Hambledon Parish Magazine St Peter’s Church & Village News December 2013 50p www.hambledonsurrey.co.uk Hambledon Parish Magazine, December 2013, Page 2 PARISH CHURCH OF ST PETER, HAMBLEDON Rector The Rev Simon Taylor 01483 421267 [email protected] Associate Vicar The Rev Catherine McBride 01483 421267 Mervil Bottom, Malthouse Lane, Hambledon GU8 4HG [email protected] Curate The Rev David Jenkins 01483 416084 6 Quartermile Road Godalming GU7 1TG Curate The Rev James Gibson 01483 421267 2 South Hill, [email protected] Godalming GU7 1JT Churchwarden Mrs Vicky Page Sawmill Cottage, Salt Lane Hydon Heath, GU8 4DH 01483 869849 Churchwarden Mrs Jacqui Rook 1 Hambledon Park, Hambledon, GU8 4ER 01428 684390 Assistant Churchwarden Mr David Chadwick, Little Beeches, 14 Springhill, Elstead, Godalming, GU8 6EL 01252 702268 Church Treasurer & Gift Aid Dr Alison Martin Tillies, Munstead Heath Road Godalming GU8 4AR 01483 893619 Sunday Services Full details of these and any other services are set out in the Church Calendar for the month, which is shown on page 5 The Church has a number of Home Groups which meet regularly during the week at various locations. Details from Catherine McBride Tel: 01483 421267 Alpha details and information from The Rev John Postill Tel: 01428 687968 Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals contact Hambledon and Busbridge Church Office Tel No: 01483 421267 (Mon – Friday, 9.30am – 12.30pm) Copy deadlines for the Where there is sickness or where a visit would be valued, contact the Church Wardens January magazine The Rector is normally off duty on Fridays The Associate Vicar is normally off duty on Fridays The deadline is Thursday, 12 December The nearest Roman Catholic churches are St Teresa of Please send your copy to Avila, Chiddingfold (Fr Chris Bergin 01428 643877); Philip Ryland St Edmund, Croft Rd, Godalming and St Joseph’s, Little Leat, Lane End, Milford (Fr Michael 01483 416880) Hambledon, GU8 4HD Tel: 01428 683111 TO SUBSCRIBE £5 per year Email: [email protected] AND HAVE THE MAGAZINE Advertisers, please contact DELIVERED, PLEASE CONTACT Tony Parker PAT WILLIAMS 01428 682455 Email: [email protected] Tel: 01428 683577 Hambledon Parish Magazine, December 2013, Page 3 Vicar’s Views – December o, as I write this half-way through November, we've already had the launch of the Christmas ad- verts for the major retail chains and the shops have been full of Christmas produce since the end S of October. As the festive frenzy builds over the next six weeks we can look forward to queuing at the tills for our turkeys, over-indulging at the office parties and ending up in a frazzled heap by De- cember 22nd! But hang on a minute; this is supposed to be Advent. For many hundreds of years things were rather different. In the past, people observed a period of fasting for the 40 days leading up to Christmas - the Orthodox Church still observes this tradition. No parties, no binges, no excesses. Instead Advent was a time for a different kind of preparation. Not the kind of preparation that involves stocking the larder to bursting point, as if the shops weren’t going to be open again for a fortnight; but rather a kind of internal preparation - preparing for the coming of Christ. The word Advent comes from the Latin adventus, which means ‘coming’ and, of course, Christians use Advent as a time for preparing to celebrate the coming of the Christ-Child, the birth of Jesus. As any parent will tell you, preparing for the birth of a child involves a huge amount of prepara- tion; but it’s not just about getting the nursery ready and buying loads of baby gear; important as those things are. As you await the birth, so many questions bubble up within you: what will this child be like; will I be a good parent; how will I care for them; how will our lives change? And so many feelings too: love, joy, trepidation, hope, thankfulness. With these questions and feelings comes an internal prepara- tion for the coming baby. Advent is about giving ourselves some space to allow this internal preparation to take place for the coming of Jesus into our own lives. What will he be like? Will I welcome him and love him? Will I al- low myself to be changed by him? Will I allow him to fill my life with his joy and hope? In Greek, the word adventus is translated parousia. It too means ‘coming’, but it is a word that has become particularly used in relation to Jesus’ second coming. And so Advent isn’t just a time when Christians think about preparing to celebrate Jesus’ birth, it’s also a time when we think about being pre- pared for when he comes again, as the Bible promises he will: At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Are we prepared for that?! Don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to all the parties and festivities of the Christmas season. But perhaps I can ask you how you are going to mark this season of Advent as you prepare for Christ- mas? Will you make some time amongst all the activity and rush to spend a moment or two preparing yourself on the inside as well as the outside? Maybe you’d like to use this prayer each day leading up to Christmas: God of my waiting, be with me this Advent. Fill me with your hope and help me to prepare a place in my heart for your Son. God of my longing, be with me this Advent. Fill me with your love and help me to find space to be still and know that you are with me. God of my preparing, be with me this Advent. Fill me with your joy and help me to be ready for your coming. Amen Have a wonderful Christmas. Catherine McBride, Associate Vicar, God bless, Hambledon and Busbridge Hambledon Parish Magazine, December 2013, Page 4 CHURCH CALENDAR December 2013 1st December 930 am Holy Communion (BCP) Advent Sunday 11.00 am Messy Church ____________________________________________________ 8th December 9.30 am Morning Prayer (BCP) 2nd Sunday of Advent 11.00 am Holy Communion ____________________________________________________ 15th December 9.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) 3rd Sunday of Advent 11.00 am Family Carol Service 6.30 pm Carol Service ____________________________________________________ 22rd December 11.00 am Combined Morning Worship 4th Sunday of Advent ____________________________________________________ 24th December 4.00 pm Crib service Christmas Eve 11.00 pm Holy Communion (CW) ____________________________________________________ 25th December 9.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) Christmas Day 10.30 am Family Service ____________________________________________________ 29th December 9:30am Holy Communion (BCP) 1st Sunday of Christmas ____________________________________________________ and in January 5th January 9.30 am Holy Communion (BCP) 2nd Sunday of Christmas 11.00 am All-Age Worship ____________________________________________________ Services at St. John’s, Busbridge 8.30 am 1st & 3rd Sundays Morning Prayer 2nd & 4th Sundays Holy Communion 10.00 am Every Sunday “Classic” service in Church “Contemporary” service in Busbridge Junior School Groups for children of all ages in various locations – turn up and ask! 6.30 pm Benefice Evening Worship Unique Advent calendar opens window of opportunity for charities The UK’s only Fairtrade charity Advent calendar with a free copy of the Christmas story in the box is set to raise £25,000 for the Children's Society. The Real Advent Calendar has a window for each day of December, behind which is a Belgian chocolate star and a line from the Christmas story. The Advent calendar is the latest in a line of products from the Meaningful Chocolate Com- pany, following the success of the Real Easter Egg, launched in 2011. More than £100,000 has now been raised for charitable projects. Tesco is the only supermarket stocking the calendar this year. The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu said: “The Real Advent Calendar offers a unique way to share the Christmas story while supporting The Children’s Society and Fairtrade. I believe it will be widely welcomed by all.” He is urging people to buy a Real Advent calendar this year. Hambledon Parish Magazine, December 2013, Page 5 PARISH & PEOPLE Dinah Staines: Dinah died having suffered many the loving sympathy of friends and neighbours as they setbacks in her health over the past few years. She morn the loss of a much loved father and grandfather. will be much missed in the village even though of lat- Michael Noorduyn has done a wonderful job in ter years she has been pretty well housebound. We are clearing the ground leading from Paddock Close to the grateful to her for the active part she played in the vil- Village Shop. We are all looking forward to the lage life over a considerable period and we are glad Spring when the snowdrops appear in all their glory that the résumé of her life to be given at her funeral and our thanks go to Michael for his hard work which service on Monday 18th November will be available we very much appreciate. for us to use in the January edition of this magazine. John Watson We have been saddened to learn Ginger Blackman is struggling to cope with his of the death of John Watson. John and Diane lived new knee but sounding more cheerful as the days go amongst us in the village at Bryony Lodge and took an by. Our good wishes to Ginger who has a little while to go yet before the start of the cricket season! active role in village life.
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