ROPER GULF REGIONAL COUNCIL Annual Report 20 -20 THE LOGO The logo was developed from a concept created by Lainie Joy of Borroloola. The five flowing figures have multiple meanings. They represent the five wards in our region (Never Never, Numbulwar Numburindi, Nyirranggulung, South West Gulf and Yugul Mangi); the five main rivers winding through our Region (the Limmen, McArthur, Robinson, Roper and Rose Rivers); the low-lying hills that are visible on the horizon nearly everywhere in the Roper Gulf Region and the Rainbow Serpent that underlies everything. The colours are based on the different colours of the soil, and the people co-existing in the Roper Gulf region. RGRC ADMINISTRATION CENTRE COUNCIL OFFICES Street Address Phone Fax 29 Crawford Street Katherine NT 0850 Barunga 08 8975 4505 08 8944 7059 2 Crawford Street Katherine NT 0850 Beswick 08 8975 4800 08 8975 4565 Postal Address Borroloola 08 8975 8758 08 8975 8762 PO Box 1321 Katherine NT 0851 Bulman 08 8975 4189 08 8975 4753 Phone 08 8972 9000 Jilkminggan 08 8975 4751 08 8975 4905 Fax 08 8944 7020 Email [email protected] Manyallaluk 08 8975 4055 N/A Website www.ropergulf.nt.gov.au Mataranka 08 8975 4576 08 8975 4608 Ngukurr 08 8975 4656 08 8975 4658 Roper Gulf Regional Council ABN 94 746 956 090 Numbulwar 08 8975 4675 08 8975 4673 WORKS DEPOT 63 Chardon Street Katherine NT 0850 OTHER LOCATIONS COMMERCIAL, COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY Badawarka Kewulyi SERVICES Baghetti Larrimah 126 Victoria Highway Katherine NT 0850 Barrapunta (Emu Springs) Minyerri Boomerang Lagoon Mole Hill Costello Momob DESIGN AND LAYOUT Daly Waters Mount Catt Photography: Roper Gulf Regional Council Gorpulyul Mulgan Design and layout: Jodetluk (Gorge Camp) Nulawan (Nalawan) Sarah [email protected] INDIGENOUS BROADCASTING Located in Barunga, Beswick, Bulman, Ngukurr and Numbulwar. Phone 08 8972 9000 2 ROPER GULF REGIONAL COUNCIL | REGIONAL PLAN 2015-2016 CONTENTS Acronyms and Definitions Message from the Mayor Message from the Chief Executive Officer 1.INTRODUCTION 8 Our Mission, Vision and Values 10 Roper Gulf Regional Council 11 Elected Members of Council 12 Elected Member Attendance 13 Committees of Council 13 Local Authorities 14 2.REPORT ON COUNCIL PERFORMANCE 20 Delivery of Town Priorities in the Region 10 Grant Funding 10 Community Grants Program 10 Local Authority Project Funding 10 An Eventful Year at Roper Gulf 10 3.REPORT ON COUNCIL GOALS 64 Goal 1 70 Goal 2 76 Goal 3 87 Goal 4 101 4.FINANCIAL REPORT 104 3 ACRONYMS & DEFINITIONS DoE Department of Education (NTG) MES Municipal and Essential Services DoH Department of Health (NTG) MOU Memorandum of Understanding AAC Alawa Aboriginal Corporation DPMC Department of Prime Minister and MRM McArthur River Mine ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics Cabinet (Federal Government) MRM CBT McArthur River Mine AGD Department of Attorney-General DSS Department of Social Services Community Benefits Trust (Federal Government) (Federal Government) MVR Motor Vehicle Registry AMP Alcohol Management Plan DSR Department of Sport and NAMS National Asset Management BBRF Building Better Region Fund Recreation (NTG) Strategy BDSS Borroloola and District Show DTBI Department of Trade, Business NFA New Future Alliance and Innovation (NTG) Society NLC Northern Land Council Daly Waters Progress Association BRWMWC Big Rivers Waste Management DWP NPO Not Permanently Occupied Enterprise Learning Program Working Group ELP NQF National Quality Framework Expression of Interest CACP Community Aged Care Package EOI NT Norther Territory Facility and Capital Equipment CBF NT Community Benefit Fund FACE NTEPA Northern Territory Environment CDP Community Development Program Protection Authority Federal Government Program FG NTPFES Northern Territory Police, Fire and CEO Chief Executive Officer FRRR Foundation for Rural and Regional Emergency Services Renewal CHCP Community Home Support NTG Northern Territory Government Government Engagement Program GEC PAWA Power and Water Corporation Coordinator CIG Capital Infrastructure Grant R&M Repair and maintenance GIS Geographical Information System CNP Community Night Patrol R2R Roads to Recovery Governance Governance, Corporate Planning Community The term ‘community’ refers to RAF Regional Arts Funding all groups of people living in the and Compliance REIF Regional Economic Infrastructure region, unless specifically stated GSAC Gulf Savannah NT Aboriginal Fund otherwise Corporation RCD Residual Current Device CS Community Safety HMP Housing Maintenance Program RGRC Roper Gulf Regional Council CSC Council Services Coordinator HLP Horticulture and Landcare Projects RIBS Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Department of Attorney-General HQ Headquarters DAGJ Program and Justice (NTG) HR Human Resources ROAMS Repair Order Analysis & Department of Broadband, DBCDE IAN Indigenous Affairs Network Management System Communication and the Digital IAS Indigenous Advancement Strategy Economy (Federal Government) RSAS Remote School Attendance IBP Indigenous Broadcasting Program Strategy DCA Department of Communications ICC Indigenous Coordination Centre and the Arts (Federal Government) RTEED Remote Training, Employment and ICPA Isolated Children’s Parents Economic Development Directorate of Corporate DCG Association Governance RWMS Regional Waste Management ICT Information and Communication Strategy Department of Chief Minister DCM Technology (NTG) S&R Sport and Recreation IPWEA Institute of Public Works Directorate of Commercial SASO Senior Administration Support DCS Engineering Australia Services Officer ISO International Organisation of Directorate of Council and SHS Sunrise Health Service DCCS Standardisation Community Services SIHIP Strategic Indigenous Housing and ISRP Indigenous Sport and Recreation Department of Environment and Infrastructure Program DENR Project Natural Resources (NTG) SNP School Nutrition Program IT Information Technology DET Department of Education and SPG Special Purpose Grant In-Vehicle Monitoring System Training (Federal Government) IVMS SSS Satellite Subsidy Scheme Key Performance Indicator DHCD Department of Housing and KPI SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Community Development (NTG) LA Local Authority Threat DIHS Disability In-Home Support LCPA Larrimah Community Project TNT Tourism Northern Territory Association DIPL Department of Infrastructure, VOQ Visiting Officers’ Quarters Local Implementation Plan Planning and Logistics (NTG) LIP WHS Work Health and Safety Local Reference Group DIRD Department of Infrastructure and LRG WMF Waste Management Facility Regional Development (Federal Mungoorbada Aboriginal MAC WoNS Weeds of National Significance Government) Corporation Workshop Mechanical Workshop DLPE Department of Lands, Planning MAM Minister for Arts and Museums and the Environment (NTG) YMAC Yugul Mangi Aboriginal MARIC Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Corporation Indigenous Corporation YS Youth Services YTD Year to Date 4 ROPER GULF REGIONAL COUNCIL | REGIONAL PLAN 2015-2016 MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR The 2016-17 financial year was one of continued success for Another area the Council has performed well in during Roper Gulf Regional Council, but it also marked the end of the past 12 months is in regard strengthening its Elected an era for the 12 Elected Members who have served during Members and Local Authorities through a range of training the current term of Government. and professional development opportunities. After being elected in 2012 and having our term extended Upskilling those who represent our communities, either until mid-2017, we have represented the constituents of our on the Council or on one of our 10 Local Authorities, is a five respective Wards at 45 Ordinary Meetings of Council critical step towards providing strong leadership and good and travelled tens of thousands of kilometres by air and governance, and I think the fact that every Local Authority road across our 186,000 square kilometre Local Government met its KPI of holding at least four meetings during 2016- Area to let the voices of communities be heard. 17 proves training sessions facilitated by staff and LGANT have helped members recognise their responsibilities and Leading a region as diverse as ours is a task that does obligations. not come without significant challenges, especially since the Council’s extremely small ratepayer base makes the The Council is committed to a sustainable, viable and vibrant organisation reliant on external funding streams to provide future for every person who lives in its Local Government the majority of its operational revenue. Area, so it is heartening to reach the end of this term of Government with so many strong, passionate individuals To that end, it was reassuring to see the Federal Government conveying the wishes of communities through Local commit to restoring indexation to the Financial Assistance Authorities. Grants (FAGs) provided to Councils in the 2017-18 Budget. On behalf of my fellow Elected Members, I would like An indexation freeze on FAGs has been in place for several to thank staff for their dedication and professionalism years, which has hurt the 17 Councils in the Northern in ensuring the past five years in Government have run Territory to the tune of $1 million every year, according to smoothly, and helped mould the Roper Gulf region into data released by the Local Government Association of the NT. something to be extremely proud of. By reinstating indexation, Councils – including our own – will have now access to additional funding to continue delivering the
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