THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XLI. NUMBER 12352. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1913. PaI~E, 3 CENTS. THE CITY RECORD. Last year the tax was $5. I do not think that the Aldermen in passing this section understood the case. Gasoline purchased in bulk costs 17 cents per gallon. Most garages are selling gasoline to-day for 20 cents per gallon. It would, therefore, OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, he necessary for an owner to use 500 gallons in order to make a saving of $15. This Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the is a larger quantity of gasoline than the average private owner consumes, and if this ordinance is not repealed it will result in a large number of owners sealing up BOARD OF CITY RECORD. their gasoline tanks and purchasing the fuel directly from public garages. ARDOLPH L. KLINE, MAYOL I consider the increase from $5 to $15 entirely unwarranted and I respectfully re- ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, CORPORATION COUNSLL, WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, COYrreoLLzL quest you to have a resolution introduced putting back the expense to private owners where it was last year, namely, $5 for a single automobile, with an additional fee of $2 for each additional automobile. DAVID FERGUSON, SonvtsoL It is a mistaken notion to suppose that only the wealthy people are operating motor Snpervfeor's Office, Park Row Building, 18-21 Park Row. cars to-day. A great many people of very moderate means have automobiles with Published daily, at 9 a. m. except legal holidays, at Nos, 96 and 98 Reade street (north side), between West rsroadway and Church street, New York City. small garages in the outlying sections of the city, and they do not wish to be forced out of keeping these garages by excessive taxation. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), Two Dol- I am sure you will find a great many Protestants unless this ordinance is re- lars; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry List, 5 cents each assembly district; Law pealed. Yours very truly, JOHN B. CREIGHTON. Department Supplement, 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section; Which was ordered on file. postage prepaid. No. 5177. ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY Rscoan must be received at least TWO (2) Motion Picture Exhibitors' Association of Greater New York, Incorporated; 136 days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for coreection before yublication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Third Avenue, New York, New York December 19, 1913. COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least Hon. 0. GRANT ESTERBROOK, 51 Chambers street, New York City: THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Dear Mr. President—During August of this year an ordinance was introduced in Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. the Board of Aldermen, amending the present motion picture ordinance in reference to license fees. This ordinance has been pending in the Committee on Laws and Legislation since TABLE OF CONTENTS, that time and has not been reported. Will you be good enough to take this matter up, and insist upon the Committee re- Aldermen, Board of— Manhattan, Borough of— porting this ordinance at once? Minutes of Stated Meeting Held De- Proposals 12122 cember 23, 1913 12105 Statement of Operations of Bureau of The motion picture exhibitors of this City will appreciate your efforts in their Assessors, Board of— Buildings for Week Ending De- behalf to have the ordinance immediately considered, so that it may be acted upon Completion of Assessments 12127 cetnber 6 1913 12117 by the Board. Very sincerely yours, SAMUEL H. TRIGGER, President. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Depart- Municipal Civil Service Commission— ment of— Notices of Examinations 12125 Which was ordered on file. Proposals 12121 Normal College-of The City of New York— COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY, COUNTY AND BOROUGH OFFICERS, Board Meetings 12121 Notice of Examination 12121 The Vice-Chairman laid before the Board the following communication from the Bridges, Department of— Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build- Trustees of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals Abstract of Transactions for Week ings, etc, 12132 Ending December 13, 1913 12117 Official Directory 12118 No. 5178. Proposals 12121 Parks, Department of— Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Office of the Board of Trustees, 1st Avenue and Bronx, Borough of— Proposals 12126 26th Street, New York, December 16, 1913. Proposals 12127 Police Department— Brooklyn, Borough of— Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop- Hon. 0. GRANT ESTERBROOK, Acting President, Board of Aldermen, City Hall, Auction Sale 12129 erty .12123 New York City: Proposals 1;.129 Report for Week Ending December Sir—On September 5 the Trustees requested the Board of Aldermen for an issue Change of Grade Damage Commission— 20, 1913 . 12116 of revenue bonds in the amount of $68,663.50 to meet the anticipated deficit in the Time and Place of Meetings 12125 Public Charities, Department of— appropriations of this department for the year 1913. An issue of $45,400 was granted. Changes in Departments, etc 12117 Proposals 12122 City Court of The City of New York— Public Service Commission, First District— In spite of many curtailments in the expenditures, it will be necessary for the Trus- Assignment of Terms and Justices Notice of Public Hearing 12126 tees to petition your Board to authorize a further issue of special revenue bonds, the for the Year 1914 12116 Proposals 12126 exact amount of which has not yet been determined but will be approximately Correction, Department of— Queens, Borough of— Abstract of Transactions for the Week Proposals . $20,000. In the meantime all other City departments have been requested to inform Ending November 15, 1913 12117 Report for Wek Ending December 6, the trustees whether they will have any unencumbered balances which could be trans- Docks and Ferries, Department of— 1913 12115 ferred to the appropriations of this department in order to decrease the deficit. Proposals 12127 Richmond, Borough of— Respectfully, - J. K. PAULDING, Secretary, Board of Trustees. Education, Department of-- Report for Week Ending December 6, Proposals 12128 . 1913 12117 Which was ordered on file. Estimate and Apportionment, Board of— Street Cleaning, Pepartment of-- The Vice-Chairman laid before the Board the following communication from the Notice of Public Hearings—Public Proposals 12126 Public Administrator: Improvement Matters 12128 Supreme Court, First Department— Finance, Department of— Filing Bills of Costs 12129 No. 5179. Confirmation of Assessments 12123 Filing of Preliminary Abstracts 12130 Office of Public Administrator, Kings County, 44 Court Street, Temple Bar Build- Corporation Sale of Buildings 12124 Hearings on Qualifications 12130 ing, Brooklyn, N. Y., December 18, 1913. Interest on City Bonds and Stock 12125 Supreme Court, Second Department— Notice of Sale of Tax Liens, etc 12125 Filing Bill of Costs 12131 Board of Aldermen, City Hall, New York: Sureties on Contracts 12125 Filing of Preliminary Abstracts 12131 Gentlemen—Request is hereby made for the issuance of special revenue bond Vouchers Received December 24, 1913 12114 Hearings on Qualifications 12131 funds to the amount of $80.70 to meet an indebtedness incurred by me to Mr. William Warrants Made Ready for Payment Supreme Court, Third Judicial District— Moehlich of 303 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn, for trucking. Our budget allowance for this December 24, 1913 12111 Application for Appointment of Com- Fire Department— missioners 12132 purpose (Expressage Code No. 2836) amounts to the sum of fifty dollars against Proposals 12121 Water Supply, Board of— which we have liquidated vouchers amounting to the sum of $49.72, We have no Health, Department of-- Proposals 12122 balance in any other account which can be transferred. Proposals 12128 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Depart- Instructions to Bidders for Work to be ment of— Very truly yours, FRANK V. KELLY, Public Administrator, Kings County. Done or Supplies to be Furnished 12132 Proposals 12125 Which was ordered on file. The Vice-Chairman laid before the Boaikl the following communications from the Department of Public Charities: THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF No. 5180. Department of Public Charities of the City of New York, Foot of East 26th NEW YORK. Street, New York, December 19, 1913. Hon. 0. GRANT ESTERBROOK, Acting Chairman, Board of Aldermen: STATED MEETING. Sir—Request is hereby made for the issuance of special revenue bonds to the amount of Twenty-seven hundred dollars ($2,700), to provide the means to employ Tuesday, December 23, 1913, 1.30 o'Clock P. M. three Trained Nurses at $600 each and three Hospital Helpers at $300 each during the The Board met in the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall. year 1914, at the new Bradford Street Hospital Dispensary, East New York, under the Present: jurisdiction of the Department of Public Charities. At present this department maintains a small emergency hospital with limited Aldermen dispensary facilities, which has been overcrowded and inadequate for years. We 0. Grant Esterbrook, William Fink. Otto Muhlbauer. have just succeeded in renting an adjoining building to this Hospital for a term of Vice-Chairman. Ralph Folks. Thomas J. Mulligan, three (3) years, which will be altered into a dispensary, so that the facilities of the Niles R. Becker. John S. Gaynor. Courtlandt Nicoll. hospital for dispensary purposes will be largely increased, thus making it possible to Daniel M. Bedell. Edward V. Gilmore. James J. Nugent. take care of all applicants. To do this, however, requires additional help, as above John A.
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