/ W J. / \ ' • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1967 fAGE THlRTY-glX iMantlfif Bter lEttifttUtfl l|walii Average Dally Net Preae Run '■ r t* ' The Weather I- Por the Week EndeA January 28, 1«6T Cloudy this afternoon, ttiear Voter Session Trinity Pastor Announces showers or snow .flurries con­ ! About Town King and Qi^een Candidates tinuing into much of tonight, » Friendship Liodge 61 Masons A 5 to 8 p.m. voiter-mak- PERMANENT PRESS low tonight in the 20s, cloudy, • 15,041 frill ineet at the Masonic Tem- Announced for Mardi Gras ing session is being con­ Five-Point Plan for Year much colder tomorrow. ^ e tomorrow, night at 7;S0. Af- ducted today' in the town The Rev. K. E^nar Bask, paa- ^ual/ meeting «nd to Fourth Manchester-^A City of Village Charm |er a business meeting, Harold Candidates for the kdng and A pancake supper will be clerk’s office in the Mu­ •tor-of Trinity Covenant Church, D lsti^ t C o n fp ^ M . _ V . Hubbard, senior warden, will queen of the annual Mardi Gras served Tuesday from 5 to 7, nicipal Building. ^ . ___ Officers and ap^intees will SLACKS VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 104 (TWENTY FACES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1967 (Classified Advertising on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS preside for the Entered Appren­ at St. Mary’s Church Monday followed by a traditional pan­ Eligible applicants must announced a five-point - pro- Sunday. Feb. 12 at tice degree. Officer dress is tux. and Tuesday, have been an­ cake race. be at least 21 years of age, gram Sunday at the annual the morning Worship Service- Resr. 8.O0 and 9.00. M O Q There, will be refreshments af- nounced. The event will be held Mrs. Sarkis Meserlian is in Manchester residents for at meeting of the church. The at the churoh. NOW..................... 0.00 fer the meeting. from 3:30 to 10 p.m. both days. charge of entertainment for the least six months, and must program includes plans for an James Anderson, vice chalr- bo U.sr citizens. Woman Wins Entered in the competition final night of the event. It will edueational wing, search for a STU ^he. meeting 2 f o r l 3 U ( 0 for king and queen are Miss t. The committee planning a re- Include Z—Z—Zlngo the Clown, ^ , <:«< Wendel Blther was chairman of City Hall Fight Julia J'Uliano and Robert Jones members of the Priscilla Gib­ part-time youth worker, in- nominating committee, Jinion for the 1942 class of Pinafore” are Godfrey Gour- D ETRO IT (AP)Carlyn rejjresenting St. Bartholomew son Studio of Dance Ballet creased attendance in Church jt was announced that Mr. Manchester High School will ley. Sir Joseph Porter, KCB; J. Kalnlns fought City Hall President Reply Church: Miss Jean Heidcavage School, Increased Bible study and Mrs. Jesse Bannister are Ail Sweaters V PRICE ineet at 8 tonight at the home Workshop, the Manchester High Robert Gordon, Capt. Coooran; 2 and Miles Boutelier, Church of Robert Horton, Ralph Rach- groups, and a structured pro cochalrmed of a Diamond An- and won. ^ R. Mike Quish, 110 Forest St. School Jazz Combo, Miss Linda Last April, the mother of the Assumption; -Miss Julia trau; Hal Harri-son, Dick Dead- gram of friendship evangelism, nlversary celebration to be held Bruce in a jazz baton twirling three refused to accept a Green and Paul Cowling, St. demonstration. Miss Sharon Gin- eye; John Lmnbardo, Bill Bob- A budget of $36,230 was adopt- at the church in October, G LEN N ETS S . Reservations will close to- Moves This Way ' suspended fine of $10 set by Bridget; Miss Sue Hubbard and stay; Edouard Paradis, Bob ed at the meeting. Mrs. Maurice Swenson was ^ght for Delta Chapter, Royal gras in a comedy song routine, CORNEIR MAIN AND BIRCH STREETS Municipal Judge John H, James Macllvain, Community and the Rockville -Barbershop Becket- Kav Donneatadt, Jo- Officers elected at the meet- chairman of a committee in lArch Masonsr Ladies Night, and CHICAGO (AP — A McCartney after she was Baptist; Miss Lois Steely and Quartet. sephine; Jay Esterson, Cousin l«g Patterson Chaffin, charge of a coffee hour after 'feay be made, with Grady lx Timothy Thresher, North Meth­ heavy snowstorm moved found guilty of driving To Peace Talk Hints Hebe; Pat Turner, Little But* chairman; Ronald Gocht, vice the meeting, Pearson of 35 Brian Rd., South through a red light. odist; Miss Deborah Porcheron tercup chairman; Mrs. Burton John- northeast today after plas­ Windsor, general chairman. The and Frederick Butler, South tering Chicago and other Insisting she was inno­ event will be held Saturday, Rehearsala are held at South «on, s e c . ^ ; Mrs. VioU Lm d- Methodist; Miss Kathy Shep­ G&S Workshop cent, she posted a $100 ap­ yeb. 11, at Masonic Temple in- Methodist Church hall. secretary; Robert Midwest cities with four to pard and Robert Taylor, Center ________ ________ Silva, financial secretary. peal bond and took her etead of this Saturday as pre- MANCHESTER'S eight inches of snow atop Congregational; Miss Deborah In 20th Year Others elected are E. A. case to Wayne County Clr- Apollo Fire ,viously jgjisheduled. A potluck last week’s smothering Opel and John Golding, St. H i h r n n Johnson, Hjalmar Carlson, Ken- ,6uit Court. News Talk Will he seiwed a t 6:30 p.m. Manchester Gilbert and Sul­ load. Armed with maps, time James’; and Miss Sandra Fox ...—- ncth Nelson, Wendell Either, ^ Only Fuel Oil Dealer The storm brought as much Facts Given and John Welpley, St. Mary’s. livan Workshop is celebrating Jesse Bannister, Burton John: tables and driving manuals, '] Army Spec. 4.C. Dennis J . as six inches of snow to upstate she went before Judge The coronation and crowning its 20th anniversary this year. Driver Unhurt son, Sherwood Nyman and Carl « Set L ater fitrimike, a son of Mr. and New York, and sleet and freez­ Thomas J. Foley. of the king and queen will take It will present ■ "Trial by Jury” Johnson, trustees. Open 24 Hours A Day! NASA Aide .Mrs. Joseph G. Strimlke of 130 ing rain spread hazardous driv­ “I’Ve got statistics from place Monday after a roast beef As Auto Flius Also, John Childers, Kenneth Tanner St., has recently been and "H.M.S. Pinafore,” Friday, ing conditions from northeast­ the road commission on dinner from 5 to 7 p.m. The A 22-year-old Andover man Ogren, Maurice Swenson, Paul CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) eissigmed to the 14th Infantry March 3 at an evening per­ ern Ohio toward lower New time intervals for lights A t Capitol escaped injury yesterday after- Jacobsen, Mrs. Gladys Hansen, —^The deputy administrator of '*t Cu'Chl; Vietntun. His wife, first official duty of the royal formance, and Saturday, March MORIARTY BROTHERS England. changring from green to am­ pair will be to reign over a ® a rl^ , lives at Kelly Rd., Ver- 4, at a matinee and evening noon when the car he was driv- Robert W ld h ^ , Mro., The newest fall added eight ber to red,” Mrs. Kalnins the National Aeronautics aid WASHINGTON (AP) — Coronation Ball Monday from = « n. V. un Hutt and Mrs. Paul Noritog, Inon. showing. Proceeds of the pro­ ing ran off Rt. 94 here while Rroberg, SERVING YOU WITH Inches of cover to the 22 inches said. space Administration met here President Johnson may re­ 7:30 to 10. duction will benefit Instructors at Flint, Mich., and dropped six But Judge Foley dismiss­ today with a board of review ply today to North Viet­ Atty. Allen Thomas will of­ passing four cars, traveled 80 ^rs. Charles Robie and Mrs. 24 24 Inches at Lansing, Mich. The Greater Hartford Chap- of the Handicapped Pool Proj­ feet off the highway and flipped Richard Cook, dlaconate. Mobilheat ed the case because the city t’vat reportedly is far from nam’s latest hint of peace -ter of Alpha Omicron Pi soror- ficiate at the crowning cere­ ect. Advance warnings of the attorney failed to appear. pinpointing the cause of the talks— one reportedly sent mony. Judges are General Man­ on its side in a culvert, police Also, Miss Esther Granstrom, storm sent Chicagoans into jit­ ‘Ity will have a tea tomorrow at Miss Martha White, music su­ reported. chairman, Christian education; HOUR HOUR mysterious fire that killed the to the United States this ■JO a.m. at the home of Mrs. ager Robert Weiss, Harold A. pervisor of Manchester ele­ ters Wednesday afternoon, and Apollo 1 asrtonauts. ’Turkington, deputy mayor; Can­ John E. McCall of Lake Rd. Dr. Robert Keeney, chairman, waves of grocery shoppers week through neutral coun­ Robert Munson, 523 Foster St., mentary schools, will stage and was charged with improper stewardship committee. Mr. and BURNER Dr. Robert C. Seamans flew tries. Wapplng. Mrs. Hubert Hoover, on Clinton Jones, John Robin­ FUEL O IL cleaned off milk, bread, meat direct the productions. Mrs. passing by state police in Col- Mrs. George Poole and Dr. Grain Shipment here from Washington to re­ Johnson is expected to deal district alumnae' director, will son, Mrs. Robert Prevost, Mrs. and produce counters. Louise Wdthey is in charge of Chester. Keeney, delegates to Manches- FUEL OILS SERVICE ceive an interim report on the with the issue at a midaftemoon abe guest of honor. ^ Herbert Snyder and Mrs. Eu­ DELIVERY But, although many suburban Going to India, costume and set design. Bren- Police said he was driving ter Council of Churches, flash fire that raged through the news conference.
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