January 28, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H467 COMMENDING LOUISIANA STATE (3) congratulates the citizens of Louisiana, down passes during the championship UNIVERSITY TIGERS FOOTBALL the Louisiana State University community game. Finally, Jacob Hester rushed for TEAM FOR WINNING 2007 BOWL and fans of Tiger football; and 1,103 yards and scored 12 touchdowns CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES NA- (4) directs the Clerk of the House of Rep- during the 2007 season. This was truly a resentatives to make available enrolled cop- TIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME ies of this resolution to Louisiana State Uni- multi-talented team. Mr. ALTMIRE. Mr. Speaker, I move versity for appropriate display and distribu- I want to extend my congratulations to suspend the rules and agree to the tion to the coaches and members of the 2007 to Coach Les Miles and the rest of the resolution (H. Res. 933) commending Louisiana State University football team. LSU coaching staff. The players and the Louisiana State University Tigers The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- staff have come together to create a football team for winning the 2007 Bowl ant to the rule, the gentleman from preeminent football program with a Championship Series national cham- Pennsylvania (Mr. ALTMIRE) and the record two BCS titles in just the past 5 pionship game, as amended. gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. years. In his tenure as head coach at LSU, The Clerk read the title of the resolu- BOUSTANY) each will control 20 min- Miles has led his team to three bowl tion. utes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman victories and an impressive 34–6 record. The text of the resolution is as fol- from Pennsylvania. Congratulations are also in order for lows: GENERAL LEAVE the dedicated State and university H. RES. 933 Mr. ALTMIRE. Mr. Speaker, I re- community. The avid Tiger fans have Whereas the Louisiana State University quest 5 legislative days during which supported their team all season and Tigers football team won the 2007 Bowl Members may insert additional mate- helped to set a Superdome record of Championship Series national championship rial relevant to H. Res. 933 into the 79,651 people in attendance for the BCS game, defeating the Ohio State University championship game. by a score of 38 to 24 at the Louisiana Super- RECORD. dome in New Orleans, Louisiana, on January The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there In the words of former Governor 7, 2008; objection to the request of the gen- Kathleen Blanco, the Tigers ‘‘embodied Whereas the Louisiana State University tleman from Pennsylvania? Louisiana’s fighting spirit.’’ The entire football team won the Southeastern Con- There was no objection. State deserves to celebrate this title ference Championship, on December 1, 2007, Mr. ALTMIRE. I yield myself such and begin to look forward to the 2008 defeating the University of Tennessee by a time as I may consume. season. score of 21 to 14 in the Southeastern Con- (Mr. ALTMIRE asked and was given Mr. Speaker, once again, I congratu- ference championship game at the Georgia permission to revise and extend his re- late the Louisiana State University Ti- Dome in Atlanta, Georgia; Whereas the Louisiana State University marks.) gers football team, and I urge my col- football team won 12 games during the 2007 Mr. ALTMIRE. Mr. Speaker, I rise leagues to pass this resolution. season; today to commend the Louisiana State Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Whereas the Louisiana State University University Tigers football team on my time. football team won 7 games against nation- winning the 2007 Bowl Championship Mr. BOUSTANY. Mr. Speaker, I yield ally ranked opponents during the 2007 sea- Series national championship game, myself such time as I may consume. son; and to congratulate the players, coach- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Whereas the Louisiana State University es, and LSU fans on a tremendous 2007 of House Resolution 933, commending football team set a total of 12 offensive football season. school records during the 2007 season includ- the Louisiana State University Fight- ing 541 points scored, averaging 38.6 points On January 7, 2008, the LSU Tigers ing Tigers football team for winning per game and 6,152 yards in total offense; took on the Ohio State University the Bowl Champion Series national Whereas Craig Steltz was named first-team Buckeyes in a newly reopened Lou- title game. All-American and led the Southeastern Con- isiana Superdome in New Orleans. The I would like to first thank my good ference in interceptions; 2007 BCS national championship game friend, the dean of our Louisiana dele- Whereas defensive tackle Glenn Dorsey was a treat for fans all over the Nation, gation, RICHARD BAKER, for sponsoring was awarded the Bronko Nagurski Trophy, and a celebratory moment for New Or- the resolution, as well as Chairman the Rotary Lombardi Trophy, the Outland leans as the Superdome observed its re- Trophy, and the Ronnie Lott Trophy making MILLER and Ranking Member MCKEON him the most honored defensive player in turn to hosting big events after the de- of the Education and Labor Committee Louisiana State University history; struction caused by Hurricane Katrina. for bringing it to the floor. Whereas quarterback Matt Flynn threw 21 And it was quite a celebration as the On January 7, the LSU Tigers over- touchdown passes during the 2007 season, in- Tigers defeated the Buckeyes 38–24. came an early first-half deficit of 10–0 cluding a career-high record of four touch- Ohio State got off to a 10–0 start, but to defeat the Ohio State University downs in the Bowl Championship Series na- LSU never backed down and went on to Buckeyes by a score of 38–24 in New Or- tional championship game; score 31 unanswered points. Led by leans. This was the second time the Ti- Whereas running back Jacob Hester rushed game captains quarterback Matt gers have won a BCS title in the Lou- for 1,103 yards during the 2007 season, scoring Flynn, safety Craig Stelz, fullback 12 touchdowns, and completed his collegiate isiana Superdome. The Tigers were led football career of 363 carries without fum- Jacob Hester, punter Patrick Fisher by the game’s offensive MVP, senior bling or turning over the football; and defensive tackle Glen Dorsey, the quarterback Matt Flynn, who threw Whereas Louisiana State University head Tigers proved that they deserved to four touchdown passes, and defensive coach Les Miles has led the Tiger football play in the championship game. MVP, sophomore defensive end Ricky program to 34 wins, 20 Southeastern Con- This Tigers team played with ex- Jean-Francois, who blocked a field goal ference victories, 15 wins over nationally traordinary heart all season. In 2007, and had six total tackles and a half ranked opponents, and three double-digit win LSU beat seven nationally ranked seasons as head coach; and sack. This is the second year in a row teams, and their only two losses each that a Southeastern Conference team, Whereas Louisiana State University is the came in triple overtime games. A very first team to win two Bowl Championship arguably the most dominant con- Series national championship titles, having talented senior class created a sense of ference in college football today, has won two titles in 5 years: Now, therefore, be urgency throughout their leadership, beaten Ohio State to win the BCS na- it and the rest of the team never stopped tional title. Resolved, That the House of Representa- playing with heart throughout this Since the birth of the Bowl Cham- tives— record-setting season. pionship Series in 1998, LSU is the first (1) commends the Louisiana State Univer- Defensive tackle Glen Dorsey won team to win two BCS national cham- sity Tigers football team for winning the four prestigious awards, including the pionship titles. 2007 Bowl Championship Series national Lombardi Trophy, and has been a championship game; model player off the field as well by en- b 1500 (2) recognizes the achievements of all the players, coaches, and support staff who were couraging young people to ‘‘dream big’’ Led by seniors Matt Flynn, Jacob instrumental in helping the Louisiana State this year. Quarterback Matt Flynn Hester, Ali Highsmith, Chevis Jackson, University football team during the 2007 threw 21 touchdown passes this season Jonathan Zenon, Craig Steltz, and football season; and had a career high of four touch- Glenn Dorsey, the Tigers won 12 games VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:30 Jan 29, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K28JA7.022 H28JAPT1 smartinez on PRODPC61 with HOUSE H468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2008 during the 2007 season. Seven games I caught a little grief from those guys So congratulations to LSU. We’re were won against nationally ranked op- that are from the Arkansas delegation. proud of Matt Flynn, and we’re proud ponents, as well as seven games against But in the end, it was worth all that of what the Tigers did in making actu- conference opponents, including the occurred. ally the whole Nation proud. University of Tennessee Volunteers in My wife went to a small university Mr. BOUSTANY. Mr. Speaker, I just the Southeastern Conference cham- where when the coach makes the team want to thank my colleague from pionship game by a score of 21–14. a winning team and gets into the na- Texas for his remarks and thank him Since his first season as LSU head tional rankings, somebody usually for sending Matt Flynn over to LSU. coach in 2005, Les Miles has fearlessly steals them, pays them more money But I want to remind him that Jim led the Tiger football program to 34 and moves them on.
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