DAIRY DEPARTMENT ON PAGES 5, 12 AND 13 A REAL LIVE STOCK MARKET NEWSPAPER ..One of the foremost Dairy Cattle experts in the West i, spending bis entire time in The Fann and Ranch Market Jo1D"nal has a bonafide paid circulation of nearly editing and compiling the Dairy Department of thia paper. Annow1cements of auction • 10,000 live stock producers. It goea into every county in California nnd into adjoinina: aalea o~ dairy cattle will be found in thi& i1cction. Also complete newa and market reports atatea which ahip to the Los Angeles Market. It not only js tho greatest hve ato,,k P"P"r for Da1rym.en. T~n fact that more than 3000 D1ti1·ymen 1·ead thi• departmr.nt every week on the Pacific Coast, .ibut aa an dvc1·tiaing medium aoing to live stock pcopl", it ii un• I& proof of ala mcral. cxcell d. s OLU:\IE G, :No. 41 Issued \Veekly L O S A N G E L .E S, CAL I F O R ... r I A 10c Per Copy ~eptcmber 6, 1928 .,. 1 Cullfoml<L 6.. , 5 C"u lHorni:t l.~i ti.UIJ -··-- ····· ·..... 1 6.6( Ventura County Fair Other Livestock Marketa"s II attle Market in Firm l Cnlifomla ---···········- 930 I d.d E h·b·t at :t , 'u1tfor111a 5.UO (Fumiah~ by Bureau of~gricul- p en I X I I s •·-·---· ·- l , -J Ju Culifurnla 4.75 -···-·····-- ]119• tu.ta! Economic,) •l Cullfornia _ --·······-·· 1092 4.60 Opens Next wednesday C I. .e • s t F . J>osition; California Steers 2 <'"nliforni \ ··-·· 915 4.25 , CHICJ\C,O, Sept. 5.- llog~, l&,000. •I a }J.0rn1a ta e air ~ C'alifornia 00 ·····-·····-·- 988 3.(/0 Slow; mostly IOc to !Sc lower than 1 Culifornia . ···-··-·-····- 1080 Southern California's :first hig tablished new track records at Tue day's average; top $1300, paid Att t R d c d county fair is the Veiftura CountyjSacramento ,\Ill also be seen on the tor. sc,cral load~ choice: 180-215 lb.I rac ecor row S Bring $13~00 Tuesday 13ULLS Fair, which opens \Veilne,<idny, Sep- fast Ventura track weights; bulk bt•tter grade J 70-2.JO, :-So. Av.Wt. Thursday, August 30 Price tember 12, continuing tf,rough the' lb. averages $12.60 to $13.(Xl; 250-2&) between Grades Shestock Weak to 25c Lower· Car ~ <O.d i Corn la -····-••·-• . 566 $9 25 following Sunda,·. The night hor~e show is always n lb. weights $12.JO to $12.u5; few Li· ue 1 ( ·amornla ·-···-··········· lCGO 9 .110 strong fealure :it Ventura as most I d I · 290 JJ5 • Stock Judging Proves Center of Interest for Good ~tah Steers $12.90, Utah Heifers $11.z'S, 1 Cvlitornla -· . ····-··· HUii ~.75 \V. \\'. Van Pelt, S< cretary, is en- of the leading Southern Caliofrnia oa s c 101cc . • ;_ lh. a~eragc, 2 ("alllornia -··-····-·· ·-· ]GJO ~.n thu•i:istic about this yca1 's fair- at stables will show. $12.00 to $12.25 ;. bulk good grade Stockmen; Easton & Ward Win Grand California Cows $10.25, Calves Steady 3 <:u Ii fornia -··· .... ··-· -·· 1190 Ii 50 y cntura. 'l here will he' an cxcep- , 1-10-160 lb. weights $11.75 to $12.50; Championship and Kenwood Bull 31 C:nliforniaC.'.1llfor11la -·--···---_____ . 1260l3a3 tion:illy goo,l live stock show, as There is also much interest in the pigs mo~tly $10.50 to $11.50; bulk The cattle m:i~kct c t" • - • . tig {I. t ; . on murs m :i strong i•os t1, 11 :i. e\ •dcncecl hv the 1 I 12HI 8.00 several of the prcnicr beef cattle, draft horse and mule show and some packing 5ows $II.IO to $11.40. ls Junior Champion 1 1 r 1 'sllfornin. ··--····-·--. "I ·' u~s, ay s h!>cral receipt were c cane-•! up w,thout much ~klav 2 Utnh --·-·-•. -- 7U5 8.00 clairy catilc, swine and sheep e~- splendid t<•ams arc entered, as well Cattle, l.J,00O. Good and choice 0 ,c to stc"dy pric(·s the ~ I - k I · · b · · I \.!nlifur11i11 ---··- 1030 7 wee . ) f . ' 'II y WLn l1{'$S )(.JIii{ r•• !lea le Oil tl1r 111• .r.; hibits at the California State Fair as fan•ous six horse hitches. fed steers and yearlings ac!IH, \Vith the grc:i est array of exhibits in the seventy-six yur~ of HS 1 11 Friduy, A11i;ust ~1 • '. gr: rs o cowstulT and parl1cularly 01? half fat Jairv CO\\$. ,\p- :ire cnt<.>rcd :it Ventura. strong to 25c higher, earh· top exist<:nce, the Laliforma State Fair at Sacramento is attracting record xunately 2100 head of cattfc went0- ---- · ~---, 2 Cnllfornla _ ---··· ···-··· I 7b5 9.0(} The Yenlura fair is always· cspcc- $18.00; inbctween grades · slow, crowds. Atcn<l:incc durillg the first three days ran up to 150,())), dt•s1ite 1 C1,llfornln -- -- 1600 r ,tl;e scales Tucscl.,y aikr :i slow 21 c,.1,rornlu. -··· ··········-··- 782 11.50 ar·Ie~.xsccchpe1<ilo1inlc~~lyfogrooe<alchhoofrsctherafi~,~! ,,·asllly1'f,,opc,unlarthileueb•~aoclt1h, e at ctStchaast1·c1i~ $stea7dy to stroOOng; bulk short feds the torid tempt:ratures at S;J\·ramcnt,e at this season of the yc;ir 1 1 C'nllfornla ····-· -·····-··· 1740 tf~ ! (le - 1 th~ outsl"!; liberal receipts I!, <-:al/~1Jrnh . ·- 983 11.25 1 C11llforn1a • ··-··-·········· 1880 8.65 " ' •J ~ u ~ 14. 5 to $16. , fat she stock :ind It ha~ been a good many years.... P D d I the: a<l111stn11.'nt of packl"r~ an,! ;: <-;a'1 •. vrnln. ··-· ... 112u lot.,,o 2 f'nlir'>l"llill •.. -··· •-·••• l7fi0 S r.o days. The horses which have cs- I'nrk. -------~ bulls slow, steady: bulk grass cows smcc the live stock judging contests P.Ai"n gjli.VES-:tat, entry by E:.t.aton J,.r~ ideas being the m•· 1-. l .'·• < rdlluniltL ..... ·-·-- • 8111 Ju.7~ l <'alllornla -·-···-·--- 1470 h , ,.in i.lC ors Ju <'nl,f(•rnL-t -··· ... ... 86~ JO.liO 1 l 'ulirornla ......_. ··-··- 1 l'.1'1 f~~ $8.2; to $9.50; hcifc1s mos ly $10.50 attract[d s11ch crow<ls ns were seen & \Vnrd· .2nd, cnlcy by J<enwoo<I e slow start. l he fir1.t steers 911 New J\l,xlc-o. --··· lS24 J0.35 1 f'nlifornln. -···-. ~•· 1080 800 G L •11 d Atf t 300 to $12.00; wci~hty s:iusr,ge bulls :it Sacramento this week. During J•am,s; 3rd, entry by l'nchoeo C'11t• !,,e current season lrom the 611 • •~·w ~IC'1tlco ........ .. .. 643 ~.9 1 4 l'tsh -•-··•- •··--·--· 111111 ng, amp l ar, rac 8 $G.OO to $9.25 mostly; vcalcrs strong ~he Shorthorn judging! ~loln~ay }}~r,~;~:; •th, entry I>)' Kunwootl r-:\lountain s,ction arrived last l C::i.llforr,lu -···-··· . ltl9o 9.IJO 1 l'tuh ···-••--· ··••·•••··-•·· 111~11 1 CuliCornir, _ -··•-·•- 1450 to 25c higher, Lulk best kinds $17.ii eYery available scat in t 1c JU< gmg GET OF SIRE, .f anhnnla-11t, entry <lay, while ntl·er q0 ac'5 showed 'up 21 ~ \\'1,dne <lay, Septcmb"r 5 6 the Tncs<l· cl , uhfornla _ -·· ···--·- JlZO 12.9() Sutnrday. September 1 .oo Boys and lnst..... ucto.,.s at Daz·r to $18.00; stockers and Iec<lcrs .IC• p:iv11ion was occupied by stockmcn b.r K nwood Faimai l!nd, rn~n, L, ·I 1 I 1 , L' l · I h • • . hu•ton & "'urd: 8ro, (!ntry l,y Po.• ..iy se~s1on. ., 1estuck ('ollfornia ···-· __ 842 l 2.511 l « allfornht -•-n--•·-····-· 129u ~. 7:,, 11\·C. Strc,ng. am t Cir WI\ cs. c,hDl'O Cnttl Co., 4th, 1'11tr)' by \ 11). rn. that section continurcl to ar- 1 Northe:rn ····- -·•-·•• 1060 lU:iO 1 ( 'alifomio. .....•. ··-··-·- J3CO 8.75, _ . __ Sheep. J0,000. Fat !.i.mbs !Sc to I'rof. \V. L. Hhzzzard of S1111- h . .'}0."~· 111 rath~r lib, rat nu:nLcrs with · 2 <;nl!forr,111, ··-· ··-·-·· _ 1u~!i 11.511 l Polifornln .... •.. • 11:1111 1 th 3 <'11llfornla ____ --·•-··• 1176 25c lower; good nath-es at full d water Oklahoma proved to b1: a STAlE l•AlR SPF.:C't.AI,. young hnd · · ,-::.de, b~ll1" iucl1i,.f 0 d 32 No,. •'rn ··· .., -· •·· 850 l 1.00 1 8.40 One of the most v:ilu hie and' sarr:~~nt" the day we Yi5itecl the 1. ff • • • . f lst1 entry by Pacho<'P ~ .,1t1e c,..., ,- ~ I 111pe ri:i I •--··- ·--·· n!I 10.~(I I 1 1 'nlifornia ······-··••·••······ 11170 ~ 2" I · · I r -rf1 · H k. 1 1 f c ~ne; Sp?ts o 111ore; Corn!.> ltcrs pc,pulnr Judge, des1,1te the act that l!nu, ontry by Wm. H. llunu. new top since e·n·y s1,ring was :u 11111,.:rlr,1. ···---··~· l>it:1 1IJ.91 I 1 <'nllfornln --~--- 790 s·oo in. ll·n·sting scctwn, of tie '-" orma camp. e was coo lhg wt < ogs or fairly act1\"e at downturn; desirabl<! comiictition in the Shorthorn classes le wh, ' · 1 ('allfnr111t~ .... __ 1230 111.1111 1 California .. --·---··· JU80 1· 25 State Fair was Cump Lillard, whl•re 1260 hungry boys au,! men. · 1 b ,:, "O ,:, d 1n two cars of good \117 and ~ North••rn (F,,e<I rsJ f,JG 'J'ut.,sdny, Seplt;ln11Jt:;r t . 1 1 1 n:illvc am s ,rl4.~ to ,pl4.75, sales was very keen. !111,in interest c- S'd J' ht th S I 11 JO.% 2,0 ~elcctcil lugh Sc 100 stur enh The camp was named after Jerry rather numerous at outside, scatter- I ,·eloped in the bull classes.
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