NET FKES8 Kt’N ^ AVERAGE DArLY CIRCULATION for the month of March, 1928 5,119 Conn. S a te Member of the A adit Barena of Clrcnlntlona \ MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1928. ^TWELVE PAGES) VOL. VLH., NO. 180. Classified Advertising on Page lb. V ________ ^___________________________ - - — ■ * ? \ SIGN CONTRACT CONGRESS TO Their Hour of Great Triumph GERMAN--IRISH FOR BIG STORE HUSTLE FOR BUILDING HERE A D J O m E N T GET ROUSING WELCOME ■t Montgomery^ Ward Co., Big Leaders Plan to Dispose of STRANGE KILLE Two Million Persons Line Route of March From Battery Chicago Mail Order House AH Legislature So as to IN ROADHOUSE ROW to City Hall— Aviators Amazed at Magnitude erf Re­ to Open First N. £. De­ Be Able to Qui^ on May ception—^Taken to North River and Then Through partment Store Here. 19. I Proprietor Severely Wound- Flag Bedecked Vessels in the Harbor — Showered I ed and Policeman Shot; With Ticker Tape Along Lower Broadway. Washington, April 30. — Ad­ I Transactions were completed to-i ^ — journment of Congress on May 19 day by which the first of a series I Mystery Surrounds Killing were showered down on the flyers of chain department stores con­ became a strong possibility today New York, April 30.—Two mil­ from windows of the sky scrapers trolled by the Montgomery, Ward when Republican leaders of the lion people roared their acclaim to­ along Broadway. Von Huenefeld, Company, Chicago mail order House indicated that they could New York, April 30.—In what day to the two daring Germans, Koehl and Fitzmaurice had to house, will be opened in Manches­ meet the demand of the Senate for Baron Gunther von Huenefeld and stand up and wave time and again Bergen County, N. J. police believe in response to the cheering. ter on or about October 1. The lo­ an early cessation of business to was a fight among bootleggers or Captain Herman Koehl, and the At City Hall a welcome as warm cal store will be the first to be lo­ prepare for the national conven­ hijackers, an unidentified man was fearless Irishman, Major James C. and perhaps meaning a great deal cated in New England. It will be tions. killed, the proprietor of a road­ Fitzmaurice, who piloted the mono­ more awaited two of the flyers. situated on the property owned by Rep. John Q. Tilson of Connecti­ plane Breman from Europe to the There Mrs. Elfriede Koehl, wife of Nathan B. Richards on the west cut, majority floor leader, today de­ house was seriously wounded and Captain Koehl. and Mrs. Viola side of Main street between Park clared for the first time that the a policeman was shot in the left North American continent, the first Fitzmaurice, wife of the Irish fl.v- and Locust streets. The entire House would be able to wind up its hand early yesterday in front of time that epic feat had been ac­ er, and his seven year old dangHter. transactions were engineered for business within three or four Ye Ole Time Inn in Garfield, N. J. complished. Patricia, were waiting in the speak­ Mr. Richards by Frank H. Ander­ weeks. Thrilled by the sight of these ers’ stand. son, general manager of the J. W. ‘‘Big Frank” La Groco, owner of brave men, the people of New York Although Senator Curtis (R) of the inn, is in Passaic General hospi­ A grandstand seating some 5.- Hale Company. Kansas, majority floor leader of the City unloosed a riot of noise that 000 persons had been erected for Mr. Anderson is in New Haven tal with three bullet wounds in his rolled in great waves over the city Senate, has urged May 19 as ad­ abdomen. Hospital officials say he the occasion. Every seat was ta;ken today on business, but was reached journment date for some time, the and out across the harbor. Great and the rain did not seem to drive by The Herald by telephone. He will die. Patrolman Herman throngs blackened the sidewalks pilots of the business in the House Schewndlen, in civilian clothes, anybody away. confirmed the report that the deal have heretofore predicted June 1 and streets for miles and cheered “Where’s Daddy— When is Dad- had been completed and asked that wounded in the left wrist, was sus­ themselves hoarse; thousands of i dy coming?” Patricia continued to The Herald tell its readers that a.? adjournment date. pended from the Garfield force “I believe that the House can ethers stood on vessels in the har- i ask her mother. one of the biggest boosts ever giv­ pending an investigation. bor and added their mites to the The mother did not answer. en i\lanchester would result frnii finish its l:usiness in time for ad­ The Murdered Man. journment on May 19—or some din, as bands played, whistles blew There were tears in her eyes. the jiresence of the Montgomery, The murdered man, about thirty, and sirens shrieked. “I only want to see my man. ’ Ward store here. week later at the most,” said Rep. well dressed and of dark complex­ Tilson. The flyers themselves were said Mrs. Koehl, a smart-lookin.i Start Iiniiiedialely ion, was found, in the gutter in amazed at the magnitude of the re­ bobbed&haired woman. She was No building contract has been Depends On Senate front of the inn with three bullet ‘‘The House will be ready and the ception. They seemed abashed, al­ greatly excited. * ^ awarded as yet, but work will be Avounds in his head. He had been most ill at ease. They bowed and Color was added to the speakers’ started soon on the structure which matter depends entirely on the shot from behind. An autopsy, dis­ bowed, and waved repeatedly to the stand by the entrance of the diplo-r will house the new store. It must Senate. We have disposed of most The BRErv\EN a t GREENELY ISLAND closed the bullets were of .38 cal­ admiring crowds throughout their matic corps, including representa­ be completed and ready for open­ of the major legislation and other ibre. La Groco was wounded by triumphal March. tives from Germany and the Irish ing by October 1. The store will be legislation has already been so .32 calibre bullets and an empty Brin Go Bragh, carefully considered in committees Free State. Also present were built about the middle of the Main -<$> revolver of that calibre was found ! It was ‘‘Erin Go Bragh” and prominent New York City politi­ street frontage of the Richards lot. and so thoroughly discussed by It POLICE FIND IVLAN near the inn. ‘‘Deutschland Uber Alles” all the cians. Robert E. Lee, 4th, descen­ It will be two stories high and will members that it can be disposed of HIDING IN TRUNK In a statement to Assistant way round on their circle of glory dant of the famous southern gen­ be devoted entirely to Montgomery, quickly if the House so desires.” CALIFORNIA’S OEMS. BOWERS IS NAMED Prosecutor John L. O’Toole, La Ward merchandise. The corner lot —from the Ritz-Carlton hotel to eral, was among the dlgnltarlen.. The urge for adjournment a con­ Lynn, Mass., April 30.—The Groco said he did not know who the Battery, and from the Battery The city hall crowd gave the ■ is being reserved for the construc­ siderable period before the national physical inability of man to shot him, who the dead man was or tion of a separate store building, to mid-Manhattan. “Fighting 69th” Irish National conventions in June has been par­ TO VOTE TOMORROW stay in a small wardrobe trunk KEYNOTE SPEAKER why the shooting occurred. All he The city’s welcome swept along Guard regiment band a big cheer as and a group of stores will be built ticularly strong in the Senate, for a couple of hours, cramped knew, he insisted, was that as he to the north of the Montgomery, streets gay with the colors of three it passed the reviewing stand. The which has several active and poten­ and with very little air today left the inn to go home, four or five nations, the Stars and Stripes, the detachment had their hats berib- Ward building. tial candidates for the presidency. resulted in the arrest of Ar­ men approached him and started Montgomery, Ward Company, for black, red and gold of the German boned with green and theii band The death of Rep. Martin B. thur Nicholls, shoemaker, on a liring. Republic and the green, white and played “The Wearing of the years known as a mail order house Madden (R) of Illinois, chairman of Three Candidates, Smith, charge of non-support. New York Editorial Writer Schewndlen told Police Chief is planning the opening of a large orange of the Irish Free State. Green”. The first Columbia Uni­ the House appropriations commit­ Police had been searching Nicholas Parrapato he had parked Exactly at 10:45 a. m.. the flyers number of department stores tee, who had declared himself his automobile across the street versity band in bright bine uni­ throughout the country for the sale Walsh and Reed in Field; for Nicholls and and seeing a Chosen Principal Speaker were escorted by Grover Whalen forms also made a picturesque favorable to early adjouinment, has light in the house promptly en­ from the inn when the shooting be­ and the mayor’s reception coipmit- and shipping of articles ordered by delayed consideration of the Mc- tered to search for Nicholls. gan. The policeman’s revolver had shewing.
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