f*reston Library Virsinia Mili.ary i 9 o y 2 0 Lexington. VA 24450 O n e o f t h e I ndependently O l d e s t C o l l e g e R u n B y C a d e t s N e w s p a p e r s S in c e 1 907 / i f i T h e Ca d e t Is it May yet? V O L tf SiRlofe/ifeBRUARY 6th, 2009 ISSUE 16 «i-oo Breakout: 09+3 Becomes 2012 By Robert Earle the echo of machine gun fire cutting rade deck to wait for the next session. came one of those fortunate accidents. Cactef News Writer through the crispy 0530 air. The rats Rick Newkirk '09, gave a speech about After the charge, the Rats where all The never-ending pushups are were then moved down to Cocke Hall how the RDC had barricaded Jackson assigned a sandbag and the traditional The Ne>^f$5 finally ending; the straining sees its last and given a two session sweat party. Arch, and released the Rats to unblock "sandbag" workout began. days, RDC puts in their retirement and Following the sweat party they were the arch. The entire rat mass took off The final stretch was an attempt by THECA cadre turn overa new leaf.These events promptly ushered to Crozet Hall for in a charge to Jackson Arch to quickly Newkirk to bring back the old school are eagerly breakfast. remove the wallofsandbagsthatwould style of the Rats "fighting" their way print anticipated up to the fourth stoop. February^ by any Rat The Rats were squeezed who toughs into barracks for a one ses­ the Ratline sion sweat party on each out for six, stoop. First their dykes, long months. the 1 “ Class worked them This day not out. Then racing up to the W e e k in only signifies second stoop the Rats were the end of the metwithanothersession by R e v ie w Ratline but the 2"'* Class and another more Impor­ by the 3'“^ Class on the third tantly it is the stoop. When the Rats hit first major ac­ the fourth stoop, the six complishment months of rigoroustraining The ever funny, ever of any cadet's was over and in a few short cadetship. hoursthey would be known classy Justin Tamme- This past as the Class of 2012. weekend, Sat­ Newkirk would like urday January to thank all of his RDC lin makes his debut as 31,2009, was representatives and the the Rat mass company cadre for their CIF on pg. 2 of 09 + 3's dedication and efforts on magical day, Saturday and throughout the day that the year. He also would like Cadets call to point out that thanks to B reakout. Mr. Hutchings flawless Richard operations order Saturday Like him or not, N e w k ir k , went by without any major RDC presi­ issues. President Obama dent, says that Newkirk spoke to the the planning Class of 2012, "First, I am has a long road for this mo­ very proud of everyone and mentous day am honored to have been ahead of him. Find started early your RDC president. Your last May and was presented to General After breakfast the morning ses­ bring them one step closer to freedom. hard work and dedication out more og. 3 JH Binford Peay In October. As soon as sion began, which consisted of a series Newkirk said that that the charge throughout the ratline has earned you the Christmas holiday came to an end, of workout stations spread throughout was NOT in the game plan and in its the title of Class of 2012. Just remember the RDC and Commandant's Staff hit Post. Each station was designed to first moments had the RDC spellbound. it's your responsibility to carry 09's lega­ the ground running in preparation for challenge the Rats both physically and lntheend,afternumerous compliments cy and I know you all won't let us down." Chavis and Travis the memorable day. mentally. After lunch, the Rats changed the RDC decided that the charge really Congratulations Class of 2012! The day began on Saturday with into ACUs and formed up on the pa- addedsomethingtothemomentand be­ Holmes set new^ collegiate record. The New NCMT TAPS: COL Stockwell By Timothy Graziano ter construction, fire starting, and water By Timothy Graziano wasaconsummatefamilyman. Heloved Read more pg. 4 Caafef News Writer and food procurement. Cac^ef News Writer his family and he cherished his time with Starting second semester Rats will The third training cycle, and perhaps The VMI community suffered a them. He did things like coach youth be participating In New Cadet Military the most anticipated by the Rats, is Weap- great loss on Wednesday morning as teams such as basketball and baseball. I Sections Training (NCMT) under the direction onsTraining. All of the weapons training it was faced with the death of Colonel can't begin to say how he has impacted of CIC Michael Cadice '09. This year will be conducted on the Ml 6 Rifle and William J. Stockwell. Colonel Stockwell cadets, faculty, and young people with his actions." News......................... 1 NCMT will be continuing its normal the M9 Pistol. Rats will learn marksman­ was currently serving VMI as the Act­ training regimen along with new cycles ship skills and be given a chance to qualify ing Deputy Superintendent and Dean According to Roanoke.com news, of the Faculty. the Rockbridge County Sheriff's Office Opinion............ ........3 designed to betterdevelop Rats intofuture on theseweapons.Theywill also be taught leaders. This year's NCMT will consist of basic ballistic trajectory, howto compen­ A1974 graduate of Springfield Col­ has"declined to disclose any additional fourtraining cycles, two field evaluations, sate for weather conditions, and how to lege, Stockwell began working for VMI detailsaboutthe situation, including the Sports.............. ......... 4 anewbilletingsystem,andlecturesessions care and maintain the weapons. on January 1,1975, as an instructor in cause of death." conducted by Veteransand Alumni on the The final training cycle is Land the Physical Education Department. In Colonel Stockwell is survived by Entertainment..........6 importance of basic military skills. Navigation. In this evolution the Rats 1984 Colonel Stockwell received his his wife, Jill, daughter, Jaclyn, and sons, Throughout all of NCMT a new will be taught howto maneuver through doctorate in health and education from Robert and Bredt. Billet System will be implemented. Each and across difficult terrain, and basic map the University of Virginia. Two years There will be a memorial service for company will form a Rat platoon both at and compassskills.Theywill also be given later he received VMI's Thomas Jef­ Colonel Stockwell at 1100 on Saturday, NCMT activities and on the hill. Every a chance to use Night Vision Goggles ferson Distinguished Teaching Award. February 7'^ in Jackson Memorial Hall. Rat in the company will be given the (NVGs) in this training cycle. Colonel Stockwell remained with the There will also be a reception immedi­ chance to hold one of several leader­ All of the skills taught in these four Physical Education Department, even­ ately afterwards in the Center for Lead­ ship positions, to include Platoon Com­ training cycles will be tested in a series of tually reachingfull professorship, until his ership and Ethics. Cadets are welcome mander, Platoon Sergeant, Squad Leader, operations exercises.Thefirst, conducted promotion to associate dean in 1994. to attend. and Team Leader. The Rats holding the at McKethan Park, will start on a Friday COL Timothy M. positions will act as the liaisons between and extend into the weekend. All of the Hodges, head of the Me­ each company's CO and the Rats, and Rats will be tested in everything they have chanical Engineering Depart- they will be responsible for marching the learned as well as undergo a night land mentandlongtimecolleague The Cadet, student newspaper of the navigation course. During this weekend of COL Stockwell, gave the Virginia Military Institute, was es­ Rats everywhere they go. The purpose tablished in the Fall of 1907 and has behind this billet system Istogive the Rats Rats will also learn new skills, such as following statement to The been continued since that time. Our an opportunity to develop and show their Radio Communications Protocol, patrol­ Cadet: "Bill was a very well newspaper is published every Friday af- respected colleague. He was ternoonduringtheacademicyear,except leadership potential.This experience will ling roads and open areas, vehicle stops, during Corps trips, holidays and exam be an invaluable learning opportunity linking up with partisan forces, and basic always willing to help you period s. The Cadet offices are located on for the Rats as they complete all of the Intel and Reconnaissance. The second anyway he could. “He knew the third floor of Maury Brooke Hall. To order a subscription of NCMT cycles. operations exercise is the Fourth Class more about how VMI works the Newspaper contact; The first of the four training cycles FTX during Dead Week, conducted in than anybody else around is Basic Combat Medicine. The Rats will the George Washington National For­ here. Over the years he was The Cadet EIC Phone: VMI Box 7 (314) 604-6980 learn skills such ascasualty evaluation, sta- est. The exercises will, in the words of involved in many aspects of Lexington, VA Office E-mail: blli^tion, and evacuation as well as how Michael Caidice,"be the time and place VMI. He was first a profes­ 24450-0304 [email protected] to react In a high pressure situation.The where the Rats effectively carry out their sor in the Physical Education The Cadet is a member of the Publica­ goal of this training evolution is to haveall operationsandapplyeverythlngtheyhave Department.
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