On Hausdorff measure and differentiability On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Valentino Magnani Remarks on Hausdorff measure and differentiability Area formulae for Lipschitz Warwick Mathematics Institute mappings The Fractal Conference on Geometric Measure Theory Geometry inside homogeneous groups Measure Valentino Magnani theoretic area formula Applications to University of Pisa submanifolds July 11, 2017 On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Area formulae for Lipschitz mappings On Hausdorff Area formulae to compute the Hausdorff measure of sets measure and can be obtained in the general context of metric spaces. differentiability Valentino [Bernd Kirchheim, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 1994] Magnani Consider an injective Lipschitz map f : A ! X from Area formulae for k Lipschitz A ⊂ R to a metric space X. Then there holds mappings The Fractal Z Geometry inside Hk (f (A)) = Jf (x)dx: homogeneous groups A Measure k theoretic area For a.e. x 2 A there exists a seminorm s : R ! [0; +1) formula such that Applications to submanifolds d(f (y); f (x)) − s(y − x) = o(jy − xj) as y ! x; the metric differential. Its metric Jacobian is Ln x 2 Rk : jxj ≤ 1 Jf (x) = Js = : Hk x 2 Rk : s(x) ≤ 1 On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Area formulae for Lipschitz mappings On Hausdorff measure and [B. Kirchheim, V.M., Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. 2003] differentiability There exist a Lipschitz map f : ! X that is nowhere Valentino H Magnani metrically differentiable, where H is the first Heisenberg Area formulae for group. Lipschitz mappings Here metric differentiability is adapted to the group The Fractal Geometry inside operation: homogeneous groups Measure d(f (x); f (xh)) − s(h) = o(dH(h; 0)) as h ! 0; theoretic area formula Applications to where s : H ! [0; +1) satisfies submanifolds 1 s(xy) ≤ s(x) + s(y) for x; y 2 H, 2 s(δr x) = rs(x) for every x 2 H and r > 0. This homogeneous seminorm defines the metric differential when the source space is the Heisenberg group or a more general nilpotent homogeneous group. On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Area formulae for Lipschitz mappings On Hausdorff measure and differentiability We can see a homogeneous Lie group G as Rn equipped Valentino with a polynomial operation and a suitable left invariant Magnani distance d : G × G ! [0; +1). Area formulae for Lipschitz mappings [V. M., T. Rajala, IMRN 2014] The Fractal Geometry inside Let A ⊂ G and let Q be the Hausdorff dimension of G. If homogeneous groups f : A ! X is Lipschitz and a.e. metrically differentiable, Measure then theoretic area Z formula Q H (f (A)) = Jf (x)dx Applications to A submanifolds ( ) HQ ( )=HQ( ) where the metric Jacobian Jf x at x is sx B1 d B1 and sx is the metric differential of f at x. However, in this theorem we were forced to assume the a.e. metric differentiability, since in general it does hold. On Hausdorff measure and differentiability The Fractal Geometry inside homogeneous groups On Hausdorff Locally on a compact set K ⊂ G we have measure and differentiability −1 1/ι C jx − yj ≤ d(x; y) ≤ C jx − yj (1) Valentino Magnani whenever x; y 2 K and C > 0 depends on K . Area formulae for Lipschitz mappings The estimates (1) have sharp exponents, then showing The Fractal how the Hausdorff dimension of subsets of with respect Geometry inside G homogeneous to d can be in general greater than their topological groups dimension. This is a typical feature of fractals. Measure theoretic area formula Applications to ③ submanifolds ✂ ✷ ✌ ✵ ❁ ❍ ✁ ✭■ ✮ ❁ ✰ ✶ ■ ② ✄ ① On Hausdorff measure and differentiability The Fractal Geometry inside homogeneous groups On Hausdorff One can look more carefully to the estimates on the measure and distance d. Indeed, the group G is anisotropic also at differentiability Valentino infinitesimal scales. Magnani A homogeneous group G can be broadly regarded as a Area formulae for Lipschitz suitable direct sum of subspaces mappings The Fractal 1 ι Geometry inside G = H ⊕ · · · ⊕ H homogeneous groups along with some intrinsic dilations δ : ! such that Measure r G G theoretic area formula j δr jHj (x) = r x for j = 1; : : : ; ι. Applications to submanifolds The homogeneous distance d : G × G ! [0; +1) is compatible with both group operation and dilations d(xz; xw) = d(z; w) and d(δr z; δr w) = r d(z; w) for each x; z; w 2 G and r > 0. On Hausdorff measure and differentiability The Fractal Geometry inside homogeneous groups On Hausdorff The properties of the distance make explicit the measure and “infinitesimal anisotropy” of the group: differentiability −1 −1 Valentino C jx − yj ≤ d(x; y) ≤ C jx − yj if x y 2 H1 Magnani −1p p −1 C jx − yj ≤ d(x; y) ≤ C jx − yj if x y 2 H Area formulae for 2 Lipschitz mappings . The Fractal Geometry inside −1 1/ι 1/ι −1 homogeneous C jx − yj ≤ d(x; y) ≤ C jx − yj if x y 2 Hι groups whenever x; y 2 K and C > 0 depends on K . Measure theoretic area formula Applications to submanifolds ❊ ✉❝❧✐❞❡❛♥ ❞✐st❛♥ ❝❡ ❢♦♠ ③ ❥ ♣ ✁ ❥ q q ♣ ♣❍ ✶ ② ● ① On Hausdorff measure and differentiability The Fractal Geometry inside homogeneous groups On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Valentino r Magnani ❙q☎✆✝✞ ✝ ✟ ✟✠ ✡☛ ☞ ✠✆ ✌✍✞ ✎✝✟✏ ✑ ☛ ✌ ✒✓ ❥♣ ✁ r❥ ✷ ❊ ✉❝❧ ✐❞❡ ❛♥ ❞ ✐st ❛♥ ❝❡ ❢✂ ♦♠ ✄ ✐♥ ✄❍ ✶ ③ ❥ ✕ ✁ ❥ ✔ Area formulae for Lipschitz ✔ mappings ♣ ✕ ✖ ✗ The Fractal Geometry inside ② homogeneous groups ● ① Measure ✕ ✖ ✘ theoretic area formula Applications to −1 Along directions of degree two, namely x y 2 H2, we have submanifolds d(x; y)2 = d(x −1y; 0)2 ≈ jx − yj: For a smooth curve moving along these directions we get its locally finite and positive 2-dimensional Hausdorff measure with respect to d. On Hausdorff measure and differentiability The Fractal Geometry inside homogeneous groups On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Valentino Magnani ❙q✉❛ ✡❡ ✡♦ ♦ t ❞✐✠ t❛ ♥❝ ❡ ❢ ✡♦ ♠ ✐ ♥ ❍ ✁ ✁ ✷ Area formulae for r Lipschitz ❊✉❝ ❧✐❞❡❛♥ ❞✐✠ t❛ ♥❝ ❡ ❢ ✡♦ ♠ ✐ ♥ ❍ ✁ ✁ ✶ ✟ mappings ❥ ✁ ✂ ✄ ❥ The Fractal ③ Geometry inside ☎ ✸ ❈☛❜☞ ✌ ✍ ✎ ✎✏ ✑☞✒ ✏✓ ✔✌✕ ☞ ✔ ✖✗ ✞ s ✆ ❥ ✁ ✂ ✚ ❥ ✆ ✝ homogeneous ✘ ✙ groups ♣ Measure ✝✛ ✜ theoretic area formula ② Applications to submanifolds ● ① ✝✛ ✢ ✝ ✛ ✣ On Hausdorff measure and differentiability The Fractal Geometry inside homogeneous groups On Hausdorff This infinitesimal anisotropy implies for instance in the measure and first Heisenberg group H ≈ (R3; xy = p(x; y); d) that differentiability Valentino 0 < H3(Σ) < +1; Magnani where Σ ⊂ is any 2-dimensional smooth and compact Area formulae for H Lipschitz submanifold. mappings The Fractal [L. Ambrosio, B. Kirchheim, Math. Ann. 2000] Geometry inside homogeneous The first Heisenberg group H is purely k-unrectifiable for groups Measure every k ≥ 2. theoretic area formula Applications to Comments submanifolds 1 This unrectifiability result shows that there are no rectifiable metric k-currents in H with k ≥ 2. 2 Finding a working theory of currents in Heisenberg groups or more general homogeneous groups requires working notion of “area”. On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Measure theoretic area formula On Hausdorff Computing the Hausdorff measure of surfacesmeasure and differentiability Valentino In particular also the 2-dimensional smooth submanifold Magnani Σ ⊂ cannot be k-rectifiable for k ≥ 2. Clearly Σ cannot H Area formulae for be of countably 1-rectifiable (otherwise Σ would be Lipschitz mappings σ-finite with respect to the one dimensional Hausdorff The Fractal measure). Geometry inside homogeneous groups 3 Measure The formula for H (Σ) is not yet known. theoretic area formula Applications to Since Σ is not rectifiable with respect to the distance d of submanifolds the Heisenberg group, the standard methods to compute H3(Σ) do not apply. The formula for H3(Σ) is a work in progress. We will focus our attention on computing the spherical measure S3(Σ). On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Measure theoretic area formula On Hausdorff measure and [V. M., Proc. Royal. Soc. Ed., 2015] differentiability If Σ ⊂ X is a Borel set, the diameter of balls is continuous, Valentino µ is finite on each open set of an open countable cover of Magnani α X, µ is supported on Σ and µ << S Σ, then Area formulae for x Lipschitz mappings α α µ = θ (µ, ·) S Σ: (2) The Fractal x Geometry inside homogeneous The key of this formula is the “formally explict” groups θα Measure representation of the density . theoretic area This is the spherical Federer α-density: formula Applications to submanifolds α µ(B) θ (µ, x) = inf sup α : B 2 Fb; x 2 B; diamB ≤ " ; ">0 cα(2r) that is Sα measurable. Notice that the balls B are defined with respect to the distance d. On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Measure theoretic area formula On Hausdorff The general method measure and differentiability Valentino 1 We fix an auxiliary measure µ on Σ such that Magnani µ << Sα Σ. For instance the Riemannian or the x Area formulae for Σ Lipschitz Euclidean Hausdorff measure of work well in mappings general homogeneous groups. The Fractal Geometry inside 2 We define a µ-measurable functions Θµ,α such that homogeneous groups α !(d; α) Measure θ (µ, ·) = theoretic area Θµ,α formula Applications to where !(d; α) is chosen in order to play the role of a submanifolds geometric constant. 3 The measure theoretic area formula yields Z α α Sd (Σ) := !(d; α)S (Σ) = Θµ,α(x) dµ(x): Σ On Hausdorff measure and differentiability Applications to submanifolds On Hausdorff Applications to submanifolds measure and differentiability Valentino It is possible to find the “right measure” on Σ such that Magnani ΘµΣ;N ≡ 1: Area formulae for Lipschitz This is the natural intrinsic
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