The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard FOUNDER OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY AUDITING SERIES Volume IX 1965-1975 _____________________________________________________________________ I will not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way And the wind sighs for songs Across the empty fields of a planet A Galaxy away. You won’t always be here. But before you go, Whisper this to your sons And their sons — “The work was free. Keep it so.” L. RON HUBBARD L. Ron Hubbard Founder of Dianetics and Scientology AUDITING SERIES 1965-1975 CONTENTS AUDITOR ADMIN SERIES 2 Nov. 72 R 1 R The Auditor Admin Series for Use by All Auditors (BTB) 3 25 Aug. 71 2 How to Get Results in an HGC (HCO B) 5 3 Nov. 72 R 3 R The Pc Folder and Its Contents (BTB) 9 4 Nov. 72 4 The Folder (BTB) 13 5 Nov. 72 R 5 R Case Progress Sheet (BTB) 16 14 Sept. 71 RA Case Progress Sheet (BPL) 17 5 Nov. 72R 6 R The Yellow Sheet (BTB) 20 5 Nov. 72R 7 R The Folder Summary (BTB) 21 5 Nov. 72 8 OCA Graphs (BTB) 26 6 Nov. 72 R 9 R The Program Sheet (BTB) 27 6 Nov. 72R 10 R The Auditor's C/S (BTB) 29 6 Nov. 72 RA 11 RA The Exam Report (BTB) 31 8 Mar. 71 Examiner's Form (HCO PL) 34 6 Nov. 72R 12 R The Summary Report Form (BTB) 35 20 June 70 Summary Report (BTB) 37 6 Nov. 72R 13 R The Auditor Report Form (BTB) 39 6 Nov. 72R 14 R The Worksheets (BTB) 41 3 Nov. 71 15 Auditor's Worksheets (HCO B) 44 7 Nov. 72R 16 R Correction Lists (BTB) 45 Dec. 74 Word Clearing Lists for Prepared Lists (HCO B) 46 7 Nov.72 R 18 R L&N Lists (BTB) 49 7 Nov.72R 19 R Dianetic Assessment Lists (BTB) 51 7 Nov.72 R 20 R Miscellaneous Reports (BTB) 52 8 Nov.72R 21 R The Dianetic Flow Table (BTB) 55 8 Nov.72 RA 22 RA Folder Error Summaries (BTB) 56 8 Nov. 72 RA 23 RA Invoice Form and Routing Form (BTB) 58 i BASIC AUDITING SERIES 3 Jan. 72R Form (Revised) (BPL) 60 23 May 71R 1 R The Magic of the Communication Cycle (HCO B) 63 23 May 71R 2 R The Two Parts of Auditing (HCO B) 65 23 May 71 3 The Three Important Communication Lines (HCO B) 68 23 May 71R 4 R Communication Cycles Within the Auditing Cycle (HCO B) 69 23 May 71R 5 R The Communication Cycle in Auditing (HCO B) 73 23 May 71 6 Auditor Failure to Understand (HCO B) 75 23 May 71 7 Premature Acknowledgements (HCO B) 77 5 Feb. 66 8 "Letting the Pc Itsa"—The Properly Trained Auditor (HCO B) 78 23 May 71 9 Comm Cycle Additives (HCO B) 81 23 May 71R 10 R Recognition of Rightness of the Being (HCO B) 82 23 May 71 11 Metering (HCOB) 84 CRAMMING SERIES 22 Apr. 71R 1 R Cramming (BTB) 87 8 Mar. 75 2 RB Cramming Actions (BTB) 93 8 Mar. 75 3 R Types of Cramming—Admin Cramming (BTB) 96 8 Mar. 75 4 RB High Crime Checkouts and Technical OKs (BTB) 99 8 Mar. 75 5 RB TRs in Cramming (BTB) 102 8 Mar. 75 6 RA Cramming Expertise (BTB) 104 8 Mar. 75 7 RA Cramming Officer Statistic (BTB) 106 12 Dec. 71R 8 R How to Write Up a Cramming Order (BTB) 107 8 Dec. 71 9 The C/S and Cramming Cycles (BTB) 108 10 June 73RA 10 RA Cramming (HCO B) 109 10 June 73RA 11 RA Cramming Officer Post Requirements (BTB) 110 12 June 73 12 The Tools of Cramming (BTB) 112 12 June 73 RA 13 RA Cramming Heavy Hussar Handling for a Badly Bogged Tech Personnel or Staff Member (BTB) 116 15 Oct. 74 14 Cramming Over Out Ruds (HCO B) 119 18 Mar. 75 15 Meter Use in Qual (HCOB) 121 6 Apr. 72 R 16 How to Find a Why on a Person and Handle (BPL) 122 ii EXPANDED DIANETICS SERIES 15 Apr. 72 1 R Expanded Dianetics Series 1R (HCO B) 127 3 Apr. 72R 2 R Clearing Lists and R3-R(BTB) 129 2 Apr. 72RB 3 RB L3 EXD RB—Expanded Dianetics Repair List (HCO B) 131 20 Apr. 72 4 Suppressed Pcs and PTS Tech (HCO B) 136 24 Apr. 72 5 PTS Interviews (HCO B) 137 10 Aug. 72 6 Dianetic HCO B—Interest (HCO B) 138 13 Sept. 72 7 Catastrophes From and Repair of "No Interest" Items (HCO B) 139 30 Aug. 72 8 Expanded Dianetic Case A(BTB) 140 30 Aug. 72 9 Expanded Dianetic Case B (BTB) 146 18 Sept. 72 10 Expanded Dianetic Case C (BTB) 155 19 Oct. 72 11 Expanded Dianetic Case D (BTB) 162 20 Oct. 72 12 Expanded Dianetic Case E (BTB) 174 21 Oct. 72R 13 R Expanded Dianetic Case F (BTB) 183 22 Oct. 72 14 Expanded Dianetic Case G (BTB) 195 24 Oct. 72 15 Expanded Dianetic Case I(BTB) 201 25 Oct. 72 16 Expanded Dianetic Case J (BTB) 211 29 Oct. 72 17 Expanded Dianetic Case K (BTB) 215 30 Oct. 72 18 Expanded Dianetic Case L (BTB) 230 1 Nov. 72 19 Expanded Dianetic Case M (BTB) 237 15 Feb. 74 20 Service Facsimile Theory and Expanded Dianetics (HCO B) 249 28 Mar. 74 21 Expanded Dianetics—Developments Since the Original Lectures (HCO B) 251 23 Apr. 74R 22 R Expanded Dianetics Requisites (HCO B) 254 17 July 74 23 XDN Case B (HCO B) 255 27 Mar. 75R 24 R Ex Dn and PTS RD Notes (BTB) 256 iii INTEGRITY PROCESSING SERIES 4 Dec. 72R 1 R Definitions (BTB) 261 5 Dec. 72RA 2 RA Procedure (BTB) 264 8 Dec. 72RA 3 RA, 4 R Integrity Processing and O/Ws Repair List & 5 RA —L1 RA (BTB) 266 9 Dec. 74 6 RA Effectiveness of Overts in Processing (HCO B) 268 10 Dec. 72 7 Fundamentals (BTB) 270 11 Dec. 72RA 8 RA The Tech and Ethics of Integrity Processing (BTB) 274 12 Dec. 72 9 Rudiments (BTB) 277 13 Dec. 72R 10 R Integrity Processing Questions Must Be F/Ned (HCO B) 278 14 Dec. 72R 11 R Generalities Won't Do (HCO B) 279 15 Dec. 72R 12 R Withholds, Missed and Partial (HCO B) 281 16 Dec. 72 13 Help the Pc (HCO B) 283 17 Dec. 72 14 Havingness (HCO B) 284 18 Dec. 72R 15 R Aspects of Integrity Processing (BTB) 285 6 June 68RA 16 RA IntegrityProcessingInfo(BTB) 287 23 Dec. 72R 17 R C/SingIntegrityProcessing(BTB) 289 21 Dec. 72 18 Formulating Integrity Processing Questions (BTB) 291 22 Dec. 72 R 19 R Ordering Personnel to Integrity Processing (BTB) 293 INTEGRITY PROCESSING FORMS 24 Dec. 72R 1 The Basic Integrity List (BTB) 294 24 Dec. 72R 2 General Staff Integrity List (BTB) 297 24 Dec. 72 R 3 Auditor Integrity List (BTB) 300 24 Dec. 72R 4 Supervisor Integrity List (BTB) 303 24 Dec. 72R 5 Student Integrity List (BTB) 305 iv STUDY SERIES 18 Sept. 67 Study—Complexity and Confronting (HCO PL) 309 21 Sept. 70 1 Study Definitions (HCO B) 311 2 June 71 2 Confronting (HCOB) 314 22 July 71 3 Confronting, Addition (BTB) 317 13 May 72 4 Chinese School (HCO PL) 318 30 Mar. 72R 5 R The Primary Correction Rundown Revised (HCO B) 320 3 Apr. 72 6 Primary Rundown Note (HCO B) 322 4 Apr. 72R Primary Rundown (Revised) (HCO B) 323 20 July 72 Primary Correction Rundown Handling (HCO B) 326 4 Feb. 72RD 7 Study Correction List Revised (BTB) 329 26 Apr. 72 8 The Glib Student (HCO B) 345 4 Jan. 73 9 Confront (HCO B) 346 TAPE COURSE SERIES 20 Nov. 71 1 Course Translation to Tape (HCO B) 349 21 Nov. 71 2 Dianetics and Scientology in Other Languages (HCO B) 351 21 Nov. 71R 3 R Teaching a Tape Course(HCOB) 354 22 Nov. 71 4 Tape Players—Description and Care (BTB) 357 21 Nov. 74 5 Translated Tapes for Staff and Student Use (BTB) 361 10 Nov. 71R 6 R Tapes, How to Use (HCO B) 364 25 Nov. 71 R 7 Setting Up and Using a Tape Player (BTB) 368 26 Nov. 71 RA 8 Handling Misunderstood Words on Tape Recorded Materials (BTB) 370 27 Nov. 71 R 9 Method 2 Word Clearing on Tapes and Tape Courses (BTB) 372 17 Aug. 72R 10 Method 4 Notes (HCO B) 375 6 Apr. 72RA 11 R Basic Tape Rundown(BTB) 377 18 Feb. 72R 12 R Tape Translations to Tape (BTB) 379 9 Jan. 74R 13 Tape Course Checksheets (BTB) 381 23 Nov. 74 14 Tape Course Series Revisions and Cancellations (BTB) 385 v WORD CLEARING SERIES 23 June 71 1 The Secret of Fast Courses (BTB) 389 24 June 71 2 Word Clearing (HCO B) 392 25 June 71R 3 R Barriers to Study (HCO B) 393 26 June 71R 4 R Supervisor Two-Way Comm and the Misunderstood Word (HCO B) 396 27 June 71R 5 R Supervisor Two-Way Comm Explained (HCO B) 399 28 June 71R 6 R Method Two—Metered Word Clearing in the Course Room (BTB) 401 29 June 71R 7 R Steps to Speed Student Product Flow (BTB) 402 30 June 71R 8 RB Standard C/S for Word Clearing in Session —Method 1 (HCO B) 404 1 July 71 9 The Three Types of Word Clearing (BTB) 406 1 July 71R 10 R Speeding Up a Slow Course (BTB) 409 2 July 71RA 11 RA Word Clearing Successes (BTB) 412 27 July 71RA 12 RA Important—Allow No Bugs on Word Clearing Procedure (BTB) 415 2 July 71 13 Word Clearing Clarification (HCO B) 417 27 July 71 14 EP of Word Clearing (BTB) 418 26 Feb.
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