International Education Guide Education International FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF E DUC A TION FROM THE REPUBLIC OF International Education Guide POL FOR THE ASSESSMENT A ND OF EDUCATION FROM THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND International Education Guide FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATION FROM THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND .ii INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF education FROM THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND .iii INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF education FROM THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND Welcome to the Alberta Government’s International Education Guides The International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) developed the International Education Guides for educational institutions, employers and professional licensing bodies to help facilitate and streamline their decisions regarding the recognition of international credentials. These guides compare educational systems from around the world to educational standards in Canada. The assessment recommendations contained in the guides are based on extensive research and well documented standards and criteria. This research project, a first in Canada, is based on a broad range of international resources and considerable expertise within the IQAS program. Organizations can use these guides to make accurate and efficient decisions regarding the recognition of international credentials. The International Education Guides serve as a resource comparing Alberta standards with those of other countries, and will assist all those who need to make informed decisions, including: • employers who need to know whether an applicant with international credentials meets the educational requirements for a job, and how to obtain information comparing the applicant’s credentials to educational standards in Alberta and Canada • educational institutions that need to make a decision about whether a prospective student meets the education requirements for admission, and that need to find accurate and reliable information about the educational system of another country • professional licensing bodies that need to know whether an applicant meets the educational standards for licensing bodies The guides include: • a country overview • a historical education overview • descriptions of school education; higher education; professional, technical and vocational education; teacher education • grading scales • educational credentials documentation • a bibliography • placement recommendations for comparison with established standards and application in Alberta, Canada Prepared by International Qualifications Assessment Service Government of Alberta 9th Floor, 108 Street Building, 9942 – 108 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5K 2J5 Phone: 780-427-2655 Fax: 780-422-9734 www.immigration.alberta.ca/iqas © 2012 the Crown in right of the Province of Alberta, Government of Alberta International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) ISBN: 978-0-7785-9566-3 .iv INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF education FROM THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND .v INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF education FROM THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND Contents List of Figures viii List of Tables viii Country Overview 1 Land 1 People 2 Population 2 Language and culture 2 Religion 2 Polish residents in Canada 3 History 3 Origins and the Piast Dynasty (prior to 1386) 3 Jagiellonian Poland (1386–1572) 3 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1572 –1795) 4 Stateless nation (1795–1918) 4 Rebirth through the Second World War (1918–45) 4 The Holocaust 5 From the “People’s Poland” to the Third Republic (1945–present) 5 Administration 6 State administration 6 National symbols 6 Territorial administration 7 Economy 7 Historical Education Overview 8 The Piast Dynasty (prior to 1386) 8 Jagiellonian Poland (1386–1572) 8 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (1572–1795) 9 A Stateless Nation (1795–1918) 10 Rebirth and The Second World War (1918–45) 11 From the “Peoples’ Poland” to the Third Republic (1945–present) 11 School Education 13 Overview 13 Structure of Education 14 Types of Schools 15 Public schools 16 Non-public schools 16 School Year 16 Administration 16 State responsibilities 16 Territorial responsibilities 17 The Central Examination Commission 17 Preschool Education 17 Compulsory Education—Primary School 18 Before the 1999 reform 18 Since the 1999 reform 18 Compulsory Education—Lower Secondary School (gymnasium —gimnazjum) 20 Post-Compulsory Education—Secondary School 21 Before the 1999 reform 21 Since the 1999 reform 21 Internal Assessment 25 .vi INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF education FROM THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND Higher Education 25 Overview 25 Before the 1990 Reform 25 Institutions 25 Admission 26 Modes of study 27 The Transition (1990–2005) 27 After the 2005 Reform 28 Administration 28 Accreditation and quality assurance 29 Other national bodies 29 Types of institutions 29 Education structure and credentials 30 Admission 31 Fees 31 Language of instruction 31 Academic year 31 Examinations and grading 31 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) 32 Diploma projects and diploma examinations 33 First-Cycle Degree Programs (Studia Pierwzego Stopnia) 33 Title of licentiate (tytul licencjata) and title of engineer (tytul inzyniera) 33 Second-Cycle Degree Programs (Studia Drugiego Stopnia) 33 Master’s degree (tytul magistra) 33 Sample First-Degree and Second-Degree Programs 34 Engineering (studia inzyinierskie) 34 Nursing and midwifery (pielegniarstwo i poloznictwo) 35 Physiotherapy (fizjoterapia) 37 Long-Cycle (Integrated) Degree Programs (jednolite studia magisterskie) 39 Professional degrees 39 Sample Long-Cycle Degree and Professional Programs 40 General medicine (kierunek lekarski) 40 Dental medicine (kierunek stomatologiczny/dentystyczny) 42 Law (prawo) 44 Third-Cycle Degree (Doctoral Studies—studia doktoranckie) Programs 45 Degree of doctor (stopien doktora) 45 Teacher Education 46 Before the 1991–99 Reform 46 Pedagogical lyceums (Liceum pedagogiczne) 46 Teachers’ training institutes (Studium nauczycielskie) 46 Preschool education institutes (Studium wychowania przedszkolnego) 46 Higher education for teachers 47 Since the 1991–99 Reforms 47 Post-Secondary Education for Teachers 47 Teachers’ colleges (Kolegium nauczycielskie or KN) 47 Foreign language teachers’ colleges (Nauczycielskie kolegium jezykow obcych or NKJO) 50 University-level teacher education (wyzsze studia) 51 Post-diploma teacher education (studia podyplomowe) 53 Professional certification 54 Teachers in higher education 54 .vii INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF education FROM THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND Technical and Vocational Education 55 Before the 1999 Reform 55 Basic vocational schools (zasadnicza szkola zawodowa) 55 Secondary schools incorporating vocational and professional training 55 Technical and professional secondary schools (technikum, liceum zawodowe) 56 Post-lyceum and post-matriculation schools (szkoly policealne, szkoly pomaturalne) 56 After the 1999 Reform 57 Apprenticeship training (szkolenie zawodowe) 58 Basic vocational school (zasadnicza szkola zawodowa) 58 Supplementary secondary schools for graduates of basic vocational schools 60 Technical secondary schools (technikum) 61 Post-lyceum professional schools (szkoly policealne) 62 Diploma of professional qualification 63 Grading scale 64 Grading Scales 64 Before the 1991–99 Reforms 64 After the 1991–99 Reforms 65 School education 65 Colleges (kolegia) 65 Degree programs 66 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) 66 Documentation 67 School Education 67 Administration of documents 67 Format of documents 67 Colleges 69 Administration of documents 69 Format of documents 69 Names of documents and credentials 69 Higher Education 69 Administration of documents 69 Format of documents 69 Names of documents and credentials 70 References 71 Print Resources 71 Internet Resources 71 Internet publications 71 International websites 71 Polish websites 71 Appendix A—Placement Recommendations 73 Appendix B—Sample Documents 75 Appendix B1. Template—Matriculation Certificate (swiadectwo dojrzalosci) 75 Appendix B2. Matriculation Certificate from General Secondary School (swiadectwo dojrzalosci liceum ogolnoksztalcacego) (1996) 77 Appendix B3. Template—Certificate of Completion of General Secondary School (swiadectwo ukonczenia liceum ogolnoksztalcacego) 81 Appendix B4. Template—Certificate of Completion of Technical Secondary School (swiadectwo ukonczenia technikum) 83 .viii INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF education FROM THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND Appendix B5. Template—Certificate of Completion of Basic Vocational School (swiadectwo ukonczenia zasadniczej szkoly zawodowej) 86 Appendix B6. Title of Licentiate (tytul—licencjat) 88 Appendix B7. Title of Master (tytul—magister) 89 Appendix B8. Doctor of Science (doktora nauk) 90 Appendix B9. Index (indeks) 91 Appendix B10. Diploma Supplement 93 Appendix B11. Diploma of Completion of Foreign Language Teachers’ College (dyplom ukonczenia nauczycielskiego kolegium jezykow obcych) 98 Appendix B12. Certificate of Completion of Post-Diploma Studies (swiadectwo ukonczenia studiow podyplomowych) 99 List of Figures Figure 1: Location of Poland in Europe 1 Figure 2: Map of Poland 1 Figure 3: Poland’s Flag 6 Figure 4: Poland’s Coat of Arms 6 Figure 5: Poland’s Administrative Regions 7 Figure 6: Structure of the School Education System, Pre-1999 Reforms 14 Figure 7: Structure of the School Education System, Post-1999 Reforms 15 Figure 8: Structure of the Higher Education System, Pre-1990 Reforms 26 Figure 9:
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