BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 6 NO. 11 16 Pages Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida, Thursday, March ]&, 1961 TEN CENTS COPY Sons Rally - Will March For St. Pat 'FAA Implies Airstrip PALM A last minute rally by the Friendly Sons of St. BEACH Patrick will provide COUiTY Boca Raton with its tra- ditional St. Patrick's Change Hlegal/DeLong Day Parade. The parade will as- semble in front of Kwik Chek tomorrow at 6:30 Meet Again p.m. William Day sr.t pres- ident, will head the March 30 Friendly Sons of St. Patrick along with vice City commissioners are .if president and parade facing at least two busy supervisor Louie Lan- non-commission meetings. fjisi, and secretary and On the commissioners' treasurer, John Cheri- agenda is a joint meeting Charles de vault, (left) president of the Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce, ones. at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, inspects the new trash receptacles being placed around the city with William Board of directors in- March 30, with the Board C. Prendergast, city superintendent of public works. The all-plastic containers clude Walter Dugan, Dan of control, the County are made here by B-Line Flastics Co. and are being distributed throughout Doran, Ed Bowe, J.M. Commission, and members heavily travelled pedestrian areas without cost to either the city or the cham- Brown, Tom Nolan, Pat of the planning and zon- ber. Honchell, P.J. Brannen, ing board. Dr. William G. O'Don- Monday, the "work- nell, John Loughery, shop" meeting of the com- *fr"t$ _ Tom Morrison and James mission has been opened Camliio Real-Dixie Hwy* McGoldrick. semi-publicly to hear According to members complaints from citizens of the Friendly Sons, Members of the Retail Merchants Division of the Chamber of Commerce held Improvement Underway Some Boca Villas resi- an organization meeting Thursday at the Driftwood Club. Shown, clockwise, on a proposed re-location dents may be due for a the holiday affair will left to right, clay Riley, Kay Meschler, Ed Melvin, Erin Gardner, Salem Mun- of the bulkhead line on pleasant surprise when the area and is assured of be dedicated to Nate yer jr. and Al Sterling. Missing from the picture Is Bill Hall. the east side of Lake Wy- Electric flashers will the dust clears after the man. Mayor Leo Fox also a second easement. Storm Fitch who is on a world be established at the sewer work is finished. cruise with Mrs. Fitch. indie ated at 1 ast T ues- intersection of Camino sewers along both ease- day' s Commission meet- Real and Dixie highway, ments would virtually When it's all said and Shooters Are 1 City Manager William done, • the streets in the City Needs Retail Group ing that Attorney carl eliminate the problem, McKenry and John Flan- Lamb reported at Tues- he said. He added that in area will all be re-paved Turnpike FP&L Target with asphalt. City Super- More Plants cher could attend the day's city Commission a long range plan, the city Cites Need workshop meeting to meeting. plans to raise the level of intendent of Public works Electric power interrup- William C. Prendergast Opening An appeal has been issued tions in Boca Raton have hear read a controversial Also nearing completion all streets in the area. Things to be considered letter from the Federal are plans for genera] re- pointed out yesterday that for residents to donate to the in some cases been eaus- city small trees, shrubs or during 1961 were outlined Aviation Authority. building of the intersec- paving of the streets with |3u.C edby persons shooting the by chairman Al Sterling at Engineers Receive one inch thick asphalt is desirable plant material of insulators on electric The letter . from FAA tion to eliminate the haz- an organizational meeting was first mentioned by ards of the present "dog- part of . the, basi„ c .contract .. The new Boca ^ kind, according to Bill transmission lines, Charles The new Boca RatoRatonn of the Retail Merchants Commissioner Joe De- leg" arrangement. Lamb This includes, he said, Merch on Sunshine Prendergast Jr Senior, manager of the Division of the Boca Ra- many street_._.„„s i„.*„„„..„n the are„a Prendergast cares for the Florida Power and Light Long at the Tuesday said that further progress .s ton chamber of Commerce night meeting. He indi- was made only Tuesday Complaints and cornpli- which were formerly only more than 65 per cent city nursery which he started Co^office^J^ayjjeach, Thursday""noon, March 9, menfcs e about slag surfaces. cated that it was his un- afternoon,, and that in- a* evenly complete, according l0 and uses the plants to beauti- told t he Boca Raton News. at Smitty's Driftwood The twenty-foot wide "We find that these in- derstanding that the let- stallation of the electric matched regarding sewer John M. Hammer, chairman ty the city at no cost to tax- Restaurant. ter implied a ruling by flashers is a temporary work in Boca villas, ac- asphalt-will be applied of the State Turnpike Au- payers. The supply is getting terruptions," Senior said, Sterling, asserting that after all of the sewer "have been caused by FAA that the city's trans- •matter to reduce the haz- cording to Russ Rhinehart thority. low, he said, and needs to be competition among local fer of the 203-acre emer- ard. of the local office of work is completed. Completion is expected replaced, the carelessness of some businesses was not a person or persons shoot- gency air strip site to the Lamb's report came Black, Crow and Eids- sometime in May, Work on Anyone having anything to pressing problem, bat State Board of Control after Commissioner Joe ness, the city's consult- ing at insulators ' on our in the $313,276 project be- donate may call Boca Raton competition between was illegal. Also im- DeLong called the com- » engineers. Pompano Man Cited gan last October. 9061 tomorrow and Prender- transmission line west of cities was of definite Last week Dr. Fred Boca Raton. We found 27 plied, DeLong said, was a mission' s attention to The interchange will gast wm have someone dig growing concern, stressed threat by the FAA to in- the "very hazardous con- Eidsness announced, insulators broken by shots the need for a drive to pro. On DWI Charge give North Broward coun- ±e plant or treej fm the voke a reverter clause in dition." through the Boca Raton ty and South Palm Beach _ from high-powered rifles mote friendship among lo- also News, that anyone having hole and lace thesod the original agreement City Commission A Pompano Beach man county motorists a new just north of Boca Raton, cal business people. transfering the site from from complaints or problems re- was charged with driving at about 51st street, west heard a complaint access to the Parkway, Among matters reviewed the Federal government residents of Lake Wyman garding the sewer work while intoxicated after he Hammer said. U VI Sglil of the Seaboard Railroad. could call the local office "I would like to ask that will come up for to the city. Shores and the area ad- failed to make a curve Parkway revenues are studv and DeLong said his query joining the new supermar- at Boca Raton 5043 and near the Club Bridge on expected to increase ac- that if anyone should see discussion are ket between Federal high- the troubles would be tak- Camino Real and crashed cordingly, he added. a person shooting at insu- the proposed minimum wage was intended only to d*- way and Northeast Fifth en care of. Jators anywhere around l^s, off street parking, termine if such a letter into a tree Tuesday at The interchange, being The "Boca U" flight to had been received and avenue near 20th street. Rhinehart said the off- 9:23 p.m. constructed by Dickerson, this area, please contact sign ordinances, protec- ice had been receiving Gainesville scheduled for the manager of the Flori- tion against shoplifters whether or not it would be Lamb reported that im- Folice said Paul Inc., of Stuart, Florida, is Saturday has been can- placed on the agenda, Mc- provement of the site is two or three calls a day James McDermott, 54, of 32 miles from the southern da Power & Light Co. in and summer working celled, according to Frank Del ray Beach by phoning hours. Kenry and Flancher stated being done in accordance torn property owners and Pompano 3each, traveling terminus of the turnpike Wright, Director-Coordina- that since a portion of the with existing rules and a new foreman. who had east on camino Real ap- CR 8-3311 and reverse the Members who attended been ut in at Miami, it will be con- tor of the University Divi- letter was made public covenants attached to the P charge of that proached the circle just nected to Boca Raton sion of the Resources charges. We will handle the meeting, each agreed Tuesday night, the entire land and with the approval special problem had taken west of the bridge and Road (SR 806). the entire matter without to bring along another care of the situation im- Development Board. involving anyone else in letter should be read. of the City Commission. failed to negotiate the Military Trail is also Wright said a request member to the next meet- Mayor Fox ruled that the He pointed out that one mediately. curve. open to traffic now. Al- it." ing to be held next He said residents were hadbeenmade for a change letter received Tuesday covenant states that the Ee was arrested by though still not paved, of equipment for the flight Thursday at the same afternoon, should not be site shall be "beautified" most complimentary about time and place, and each Patrolman George Lilien- the road is open and but the airline advised ^\ Injuries Suffered considered until the next beyond normal require- the attention their prob- thal.
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