Your Want Ad 7i Is Easy To Place- '"tinQiHo M Phono ARn 7700 An Official Newspaper I H Foi The Borough Of Mountniniid*' , n.,i • ,i, ,v f 8,r VOL, 11 . No. 21 MOUNTAINSIDE, N,j. THURSDAY, MAY S. I960 opy School report due next week Regional board pitches in to aid typing, printing The i'mon County t'pginrwl H'vnl 'f F'iuci- tion armounc-ed this week that ir' pl.mnlng consultant's fin-si report shnuW t— -f>i|i|#reH and In its hands next week. The timetable was announced fallowing a meeting last Friday with Ljr, Henry Rissettu, who is preparing a survey on the Regional High School niStriCf''- i"'mi"«Hf nnri |.MIE- range building need1;, Avery W, Ward, bom) president, said the major bottlenecks in the pradiictinn of the final report were, accurdinj; (u I)r, Rissetio, JOHN H, PALMER JR, ARTHUR M. nnl.PRF.RG JOHN P. WAI <!H various techmral dlfflf'ilrfee •,,„* a qhnrtn,:e of stenograph]** help. Ward said the school board ottered its resources to prepare the repon Ln its final form. This was agreed to, Wnrri said, and Democrats field full slate for mayor, board personnel are assisting Dr. Rissitio in typing the final rhapters, and getting the report printed. Ward said the board wlU be reimbursed, through its contract with the consultant, for council; promise an active campaign secretarial and any printing costs, "It has always been the board's and Dr. A full slate was filed list weak by the paign on issues of ierious concern for Moun- graduating in 19S9. Walsh presently practices Rissetto's Intention to get this survey to the Mountainside Democratic organiiation for this tainside," law In Millbum, people as soon as possible, By utilizing the fall's municipal election. In the mayoralty spot Walsh, 36, lives with his wife, Eileen, and Walsh served last year as legal advisor for' full resources of the board's secretarial staff, was John P, Walsh, and for Borough Council, children, Michael and Beth, it 1607 Grouse the Democratic Borough Council candidates. we are confident that preparation of the report Arthur M, Goldberg and John H. Palmer Jr, He is a member of Our Lady of Lourdes lane, A graduate of the Seton Hall University can be expedited and distributed with a mini- The DemocraH, through Joseph Stypa, chair- College of Arts and Sciences in 1954, Walsh Church and the Knights of Columbus, He has man, challenged the record of the outgoing also been an instructor at the St. Peter's mum of further delay," continued his studies at Seton Hall Law School, Ward also said the board will not make any admlnlsH-ation and promised "vigorous cam- in the evening while working during me day, School of Industrial Relations and now serves TAKE A CARPET RIDE—Kathleen Grace (left) and Kathy Wishbow support poster while as secretary to the New Jersey State Invest- decisions In reference to the survey before Mary Lu Cibney and Call Seria (standing) back them up In urging residents to attend the ment Council, He is past president oftheMill- public hearings are held throughout the re- 10th annual bridge party and fashion show sponsored by Our Lady of Lourdes Rosary and burn-Springfield KiwaniS organization, gional district, Altar Society. The theme is "A Thousand and One Nights," The card party-fashion show • m * "The public will have a full opportunity to will be held next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings In die parish auditorium, starting at make its desires known before the board Grand slam by Knodel IN FULFILLMENT of last year's post-eam- S both nights. makes Its decision on a future referendum," palp promisei, both Goldberg and Palmer Ward said. are running a second time for the Borough Council, leads Chiefs to victory Goldberg, 28, lives with his wife, Ronnie, CYO folk-rock concert and two daughters, Kerry and Wendy, at 111! The highlight of this weuk's jamei In the National League scores for the week were Wyoming dr. A graduate of Ruqjers College Square dance Mountainside Little League Major Leape as follows: Pirates 4 - Giants 1; Braves and Villanova Law School, Goldberg practiced was « grand slam home run hit Thursilrty !jy 14 - Dodgers, 9- Cubs, 13 - Cardinals 1; law In Newark for several years before form- to aid tutoring program John Knodel of the Chiefs in the game against Braves, 12 - Pirates, 5; Cubs, 27 - Giants ing Fairlawn Trucking Co., an organisation the Elks. Tht ball traveled high ov«r the left 6; Cardinals. 33-Dodgers, 27. operating more than 250 freight vehicles. A demonstration Our Lady of Lourdes Auditorium, Mountain- assigned in that city two years ago, After his .j field fence and was the first grand slam of the Standings: Cuba, 3-0; Cardinals, 2-1; member of various professional organiza- side, will reverberate Saturday, May I?, at R aransfir to a parish at Hightstown, he formed tions, goldberg recently headed the American p.m. with the folk-rock sound of the People, the People, a folk-rock group madi up of high »Brayes,i,2-ls-j;icates,.l_-«2! .Giants, ,X .-,,2;,. ! " Mark Hergoff*oif thWlBfbffiliniJfT'prtcii^ Dodgers, 3-0, •Cancer FunBSrive'll MounKiiB'ffir"™™"*^"""" at «featuring the -Rev? Charles-Flncllay; OSBifaun-^ sch0ol'gtudents-wrhis'group harperformed at» his team to i 4-2 victory, their tiUrd of the Palmer, 42, lives with his wife, Trudy» anf featuring the "Teen Promenaders" der of the group. numerous benefits and has recently fulfilled season, over last year's champs, the Pio- Senior League scores were as follows: their six children, at 144 Greenwood rd) He Tie concert it being sponsored by the recording contracts. Twins 14 - Yankees 5; Orioles 4 - Tigers of-LerkeleyHeightiwillhighlighitheMouniain- If" neers, maldng ftem the leaders so far. is owner of his own business, the Palmer iidiVjPTA Fair at Deerfield School this Salur- Catholic Youth Oraanlzatlon of pur Lady of Tickets for the concert are available at Our Scores were as follows: Elks, 3 - Pio- 2- Yankees 7 - Orioles 6; Tigers 24 - Twtai 1, Lourdei Church for the benefit of an inner- Lady of Lourdes Church, Mountainside, (Continued on page 2) day. Pick Lighthipe will call their squaredance neers, 4; Chiefs, 9 . Mustangi, 3; Moun- Standings; Orioles, 2-1; Tigers, 2-1; demonstraiions, Sandorst the Magician will city tutoring program currently being carried The Rev, Raymond Aumack, moderator of taineers, 8 - Blue Stars, I; Chiefs, 13 - Twins, 1 - 2; Yankees, 1 - 2. share the bill and will perform "wonderoui on at St. Patrick's Church, Elizabeth. The Our Lady of Lourdes CYO, stated that the Elks, 4; Mountaineers, 4 - Pioneers, 2; Girls Softball Leape scores were as acts of magk" wnh list animals. The dir- teen-agars of the parish together with some program will be a sell-out and that tickets Mustangs, 5 - Blue Stars, 1, follows: Canaries, 29 - Blue jays, 9; Owls, 41- grounds will be open at noon, and the show adults have been staffing this program for should be purchased early. Standings: Mountaineers, 3-0; Chiefs, 2-1: Doves, 4; Orioles 33 - Doves, 5; Canaries, GOP, Dems name will begin at 1 p.m. m the gym. Tickets may some time, The concert is being promoted to Mustangs, 1-2; Fionaers, 1 - 2; Elks, 1-2; 23 - CardLnals 11; Falcons, 21 - Peacocks, be purchased at the door. defray current ej^ensea for the project and to Blue Stars, 1-2, 4; Parrots, 2! - Blue Jays, 19, fund it for next year, A CYO spokesman com- committeemen for Of spenal interim io pre-teens and teens mented, will be ihe dance Io the music ol the Odd Be. Paper drive slated ginning. This will be held m the gym at 3 p.m. "The tutoring program is remedial m its all election districts Prizes will be awarded in a foniest at 4, orlenutlon and hai helped students from the Registration slated May 17 Sixth, seventh and eii.h-grade girls with inner city overcome obstacles presented by by Key Club here Republicans and Democrats last week filled culinary talent may win prizes inlhecakebake reading, math and language handicaps. It also the quota of candidates for county committee contest at 2 p.m. Entries must be in by 1 p.m. has provided an outlet" for the enthusiasm and The Mountainside Kiwanls - Key Club paper positions from Mountainside, Both parties fUed The use of mixes is prohibited. zeal of the young people of the Mountainside drive will be held Sunday, May 25, All Moun- petitions naming a commltteeman and a cbm- tainside residents have been urged to save for summer tennis instruction While youngsters are testing their skill in community by letting them exercise their mitteewoman in each of the borough's five elec- creative talent for the benefit of children who papers and magazines for the itteet-by-snreet RBgiiffation for the summer program of is completed. Included In the registraUoii fee, tion dlstrlcu, to be listed on the June 3 ballot. games and enjoying the rides, iheir parents pick up. teniilt inittucUon Is scheduled for Saturday, which must be paid at the time of registra- may shop at a variety of booths. The mothers are handicapped by their environment, The lack of a primary contest for county of Mountainside ire now busily baking to create "The project has hjlped the young.people Sponsored by the Mountainside Kiwanla Club, May 17, from 10 a,m. to noon at the Eeho- tion, will be tennis balls and written ma- committee posts as well as the absence of the Key Club at Gov, Livingston Regional High •aaa&rOQk SchpOl.
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