter billion dollar debt the "Waste Not." He is also involved \n onmental reasons., i Kennedy also believes lhal ihe Paul Council came.to City Hall on incinerator has caused. produce fresh from New Jersey According to Connett, incinerators incinerator Usclf wiU noi be affected. Saturday and, when he did, the sparks waste management research and has farms. • produce dioxin and other chemicals as "It's the closest facility that has the flew. lectured at ihrce international sympo- Produce is picked fresh from a byproduct — it fact/ he became "Dr. Connctl is probably one of the siums on" dioxin, a ""hazardous j the fields just hours 'heforc its interested in dioxin through his work iwt knowledgeable people on incin- chemical. arrival downtown. • iigainst incinerators. The incinerators eration, in rriyopinion, in the world, Conned has been involved with GOP names student The market is one of 25 also leave behind ash, which has been and in our opinion the politicians and jncinorators ever since he found out Jersey Fresh, markets within the used to pave roads; many fear that (his Ihe industry arc afraid of him," said that one was to be built in Canton. It region and this marks the sec- ash is toxic to humans. as council candidate Joanne Eash of Rahway. Eash is trea- took public groups in New York, of ond season of the city's affilia- "The simple chemical fact is that if surer for the Concerned Citizens of which he was a part, five years to (he councilman that I have met," Ful- tion with the North Jersey Far- you burn three tons of trash, you get , By Emlllo Frisco Union County, a group opposed to the defeat that incinerator, during which comer said. mer's Market Council. one ton of ash," he said. Managing Editor We learned that Union County College's annual tuition is only $1,584 - UCUA incinerator thai is based in he made contacts across Ihe world Fulcomcr believes that Wnuck will This season, the marketplace A recent study of the UCUA The city's Republican Chairman Railway; both Ihe Concerned Citizens with people who were against inciner- significantly less ttian New Jersey's four-year public college average of has been expanded to include incinerator showed largely no change James J. Fulcomcr- announced the be able to do the job. "Council candi- ' and a group called Grass Roots Envir- ators. Since then, Connctt has made $3,518, or $12,423* at private colleges. We also learned that UCC has finan- quality home cooked meals for in environmental conditiore! from Republican candidate for the Third date WnticliQS chairman of our Rah- onmental- Organization brought Con- over a thousand public presentations hungry shoppers as well as an before and after the construction of Ward City Council seat Monday. way Young Republican Committee cial aid specialists to help us qualify for grants, loans and other assistance. neil to Rahway. such as the one on Sunday. assortment of vendors selling the incinerator. Erik Wnuck, the youngest son of and represents a new age of Rahway Conned was at City Hall to speak Connctt said that he was there to new and used merchandise He added that the UCUA incinera- current Third Ward Councilman-Wil- political leaders. He's been active in Best of all, Union County College is one of the most respected institutions of out against the incinerator. He spoke "validate the common sense" of local w Rahway .Republican campaigns for Tim iiuikci IIUM ulready-begun tor lukus ill gailuge fiun) -4inm n'"-l;, 'villbi: ihr Republican's higher education. We're getting both quality ana affordability. on Ihe building's steps to a small residents against the incinerator with the past 12 years and is one of Rah- and will ran Saturdays through ties and that plans are being made to candidate. Erick is 21 years old and a number of people, including groups his professional credentials. But. the way's outstanding scholars and ath- Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. import trash from New York after the student at Rutgers University. If opposed to various incinerators in meeting quickly became a rally letes," Fulcomer said. Today, financing a college education is more challenging than everTLet Its new location is on Irving Fresh Kills Landfill is closed and thjit elected, Wnuck will be the youngest New Jersey and two Union County against the incinerator. The other issue that Wnuck must* Union County College provide you with a quality education without the Street in Municipal Parking Lot importing Irash is not going to solve- councilman in (he ci(y. The young age freeholders. \i quickly became a "It may be a surprise, but New face is having enough time to devote F at the corner of Broad Street, Union County's trash problems. of the candidate has to be of some burden of a big debt. Call: speech against the UCUA incinerator. Jersey has been a victory for us concern. to his studies and the council. "He opposite the Rahway Parking "The art of practical politics is to "I find it symbolic that our hostess around the world," said Connett. Cur- doesn't work at night and the meet- Authority. know when to cut your losses. And "That's the main concern because '•••-•• (908)709-7500. today went into Ihe police station here rently there are five garbage incinera- ings are at night, and so is the cam- now is Ihe time," he said. He added people may think I'ma kid.
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