Biogeosciences, 7, 1657–1668, 2010 www.biogeosciences.net/7/1657/2010/ Biogeosciences doi:10.5194/bg-7-1657-2010 © Author(s) 2010. CC Attribution 3.0 License. Observed and modelled ecosystem respiration and gross primary production of a grassland in southwestern France C. Albergel, J.-C. Calvet, A.-L. Gibelin, S. Lafont, J.-L. Roujean, C. Berne, O. Traulle,´ and N. Fritz CNRM/GAME, Met´ eo-France,´ CNRS, URA 1357, 42 avenue Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse Cedex 1, France Received: 11 September 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 19 January 2010 Revised: 28 April 2010 – Accepted: 2 May 2010 – Published: 21 May 2010 Abstract. In this work, the rich dataset acquired at the hydrological models. Surface water and energy flux observa- SMOSREX experimental site is used to enhance the A-gs tions, as well as Gross Primary Production (GPP) estimates, version of the Interactions between Soil, Biosphere and At- are compared with model outputs. The dependence of GPP to mosphere (ISBA) model. A simple representation of the soil air temperature is investigated. The observed GPP is less sen- moisture effect on the ecosystem respiration is implemented sitive to temperature than the modelled GPP. Finally, the sim- in the ISBA-A-gs model. It results in an improvement of the ulations of the ISBA-A-gs model are analysed over a seven modelled CO2 flux over a grassland in southwestern France. year period (2001–2007). Modelled soil moisture and Leaf The former temperature-only dependent respiration formu- Area Index (LAI) are confronted with the observed surface lation used in ISBA-A-gs is not able to model the limita- and root-zone soil moisture content (m3 m−3), and with LAI tion of the respiration under dry conditions. In addition to estimates derived from surface reflectance measurements. soil moisture and soil temperature, the only parameter re- quired in this formulation is the ecosystem respiration pa- rameter Re25. It can be estimated by means of eddy co- 1 Introduction variance measurements of turbulent nighttime CO2 flux (i.e. ecosystem respiration). The resulting correlation between A major component of the global carbon balance is the flux 2 observed and modelled net ecosystem exchange is r =0.63 of CO from the soil, also referred to as soil respiration −2 −1 2 with a bias of −2.18 µmol m s . It is shown that when (Raich et al., 2002; Schlesinger et al., 2000). It is a major CO observations are not available, it is possible to use a 2 source of CO2 entering the atmosphere (20–40% of the total more complex model, able to represent the heterotrophic res- flux, Kicklighter et al., 1994). The soil respiration repre- piration and all the components of the autotrophic respira- sents 50 to 80% of the ecosystem respiration, Reco (Janssens tion, to estimate Re25 with similar results. The modelled et al., 2001; Epron et al., 1999). The soil respiration orig- ecosystem respiration estimates are provided by the Carbon inates from the decomposition of the soil’s organic matter Cycle (CC) version of ISBA (ISBA-CC). ISBA-CC is a ver- (heterotrophic respiration) and from the roots (autotrophic sion of ISBA able to simulate all the respiration components, respiration). Soil temperature and soil moisture are the two whereas ISBA-A-gs uses a single equation for ecosystem res- main factors controlling the rate at which CO2 is produced piration. ISBA-A-gs is easier to handle and more conve- in the soil (Singh et al., 1977). The other component of nient than ISBA-CC for the practical use in atmospheric or Reco, is the autotrophic respiration produced by the above- ground biomass. Various models have been proposed to de- scribe soil respiration and Reco. Generally, they are based Correspondence to: J.-C. Calvet on temperature-dependent relations (Katterer et al., 1998; ([email protected]) Kirschbaum et al., 1995; Lloyd and Taylor, 1994) combined Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 1658 C. Albergel et al.: Observed and modelled ecosystem respiration and gross primary production with soil-water content estimates (Epron et al., 1999; Joffre the possibility to calibrate the ISBA-A-gs ecosystem respi- et al., 2003). ration parameterisation from ISBA-CC simulations is inves- The ISBA-A-gs (Calvet et al., 1998; Calvet and Soussana, tigated. Energy fluxes like latent and sensible heat fluxes 2001; Gibelin et al., 2006) version of the Interactions be- are observed at SMOSREX and are compared with the simu- tween Soil, Biosphere and Atmosphere (ISBA) model (Noil- lated fluxes. As ISBA-A-gs can diagnose photosynthesis, or han and Planton, 1988; Noilhan and Mahfouf, 1996), is able Gross Primary Production (GPP), this variable is compared to simulate the Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) of CO2, to- with GPP estimates derived from the observations. In par- gether with plant growth (A-gs stands for net assimilation ticular, the GPP response to air temperature is investigated. of CO2 and stomatal conductance). In ISBA-A-gs, a single Finally, Reco, GPP and the net CO2 flux or Net Ecosystem equation is used to describe Reco (Rivalland et al., 2005). No Exchange (NEE) are simulated for a seven year (2001–2007) distinction is made between autotrophic and heterotrophic period for the grassland of the SMOSREX site. Soil moisture respiration. The use of a unique term is justified by its sim- and LAI are simulated as well and compared with observa- plicity and its robustness. However, the function used in tions. ISBA-A-gs so far is temperature dependent only, whereas soil moisture constitutes, after temperature, the second factor 2 Materials and methods regulating the soil CO2 efflux by limiting the respiration un- der dry conditions (Holt et al., 1990). The parameterisations 2.1 Land surface model can be compared and verified with nighttime turbulent eddy covariance measurements (Goulden et al., 1996; Aubinet et ISBA is a land surface model developed at Met´ eo-France´ and al., 2000). implemented in atmospheric weather forecast models, hy- A new Carbon Cycle (CC) version of ISBA, ISBA-CC, drological models and global climate models (Noilhan and was developed by Gibelin et al. (2008) to represent the car- Mahfouf, 1996). In the ISBA version used in this study, the bon fluxes and storage terms of the terrestrial carbon cy- soil-water balance and the surface-energy balance are solved cle. ISBA-CC is able to simulate above-ground and below- at 5-min time steps. The soil is represented by one bulk reser- ground biomass reservoirs. In a previous study (Gibelin et voir corresponding to the maximum rooting depth, including al., 2008), the simulated energy fluxes (sensible and latent a thin surface layer and, regardless of the actual root devel- heat) and net ecosystem exchange were validated against opment, according to Deardorff (1978). Mahfouf and Noil- in situ measurements at 26 sites of the FLUXNET network han (1996) have introduced a drainage below the root-zone. (Baldocchi et al., 2001) with satisfactory results. ISBA-CC The various soil-water and heat coefficients depend on soil requires spin-up simulations to initialize the biomass reser- texture. Surface temperature, soil moisture in the root-zone, voirs and the different carbon pools simulated by the model, surface soil moisture and the water and energy fluxes are the and to reach the equilibrium for all of them. This model can main surface variables simulated by ISBA. While only one be used for climatology purposes, to analyse retroactions be- energy balance equation is solved, a separation of soil evapo- tween the climate and the carbon cycle, or to study future ration and plant transpiration is done on the basis of the veg- climate change scenarios. A more tractable and convenient etation coverage. Radiation, temperature, air vapour pres- model, like ISBA-A-gs, is required for other land surface sure deficit and soil moisture allow the defining of the stom- modelling applications. atal conductance. Different surface variables and parameters In this study, a new formulation of the ISBA-A-gs ecosys- are required as input to ISBA, such as the surface albedo, tem respiration term is proposed; consisting of implementing LAI and vegetation height, as well as the soil texture, wilting soil-water content information following Joffre et al. (2003). point and field capacity. The rich dataset of water, carbon and energy fluxes ob- served over the Surface Monitoring Of the Soil Reservoir 2.1.1 ISBA-A-gs and ISBA-CC EXperiment (SMOSREX) grassland site (De Rosnay et al., 2006) permits the testing of this formulation. Located at On the basis of ISBA, Calvet et al. (1998) developed ISBA- the ONERA (Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches A-gs. It is a CO2 responsive version of ISBA which ac- Aerospatiales)´ site of Fauga-Mauzac, near Toulouse, in counts for the effect of the atmospheric CO2 concentration southwestern France, the SMOSREX long-term experiment and for the interactions between all environmental factors on aims at (1) improving the modelling of the microwave L- the stomatal aperture. In the A-gs version of ISBA, photo- band emission of the soil-vegetation system and the under- synthesis and its coupling with stomatal conductance at a standing of soil-plant-atmosphere interactions, and (2) as- leaf level is accounted for. The vegetation net assimilation sess new land data assimilation systems aiming at enhancing is computed and used as an input to a simple growth sub- the simulation of the surface fluxes (Albergel et al., 2010). model able to predict LAI. ISBA-A-gs is able to simulate The CO2 flux observations performed at the SMOSREX site GPP, NEE, LAI, the energy and mass fluxes such as sensi- are used to calibrate this formulation for a grassland.
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