Shellfish Harvesting It is very important before you col lect any shell­ Fishe ries Environmen t Canada fish that you ensure the area is not closed . and Oceans Environmental Protection Service Information A check is as simple as using the local tele­ phone directory to find the federal fisheries •• •• office nearest you or ca ll one of the central offices listed below. Maritime New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island St. Andrews Moncion Sydney Halifax Charlottetown Shellfisheries Box 210 P.O . Box 5030 P.O. Box 1085 P 0 . Box 550 P.O. Box 1236 EOG 2XO E1C 9B6 B1 p 6J7 B3J 2S7 C1A 7M8 (506) 529-8847 (506) 758-9044 (902) 564-7276 (902) 426-24 73 (902) 566-7800 Tracadie Yarmouth Antigonish Guide .,. P.O. Box 1670 215 Main St reet P.O. Box 1183 EOC 2BO B5A 1C6 B2G 2M5 (506) 395-6321 (902) 742-9122 (902) 863-5670 Liverpool P.O. Box 190 BOT 1KO (902) 354-3459 Canada Introduction Fresh shellfish can be purchased at any of As with an y food , care must be taken to ensure hundreds of fish markets , and are served at th at the shellfish gathered are not contam­ Mussel One of the great attractions of Canada's Mari­ restaurants and snack bars throughout the inated. This guide has been prepared to pro­ time provinces is the selection of seafood del­ Maritimes. vide the recreational digger with information (Mytilus edulis) icacies to be enjoyed here. Among the pertaining to the safe harvest of shellfish in the Rocky shores along the three provinces' coast­ favourites are the many varieties of shellfish In search of a recreational outing ? Shellfish Maritimes. Included is a brief description of the lines, bays and river mouths are mussel breed­ harvested from the miles of beaches and rocky provide the tourist or camper with the addition­ most common edible shellfish which Maritimers ing grounds. Mussels attach themselves to coastline . al benefit of preparing and eating his own and visitors to the Maritimes have been en­ rocks, wharf-pilings or other salt­ "catch". With soft-shelled clams, for example , a joying safely for centuries. water-submerg ed surfaces by means of fine person armed with only a shovel or clam fork threads or "beards". On the outside, the shells and pail can usual ly gather quantities sufficient are deep-blue to black, while the inside of the to serve several people. shells are whitish-blue. Mussel meat is of best quality during March, April, May, October and November, when the ocean temperature is cold. Mussels are typical­ ly sold fresh in the shell and a licence is not Bar or Surf Clam required for harvesting. (Spisula solidissima) Bar clams are commonly found on the south­ ern and western Gulf of St. Lawrence on clean, sandy bottoms at low tide levels. Bar clams are the largest species of clams found in th e north­ Soft-Shell Clam west Atlantic Region. They have a thick, ch alky shell which is moderately inflated. The clam (Mya arenaria) shell is smooth with concentric growth lines; Clams are common to the river mouths, inlets, color varies from yel low to olive green. Sh ell and beaches of all the Maritime provinces and size ranges from 8-15 cm (3-6 inches). The are found in the sand or mud around midtide clam meat is shucked and minced for use in level. Soft-shell clams have oval shaped, long, commercial clam chowders. thin, brittle shells which are chalky-white in col­ our. The clams cannot close their shells tightly A licence is not required to harvest bar clams. because their long neck extends beyond the Harvesting takes place during the summer edges. Most of the soft-shell clam harvest is months using clam hacks or forks. sold fresh in the shell with some amounts sold as fresh and frozen shucked meat and in can­ ned goods. A licence is not required to harvest clams. Hand tools are the only permitted devices for clam harvesting. Contact any of the regional fisheries offices listed for details on size limit. Atlantic Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Oyster beds are found in the river mouths and inlets along the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Bay Quahog and Northumberland Strait, to Cape Breton Island. Oyster shells are unequal in size, the (Mercenaria mercenaria) upper being flattened and the lower cup-shaped. Bay Quahogs are common to warm shallow bays and estuaries from Miramichi Bay, New On the outside, the shells have a rough Brunswick to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia sculptured appearance. Their color is a mixture and from Passamaquoddy Bay, New Brunswick of brown , grey, green or white. On the inside, to St. Mary's Bay, Nova Scotia. they are smooth and du ll white. Oysters range in length from 8-25 cm (3-10 inches) and are This species has a thick, heavy, moderately in­ usually sold fresh in the shell. flated shell with numerous concentric growth lines. The color is dull white and size ranges Spring and fall are the recommended seasons from 3.5-11 cm (1'/2-4% inches). Small for harvesting. Minimum size limit is 7.6 cm quahogs are sold fresh in the shell. The larger (3 inches). Both commercial and recreational ones are sold as shucked meats which are harvesters require a license to obtain oysters in then minced and canned. the Maritime provinces. Tongs and rakes operated by hand are the only devices allowed Quahogs are harvested from mud bottoms at for harvesting oysters in public beds. Contact low tide by hand or clam fork. A licence is not any of the fisheries protection offices listed required to harvest quahO'gs. above for details on obtaining an oyster har­ vesting licence and information on regulations. Warning: Contaminated Paralytic Shellfish Bacteriological Advice for Fisheries Pech es Fisheries Peches The danger of contaminated shellfish to public and Oceans et Oceans and Oceans et Oceans Poisoning (PSP) Contamination Consumers health was the impetus for Canada's establish­ •• •• ment of the National Shellfish Sanitation Pro­ Sometimes, during the summer and fall, a mi­ Bacteriological contamination is generally There are a few rules the consumer should fol­ gram (NSSP) in 1948. The Environmental Pro­ nute and poisonous marine organism called caused by human and animal waste dis­ low when catching and buying shellfish: tection Service of Environment Canada and the Gonyaulax multiplies in large quantities. Bi­ charges. Sources of this contamination include: Conservation and Protection Division of the valves, which are filter feeders, concentrate the 1. Check with a local fishery officer (see this Department of Fisheries and Oceans have joint toxin in their digestive tracts but are immune to 1. untreated and treated municipal and indus­ page for phone number) for an update on responsibility to administer the program. The the effects of the poison . Humans who eat trial wastes the safety of the shellfish harvesting areas. Environmental Protection Service assesses these contaminated shellfish, however, run the 2. drainage from agricultural pastures and and classifies the sanitary quality of shellfish DANGER DANGER risk of becoming se riously il l. Once the feed lofts 2. Do not harvest shellfish from: growing areas while the Department of Fisher­ Area Closed Gonyaulax expire, shellfish clean themselves of 3. excrement from wild animals and birds (i) PSP closed areas in the Bay of Fundy ies and Oceans implements and enforces clo­ Area Closed Secteur ferme Secteur ferme PSP contamination in several weeks or several 4. discharges from pleasure crafts and fishing during certain periods of the year sure regulations with local fishery officers pat­ Shellfish (oysters, clams . Les mo llusques (huitres . clams The area describ ed below is a Le secteur di!crit ci-ap res esl months, depending on the organism, the boats. (check with fishery officer) rolling the closed areas. mussels and other biva lve moules et autres mo llusq ues contaminated area and conlami ne. II se peut don e que amount of toxin stored and the time of year. (ii) bacteriological contaminated areas motluscs l 1n 1he area desc ribe d bivalves) provenan t du secteu r shel lfish (oysters . clam s. les mollusq ues que l" on y below contii in paralytic toxins iind d!lcnt ci-i:lpr!ls conliennenl des mussels and olher bivalve trouve (huitres. clams . moules The Environmental Protection Service conducts (iii) any areas within 125 meters of any These signs are posted at all shellfish areas are not sa le for use as rood . 1oxines paralysanies et sn nl cl one molluscs) found therei n mav not et autres mollusques biva lves) People eating shellfish should be aware of the sanitary and bacteriological water quality sur­ wharf. which are closed due to contamination from impropres a la consommalion. be sale fer use as loocl . soienl impropres a la consommation. symptoms of PSP. The first indication of veys of shellfish growing areas in the Maritimes paralytic shellfish poison or disease-carrying Area Oesc1ipt1on Desc ription du scc1 eur Area Description Descript ion du secteur poisoning is a numbness or tingling of the lips to determine whether the conditions of the 3. Oysters and clams purchased in the shell bacteria. Quite often these signs are torn and tongue, which spreads to the fingers and areas are suitable for shellfish harvesting. The should be refrigerated but not frozen. If they down, leaving a contaminated area unmarked. toes. These symptoms are followed by a loss Maritime shellfish growing areas which are gap and do not close when tapped, they are Once an area is closed it is illegal to harvest of muscular coordination, ending in paralysis closed to harvesting are shown on the map on dead and should not be eaten.
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