fpD^ CHRISTMAS SOCIAL SCIENCE FORUM THE PAGEANT TONIGHT DECEMBER 17 8:00 P.M. — LIBRARY SIENA NEWS 8:15 P.M. College of Saint Bernardine of Siena Vol. XXI. SIENA COLLEGE, LOUDONVILLE, N. Y., DECEMBER 11, 1959 No. 9 Gleemen Sponsor Pageant^ Geiger Named Social Science Forum Speaker to be Gibbons Hall Dec. 17 Site Head of Band Monsignor Gerhard A. Fittkau, S.T.D. Next Thursday, December 17th, at 8:15 p.m. the Siena College Glee The Student Senate Spirit Com­ Another lecture in the series of Social Science Forums will be held Club, under the direction of Father Laurence Rainville, OFM, will present mittee vmder the chairmanship of Friday, December 11th, at 8:00 p.m. in the Jerome Dawson Memorial its annual Christmas program in Gibbons Hall. Mike Paolino, Representative-at- Library. The featured speaker will be the Right Reverend Monsignor Large, has appointed George Geiger Gerhard A. Fittkau, S.T.D. His subject will be "Resurgence of the As in the past, the program is " " to start a SPIRIT BAND. Geiger Catholic Church in the Birthplace of the Reformation." divided into two parts, the first of has had a wealth of experience in Monsignor Fittkau, born 47 years which features the secular music of Mercy Asked playing and in directing bands. ago in East Prussia, Germany, re­ all German Expellees. With Bishop the season. Selections will include: Many times in the past he has been ceived his education (which includes Kaller's death in 1947 the Monsignor It's Beginning to Look Like Christ­ seen playing for different campus a Licenciate in Philosophy as well then assumed the post of General mas, Jingle Bells, Winter Wonder­ In Petition functions. In addition to this he is as his Doctorate in Theology) from Secretary of the Boniface Society in land, O Tannenbaum, Sleigh Bide, In an attempt to spare the lives of also the Battery Commander of the the following universities: the Uni­ Paderbom, Germany. i. Silver Bells, and a Negro spiritual. ROTC Band. versity of Innsbruck in Austria, Gre- Sweet Little Jesus Boy. 150 Hungarian students from execu­ The St. Boniface Society founded Any student interested in trying garian University in Rome, Catholic Also at this time, the White tion for their participation in the in 1849 at the suggestion of Bishop out for the SPIRIT BAND can get University of Fribourg in Switzer­ Ketteler was formed to care for the Chords, directed by Andy Baldwin, Hungarian revolt, the International in touch with Geiger in the band land, University of Breslau and the will make their first appearance of spiritual needs of Catholics dispersed Relations Commission of the NFCCS room in Gibbons Hall. Theological Seminary of Brauns- the year singing The Twelve Days throughout non - Catholic environ­ Campus Board is currently distrib­ berg. East Prussia. of Christmas. The entire student body is asked ments. uting a petition among the student Glee Club President Joel True to give its full support-and-coopera- Monsignor wa$,,(iaiained.March 7,, - The'American branch • of -the St announced that in spite of popular body to be sent to Nikita Khrus­ tion to this new organization be­ 1937 at Frauenburg, East Prussia, Boniface Society established in 1920 V demand, the selection Jingle Bell chev urging mercy for these impris­ cause the purpose of the band is to Germany. After his ordination he at the suggestion of Eugenio Pacelli, support campus activities and be a held many administrative posts, until Rock will not be included. oned young adults. the Apostolic Delegate in Washing­ The second part of the evening's benefit to the students. his kidnap by Soviet Secret Police ton and Nuncio to Germany, has The status of these students was entertainment will tell, in both words in February of 1945. since supported German missions in y and song, the story of Saint Francis initially introduced by Ed Sullivan, His captors deported him to Arctic South America during World War 2 and the first Christmas Crib. Dur­ syndicated columnist and television X-Ray Program Russia where he was made to serve and has carried on its original mis­ ing this portion the Glee Club will personality on his Sunday evening as a slave laborer until his release sion, of aid and assistance in the sing: The Blessing of Saint Francis, program. The NFCCS, in an at­ in the f alj[ of 1945. spiritiial- rehabilitation of Germany Here on Campus especially in the Soviet occupied Silent Night, Angels We Have Heard tempt to supplement his efforts, is Monsignor, Fittkau, after a short Central Germany. On High, O Come Emmanuel, Sleep conducting a national drive among This coming Tuesday, December recovery period was appointed as Holy Babe, See Amid the Winter's students in Catholic colleges. The 15th, the Student Senate is sponsor­ the Chaplain at the Catholic Action Father Victor Elmer, OFM, mod­ ing an X-ray program for the entire Snow, The Christmas Hymn, The petition will be sent to Mr. Khrus Training Center of RuUe near Osna- erator of the Forum, advises that Holy Mother Sings, Gesu Bambino student body. chev and an appeal urging Presi brueck. He held this post for a brief the lecture IS Compulsory for ali (Solo by Joseph Hines) and O Holy dential intervention will be sent to It has arranged for the Albany period, for during July, 1946 he was Sociology students. All other stu­ f Night,' featuring soloist George County X-ray Mobile to be on the made Chancellor to Bishop Kaller in the White House. dents interested in hearing Mon­ Rayner. campus from 9:00 a.m. into the eve­ Frankfurt, the Papal Delegate for signor Fittkau's lecture are invited. The story presented is, of course, The Campus Board on the Siena ning session. The chest X-rays will of special significance to us who are campus will conduct the campaign. cost $.50 and cards for this purpose taught by the followers of the gentle The Board hopes "The students will must be filled out before December saint, and it is the club's way of cooperate in this act of mercy and 15th. These cards may be acquired Clubs^ Classes Rush Plans; wishing a holy and happy Christmas participate in this singular oppor from and of the Student Senators. tunity to implement the Catholic to all. This program is designed for the FullDinner- Weekend Ahead apostolate on campus. This as a re Area Girls' Schools have been in- convenience of the student body. The The Class of '60 is going to hold its first dinner of the semester, minder to Hungarians that they are * vited and everyone is welcome. expense is reduced and the time and Sunday night, December 13th, at the West Albany Italian Benevolent not forgotten." Admission is free. place arranged to benefit most stu­ Society Hall. dents. The dinner, which is going to start at 6:30 p.m. and run imtil midnight, ALBANY CLUB The Albany Club announced that will probably be the last group din­ arrangements for a stag party have ner of its type for the Senior Class, Carmelite been made for tonight, December so all of the Seniors have purchased 11th, at the V.F.W. Hall in Dehnar. their tickets and are all going to be The affair will start at 8:00 p.m. Food Drive present. Tickets are on sale and may be The annual Carmelite Food Drive Jim Talbot is chairman of the purchased from Albany Club mem­ sponsored by the Schenectady Club event. Art Fogarty is honorary bers. The price is $1.00 for members which started a week ago last Mon­ chairman, and Joe Guiliano has as­ and $1.25 for others. day will continue until next Friday, sisted him. Seniors should have December 18th. purchased their tickets from any of Each year for the last three years, the committeemen or Senior Class Santa Visits the Schenectady Club has been hold­ officers by last Tuesday. If you ing this drive for the Carmelite nuns haven't bought your's see Jim Siena Dec. 14 of Schenectady. They live on only Talbot, maybe he can help. , .< •. Santa Claus will make his official what is given to them in charity. entry on the Siena campus Monday, They can't eat meat and therefore JUNIOR CLASS Deceihber 14th; La Casa Italica de the chairman, Lou Mauro, asks that Your chance to make a fantabu- Siena will sponsor its 11th annual no meat or perishable goods be lous reputation for your class is at Orphans' Party. ' •' ' donated. hand, Juniors. The management of This year La Casa Italica will play By now everyone has seen the Herbert's has been conned into let­ host to sixty local orphans. Cars chimney boxes placed throughout ting you in his establishment for are needed to transport these chil­ the college. Please help the nuns an evening of dining, dancing, etc. dren to Siena. If anyone is able to by bringing "canned food" and plac­ The only consolation the manage­ drive and is willing to help, please ing it in the boxes. ment has is the fact that the Sixth contact John Manoni or any ItaUan Precinct is just across the street and This is a club project, however, it Club member. the fire department adjoins the is representing Siena College and Santa Claus for this party wUl be police station. The price of this orgy every student in the college. So Phil Palmer. Everyone is welcome. is the minimrmi fee of $6.00 per everyone is asked to donate at least The party will be held in the cafe­ couple.
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