Genderbending ready, gesell, go! MIkE Gesell rETUrnS aS LOCAL DRAG KING TROUPE I.C. KINGS WIll Iowa HEads Into THE BIG PERFORM AT A BENEFIT FOR THE DOMESTIC TEn tournaMEnT. SPOrTS VIOLENCE INTERVENTION PROGRAM. 80 HOURS THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 THursday, MarcH 14, 2013 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ UI police numbers robust Regents OK housing The UI will sign a private contract to replace Hawkeye Court and Drive apartments, a move that will raise rent. By stacey Murray [email protected] Affordable housing at the Hawk- eye Court and Hawkeye Drive apart- ments likely won’t be quite as afford- able next year. The state Board of Regents passed its first contract with a private con- struction firm Wednesday, charging Dallas-based Balfour Beatty Campus Solutions with the task of replacing the aging apartments. The replace- ment, however, will increase rent. The apartment buildings, first oc- cupied in the 1960s, primarily ac- commodate graduate students, inter- national students, and students with families. “It’s something that pains me, but this is our best option now,” UI Vice UI police Officer Eddie Cardenas scans the monitor in his squad car on Wednesday. Cardenas, one of the newest additions to the force, has been employed by the President for Student Life Tom Rock- department since Dec. 1, 2012. (The Daily Iowan/Sarah Sebetka) lin said. “I started this process saying we need to make it affordable, but it The University of Iowa has 45 sworn state-certified police officers, more than other state schools. turns out it can’t be done.” Rent at the current apartment complexes rests at roughly $450. No By reBecca Morin does not assign officers to their cam- versity public-safety has 35 sworn rent has been set for the future, but [email protected] pus town, and I believe the same is state-certified officers, nine full-time Balfour Beatty officials say it will be true of UNI, although I’m not certain.” civilian staff, and a few part-time stu- around “market rates.” The University of Iowa public safe- The regents received this infor- dent employees, while the University The UI researched three options ty personnel is now double the num- mation at their meeting in Ames on of Northern Iowa has 18 sworn-state before choosing to enter into a part- ber compared with other state Board Wednesday. certified officers, five civilian staff and nership with a private firm. The two of Regents’ universities, and officials In 2012, the UI had 45 sworn several part-time student employees other options included tasking the said the increasing crime rates, down- state-certified officers, 16 civilian se- for 2012. university with the remodeling — town coverage area, and large-scale curity officers, nine state certified dis- One public-safety expert said popu- which was not financially feasible events are the reasons why this differ- patchers, one fire-safety coordinator, lation is not a factor when determining — or discontinuing family housing ence exists. three support staff, and several part- how many safety officials to hire, but altogether. “We have far more liquor establish- time student employees. It is the only the number of crime calls a university Hawkeye Court currently holds ments than ISU, we also assign police university in the state to have two ex- receives is a key element. 427 one- and two-bedroom apart- officers to the downtown as a regular plosive-detection canines. According to the regents’ annual ments. Hawkeye Drive contains 160 patrol responsibility,” said Charles Police Officers Edward Cardenas, campus safety and security report for two-bedroom apartments. Green, the assistant vice president for 28, Brett Cooper, 24, and Gabriella 2012, the number of students arrested Under the new agreement, Bal- the University of Iowa police. “While Blanchard-Manning, 28, were hired at at the UI rose from 1,792 students in four Beatty will build and operate ISU and UNI would certainly respond the end of 2012. to downtown locations as needed, ISU In comparison, Iowa State Uni- sEE officers, 5A sEE housing 5A Local buses hurt by high fuel prices Argument Rising fuel costs are affecting local public transportation. sparked By Brianna Jett [email protected] standoff Although the Cambus system is mostly confined to campus, shuttling A witness told police they students from class to class, it is not immune to the effects of violence in the were arguing about their child. Middle East or weather in the Gulf of Mexico. By Jordyn reiland As gas prices continue to rise across [email protected] the country, Cambus operating costs are also growing. Local police officials responded to a “We’ve been seeing a gradual increase domestic argument call in North Lib- in fuel prices over time,” said Brian Mc- erty Sunday evening, which eventually Clatchey, the manager of Cambus. “It’s led to a standoff and the death of a Uni- stabilized now, but it’s stable at a pretty versity of Iowa graduate student. The high rate.” argument, according to a witness, was Over the last 10 years, the amount about the whereabouts of their child. Cambus spent on fuel rose from 81 cents According to the Iowa City police dai- per gallon to $3.42, not including tax. In Iowa sophomore and Cambus mechanic Tyler Duehr fills a bus with diesel at the Cambus Maintenance ly activity log, Iowa City police officials other words, during fiscal 2002, it spent Facility on Wednesday. (The Daily Iowan/Joshua Housing) responded to the North Liberty Holi- $147,000 on fuel, and in fiscal 2012, fuel day Mobile Home Court at 6:01 p.m. on costs rose to $781,000. The Cambus system is not the on- Chris O’Brien, director of Iowa City Sunday for a call regarding a domestic However, the cost of fuel is not the ly business affected by the rise in fuel Transportation services, said fuel costs argument. only number that has been climbing. prices. The Iowa City Public Transit has have increased about 33 percent over The log indicated that an unidenti- McClatchey said the demand for public also noticed an increased burden in op- transportation has as well. erational costs due to rising gas prices. sEE fuel cost, 7A sEE salaMeh, 5A WEATHER dAily iowan Tv insidE To watch daily iowan Tv: classifieds 10B HIGH LOW • scan this code crossword 12B 43 28 • Go to dailyiowan.com Opinions 4a • Watch UiTv sunday-Thursday Mostly cloudy, breezy, 30% chance of sports 10a rain/freezing rain/snow. night at 9:30 80 Hours 1B 2A | The Daily Iowan • Iowa City, Iowa • Thursday, March 14, 2013 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan Argentine picked as new pope Volume 144 Issue 157 BreAkiNg News sTaff Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher email: [email protected] William Casey 335-5788 Fax: 335-6297 editor-in-Chief Emily Busse 335-6030 CorreCtioNs Managing editor Call: 335-6030 Sam Lane 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro editors accuracy and fairness in the reporting Kristen East 335-6063 of news. If a report is wrong or Jordyn Reiland 335-6063 misleading, a request for a correction opinions editor or a clarification may be made. Benjamin Evans 335-5863 sports editors PuBlishiNg iNFo Benjamin Ross 335-5848 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Arts editor published by Student Publications Alicia Kramme 335-5851 Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot 335-6063 except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Photo editors university holidays, and university Rachel Jessen 335-5852 vacations. Periodicals postage paid Adam Wesley 335-5852 at the Iowa City Post Office under the Design editor Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Haley Nelson 335-6063 tV News Director suBsCriPtioNs Allie Wright 335-6063 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 web editor email: [email protected] Tony Phan 335-5829 subscription rates: Business Manager iowa City and Coralville: $20 for Debra Plath 335-5786 one semester, $40 for two semes- Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager ters, $10 for summer session, $50 Juli Krause 335-5784 for full year. Advertising Manager out of town: $40 for one semem- Renee Manders 335-5193 ster, $80 for two semesters, $20 Advertising sales staff for summer session, $100 all year. Bev Mrstik 335-5792 Pope Francis speaks from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican on Wednesday. Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, who chose the name of send address changes to: The Daily Cathy Witt 335-5794 Francis, is the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. (Associated Press/Luca Bruno) Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Production Manager Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004 Heidi Owen 335-5789 By NiCole wiNFielD the first pontiff to resign in local reactioNs Associated Press 600 years. In the past cen- tury, only Benedict, John toP stories Paul I in 1978 and Pius XII Most read stories on dailyiowan.com from Wednesday. VATICAN CITY — From in 1939 were faster. ‘This is the first time the pope’s “the end of the earth,” the Francis’ election elat- ever gotten chosen in a fifth ballot, 1. UI graduate student killed after standoff with police Catholic Church found ed Latin Americans, who and it’s the first pope from South 2. Bolander: I want in on the McCaffery Bandwagon a surprising new lead- number 40 percent of the America … this really stands for er Wednesday, a pioneer world’s Catholics but have 3. Letters to the Editor pope from Argentina who long been underrepresent- reformation.
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