\. ^ * J* ^ttflieHlrr gpenttig Iferato MONDAY. OCTOBER 16. t t w l Know the Truth! For Peace of Mind^^Get a Chest In (ha Saturday account of the Offlcara of Manctaaatar Aaaam- bly. No. 18, Order Of Rainbow for ffioutTow n mother-daughter banquet at the Exchange Club to Donate | Slow in F ilin g .For Your Individually South Methodist ,ehuKh . Friday Oirla, are rmnihdad of the import­ Alarm Clocks Average Odly Net Press Ron The Weather evening the names of the accoih- ant rehearaal for tomorrow after­ ~ Desianed Spitella roreoaol of 0. ■. Wtother Bunsu . Mr. and U n . Bart Schlttningrr. panlst for the entire program, and noon at three o'clock In the Ma­ Ekctric or Wind ‘ F«w tha Wosk M t a g PA, o( B Oak Place, who left for Call- of the chairman of the make-up sonic Temple. All of the officers Freedom Shrine to Town iillection Data Foundations — C^all October li. 1S8S Arthur Drug Stores Today, fair sod oameiwhat wum- ■ fomia In Aufust. are now located committee for the entertainment ate expected to be preaent. Mrs. Elsie Minicucei ert hlgheot temperature near t$: tn Paaadena where Mr. Schlemin- were Inadvertently omitted. Mrs. The Manchester Exchange club fthat Is the basis for the Exchange AH Fully Guaranteed 10,055 tenlgfet, fair, not m eool; loweot - « r la 'enroHed-aa-a -atudeht- at HaasehMunsiewas the aei?onrtpa»lat: -A local, woman ..who. wiahea her Town (Clerk Nbtes Delay Phone 7737 Is golng^ to donate to the towms- Ixlub'a proJecL-.... .............. ...... ........ Member af the Audit neat 44t Wedaeeday fair and eeme- Paaadena CoUege. and Mrs. Marjorie Sullivan waa name withheld, requeata that the whot warmer. people of Manchester a "Freedom I Included Is the Declaration of By Officials in Most Baneu of CIrenlattMt - chairman of make-up. following Item be placed in 'the . Independence, Bill of Rights, Jef­ Mancheiter— A City of Village Charm Mias Bernice Juul haa called a “about town newa” : “Mlaa Jean Shrina” containing authentic re­ Important Job ferson’s draft of the Declaration, r ’ ........ meeUnk of beauty ehop ownera At a special communication of Baxter, 11 Damdoff Road, Green­ productions'of the public docu­ ' Benjamin Franklin's epitaph, Pat- and operatora tonight at aevrn Man^ester Lodge No. 73. • A. F. ock, Scotland, would like some pen ments which are the foundation ' rick Henry'a Inati-uctiona to Town Clerk Samuel J. Turktng­ (moaoMed AdvertMag eu IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17.1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS o’clock at Schulte Beauty aalon. and A. M. to be held tomorrow eve­ pals from Manchester, Conn. She ton today noted the delay election VOL. LXX, NO. 14 Plana will be completed at thii of America’s freedom. The display George Rogers Clark, John Paul ning at 7;.’I0. the Master Mason Is seventeen years of age and her Jones’ letter to Ooverneur Morlla, officials have permitted to arise time for "beauty day” for the hobbies ar^cyling, dancing and I degree will be exemplified by the will be beautifully set up in the i Washington'a laiat official letter, In the matteriof the filing of offi­ ahut-ina. Local merchanta and members of the Fellowcraft club, movies." form Identical to that which the cial i:eturns here on the town elec­ dreaa idlopa are cooperating with The Treaty of Paris, The North­ with Malcolm Robertson, president original and permanent exhibit of west Ordinance, Washington's tion. I the bewticians and models wilt ap­ of the club acting Worshipful Mrs. Charles Perry of Longmea- these documents enjoys in the Usually, Tiirkington said, it haa pear In the local storee on Thure- flrst inaugural address, Jackson's Master. He will be assisted by dow. Mass., will be the guest National Archives In Washington. letter describing the Battle of been the custom to have the rec­ day, October 20. the following: Senior Warden Wil­ speaker at the meeting of the The Exchanxe club is making New Orleans, log of the U8S Oon- ords on file at his office the day liam B. Roulstone. Jr.; Junior Manchester Garden Club this eve­ the presentation as a patriotic atitution, The Star Spangled Ban­ after election. Official returns, he \ Carolyn Jarvis, daughter of Mr. Warden George M. RumcII: secre­ ning at eight o'clock In Center project, and arranging the de­ said, were not available for pub­ Allied Troops 12 Miles from Pyongyang ner, the Monroe . Doctrine, the and Mrs; LawTence Jarvis of 14.1 tary Henry Msllett: Senior I>eacon t'hurch house. Her subject will tails is a committee headed by lic examination in his office this Loomis street, was, pleasantly eur- Gettysburg Address, the Emanci­ Harold I-avanwey: Junior Deacon be "Seasonal Flower Arrange­ Edward Krasenics assisted by Ed- pation Proclamation, the letter time until last Friday, 11 daya af­ priSMl srwterday afternoon by ten Phillip N. Klliott; Senior Steward ments." An invitation is extend­ son M. Bailey and Harold A. ter the holding of the elections. of her playmates who helped her from Lee accepting the presiden­ Franci.s J. Schiebel; Junior Stew­ ed to non-members who are Inter­ Turktngton. It Is hoped that a cy of Washington College, selec­ Turkington poipted out that the celebrate her seventh birthday. A ard Alvan A. Yules; Chaplain Har­ ested. permanent point of display for laws do not limit the time in which party was held indoors where the tion of General Eisenhower as su­ President Truman Returns to States Graft Scandal ry Snover, and Marshal Malcolm the papers can be found here, pos­ preme commander, the instru­ a' moderator must hand in the rec­ Plane Crash children played games, watched Wilson. Other members of the Mrs. Chester Bowles, wife of the sibly in one of the main school ords to the town clerk for safe home movies and .enjoyed the de­ ment of aurrender in the Pacifle South Korea Forces club will also take part in the Governor, will be the guest speak­ buildings. and many other historic papers keeping except in the case of the licious 'refreshments Inchiding a i*vork. er St the meeting of the South Relatively few Americans ever official check lists, which the par­ Snuffs Out 28 Witness Tries large birthday cake made by Caro­ The documenU, an education In Methodist Women's Society for had the privilege of seeing what themselves In our nation’s hia- ty registrars are supposed to hand lyn’s mother. Carolyn received The military whist committee of Christian Service this evening at some of our basic governmental in the day after the election, these many lovely gifts from her little tory and progress, will take up a the Cornerstone club of St. eight o’clock at the church. The documenU look like; some saw space of about 25 feet along a lists were late getting in.' Lives Abroad To Take Life friends. Bridget's church will have a Short executive board will meet at 7:30. them on the Freedom Train. It wall location, where they will be Turkington said he haa not yet Expect to Enter Red meeting this evening at eight 1s this Freedom Train collection permanently hung. received from Moderator Wesley o'clock in the church hssement. Sunset Covincll, No. 4.1. Degree of C. Gryk the package of absentee British Craft Hits House Rpputed Pay-Off !)Ian in Any member of the parish W'ho Is Pocahontas, will meet this evening under suspension, said Prosecutor ballots and envelopes which have N. Y. Gambling Syndi- interested is welcome to attend felted a $3 bond when he failed to to be sealed and retained for rec­ In London Suburb; i at eight o'clock in Tinker hall and Philip Bayer. appear on a charge of illegal park­ this meeting. all members are urged to be prea­ ord'. WhHe delay may be permissa- cate SlashcM Wrists SHOE Bayer told the court that a war­ ing, and Harry Barrabee, 62, of ble, Turkington said, In some Tanks Explode; Only Capital Ton orrow ent as Mildred English will make rant Is to be Issued for the owner 135 Irving street, Hartford, for­ Connecticut School of Instruc- her report sa delegate of the Great cases, this is the first time In hIS One Aboard Survives At a Brooklyn Hotel of the car, John Sheridan, 15 Ash feited a $5 bond on passing a stop experience the returns have beei\ REPAIRING ' tion. Daughters of .SI. George, will Council session which was held sign count. at the Hotel Bond last Friday and street, on a charge of allowing a so late coming In meet at the Masonic Temple tomor­ Ixmdon, Oct. 17—(F)—A twin- New York, Oct. 17—(F> —A wit- Of the Better Kind Saturday. A Hallowe'en social minor to operate an uninsured Americans Drive for row afternoon at 11.IO. Past Su­ motor vehicle. Another Shipment! neaa, described by aiithoriUes ss will follow the biwlness meeting engined air liner amaahMl into a Truman Speech Will DONE WHILE preme President Mary Buckley of an important link tn New York Enemy’s Key City in Bridgeport and her staff of offi­ with Mary St. Lawrence and her A charge of assault and battery London euburb today, killing 28 of YOU W AIT cers will install the officers of the entertainment committee In charge against Wilson Phillips, S3, of Sliii'ht Irreipilars of Heavy Solid Color the 29 persons aboard. City's big gambling-graft scandal, A 30-Mile CA>lumn as 37 Spruce street, was continued school for the next two years. of the games. Appropriate re­ Old Fashioned Concert Brltl.h EhJropean Airway, mid attempted suicide last night In a Reds Abandon Arms freshments of doughnuts, elder and from day to day under a $100 hotel suite where he waa being held Answer Red Charge SAM Y U LY ES bond.
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