CRUISE: AROUND CAPE HORN Cumulative Bird List Column A: Number of tours (out of seven) in which this species has been recorded Column B: Number of days that species was recorded on the 2020 tour Column C: Maximum daily count for this species on the 2020 tour Column D: H = heard only A B C D 7 Darwin's (Lesser) Rhea 2 40 Rhea pennata 1 Darwin's Nothura Nothura darwinii 1 Spotted Nothura 1 1 H Nothura maculosa 7 Elegant Crested-Tinamou 1 50+ Eudromia elegans 5 Southern Screamer 1 7 Chauna torquata 5 White-faced Whistling-Duck 1 1 Dendrocygna viduata 2 Fulvous Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna bicolor 7 Black-necked Swan 4 30+ Cygnus melancoryphus 7 Coscoroba Swan 2 60 Coscoroba coscoroba 7 Upland Goose 3 500+ Chloephaga picta 7 Kelp Goose 5 25 Chloephaga hybrida 7 Ashy-headed Goose 1 20 Chloephaga poliocephala 7 Ruddy-headed Goose 1 20 Chloephaga rubidiceps 2 Ringed Teal Callonetta leucophrys 7 Brazilian Teal 2 50 Amazonetta brasiliensis 7 Flying Steamer-Duck 2 15 Tachyeres patachonicus 7 Flightless Steamer-Duck 3 6 Tachyeres pteneres 7 Falkland Steamer-Duck 1 50+ Tachyeres brachypterus 6 Spectacled Duck Speculanas specularis 7 Crested Duck 3 50 Lophonetta specularioides 7 Chiloe Wigeon 1 50 Anas sibilatrix 7 Yellow-billed Teal 6 100 Anas flavirostris 7 Yellow-billed Pintail 4 100 Anas georgica 2 White-cheeked Pintail Anas bahamensis 7 Silver Teal 2 50+ Anas versicolor 7 Red Shoveler 2 1,000+ Anas platalea 7 Rosy-billed Pochard 1 25 Netta peposaca 4 Lake Duck 1 20 Oxyura vittata 2 Dusky-legged Guan Penelope obscura 7 White-tufted Grebe 4 5 Rollandia rolland ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● www.wingsbirds.com (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Cruise Around Cape Horn Cumulative Bird List… 2 5 Pied-billed Grebe 1 1 Podilymbus podiceps 7 Great Grebe 3 70 Podiceps major 7 Patagonian Silvery Grebe 3 20 Podiceps [o.] occipitalis 6 Chilean Flamingo 2 250 Phoenicopterus chilensis 7 King Penguin 1 500+ Aptenodytes patagonicus 7 Gentoo Penguin 1 400 Pygoscelis papua 2 Humboldt Penguin Spheniscus humboldti 7 Magellanic Penguin 9 300 Spheniscus magellanicus 2 (Southern) Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome 7 Northern Royal Albatross 4 100+ Diomedea [epomophora] sanfordi 7 Southern Royal Albatross 4 150+ Diomedea [e.] epomophora 5 Royal Albatross sp. Diomedea epomophora 7 Antipodes (Wandering) Albatross 2 15 Diomedea [exulans] antipodensis 7 Snowy (Wandering) Albatross 3 3 Diomedea [exulans] exulans 1 Gough (Wandering) Albatross Diomedea [exulans] dabbenena 2 Wandering Albatross sp. Diomedea exulans 1 Light-mantled Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata 1 Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca 7 Yellow-nosed Albatross 1 400+ Thalassarche chlororhynchos 7 Black-browed Albatross 11 1,000s Thalassarche melanophris 4 Gray-headed Albatross 1 1 Thalassarche chrysostoma 4 Buller's Albatross 2 4 Thalassarche bulleri 7 Salvin's Albatross 3 250 Thalassarche salvini 2 White-capped Albatross Thalassarche cauta 3 Chatham Albatross 1 1 Thalassarche eremita 7 Southern Giant-Petrel 8 100s Macronectes giganteus 7 Northern Giant-Petrel 4 5 Macronectes halli 7 Giant-Petrel sp. 7 100s Macronectes sp. 3 Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides 5 Cape Petrel Daption capense 1 Kerguelen Petrel Aphrodroma brevirostris 7 Soft-plumaged Petrel 1 100 Pterodroma mollis 2 Atlantic Petrel Pterodroma incerta 7 Stejneger's Petrel 2 30 Pterodroma longirostris 4 De Filippi's (Masatierra) Petrel Pterodroma defilippiana 1 Cook's Petrel Pterodroma cookii 1 Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata 7 Juan Fernandez Petrel 2 10 Pterodroma externa Pterodroma Petrel sp. Pterodroma sp. 7 Slender-billed Prion 3 2,000+ Pachyptila belcheri Prion sp. Pachyptila sp. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● www.wingsbirds.com (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Cruise Around Cape Horn Cumulative Bird List… 3 7 White-chinned Petrel 6 300+ Procellaria aequinoctialis 1 Spectacled Petrel Procellaria conspicillata 7 Westland Petrel 1 1 Procellaria westlandica 1 Parkinson's Petrel Procellaria parkinsoni 6 Procellaria Petrel sp. Procellaria sp. 3 Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea 4 Cape Verde Shearwater 1 3 Calonectris edwardsii 2 Buller's Shearwater Puffinus bulleri 7 Sooty Shearwater 8 1,000+ Puffinus griseus 7 Great Shearwater 4 4,000+ Puffinus gravis 7 Pink-footed Shearwater 4 400 Puffinus creatopus 7 Manx Shearwater 4 1,000+ Puffinus puffinus 2 Subantarctic (Little) Shearwater Puffinus [assimilis] elegans 2 Black-bellied Storm-Petrel Fregetta tropica 1 White-bellied Storm-Petrel Fregetta grallaria 7 Fuegian Storm-Petrel 7 1,000+ Oceanites [oceanicus] chilensis 7 Pincoya Storm-Petrel 2 50 Oceanites [chilensis] pincoyae 3 White-faced Storm-Petrel Pelagodroma marina 7 Gray-backed Storm-Petrel 1 20 Garrodia nereis 6 Peruvian Diving-Petrel 1 5 Pelecanoides garnotii 7 Common Diving-Petrel 1 15 Pelecanoides urinatrix 7 Magellanic Diving-Petrel 3 50+ Pelecanoides magellani 1 Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens 2 Peruvian Booby Sula variegata 7 Neotropic Cormorant 6 600+ Phalacrocorax brasilianus 3 Red-legged Cormorant Phalacrocorax gaimardi 7 Rock Cormorant 4 40 Phalacrocorax magellanicus 3 Guanay Cormorant Phalacrocorax bougainvillii 7 Imperial Cormorant 7 1,000s Phalacrocorax atriceps 6 Peruvian Pelican 2 30 Pelecanus thagus 6 Rufescent Tiger-Heron 2 2 Tigrisoma lineatum 6 Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 2 Nycticorax nycticorax 5 Striated Heron Butorides striata 6 Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 7 Cocoi Heron 2 1 Ardea cocoi 7 American Great Egret 3 1 Ardea [alba] egretta 3 Whistling Heron 1 2 Syrigma sibilatrix 7 Snowy Egret 2 2 Egretta thula 1 Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea 3 White-faced Ibis Plegadis chihi 3 Bare-faced Ibis Phimosus infuscatus ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● www.wingsbirds.com (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Cruise Around Cape Horn Cumulative Bird List… 4 7 Black-faced Ibis 3 30 Theristicus melanopis 2 Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja 1 Maguari Stork 1 1 Ciconia maguari 7 Tropical Turkey Vulture 1 20 Cathartes [aura] ruficollis 7 Austral Turkey Vulture 5 20 Cathartes [aura] falklandica 7 Black Vulture 1 15 Coragyps atratus 5 Andean Condor Vultur gryphus 1 Western Osprey Pandion [haliaetus] carolinensis 3 Snail Kite Rostrhamus sociabilis 1 White-tailed Kite 2 1 Elanus leucurus 7 Cinereous Harrier 2 4 Circus cinereus 2 Long-winged Harrier Circus buffoni 1 Chilean (Bicolored) Hawk Accipiter [bicolor] chilensis 7 Roadside Hawk 1 2 Rupornis magnirostris 7 Harris's Hawk 2 6 Parabuteo unicinctus 7 Variable Hawk 2 10 Geranoaetus polyosoma 7 Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle 2 10 Geranoaetus melanoleucus 1 White-throated Hawk Buteo albigula 7 Southern Crested Caracara 4 50+ Caracara plancus 1 Striated Caracara 1 2 Phalcoboenus australis 7 White-throated Caracara 1 20 Phalcoboenus albogularis 7 Chimango Caracara 6 100+ Milvago chimango 7 American Kestrel 2 6 Falco sparverius 5 Aplomado Falcon 1 1 Falco femoralis 4 Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 1 Pallid' Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 7 Giant Wood-Rail 1 5 Aramides ypecaha 5 Gray-cowled Wood-Rail Aramides cajaneus 4 Rufous-sided Crake 1 6 Laterallus melanophaius 7 Plumbeous Rail 1 8 Pardirallus sanguinolentus 7 Common Gallinule 2 100s Gallinula galeata 3 Spot-flanked Gallinule 1 1 Gallinula melanops 7 Red-gartered Coot 4 1,000+ Fulica armillata 5 Red-fronted Coot 2 30 Fulica rufifrons 7 White-winged Coot 2 50 Fulica leucoptera 7 Limpkin 1 2 Aramus quarauna 5 American Golden Plover 1 5 Pluvialis dominica 7 Chilean (Southern) Lapwing 3 25 Vanellus [chilensis] chilensis 7 Cayenne (Southern) Lapwing 3 200 Vanellus [chilensis] lampronotus 2 Collared Plover Charadrius collaris 7 Two-banded Plover 2 20 Charadrius falklandicus ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● www.wingsbirds.com (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Cruise Around Cape Horn Cumulative Bird List… 5 7 Rufous-chested Dotterel 3 30 Charadrius modestus 2 Tawny-throated Dotterel 1 1 Oreopholus ruficollis 7 American Oystercatcher 2 20 Haematopus palliatus 7 Blackish Oystercatcher 2 10 Haematopus ater 7 Magellanic Oystercatcher 3 10 Haematopus leucopodus 7 White-backed (Black-necked) Stilt 1 5 Himantopus [mexicanus] melanurus 7 Snowy Sheathbill 2 13 Chionis albus 7 Magellanic Plover 1 5 Pluvianellus socialis 5 Magellanic (South American) Snipe 1 4 Gallinago [paraguaiae] magellanica South American (South American) 1 Snipe 1 4 Gallinago [paraguaiae] paraguaiae 6 Hudsonian Godwit 1 800+ Limosa haemastica 7 Whimbrel 1 200+ Numenius phaeopus 1 Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius 7 Greater Yellowlegs 3 30 Tringa melanoleuca 1 Lesser Yellowlegs 1 2 Tringa flavipes 7 White-rumped Sandpiper 3 50 Calidris fuscicollis 3 Baird's Sandpiper 4 30 Calidris bairdii 7 Red (Gray) Phalarope 1 500+ Phalaropus fulicarius 7 Wattled Jacana 2 50 Jacana jacana 1 American Painted-Snipe Nycticryphes semicollaris 7 Chilean Skua 7 100+ Stercorarius chilensis 7 Brown Skua 2 4 Stercorarius antarcticus 2 Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius
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