

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01332-2 — Greek Myth and Western Art Karl Kilinski II Index More Information oooooooooooo Index Indexer’s Note: Mythological characters are listed under their Greek names, even if their Roman names appear in the author’s text. Ancient works of art, all anonymous works, all manuscripts, and all monumental works in situ are listed by their current locations and by their artist’s name when known. Post-antique works not in situ are listed only under their artist’s name when known. Ancient and modern texts are listed under their authors when known. Text page numbers are listed fi rst, fi gure and plate numbers last. Abraham and Isaac, 13–14 Aethiopis , 95 Accademia Ercolanese, 55 Agamemnon, 12 , 20 , 98 Achilles, 3 , 11–12 , 20 , 56 , 68 , 95 , 98 , 101 , Agave, 201 , 203 115 , 139 Ajax, 45–6 , 68 , 95 Achilles Painter, Achilles Vase , 101 Alalu, 9 Acrisius, 160 , 163 , 194 Albani, Alessandro, 50 , 54 Actaeon, 13 , 67–9 , 86–7 , 104 , 106 , 123 , Alciati, Andrea, Emblemata , 185 135 , 139 , 162 , 176 , 201–11, fi gs. 30–2, Alcibiades, 141 48, 57, 74–5, plates V, XVIII Alcina, 187 Adad, 19 Alcmene, 99 Adam and Eve, 39–40 , 78 , 148 , 161, fi g. 42 Alexander the Great, 65 , 102 Adonis, 75 , 88 , 102 Alexandria, library of, 56 advertisements, myths depicted in, 152–5 Alfred of Mercia, legend of, 89–90 Ae ë tes, 14 Alma-Tadema, Lawrence: A Dealer Aegeus, 99 in Statues , 135 ; The Sculptor’s Aegina, Temple of Aphaia, 54 Model , 135 Aegisthus, 12 Amasis Painter, Black-fi gure olpe (Perseus Aeneas, 184–5 and Medusa with Hermes), 23 , 105 , 129, Aeschylus: Oresteia , 67 , 102 ; Seven Against plate I Thebes , 1 9 ; Toxotides , 203 ; Perseus Trilogy , 163 Amazons, 108 , 143 , 156 , 202, fi g. 15 269 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01332-2 — Greek Myth and Western Art Karl Kilinski II Index More Information 270 ooo Index Ammannati, Bartolomeo, Hercules and Arion, 81–2 , 180 Antaeus fountain, 135 Ariosto, Ludovico, Orlando furioso , 187 , 196 Ammuna, 13 Aristotle, Poet ., 94–5 Amphitrite, 116 Artabanos, 174 Amphytrion, 99 Artemis, 5 , 13 , 50 , 68–9 , 91 , 104 , 106 , Amsterdam Town Hall, Fall of Icarus by 114–15 , 119 , 123 , 125 , 130 , 133 , 139 , Artus Quellien, 123, fi g. 60 143 , 156 , 176 , 201 , 203–7 , 210–11, fi gs. Andr é of Soisson, 42 31–2, 57, 74, plates V, XVIII, XXIV Andrea del Sarto, Icarus , 134 , 178, plate XV Arthurian legends, 88 Andrians, 49 , 134 Asclepiades, 27 Andromeda, 43 , 56 , 66 , 105 , 110 , 129 , 136 , Asclepius, 139 155–6 , 160 , 162–3 , 175–6 , 193–200 , Astarte, 10 210–11, fi g. 62, plates III, XVI–XVII astrology, 64–6 Anouilh, Jean, Antigone , 134 Athamas, 13 Antaeus, 45 , 49 , 132 , 135 , 155 Athena, 20–3 , 38–9 , 68 , 102 , 106 , 115 , Antichit à di Ercolano , 55 138–40 , 161 , 202, fi gs. 2, 23, 49, 58 . Antico, L’ (Pier Jacopo Ilario Bonacolsi), 49 See also Judgment of Paris Antigone, 100 , 134 Athens, National Archaeological Museum: Antiope, 56 black-fi gure hydria fragment (Icarus), Anu, 9–10 173 ; Dipylon Amphora , 104 Anz u ,̄ 16 Athens, Stoa Poikile , 102 Aphrodite, 7 , 10 , 20 , 42 , 45 , 49 , 50 , 56 , 63 , Atreus, 12 88–9 , 91 , 110 , 115–16 , 134–5 , 137 , 139 , Augustine, St., De civitate Dei , 164 155 , 157–8 , 166–8 , 185 , 197, fi g. 49, Augustus, 39 , 134–5 , 184 plates X, XXVI . See also Judgment of Paris Autonoe, 86 , 201 , 203 Apollo, 3 , 45 , 49 , 75 , 78 , 81 , 114 , 116 , Autun, St. Lazare, reliefs, 85–6 , 126 , 177, 119 , 137 , 140–1 , 144 , 147 , 179 , 186, fi gs. 46–7 fi g. 24 Avesta , 10 Apollodorus of Athens: Bibliotheca, 68 , 194 ; Avignon, Mus é e du Petit-Palais, Italian Epitome , 3 , 33 cassone (Bacchus and Ariadne; Theseus Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica , 3 , 184 and the Minotaur), 69 , 112 , 132 , 136, Apsu, 8 plates VI, XIII Apuleius, Metamorphoses (“Golden Ass”), 33 , 63–4 , 89 , 200 bacchantes, 115 Arachne, 138 , 140 Bandinelli, Baccio: Laoco ö n, 4 8 ; Orpheus , 48 Aratus, Phaenomena, 65 , 195 Barlaam of Calabria, 61 Arcadia, 66 Batman and Robin, 156 Arcas, 66 Baucis, 120 , 138 Arctinus of Miletus, 144 Beal, Jack: Dana ë II , 170, plate XXVIII ; Ares, 5 , 63 , 65 , 110 , 115 , 137 , 167–8, plate Return of Spring and Onset of Winter XXVI (Persephone murals), 169–70 Argus, 119 , 138 beauty and the beast theme, 200 Ariadne, 32 , 45 , 49 , 69 , 96 , 102 , 105–6 , Bell, John, The Octoroon , 197 , 200 109 , 112–13 , 115 , 125 , 127 , 132 , 134 , Bellerophon, 16 , 55 , 84 , 135 , 142 , 194–5 , 136 , 142–3, fi gs. 35, 54, plates VI, XIII 200, fi gs. 6, 65 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01332-2 — Greek Myth and Western Art Karl Kilinski II Index More Information Index ooo 271 Bellini, Giovanni: Orpheus and Circe , 185–7, Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder, Fall of Icarus , plate XXV ; St. George and the Dragon , 197 178–9, plate XXIII Belon, Pierre, Observations , 53 Bruni, Leonardo, 62 Belzoni, Giovanni, 54 Brussels, Biblioth è que Royale, Christine de Benedictus Canonicus, Mirabilia Romae , 45 Pisan, Ep î tre d’Othé a (MS fr. 9392), 73 , 79, Berlin, Pergamon Museum, Corinthian fi g. 38 black-fi gure amphora (Perseus and Buckley, Theodore, 63 Andromeda), 129–30 , 193, fi g. 62 Burne-Jones, Edward: Depths of the Sea, 92–3, Berlin, Staatliche Museen: drinking cup plate XII ; Pygmalion Series , 110 ; Wine of from Nola (Judgment of Paris), 20 , 22, Circe , 155 fi g. 11 ; metope from Troy (Helios), 10–11, fi g. 3 Caieta, 185 Bes, 22 Callimachus, 56 , 68 Bible, Old Testament stories, 10 , 13–14 , Callisto, 66 , 130 , 143 , 206, plate XXIV 39–40 , 71–3 , 78–9 , 81–4 , 148 , 161, fi gs. Calypso, 5 42, 44 . See also Abraham and Isaac ; Adam cameos, 40–4, fi gs. 23–4 and Eve ; Daniel ; David and Goliath ; Canova, Antonio, Theseus Triumphant , 134 Jonah ; Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife ; Caravaggio, Michelangelo da, 179 Samson Carracci, Annibale, Farnese Gallery Bibliotheca Ulpia of Trajan, 56 frescos, 126 Blake, William, Jehovah & His Two Sons Satan Carrey, Jacques, 53 and Adam (after the Laoco ö n ), 147–9, Cartari, Vincenzo, Le imagini colla sposizione fi g. 67 degli dei degli antichi, 6 3 Boar of Erymanthia, 43 Cassiopeia, 66 , 193 Bobbio, San Columbano, ivory pyxis, 142 Castello, Villa Medici, fountain by Boccaccio, Giovanni, De genealogia deorum Bartolomeo Ammannati (Hercules and gentilium , 60–1 , 63 , 164–5 , 194 , 205 Antaeus), 135 Bol, Hans, Daedalus and Icarus , 113 , 133 , 178 Castor and Pollux, 99 , 128 Boldrini, Niccolo (after Titian), caricature Catallus, 136 of the Laoco ö n , 146–7, fi g. 66 Catherine the Great, 51 Bologna, Giovanni da, Mercury , 154 Caxton, William, 63 Bomarzo, Attic black-fi gure cup with Cellini, Benvenuto, Ganymede , 48 Death of Actaeon (lost), 69 , 71 , 201, centaurs, 15 , 54 , 95 , 139–40 , 142 fi g. 30 Cephalus, 124 , 133 Boreas, 125 Cepheus, 110 , 175 , 193 , 195 Borghese, Scipione, 91 Cerberus, 139 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts: bell crater by Chandler, James, and William Pars, Lykaon Painter (Actaeon), 203 ; black- Antiquities of Iona , 53 fi gure cup (Circe and Odysseus), 106–7 , Chapman, Joseph, 63 182–3, fi g. 53 Charlemagne, 36 , 42 , 44 , 57 , 59 , 196 Botticelli, Sandro: Birth of Venus , 49 , 134 ; Charles I of France, 51 Primavera, 4 9 Chaucer, Geoffrey, House of Fame , 177 Boulougras, Thanos, Icarus , 77, plate VIII Chicago, Oriental Institute, Mesopotamian Briseis, 98 cylinder seal impression (Ninurta and British Society of the Dilettanti, 53 monster), 17–18, fi g. 8 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01332-2 — Greek Myth and Western Art Karl Kilinski II Index More Information 272 ooo Index Chimaera, 16 , 55 , 135 , 139 , 194–5 , 200, Cranach, Lucas, the Elder, Judgment of Paris , fi gs. 6, 65 88–90 , 145, plate IX Chiron, 139–40 Cranach, Lucas, the Younger, Diana and Chloris, 49 Actaeon , 206–7 Choiseul-Gouffi er, Marie-Gabriel, Comte Creon, 87 , 134 de, Voyage pittoresque de la Grè ce II , 54 Creusa, 88 Christ, depictions of, 70 , 74–8 , 87 , 142 , Cronus, 7–10 161 , 178–9, fi gs. 40–1 Cross of Archbisop Heriman of Christian reception of ancient myths, 58 , Cologne, 78 69–78 Cyclopes, 119 Chrysaor, 195 Cyclops, 73 , 159 , 175–6, fi g. 38 Chryse ï s, 133 Cypria, 103 Chrysoloras, Manuel, 61–2 Cyriacus of Ancona, 53 Cicero: on myths, 47 ; Somnium Scipionis , 57 Daedalus, 14 , 55 , 64 , 105 , 110 , 113 , 125 , Circe, 64 , 106–8 , 115 , 133 , 137 , 141–2 , 129–30 , 133–4 , 142 , 174–80 , 182 , 193 , 155 , 162 , 182–93 , 209–11, fi gs. 28, 53, 210–11 55, 71–2, plates XXV, XXIX Dal í , Savador, V é nus de Milo with Clash of the Titans (fi lm), 156 Drawers , 135 Classical revival in medieval art, 34–45 , 59 Dana ë , 14 , 69 , 105 , 109 , 120–1 , 128–9 , Claude Lorrain: Cephalus and Procris Reunited 145 , 159–60 , 162–72 , 193 , 210–11, by Diana , 133 ; Ulysses Returns Chryseï s to fi gs. 33–4, 59, 69–70, plates XIV, XXII, Her Father , 133 XXVIII Cleostratus of Tenedos, 65 Daniel, 10 Cleveland, Museum of Art, Apulian situla Dante Alighieri, Inferno , 60 , 177 (Bellerophon and Chimaera), 16–17, Daphne, 41, fi g. 24 fi g. 6 Darwin, Charles, On the Origin of Species , Clouet, Fran ç ois, Bath of Diana ; 123 , 199–200 139–40 , 206, plate XVIII David and Goliath, 71 , 73 Clytemnestra, 12 , 128 , 169 , 183 De septem miraculis mundi , 45 Cockerell, Charles, 54 Deianira, 115 , 116 , 140 coins, 33 , 37 , 39 , 51 , 70 , 123 , 161 Delphi, Treasury of the Athenians, 108–9 Column of Antonius Pius, 71 Delphic oracle, 163 Conrad of Querfurt, 44–5 Demeter, 133 Constantinople, Fall of (1453), 62 Demetrius Cydones, 61 constellations, 65–6 , 195 , 206 Dempeter, Thomas, De Etruria regali, 5 2 Conti, Natale, Mythologiae sive explicationis Dente, Marco (after Raphael), Laoco ö n , 47 fabularum libri decem , 63 Didyma (Turkey), Temple of Apollo, relief Copernicus, Nicolaus, 64 (Medusa), 22, fi g.

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